Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Dr. Stefan Kuhlins, Released under the GNU General Public License $Id: reg.php 64 2005-12-19 18:07:20Z Michael $ */ if (@(include_once '')) { checkstart(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); } // Pruefen, ob der Shop schon bei Elm@r registriert ist. $is_reg = REGISTERED ? 'yes' : 'no'; $errormsg = ''; if ($is_reg == 'no') { if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $is_reg = 'allow_url_fopen'; } else { $shopName = shopNameOrHost(); $register_url = ELMAR_SERVICE_URL . '?action=isShopRegistered&name=' . urlencode($shopName); @ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10); $lines = @file($register_url); if (!$lines) { $is_reg = 'Error'; $errormsg .= "\n\n" . 'Es konnte keine Verbindung mit der Elm@r-Website hergestellt werden, um zu prüfen, ob der Shop schon registriert ist. Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmals.' . "\n\nURL: " . htmlspecialchars($register_url); } else { $s = chop($lines[0]); if (is_numeric($s)) { // Elm@r liefert die Shop-ID fuer registrierte Shops $is_reg = 'yes'; $shopid = $s; reminder_const_check(true); } elseif ($s == 'locked') { $is_reg = 'locked';
function generate_shopinfo() { global $languages_id, $language_code, $currency, $currency_rate; // Alle Includes hier, wegen der Pfadangabe. Reihenfolge ist relevant! require ELMAR_PATH . 'tools/pear.php'; require ELMAR_PATH . 'tools/node.php'; require ELMAR_PATH . 'tools/parser.php'; require ELMAR_PATH . 'tools/tree.php'; $attributes = '1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1'; $tree = new XML_Tree(NULL, $attributes); if (ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML) { $XMLarray = array('xmlns' => '', 'xmlns:c' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xsi:schemaLocation' => ' ' . ELMAR_SCHEMA_BASE_URL . 'shopinfo-2.0.xsd', 'version' => '2.0'); $root =& $tree->addRoot('Shop', NULL, $XMLarray); } else { $XMLarray = array('xmlns:osp' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xsi:schemaLocation' => ' ' . ELMAR_SCHEMA_BASE_URL . 'shop.xsd'); $root =& $tree->addRoot('osp:Shop', NULL, $XMLarray); } $common =& $root->addChild("Common"); $xml_version =& $common->addChild("Version", ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML ? '2.0' : '1.1'); $xml_language =& $common->addChild("Language", $language_code); $xml_currency =& $common->addChild("Currency", $currency); if (ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML) { $xml_generator =& $common->addChild('Generator', 'Elm@r-Modul osCommerce/' . MODUL_VERSION . '.' . MODUL_SUBVERSION . ' ('); } $name =& $root->addChild("Name", shopNameOrHost()); $shopUrl = ELMAR_SHOP_ROOT_DIR; //tep_href_link('index.php', '', 'NONSSL', false); $url =& $root->addChild("Url", $shopUrl); $requests =& $root->addChild("Requests"); // Die Parameter fuer die Echtzeitanfrage, siehe elmar_request.php $requestUrl = ELMAR_SHOP_ROOT_DIR . 'elmar_request.php'; // Url zur Echtzeitabfrage $onlineRequest =& $requests->addChild("OnlineRequest", Null, array("method" => "GET POST TRACE")); $processor =& $onlineRequest->addChild("Processor", $requestUrl); $paramBrand =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamBrand", 'p_brand'); $paramProduct =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamProduct", 'p_product'); $paramDescription =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamDescription", 'p_desc'); if (defined('ELMAR_PRODUCTS_EAN_FIELD')) { $paramEan =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamID", 'p_ean', array("type" => "EAN")); } if (defined('ELMAR_PRODUCTS_ISBN_FIELD')) { $paramIsbn =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamID", 'p_isbn', array("type" => "ISBN")); } if (ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML) { $paramId =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamID", 'p_id', array("type" => "ID")); } $paramQuickSearch =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamQuickSearch", 'p_qs'); $paramPriceBounds =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamPriceBounds"); $lowerPrice =& $paramPriceBounds->addChild("LowerPrice", 'p_low'); $upperPrice =& $paramPriceBounds->addChild("UpperPrice", 'p_high'); $paramSize =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamSize", 'p_size'); $paramIP =& $onlineRequest->addChild("ParamIP", 'p_ip'); $offlineRequest =& offlineRequest($requests); if (ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML) { $affiliateRequest =& $requests->addChild('AffiliateRequest', NULL, array('method' => 'GET POST TRACE')); $processor =& $affiliateRequest->addChild('Processor', ELMAR_SHOP_ROOT_DIR . 'elmar_affiliate.php'); $paramName =& $affiliateRequest->addChild('ParamName', 'name'); } /* $interface = & $root->addChild("Interface"); $positionLimit = & $interface->addChild("PositionLimit"); */ if (defined('STORE_LOGO') && file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . STORE_LOGO)) { $logo =& $root->addChild("Logo", IMAGE_PATH . STORE_LOGO); } /* $address = & $root->addChild("Adress"); $company= & $address->addChild("Company"); $street = & $address->addChild("Street"); $city = & $address->addChild("City"); */ if (emailOk()) { $contact =& $root->addChild("Contact"); $publicMailAddress =& $contact->addChild("PublicMailAddress", STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $privateMailAddress =& $contact->addChild("PrivateMailAddress", STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); } /* $orderPhone = & $contact->addChild("OrderPhone"); $number= & $orderPhone->addChild("Number"); $costPerMinute= & $orderPhone->addChild("CostPerMinute"); $orderFax= & $contact->addChild("OrderFax"); $number = & $orderFax->addChild("Number"); $costPerMinute= & $orderFax->addChild("CostPerMinute"); $hotline = & $contact->addChild("Hotline"); */ $prodSum = productAnz(); $categories =& $root->addChild("Categories"); if ($prodSum > 0) { $totalProductCount =& $categories->addChild("TotalProductCount", $prodSum); } $ns = ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML ? 'c:' : ''; $attrib = ELMAR_NEW_SHOPINFO_XML ? array('lang' => $language_code) : NULL; $mapOther = $language_code == 'de' ? 'Sonstiges' : 'Other'; // Die Produktkategorien der ersten Ebene schreiben. Durch "group by" Doppelte herauswerfen. $categories_query = tep_db_query('select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name from ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' c left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . ' cd using(categories_id) where c.parent_id=0 and cd.language_id=' . (int) $languages_id . ' group by cd.categories_name'); if (tep_db_num_rows($categories_query)) { while ($category = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $categories_name = trim($category['categories_name']); if ($categories_name != '') { $item =& $categories->addChild("Item", NULL, $attrib); $name =& $item->addChild($ns . "Name", $categories_name); if (function_exists('tep_count_products_in_category') && ($cpic = tep_count_products_in_category($category['categories_id']))) { $productCount =& $item->addChild($ns . "ProductCount", $cpic); } $mapping =& $item->addChild($ns . "Mapping", KategorieAnpassen($category['categories_name'], $mapOther)); } } } else { $item =& $categories->addChild("Item", NULL, $attrib); $name =& $item->addChild($ns . "Name", $mapOther); if ($prodSum > 0) { $productCount =& $item->addChild($ns . "ProductCount", $prodSum); } $mapping =& $item->addChild($ns . "Mapping", $mapOther); } $lastschriftverfahren = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_BANKTRANSFER_STATUS') && MODULE_PAYMENT_BANKTRANSFER_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; $nachnahme = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS') && MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; $paypal = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_STATUS') && MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; $rechnung = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_INVOICE_STATUS') && MODULE_PAYMENT_INVOICE_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; $vorkasse = defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_STATUS') && MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; #$barzahlung = (defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_CASH_STATUS') && (MODULE_PAYMENT_CASH_STATUS == 'True')) ? true : false; #e-cash (elektronisches Zahlungsmittel); money transfer (Ueberweisung); cheque (Scheck) if ($nachnahme || $paypal || $lastschriftverfahren || $rechnung || $vorkasse) { $payment =& $root->addChild("Payment"); if ($nachnahme) { $item =& $payment->addChild("Item"); $name =& $item->addChild("Name", 'on delivery'); // Nachnahme //$surcharge = & $item->addChild("Surcharge"); //$maxSurcharge = & $item->addChild("MaxSurcharge"); //$relativeSurcharge = & $item->addChild("RelativeSurcharge"); } if ($paypal) { $item =& $payment->addChild("Item"); $name =& $item->addChild("Name", 'paypal'); // PayPal } if ($lastschriftverfahren) { $item =& $payment->addChild("Item"); $name =& $item->addChild("Name", 'debit'); // Bankeinzug/Lastschrift } if ($rechnung) { $item =& $payment->addChild("Item"); $name =& $item->addChild("Name", 'invoice'); // Rechnung } if ($vorkasse) { $item =& $payment->addChild("Item"); $name =& $item->addChild("Name", 'pre-payment'); // Vorauszahlung } } $free_shipping = defined('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_FREE_SHIPPING') && MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_FREE_SHIPPING == 'true' ? true : false; $shipping_flat_status = defined('MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_STATUS') && MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_STATUS == 'True' ? true : false; if ($free_shipping || $shipping_flat_status) { $forwardExpenses =& $root->addChild("ForwardExpenses"); if ($shipping_flat_status) { if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') { $shipping_flat_cost = tep_add_tax(MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_COST, tep_get_tax_rate(MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_TAX_CLASS, STORE_COUNTRY, MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_ZONE)); } else { $shipping_flat_cost = MODULE_SHIPPING_FLAT_COST; } $flatRate =& $forwardExpenses->addChild("FlatRate", number_format($shipping_flat_cost * $currency_rate, 2)); } if ($free_shipping) { $upperBound =& $forwardExpenses->addChild("UpperBound", number_format(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_FREE_SHIPPING_OVER * $currency_rate, 2)); } } /* $features = & $root->addChild("Features"); $installment = & $features->addChild("Installment"); $orderTracking = & $features->addChild("OrderTracking"); $deliverTracking = & $features->addChild("DeliverTRacking"); $installationAssistance = & $features->addChild("InstallationAssistance"); $repairService = & $features->addChild("RepairService"); $careAfterPurchase = & $features->addChild("CareAfterPurchase"); $giftService = & $features->addChild("GiftService"); */ $technology =& $root->addChild("Technology"); if (ENABLE_SSL) { $ssl =& $technology->addChild("SSL"); } $search =& $technology->addChild("Search"); // $set = & $technology->addChild("SET"); if (defined('FILENAME_CONDITIONS')) { $termAndConditions =& $root->addChild("TermsAndConditions"); $url =& $termAndConditions->addChild("Url", tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONDITIONS, '', 'NONSSL', false)); // $return = & $termAndConditions->addChild("Return"); } /* $specialDiscount = & $root->addChild("SpecialDiscount"); $description = & $specialDiscount->addChild("Description"); $url = & $specialDiscount->addChild("Url"); $certifications= & $root->addChild("Certifications"); $item = & $certifications->addChild("Item"); $self_Discription = & $root->addChild("Self-Discription"); */ $content = $tree->get(); $content = str_replace(''', '\'', $content); // ersetzen von ' $content = str_replace('|', '|', $content); // ersetzen von | return $content; }