function register_dataspace($dataspace_def) { $ds_name = $dataspace_def->get_name(); if (isset($this->dataspace_defs[$ds_name])) { trigger_error("Duplicate dataspace definition: " . $ds_name, E_USER_ERROR); } if ($dataspace_def->get_content_type() === MW_RESOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE_BINARY) { if (isset($this->binary_dataspace)) { trigger_error("Only one dataspace with binary content allowed: " . $this->binary_dataspace . ", " . $ds_name, E_USER_ERROR); } $this->binary_dataspace = $ds_name; } if ($dataspace_def->get_content_type() === MW_RESOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT) { if (isset($this->text_dataspace)) { trigger_error("Only one dataspace with text content allowed: " . $this->text_dataspace . ", " . $ds_name, E_USER_ERROR); } $this->text_dataspace = $ds_name; } if ($dataspace_def->get_content_type() !== MW_RESOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE_NONE) { if (sizeof($dataspace_def->get_custom_keys()) > 0) { trigger_error("No custom keys allows in dataspace with content: " . $ds_name, E_USER_ERROR); } } if (config('install_mode')) { if ($this->binary_dataspace === $ds_name) { $root = $this->get_ds_dirname_url($this->text_dataspace); } else { $root = $this->get_ds_dirname_url($ds_name); } show_install_message("Dataspace " . $ds_name . ": root directory " . $root); if (!is_dir($root)) { show_install_message("Creating root directory {$root} for dataspace {$ds_name}"); if (!mkdir($root)) { trigger_error("Error creating root directory {$root} for dataspace {$ds_name}", E_USER_ERROR); } } } $this->dataspace_defs[$ds_name] = $dataspace_def; }
function import_with_check($file, $ds_name = null, $res_name = null) { if ($ds_name !== null) { $storage =& get_storage(); if ($storage->exists($ds_name, $res_name)) { show_install_message('NOT importing data from ' . $file . ', because ' . $res_name . ' exists'); return; } } show_install_message('Importing data from ' . $file); $status = import($file); global $import_with_errors; if ($status === null) { trigger_error("Unable to import {$file} - is required extension missing?", E_USER_ERROR); $import_with_errors = true; } else { if ($status !== true) { trigger_error("Error occurred while importing {$file}: {$status}", E_USER_ERROR); $import_with_errors = true; } } }
function register_dataspace($dataspace_def) { $ds_name = $dataspace_def->get_name(); if (config('install_mode')) { show_install_message("Dataspace " . $ds_name . ": MySQL database " . $this->dbname . "@" . $this->host . ", table " . $ds_name); if (!$this->exists_table($ds_name)) { $this->create_dataspace_table($dataspace_def); } else { $this->alter_dataspace_table($dataspace_def); } } if (isset($this->dataspace_defs[$ds_name])) { trigger_error("Duplicate dataspace definition: " . $ds_name, E_USER_ERROR); } $this->dataspace_defs[$ds_name] = $dataspace_def; }