function cg_share_icons() { remove_filter('the_content', 'sharing_display', 19); remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'sharing_display', 19); if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display('', true); } }
function jetpack_woocommerce_social_share_icons() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { remove_filter('the_content', 'sharing_display', 19); remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'sharing_display', 19); echo sharing_display(); } }
function recipe_hero_output_jetpack_sharing_buttons() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display('', true); } if (class_exists('Jetpack_Likes')) { $custom_likes = new Jetpack_Likes(); echo $custom_likes->post_likes(''); } }
/** * Output share code. * * @access public * @return void */ function sharedaddy_code() { global $post; if ($this->enabled == 'yes' && function_exists('sharing_display')) { ?> <div class="social"><?php echo sharing_display(); ?> </div><?php } }
/** * Load ShareDaddy buttons * * @since 1.0 */ function affwp_sharing_display() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); } ?> <?php /* <script src="" data-type="small" data-title="" data-url=""></script> */ ?> <?php }
public function output() { global $post; if (!function_exists('sharing_display')) { return; } $buttons = sharing_display(''); if ('' == $buttons) { return; } echo $buttons; }
public function output() { global $post; if (!function_exists('sharing_display')) { return; } $buttons = sharing_display(''); if ('' == $buttons) { return; } $sharer = new Sharing_Service(); $global = $sharer->get_global_options(); $sharing = ''; $sharing .= sprintf('<a href="#share-%d" class="popup-trigger"><i class="ion-share"></i> %s</a>', $post->ID, __('Share', 'listify')); $sharing .= sprintf('<div class="popup share-popup" id="share-%1$d"> <h3 class="popup-title">%2$s</h3> %3$s </div>', $post->ID, $global['sharing_label'], $buttons); echo $sharing; }
function white_div_end() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); } else { $this->fallback_sharing(); } if (class_exists('Jetpack_Likes') && is_callable(array('Jetpack_Likes', 'init'))) { $likes = Jetpack_Likes::init(); echo $likes->post_likes(''); } ?> </div><!-- .white_box --> <?php }
/** * HTML wrap end for Single page summary */ function ocin_lite_single_product_wrap_end_summary() { ?> <div class="variations_button_entry"> <?php woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart(); ?> </div> </div><!-- /entry --> <div class="summary-bottom"> <div class="woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart variations_button"> <div class="quantity"> <input type="number" size="4" class="input-text qty text" title="Qty" value="1" name="quantity" min="1" step="1"> </div> <button class="single_add_to_cart_button button alt" type="submit"><?php esc_html_e('Add to cart', 'ocin-lite'); ?> </button> </div> <div class="social-share"> <?php if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display('', true); } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
function before_post_content($content) { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { return sharing_display('', true) . $content; } }
/** * Rewinds the loop and prints ShareDaddy output for the first post. */ function wcb_print_sharing() { rewind_posts(); if (have_posts()) { the_post(); if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); } } }
function bench_site_toolbar() { echo '<div id="tm-toolbar" class="uk-visible-large" style="display:none;">'; if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo '<div id="tm-jetpack-share-mini" class="uk-align-right uk-hidden-small">'; echo sharing_display('', false); echo '</div>'; } echo '<div class="back-to-top"><a href="#top" title="Click to go back to top" data-uk-smooth-scroll><i class="uk-icon-arrow-up"></i></a></div>'; echo '</div>'; }
public function widget($args, $instance) { global $post; echo $args['before_widget']; $action_items = 0; $action_reviews = false; $action_bookmarks = false; $action_sharing = false; if (comments_open() && class_exists('PixReviewsPlugin')) { $action_reviews = true; $action_items++; } global $job_manager_bookmarks; if (method_exists($job_manager_bookmarks, 'bookmark_form')) { $action_bookmarks = true; $action_items++; } if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { $action_sharing = true; $action_items++; } ?> <div class="single-action-buttons<?php if (1 == $action_items) { echo ' has--one-action'; } ?> "> <?php if (true == $action_reviews) { ?> <a href="#respond" class="action action--review"> <span class="action__icon"> <?php get_template_part('assets/svg/write-a-review-icon-svg'); ?> </span> <span class="action__text"><?php esc_html_e('Write a review', 'listable'); ?> </span> <span class="action__text--mobile"><?php esc_html_e('Review', 'listable'); ?> </span> </a> <?php } if (true == $action_bookmarks) { $job_manager_bookmarks->bookmark_form(); } if (true == $action_sharing) { ?> <div class="action action--share tooltip-container"> <a href="#" class="tooltip-trigger js-tooltip-trigger"> <span class="action__icon"> <?php get_template_part('assets/svg/share-icon-svg'); ?> </span> <span class="action__text"><?php esc_html_e('Share', 'listable'); ?> </span> <span class="action__text--mobile"><?php esc_html_e('Share', 'listable'); ?> </span> </a> <?php sharing_display('', true); ?> </div><!-- .action.action--share.tooltip-container --> <?php } ?> </div><!-- .single-action-buttons --> <?php echo $args['after_widget']; }
function social_sharing($tip_direction = 'top') { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); return ''; } $vibe_extras = vibe_extras::init(); return $vibe_extras->social_sharing($tip_direction); }
/** * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags and comments. */ function aaron_portfolio_footer() { if (get_theme_mod('aaron_hide_meta') == "") { echo '<footer class="entry-footer">'; global $post; echo '<a href="' . esc_url(home_url('/portfolio/')) . '"><b>' . __('Portfolio', 'aaron') . '</b></a><br/><br/>'; //the_terms( $id, $taxonomy, $before, $sep, $after ); echo the_terms($post->ID, 'jetpack-portfolio-type', '<span class="jetpack-portfolio-type">' . __('Project Type: ', 'aaron'), ', ', '</span>'); echo the_terms($post->ID, 'jetpack-portfolio-tag', '<span class="tags-links">' . __('Project Tags: ', 'aaron'), ', ', '</span>'); /* translators: % is the post title */ edit_post_link(sprintf(__('Edit %s', 'aaron'), get_the_title()), '<span class="edit-link"><i aria-hidden="true"></i>', '</span>'); /* Display jetpack's share if it's active*/ if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); } /* Display jetpack's like if it's active */ if (class_exists('Jetpack_Likes')) { $aaron_custom_likes = new Jetpack_Likes(); echo $aaron_custom_likes->post_likes(''); } echo '</footer><!-- .entry-footer -->'; } }
the_post(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " class="single-project-wrapper"> <h1 class="project-title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> <div class="project-content"> <?php the_content(); ?> <p><a href="../../contact/"><input type="submit" value="Contact Glenn Gissler" class="project-contact" /></a></p> <div class="share-project"><?php if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display("", true); } ?> </div> </div><!-- .project-content --> </div><!-- #post-## --> <?php } } // end of the loop.
/** * Display Jetpack "Sharing" buttons on bbPress 2.x forums/ topics/ lead topics/ replies. * * Determination if the sharing buttons should display on the post type is handled within sharing_display(). * * @author David Decker * @since 3.7.0 */ function jetpack_sharing_bbpress() { sharing_display(null, true); }
function sharedaddy() { echo sharing_display(); }
function wm_wc_jetpack_sharing() { if (is_singular('product') && function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display('', true); } }
<span class="st_twitter"></span><span class="st_email"></span><span class="st_sharethis"></span><span class="st_plusone_button"></span> </div> <?php $sharethis = is_ssl() ? '' : ''; ?> <script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script><script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $sharethis; ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher:"<?php echo get_option('woocommerce_sharethis'); ?> "});</script> <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('woocommerce_sharedaddy') && function_exists('sharing_display')) { ?> <div class="social"><?php echo sharing_display(); ?> </div> <?php }
$types = $options['global']['show']; // Loop through the post types foreach ($types as $type) { // If 'post' is selected, we'll make the variable true if ($type == 'post') { $social_pages = 'true'; } } // If not disabled on individual page, display social if ($social_pages == 'true' && $disabled !== 'true') { ?> <!-- Jetpack social sharing icons --> <div class="social-share"> <?php echo wp_kses_post(sharing_display()); ?> </div><!-- .social-share --> <hr> <?php } // end sharing_display function check } // end sharing_display ?> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </div><!-- .large-3 -->
function sp_share_buttons_above_post($content = '') { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { return sharing_display() . $content; } else { return $content; } }
function ms_share_display() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display('', true); } if (class_exists('Jetpack_Likes')) { $custom_likes = new Jetpack_Likes(); echo $custom_likes->post_likes(''); } }
<!-- The Single Blog Post --> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " <?php post_class(); ?> > <p>content.php - <?php echo get_post_type(); ?> </p> <?php if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { sharing_display('', true); } if (class_exists('Jetpack_Likes')) { $custom_likes = new Jetpack_Likes(); echo $custom_likes->post_likes(''); } ?> <header class="entry-header"> <?php if (is_single()) { the_title('<h1 class="entry-title">', '</h1>'); } else { the_title('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h2>'); } if ('post' === get_post_type()) { ?>
/** * Display Jetpack "Sharing" buttons on bbPress 2.x forums/ topics/ lead topics/ replies. * * Determination if the sharing buttons should display on the post type is handled within sharing_display(). * * @author David Decker * @since 3.6.0 */ function jetpack_sharing_bbpress() { if (function_exists('sharing_display')) { echo sharing_display(); } }