function include_setting($file) { sfs_errorsonoff(); $ppath = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__); if (file_exists($ppath . $file)) { require_once $ppath . $file; } else { echo "<br>Missing file:{$ppath} {$file} <br>"; } sfs_errorsonoff('off'); }
function sfs_handle_ajax_sfs_process($data) { sfs_errorsonoff(); sfs_handle_ajax_sfs_process_watch($data); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); }
function kpg_ss_scan_for_eval_recurse($dir, $phparray) { if (!@is_dir($dir)) { return $phparray; } //if (substr($dir,0,1)='.') return $phparray; $dh = null; // can't protect this - turn off the error capture for a moment. sfs_errorsonoff('off'); try { $dh = @opendir($dir); } catch (Exception $e) { sfs_errorsonoff(); return $phparray; } sfs_errorsonoff(); if ($dh !== null && $dh !== false) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (@is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $phparray = kpg_ss_scan_for_eval_recurse($dir . '/' . $file, $phparray); } } else { if (strpos($file, '.php') > 0) { $phparray[count($phparray)] = $dir . '/' . $file; } else { //echo "can't find .php in $file <br/>"; } } } closedir($dh); } return $phparray; }
function sfs_handle_ajax_sfs_process($data) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return; } if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } sfs_errorsonoff(); sfs_handle_ajax_sfs_process_watch($data); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); }
function kpg_ss_check_white_block() { sfs_errorsonoff(); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); $stats = kpg_ss_get_stats(); $post = get_post_variables(); $post['block'] = true; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_check_white', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $ansa; }
function kpg_ss_user_reg_filter($user_login) { // the plugin should be all initialized // check the ip, etc. sfs_errorsonoff(); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); $stats = kpg_ss_get_stats(); // fake out the post variables $post = get_post_variables(); $post['author'] = $user_login; $post['addon'] = 'chkRegister'; // no really an addon - but may be moved out when working. if ($options['filterregistrations'] != 'Y') { remove_filter('pre_user_login', kpg_ss_user_reg_filter, 1); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $user_login; } // if the suspect is already in the bad cache he does not get a second chance? // prevents looping $reason = be_load('chkbcache', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff(); if ($reason !== false) { $rejectmessage = $options['rejectmessage']; $post['reason'] = 'Failed Registration: bad cache'; $host['chk'] = 'chkbcache'; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_bad', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); wp_die("{$rejectmessage}", "Login Access Denied", array('response' => 403)); exit; } // check the white list $reason = kpg_ss_check_white(); sfs_errorsonoff(); if ($reason !== false) { $post['reason'] = 'passed registration:' . $reason; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_good', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $user_login; } // check the black list //sfs_debug_msg("Checking black list on registration: /r/n".print_r($post,true)); $ret = be_load('kpg_ss_check_post', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); $post['reason'] = 'Passed Registration ' . $ret; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_good', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); return $user_login; }