// si la réservation est à modérer, on le signale if (isset($d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["moderation"][$i]) && $d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["moderation"][$i] == 1) { echo " <img src=\"img_grr/flag_moderation.png\" alt=\"" . get_vocab("en_attente_moderation") . "\" title=\"" . get_vocab("en_attente_moderation") . "\" class=\"image\" /> \n"; } if ($acces_fiche_reservation) { echo "<a title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["data"][$i]) . "\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=" . $d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["id"][$i] . "&page=month\">" . $d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["who1"][$i][0] . "</a>"; } else { echo $d[$cday][$cmonth][$cyear]["who1"][$i][0]; } echo "\n</td></tr></table>\n"; } } } } echo "</td>\n"; } // fin condition "on n'affiche pas tous les jours de la semaine" // if (++$weekcol == 7) $weekcol = 0; } echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "</table>\n"; $month_indice = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month_num + 1, 2, $year_num); // Fin de la boucle sur les mois } show_colour_key($area); // Affichage d'un message pop-up affiche_pop_up(get_vocab("message_records"), "user"); include "include/trailer.inc.php"; include "footer.php";
# $c is the colour of the cell that the browser sees. White normally, # red if were hightlighting that line and a nice attractive green if the room is booked. # We tell if its booked by $id having something in it if (isset($id)) { $c = $color; } elseif (isset($timetohighlight) && $t == $timetohighlight) { $c = "red"; } else { $c = "white"; } tdcell($c); # If the room isnt booked then allow it to be booked if (!isset($id)) { $hour = date("H", $t); $minute = date("i", $t); echo "<center><a href=\"edit_entry.php?room={$room}&hour={$hour}&minute={$minute}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}\"><img src=new.gif width=10 height=10 border=0></a></center>"; } elseif ($descr != "") { #if it is booked then show echo " <a href=\"view_entry.php?id={$id}&day={$day}&month={$month}&year={$year}\">{$descr}</a>"; } else { echo " \" "; } echo "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; reset($rooms); } echo "</table>"; show_colour_key(); } include "trailer.inc";
$tplArrayMenuGauche = []; $tplArrayMenuGauche['pview'] = false; $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $file = basename($path); if ($file == 'month_all2.php' or Settings::get('menu_gauche') == 0) { $tplArrayMenuGauche['menuGaucheMonthAll2'] = true; } else { $tplArrayMenuGauche['menuGaucheMonthAll2'] = false; } $pageActuel = str_replace('.php', '', basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); /* todo passer minicals à twig */ /** * Liste des param de minical * $year, $month, $day, $area, $room, $dmy */ $tplArrayMenuGauche['returnCalHtml'] = minicals($year, $month, $day, $area, $room, $pageActuel); if (isset($_SESSION['default_list_type']) || Settings::get('authentification_obli') == 1) { $area_list_format = $_SESSION['default_list_type']; } else { $area_list_format = Settings::get('area_list_format'); } /* je récupére an tableau $tplArray par list ou false si il n'y a rien à afficher */ $tplArrayMenuGauche['siteSelection'] = make_site_selection_fields('week_all.php', $id_site, $year, $month, $day, getUserName(), $area_list_format); $tplArrayMenuGauche['areaSelection'] = make_area_selection_fields('week_all.php', $id_site, $area, $year, $month, $day, getUserName(), $area_list_format); $tplArrayMenuGauche['roomSelection'] = make_room_selection_fields('week', $area, $room, $year, $month, $day, $area_list_format); if (Settings::get('legend') == '0') { $tplArrayMenuGauche['showColour'] = show_colour_key($area); } } else { $tplArrayMenuGauche = false; }