function show_comments($root_comment, $is_outer) { $children = get_comments(array('parent' => $root_comment->comment_ID)); // 子コメントでかつ最も外側で読んでいる場合は表示しない if ($root_comment->comment_parent != '0' && $is_outer) { return; } if (!is_null($children)) { $children_coutput = '<ul class="mdl-list comments child">'; foreach ($children as $cc) { $children_coutput = $children_coutput . show_comments($cc, false); } $children_coutput = $children_coutput . '</ul>'; } $home_url = home_url(); $author = empty($root_comment->comment_author) ? '匿名' : $root_comment->comment_author; $output = <<<HTML <li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--three-line" id="{$root_comment->comment_ID}"> <span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content"> <i class="material-icons mdl-list__item-avatar">person</i> <span class="author">{$author}</span> <span class="mdl-list__item-text-body">{$root_comment->comment_content}</span> {$children_coutput} </span> <span class="mdl-list__item-secondary-content reply"> <button data-replytocom="{$root_comment->comment_ID}" data-commentauthor="{$author}" class="replytocom mdl-list__item-secondary-action mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon" rel='nofollow'> <i class="material-icons">reply</i> </button> </span> </li> HTML; return $output; }
<?php require ''; require ''; include ''; $db = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD) or die('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); $article_id = isset($_GET['article_id']) && ctype_digit($_GET['article_id']) ? $_GET['article_id'] : ''; output_story($db, $article_id); ?> <h3>Add a comment</h3> <form method="POST" action="transact_article.php"> <div> <label for="comment_text">Comment:</label><br /> <textarea id="comment_text" name="comment_text" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Submit Comment" /> <input type="hidden" name="article_id" value="<?php echo $article_id; ?> " /> </div> </form> <?php show_comments($db, $article_id, FALSE); include '';
function post_show($id, $preview = TRUE, $db, $adm_log = 0) { if (!ctype_digit($id)) { alert_try_sqlinj(); header('Location:index.php?error=error'); die; } $id = validate($id, $db); $query = 'SELECT post_title,post_logo,p.categ_id,categ_name,post_text,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_edit_date) AS post_edit_date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS post_date FROM posts p JOIN categories c ON p.categ_id=c.categ_id WHERE post_id=' . mysql_real_escape_string($id, $db); $result = sql_query($query, $db); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { extract($row); echo '<table class=post-tablef> <tr><td>'; echo $adm_log == 1 ? '<div> <span class="span-edit"> <a href="admin_main.php?mode=confirm&submit=post_delete&post_id=' . $id . '"> Delete this post </a> || <a href="admin_main.php?mode=edit_post&post_id=' . $id . '"> Edit this post </a> </span> </div>' : ''; echo '<div> <div><span class="span-posttitle"> <a href="view_post.php?id=' . mysql_real_escape_string($id, $db) . '"> ' . nl2br(deletenbsp($post_title)) . ' </a> </span> </div> </br>'; echo '<span class="span-submitted"><strong> Submitted:</strong>' . htmlspecialchars(date('l F j, Y H:i', $post_date)) . ' </span> </br>'; if ($post_edit_date != "") { echo '<span class="span-submitted"> <strong>Edit Date:</strong> ' . htmlspecialchars(date('l F j, Y H:i', $post_edit_date)) . ' </span> </br>'; } echo ' <span class="span-category"> <strong>Category:</strong> <a href="index.php?categ=' . $categ_id . '"> ' . deletenbsp($categ_name) . ' </a> </span> </br></br>'; if ($post_logo != "") { echo '<img class="logo_link" src="' . stripslashes(deletescript(html_entity_decode(deletenbsp($post_logo), ENT_QUOTES))) . '"/></br></br>'; } if ($preview) { $text = nl2br(stripslashes(preview(htmlsostitution(deletenbsp($post_text))))); echo '<table class="post-textf"> <tr> <td>' . $text; if (strlen(nl2br(stripslashes(htmlsostitution(deletenbsp($post_text))))) > MAX_LENGTH_PREVIEW) { echo '</br> <a href="view_post.php?id=' . $id . '"> More </a>'; } echo '</td> </tr> </table>'; } else { echo '<table class="post-textf"> <tr> <td> ' . nl2br(stripslashes(htmlsostitution(deletenbsp($post_text)))) . ' </td> </tr> </table>'; } echo '</br> <div> <strong> Tags: </strong></br> <span class="span-tags">'; $query = 'SELECT * FROM tags t JOIN posttags pt ON t.tag_id=pt.tag_id WHERE pt.post_id= ' . mysql_real_escape_string($id, $db) . ' ORDER BY t.tag_name ASC '; $result = sql_query($query, $db); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { extract($row); echo $tag_name . '; '; } } else { echo 'No tags for this post'; } echo '</span> </div></br>'; if (!$preview) { add_view($id, $db); echo '<span style="font-size:15px;">' . get_views($id, $db) . '</span></br>'; show_tag_posts($id, $db); show_comments($id, $db); } if ($preview) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id=' . mysql_real_escape_string($id, $db); $result2 = sql_query($query, $db); echo '<span style="font-size:15px;">' . get_views($id, $db) . ',<a href="view_post.php?id=' . $id . '"> Comments:' . mysql_num_rows($result2) . ' </a> </span> </div>'; } } mysql_free_result($result); } else { echo 'Article Not found'; } echo '</td> </tr>'; echo '</table> </br>'; }
} } elseif ($type == 2) { //check if you are from friends $a = "user='******' and friend='{$authorID}'"; $b = "user='******' and friend='{$uid}'"; $check = mysql_query("select * from friends where ({$a} or {$b}) and permet='1'"); $oop = mysql_num_rows($check); //end checking if ($oop != 0 || $authorID == $uid) { echo "Note by " . $author . " on " . date("M j'G", $date) . "<hr />"; echo $note . "<hr />"; show_comments($noteID); if (isset($uid) && isset($user)) { note_comment_forms($noteID); } else { echo "<div id='wrong'>YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED IN TO POST A COMMENT</a>"; } } else { echo "ONLY FRIENDS SEE THAT SORRY"; } } elseif ($type == 1) { echo "Note by " . $author . " on " . date("M j'G", $date) . "<hr />"; echo $note . "<hr />"; show_comments($noteID); if (isset($uid) && isset($user)) { note_comment_forms($noteID); } else { echo "<div id='wrong'>YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED IN TO POST A COMMENT</a>"; } } }
} if ($comment->save()) { redirectMsg('comments.php?' . $qs, __('Comment updated successfully!', 'rmcommon'), 0); } else { redirectMsg('comments.php?action=edit&' . $qs, __('Errros ocurrs while trying to update comment!', 1) . '<br />' . $comment->errors(), 1); } } $action = rmc_server_var($_REQUEST, 'action', ''); switch ($action) { case 'approve': set_comments_status('approved'); break; case 'unapprove': set_comments_status('waiting'); break; case 'spam': set_comments_status('spam'); break; case 'delete': delete_comments(); break; case 'edit': edit_comment(); break; case 'save': save_comment(); break; default: show_comments(); break; }
html_link("Return to Articles", "{$PHP_SELF}?L{$options}"); html_link("Show Comments", "#_USER_COMMENTS"); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+particles.php_L{$id}"); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL || $row['create_user'] == $LOGIN_USER) { html_link("Modify Article", "{$PHP_SELF}?M{$id}{$options}"); html_link("Delete Article", "{$PHP_SELF}?D{$id}{$options}"); } html_end_links(); if (!$row['is_published']) { print "<p align='center'><b>This article is currently hidden from " . "public view.</b></p>\n"; } print "<p><i>{$date} by {$create_user}</i><br>{$abstract}</p>\n" . "{$contents}\n" . "<h1><a name='_USER_COMMENTS'>Comments</a></h1>\n"; html_start_links(); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+particles.php_L{$id}"); html_end_links(); show_comments("articles.php_L{$id}"); db_free($result); } else { html_header("Articles"); html_start_links(1); html_link("Submit Article", "{$PHP_SELF}?N{$options}"); html_end_links(); $htmlsearch = htmlspecialchars($search, ENT_QUOTES); print "<form method='POST' action='{$PHP_SELF}'><p align='center'>" . "Search Words: <input type='text' size='60' " . "name='SEARCH' value='{$htmlsearch}'>" . "<input type='submit' value='Search Articles'></p></form>\n"; $query = ""; $prefix = "WHERE "; if ($LOGIN_LEVEL < AUTH_DEVEL) { $query .= "{$prefix}(is_published = 1 OR create_user = '******')"; $prefix = " AND "; } if ($search) {
<i class="material-icons">comment</i> <?php echo count(get_approved_comments(get_the_ID())); ?> <i class="material-icons arrow">keyboard_arrow_down</i> </span> <div class="comments_area"> <ul class="mdl-list comments parent"> <?php foreach (get_approved_comments(get_the_ID()) as $c) { ?> <?php var_dump($c); ?> <?php echo show_comments($c, true); ?> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="comment-input"> <?php get_template_part('shared/comment_form'); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <span class="article__section--text">
<form name="comment"> <div id="statusbox">ПУСТЬ ТУТ ЧТО ТО БУДЕТ НАПИСАНО!</div> <input id="name" type="text" name="name" value="Имя (Обязательно)" maxlength="60" onfocus="clearText(this)" onblur="clearText(this)"/> <input id="mail" type="text" name="mail" value="Почта (Обязательно, непубликуется) " maxlength="60" onfocus="clearText(this)" onblur="clearText(this)"/> <textarea id="text" name="text" onfocus="clearText(this)" onblur="clearText(this)"></textarea> <span> <br/><input id="nr" onClick="document.getElementById('nr').value='nerobot';" type="checkbox" name="nr"/> <b>я не робот!</b> </span> <img class="button_add" src="images/button_add.png" onclick='ajax({ url:"add_comment.php?id_article=1", statbox:"statusbox", method:"POST", data: { name:document.getElementById("name").value, mail:document.getElementById("mail").value, text:document.getElementById("text").value, nr:document.getElementById("nr").value, }, success:function(data){document.getElementById("statusbox").innerHTML=data;} })' /> </form> </div> <?php include "show_comments.php"; show_comments('1'); ?> </div> </center>
} $last_nav = 0; $line = ""; } } print $line; } } } } fclose($fp); if ($last_nav) { print "</p>\n"; } print "<h1><a name='_USER_COMMENTS'>User Comments</a></h1>\n" . "<p><a href='{$html_path}/comment.php?r0+pdocumentation.php{$path}'>" . "Add Comment</a></p>\n"; $num_comments = show_comments("documentation.php{$path}"); if ($num_comments == 0) { print "<p>No comments for this page.</p>\n"; } html_footer(); } else { header("Content-Type: image/{$type}"); print fread($fp, filesize("docfiles{$path}")); fclose($fp); } } } } else { html_header("Documentation"); if (array_key_exists("CLEAR", $_GET)) { $q = "";
if ($row["answer{$i}"] != "") { $percent = (int) (100 * $row["count{$i}"] / $votes); $size = (int) (300 * $row["count{$i}"] / $max_count); $answer = htmlspecialchars($row["answer{$i}"]); $count = $row["count{$i}"]; print "<tr><td align='right'>{$answer}</td><td>" . "<img src='{$rootpath}images/graph.gif' width='{$size}' " . "height='12'> {$count} / {$percent}%</td></tr>\n"; } } print "<tr><td></td><th align='right'>{$votes} total votes.</th></tr>\n"; print "</table></center>\n"; } print "<hr noshade/>\n" . "<h2><a name='_USER_COMMENTS'>User Comments</a></h2>\n"; html_start_links(); html_link("Submit Comment", "comment.php?r0+ppoll.php_r{$poll}"); html_end_links(); show_comments("poll.php_r{$poll}"); db_free($result); html_footer(); break; case 'v': // Vote on a poll $answers = ""; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { if (array_key_exists("ANSWER", $_POST)) { $answer = (int) $_POST["ANSWER"]; $answers = ",count{$answer}=count{$answer}+1"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { if (array_key_exists("ANSWER{$i}", $_POST)) { $answers .= ",count{$i}=count{$i}+1"; }
function // O - Number of comments show_comments($url, // I - URL for comment $path = "", // I - Path component $parent_id = 0, // I - Parent comment $heading = 3) // I - Heading level { global $_COOKIE, $LOGIN_LEVEL; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE " ."url = '" . db_escape($url) ."' " ."AND parent_id = $parent_id " ."ORDER BY id"); if (array_key_exists("MODPOINTS", $_COOKIE)) $modpoints = $_COOKIE["MODPOINTS"]; else $modpoints = 5; if ($parent_id == 0 && $modpoints > 0) print("<P>You have $modpoints moderation points available.</P>\n"); if ($heading > 6) $heading = 6; $safeurl = urlencode($url); $num_comments = 0; $div = 0; while ($row = db_next($result)) { if ($row["status"] > 0) { if ($heading > 3 && !$div) { print("<div style='margin-left: 3em;'>\n"); $div = 1; } $num_comments ++; $create_date = date("H:i M d, Y", $row['create_date']); $create_user = sanitize_email($row['create_user']); $contents = format_text($row['contents']); print("<h$heading><a name='_USER_COMMENT_$row[id]'>From</a> " ."$create_user, $create_date (score=$row[status])</h$heading>\n" ."$contents\n"); html_start_links(); if ($LOGIN_LEVEL >= AUTH_DEVEL) { html_link("Edit", "${path}comment.php?e$row[id]+p$safeurl"); html_link("Delete", "${path}comment.php?d$row[id]+p$safeurl"); } html_link("Reply", "${path}comment.php?r$row[id]+p$safeurl"); if ($modpoints > 0) { if ($row['status'] > 0) html_link("Moderate Down", "${path}comment.php?md$row[id]+p$safeurl"); if ($row['status'] < 5) html_link("Moderate Up", "${path}comment.php?mu$row[id]+p$safeurl"); } html_end_links(); } $num_comments += show_comments($url, $path, $row['id'], $heading + 1); } db_free($result); if ($div) print("</div>\n"); return ($num_comments); }
<?php require ''; require ''; $db = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD) or die('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); include ''; output_story($db, $_GET['article_id']); show_comments($db, $_GET['article_id'], TRUE); include '';