function get_categories() { global $db; $cat_info = get_vars("category"); $this->priority = $this->cat_priority; if (!is_array($cat_info)) { $cat_info = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_category ORDER BY posi ASC"); while ($row = $db->get_row()) { $cat_info[$row['id']] = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $cat_info[$row['id']][$key] = $value; } } set_vars("category", $cat_info); $db->free(); } $xml = ""; $lastmod = date("Y-m-d"); foreach ($cat_info as $cats) { if ($this->allow_url == "yes") { $loc = $this->home . $this->get_url($cats[id], $cat_info) . "/"; } else { $loc = $this->home . "index.php?do=cat&category=" . $cats['alt_name']; } $xml .= $this->get_xml($loc, $lastmod); } return $xml; }
function page() { global $G; set_vars(); require_once HEADER; require_once BODY; require_once FOOTER; exit; }
function page($p) { global $CRUD; // used in the required files if (!$p) { $p = "main"; } set_vars(); require_once "assets/header.php"; require_once "assets/{$p}.php"; require_once "assets/footer.php"; exit; }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../all.php'; $cookies = new Cookies(); $user = $cookies->user_from_cookie(); $vars = array("id"); if (set_vars($_POST, $vars) && $user !== 0) { DB::delete("category_items", "id=%s", $_POST["id"]); } header("Location: /admin.php?p=3"); exit;
$_POST['limit'] = 0; $member_id = array(); $user_group = array(); $member_id['user_group'] = 1; $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_googlemap'] = 1; $cat_info = get_vars("category"); if (!is_array($cat_info)) { $cat_info = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_category ORDER BY posi ASC"); while ($row = $db->get_row()) { $cat_info[$row['id']] = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $cat_info[$row['id']][$key] = stripslashes($value); } } set_vars("category", $cat_info); $db->free(); } if (count($cat_info)) { foreach ($cat_info as $key) { $cat[$key['id']] = $key['name']; $cat_parentid[$key['id']] = $key['parentid']; } } include_once ROOT_DIR . '/engine/inc/googlemap.php'; die("done"); } elseif ($cronmode == "optimize") { $arr = array(); $db->query("SHOW TABLES"); while ($row = $db->get_array()) { if (substr($row[0], 0, strlen(PREFIX)) == PREFIX) {
$banned_info = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_banned"); while ($row = $db->get_row()) { if ($row['users_id']) { $banned_info['users_id'][$row['users_id']] = array('users_id' => $row['users_id'], 'descr' => stripslashes($row['descr']), 'date' => $row['date']); } else { if (count(explode(".", $row['ip'])) == 4) { $banned_info['ip'][$row['ip']] = array('ip' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes($row['descr']), 'date' => $row['date']); } elseif (strpos($row['ip'], "@") !== false) { $banned_info['email'][$row['ip']] = array('email' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes($row['descr']), 'date' => $row['date']); } else { $banned_info['name'][$row['ip']] = array('name' => $row['ip'], 'descr' => stripslashes($row['descr']), 'date' => $row['date']); } } } set_vars("banned", $banned_info); $db->free(); } if ($config["lang_" . $_REQUEST['skin']]) { if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config["lang_" . $_REQUEST['skin']] . '/website.lng')) { @(include_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config["lang_" . $_REQUEST['skin']] . '/website.lng'); } else { die("Language file not found"); } } else { @(include_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config['langs'] . '/website.lng'); } $config['charset'] = $lang['charset'] != '' ? $lang['charset'] : $config['charset']; $is_logged = false; $member_id = array(); if ($config['allow_registration'] == "yes") {
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../all.php'; $cookies = new Cookies(); $user = $cookies->user_from_cookie(); $vars = array("id", "service_id"); if (set_vars($_POST, $vars)) { if ($user->data["permission"] === "4" || $user->data["permission"] === "3" && $user->data["service_id"] === $_POST["service_id"]) { // DB::insert("menu_sides", array("name"=>$_POST["name"], "price"=>$_POST["price"], "required"=>$_POST["req"], "service_id"=>$_POST["service_id"])); DB::delete("menu_categories", "id=%d", $_POST["id"]); echo DB::affectedRows(); } else { echo "-1"; } } else { echo "-1"; }
----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004,2013 SoftNews Media Group ===================================================== Данный код защищен авторскими правами ===================================================== Файл: cron.php ----------------------------------------------------- Назначение: Выполнение автоматических операций ===================================================== */ if (!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) { die("Hacking attempt!"); } set_vars("cron", $_TIME); if ($cron == 1) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_spam_log WHERE is_spammer = '0'"); } if ($config['cache_count']) { $result = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count, news_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_views GROUP BY news_id"); while ($row = $db->get_array($result)) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_post_extras SET news_read=news_read+{$row['count']} WHERE news_id='{$row['news_id']}'"); } $db->free($result); $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_views"); clear_cache(array('news_', 'full_', 'rss')); } if ($cron == 2) { $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_login_log"); $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . PREFIX . "_flood");
private function CheckLogin() { if ($_SESSION['dle_log'] >= 5) { die("Hacking attempt!"); } $GLOBALS['user_group'] = get_vars("usergroup"); if (!$GLOBALS['user_group']) { $GLOBALS['user_group'] = array(); $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_usergroups ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($row = $this->db->get_row()) { $GLOBALS['user_group'][$row['id']] = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $GLOBALS['user_group'][$row['id']][$key] = $value; } } set_vars("usergroup", $GLOBALS['user_group']); $this->db->free(); } $hash_pass = md5(md5($_POST['password'])); $login = $this->db->safesql($_POST['name']); if ($GLOBALS['member_id'] = $this->db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE name='{$login}' AND password='******'")) { if (!defined('DOMAIN')) { define('DOMAIN', "." . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } setcookie("dle_password", md5($_POST['password']), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE); @session_register('dle_password'); @session_register('member_lasttime'); if ($GLOBALS['config']['version_id'] < 7.2) { @session_register('dle_name'); setcookie("dle_name", $_POST['name'], time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE); $_SESSION['dle_name'] = $_POST['name']; } else { @session_register('dle_user_id'); setcookie("dle_user_id", $GLOBALS['member_id']['user_id'], time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE); $_SESSION['dle_user_id'] = $GLOBALS['member_id']['user_id']; } $_SESSION['dle_password'] = md5($_POST['password']); $_SESSION['dle_log'] = 0; return true; } else { $_SESSION['dle_log']++; return false; } }
function page() { global $SID; set_vars(); require_once "assets/header.php"; require_once "assets/main.php"; require_once "assets/footer.php"; }
if (!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) { die("Hacking attempt!"); } define('BANNERS', 1); //################# Определение баннеров $banners = get_vars("banners"); if (!is_array($banners)) { $banners = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_banners ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($row_b = $db->get_row()) { $banners[$row_b['id']] = array(); foreach ($row_b as $key => $value) { $banners[$row_b['id']][$key] = $value; } } set_vars("banners", $banners); $db->free(); } $ban = array(); $banner_in_news = array(); if (count($banners) > 0) { foreach ($banners as $name => $value) { if ($value['approve']) { //если активный if ($value['category']) { $value['category'] = explode(',', $value['category']); if (!in_array($category_id, $value['category'])) { $value['code'] = ""; } } if ($value['main']) {
die("Hacking attempt!"); } $replace_links = array(); //################# Определение ссылок $links = get_vars("links"); if (!is_array($links)) { $links = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_links ORDER BY id DESC"); while ($row_b = $db->get_row()) { $links[$row_b['id']] = array(); foreach ($row_b as $key => $value) { $links[$row_b['id']][$key] = stripslashes($value); } } usort($links, "cmplinks"); set_vars("links", $links); $db->free(); } function cmplinks($a, $b) { global $config; return dle_strlen($b['word'], $config['charset']) - dle_strlen($a['word'], $config['charset']); } function comparehosts($a, $b) { $a = str_replace("http://", "", strtolower($a)); $a = str_replace("https://", "", $a); if (substr($a, 0, 2) == '//') { $a = str_replace("//", "", $a); } if (substr($a, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
private function _online_block(dle_template &$tpl) { global $PHP_SELF; $cache = ''; if ($this->config['vb_block_online_cache_time'] && function_exists('dle_cache')) { $block_time = get_vars('vb_block_online_cache_time'); if (time() - $block_time < $this->config['vb_block_online_cache_time']) { $cache = dle_cache('vb_block_online_cache'); } } if (!$cache) { $this->_db_connect(); if (!$this->vb_config['refresh']) { $this->vb_config['refresh'] = 15; } $this->db->query("SELECT s.userid,, s.lastactivity, s.location, s.useragent, u.username FROM " . VB_PREFIX . "session AS s\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . VB_PREFIX . "user AS u\n ON u.userid=s.userid\n WHERE s.lastactivity>" . (time() - $this->vb_config['refresh'] * 60)); $users = $robots = array(); $guests = $count_user = $count_robots = 0; while ($user = $this->db->get_row()) { if (VB_CHARSET && VB_CHARSET != DLE_CHARSET) { $user['useragent'] = iconv(VB_CHARSET, DLE_CHARSET, $user['useragent']); $user['location'] = iconv(VB_CHARSET, DLE_CHARSET, $user['location']); $user['username'] = iconv(VB_CHARSET, DLE_CHARSET, $user['username']); } if ($user['userid'] == 0) { $current_robot = $this->_robots($user['useragent']); if ($current_robot != "") { $robots[$current_robot]['name'] = $current_robot; $robots[$current_robot]['lastactivity'] = $user['lastactivity']; $robots[$current_robot]['host'] = $user['host']; $robots[$current_robot]['location'] = $user['location']; } else { $guests++; } } else { $users[$user['userid']]['username'] = $user['username']; $users[$user['userid']]['lastactivity'] = $user['lastactivity']; $users[$user['userid']]['useragent'] = $user['useragent']; $users[$user['userid']]['host'] = $user['host']; $users[$user['userid']]['location'] = $user['location']; } } $location_array = array("%addcomments%" => $this->lang['paddcomments'], "%readnews%" => $this->lang['preadnews'], "%incategory%" => $this->lang['pincategory'], "%posin%" => $this->lang['pposin'], "%mainpage%" => $this->lang['pmainpage'], "%view_pofile%" => $this->lang['view_profile'], "%newposts%" => $this->lang['newposts'], "%view_stats%" => $this->lang['view_stats']); if (count($users)) { foreach ($users as $id => $value) { if ($GLOBALS['member_id']['user_group'] == 1) { $user_array[$value['username']] = $this->lang['os'] . $this->_os($users[$id]['useragent']) . '<br />' . $this->lang['browser'] . $this->_browser($users[$id]['useragent']) . '<br />' . '<b>IP:</b> ' . $users[$id]['host'] . '<br />'; } $user_array[$value['username']] .= $this->lang['was'] . $this->_timeagos($users[$id]['lastactivity']) . $this->lang['back'] . '<br />' . $this->lang['location']; if (preg_match("'%(.*?)%'si", $users[$id]['location'])) { foreach ($location_array as $find => $replace) { $users[$id]['location'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $users[$id]['location']); } } else { $users[$id]['location'] = $this->lang['pforum']; } $user_array[$value['username']] .= $users[$id]['location'] . "<br/>"; $descr = $user_array[$value['username']]; $user_array[$value['username']] = array(); $user_array[$value['username']]['descr'] = $descr; $user_array[$value['username']]['id'] = $id; $count_user++; } } if (count($robots)) { foreach ($robots as $name => $value) { if ($GLOBALS['member_id']['user_group'] == 1) { $robot_array[$name] = $this->lang['os'] . $this->_os($robots[$name]['useragent']) . '<br />' . $this->lang['browser'] . $this->_browser($robots[$name]['useragent']) . '<br />' . '<b>IP:</b> ' . $robots[$name]['host'] . '<br />'; } $robot_array[$name] .= $this->lang['was'] . $this->_timeagos($robots[$name]['lastactivity']) . $this->lang['back'] . '<br />' . $this->lang['location']; if (preg_match("'%(.*?)%'si", $robots[$name]['location'])) { foreach ($location_array as $find => $replace) { $robots[$name]['location'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $robots[$name]['location']); } } else { $robots[$name]['location'] = $this->lang['pforum']; } $robot_array[$name] .= $robots[$name]['location'] . "<br/>"; $count_robots++; } } $users = ""; $i = 0; if (count($user_array)) { foreach ($user_array as $name => $a) { $desc = $a['descr']; $id = $a['id']; if ($i) { $users .= $this->config['separator']; } $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_QUOTES); if (!$this->config['vb_block_online_user_link_forum']) { $user_url = $GLOBALS['config']['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ? $GLOBALS['config']['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode($name) . "/" : $PHP_SELF . "?subaction=userinfo&user="******"/member.php?u=" . $id; } $users .= "<a onmouseover=\"showhint('{$desc}', this, event, '180px');\" href=\"" . $user_url . "\" >" . $name . "</a>"; $i++; } } else { $users = $this->lang['notusers']; } $robots = ""; $i = 0; if (count($robot_array)) { foreach ($robot_array as $name => $desc) { if ($i) { $robots .= $this->config['separator']; } $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_QUOTES); $robots .= "<span onmouseover=\"showhint('{$desc}', this, event, '180px');\" style=\"cursor:hand;\" >" . $name . "</span>"; $i++; } } else { $robots = $this->lang['notbots']; } $tpl->load_template('block_online.tpl'); $tpl->set('{users}', $count_user); $tpl->set('{guest}', $guests); $tpl->set('{robots}', $count_robots); $tpl->set('{all}', $count_user + $guests + $count_robots); $tpl->set('{userlist}', $users); $tpl->set('{botlist}', $robots); $tpl->compile('block_online'); $tpl->clear(); if ($this->config['block_online_cache_time'] && function_exists('create_cache')) { create_cache("vb_block_online_cache", $tpl->result['block_online']); set_vars('vb_block_online_cache_time', time()); } } else { $tpl->result['block_online'] = $cache; } }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/all.php'; $vars = set_vars($_GET, array("type", "id")); if (!$vars) { header("Location: /index.php"); exit; } $cookies = new Cookies(); $user = $cookies->user_from_cookie(); if ($user === 0) { header("Location: /index.php"); exit; } $cookies->renew_cookie($user->id); $user_id = $user->data["uid"]; $menu = new Menu($_GET["type"], $_GET["id"]); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title> </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="css/ie/html5shiv.js"></script><![endif]--> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.scrolly.min.js"></script> <script src="js/skel.min.js"></script> <!-- <script src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>-->
*/ if (!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) { die("Hacking attempt!"); } //################# Определение информеров $informers = get_vars("informers"); if (!is_array($informers)) { $informers = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_rssinform ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($row_b = $db->get_row()) { $informers[$row_b['id']] = array(); foreach ($row_b as $key => $value) { $informers[$row_b['id']][$key] = stripslashes($value); } } set_vars("informers", $informers); $db->free(); } $allow_cache = $config['allow_cache']; $config['allow_cache'] = 1; $temp = array(); $i = 0; if (count($informers)) { foreach ($informers as $name => $value) { if ($value['approve']) { //если активный if ($value['category']) { $value['category'] = explode(',', $value['category']); if (!in_array($category_id, $value['category'])) { $value['url'] = ""; }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../all.php'; $cookies = new Cookies(); $user = $cookies->user_from_cookie(); $vars = array("type", "name"); $vars1 = array("name"); if (set_vars($_POST, $vars) && $user !== 0) { $type = $_POST["type"]; if ($user->data["permission"] == 4) { if ($type === "1" && set_vars($_POST, $vars1)) { $name = $_POST["name"]; $value = $_POST["value"]; $setting = DB::queryOneRow("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE name=%s", $name); if (DB::count() !== 0) { // valid if ($setting["value"] !== $value) { // change it DB::update("settings", array("value" => $value), "name=%s", $name); echo json_array(1, array("name" => $name, "value" => $value), "successfully changed"); return; } echo json_array(0, null, "no change made"); return; } echo json_array(0, null, "invalid setting"); return; } if ($type === "2") { $f = $_FILES['settingsfile']; $loc = uploadImage($f);
function page($pagename = 'main', $pagetitle = 'Enter a new testimonial') { global $G; set_vars(); $G['pageTitle'] = $pagetitle; foreach (array('header', $pagename, 'footer') as $p) { require_once ASSETDIR . "/{$p}.php"; } exit; }
} else { $vote_id = 0; } if (isset($_REQUEST['vote_check'])) { $vote_check = intval($_REQUEST['vote_check']); } else { $vote_check = 0; } $vote_info = get_vars("vote"); if (!is_array($vote_info)) { $vote_info = array(); $db->query("SELECT id, title, category, body, vote_num, start, end, grouplevel FROM " . PREFIX . "_vote WHERE approve"); while ($row = $db->get_row()) { $vote_info[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'category' => $row['category'], 'body' => $row['body'], 'vote_num' => $row['vote_num'], 'start' => $row['start'], 'end' => $row['end'], 'grouplevel' => $row['grouplevel']); } set_vars("vote", $vote_info); $db->free(); } if (!$vote_id or $vote_info[$vote_id]['id'] == "") { $find_vote = array(); $find_cats = array(); foreach ($vote_info as $votes) { if ($votes['start'] and $_TIME < $votes['start']) { continue; } if ($votes['end'] and $_TIME > $votes['end']) { continue; } $votes['grouplevel'] = explode(',', $votes['grouplevel']); if ($votes['grouplevel'][0] != "all" and !in_array($member_id['user_group'], $votes['grouplevel'])) { continue;
dle_session(); require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/parse.class.php'; require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/sitelogin.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config['langs'] . '/website.lng'; //################# Определение групп пользователей $user_group = get_vars("usergroup"); if (!$user_group) { $user_group = array(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_usergroups ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($row = $db->get_row()) { $user_group[$row['id']] = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $user_group[$row['id']][$key] = stripslashes($value); } } set_vars("usergroup", $user_group); $db->free(); } if (!$is_logged) { die("error"); } if (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit']) { die("error"); } $parse = new ParseFilter(); $parse->safe_mode = true; $parse->allow_url = $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_url']; $parse->allow_image = $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_image']; $id = intval($_POST['id']); $text = convert_unicode($_POST['text'], $config['charset']); if (!$id or !$text) {
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/all.php'; $vars = array("page", "userid", "carttype"); if (!set_vars($_GET, $vars)) { echo '<script>$.featherlight.close(); //tryharder.jpg</script>'; } $cookies = new Cookies(); $usr = $cookies->user_from_cookie(); $page = $_GET['page']; $uid = $_GET['userid']; $ctype = $_GET['carttype']; $name = $usr->data['name']; $email = $usr->data['email']; $phone = $usr->data['phone']; $has_addr = 0; $total = 0; if ($page === "1") { $address = $usr->getAddress(); if ($address) { $has_addr = 1; $changeaddr = sprintf("<p>\n <a href='profile.php?p=2&return=1,%s,%s'>Change Address</a>\n </p>", $_GET["carttype"], $_GET["pid"]); $address_str = sprintf("%s (%s) <br>%s, %s. %s", $address["street"], $address["apartment"], $address["city"], $address["state"], $address["zip"]) . $changeaddr; } else { $has_addr = 0; $address_str = "You have no address saved, please visit <a href='profile.php?p=2'>your account</a> to add one"; } $html = "<div data-remodal-id='modal2'>\n <h1>Place order (details)</h1>\n <div class='section group'>\n <div class='col span_1_of_3 selected'><div class='step'>1. DETAILS</div></div>\n <div class='col span_1_of_3'><div class='step'>2. PAYMENT</div></div>\n <div class='col span_1_of_3'><div class='step'>3. CONFIRM</div></div>\n </div>\n <p>{$name}</p>\n <p>{$email}</p>\n <p>{$phone}</p>\n <p>{$address_str}</p><br>\n <a id='orderflow1_next' class='remodal-confirm' href='#'>NEXT</a>\n </div>\n "; echo $html; } $default_source = '';