public function s($search_string) { $ajax = $this->input->is_ajax_request(); $search_string = urldecode($search_string); $strs = explode(' ', $search_string); $keywords = array(); if (count($strs) > 1) { array_push($keywords, $search_string); } foreach ($strs as $str) { array_push($keywords, $str); } $ids; $result = $this->search->search($keywords); if (count($result) > 0) { foreach ($result as $res) { $ids[] = $res['id']; } $data['pages'] = $this->page_handler->load_pages('', '', $ids); $data['results'] = TRUE; } else { $data['results'] = FALSE; } $data['ajax'] = $ajax; if ($ajax) { $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('main_pages/search_view', $data, TRUE), 'title' => 'Пребарување'); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } else { set_title('Пребарување'); $this->load->view('main_pages/search_view', $data); } }
public function index() { set_title('Main Page Onbeng - Online Bengkel'); $this->load->view('meta'); $this->load->view('script'); $this->load->view('query_data'); $this->load->view('main/view'); }
/** * * Load the apropriate page acording the given parametar * * @param name of the page * * @param page_arguments object * * @return Send the page to browser * * */ public function load_page($page_name, $args) { $page = $this->page_handler->load_page($page_name); $shortcodes = $this->shortcodes; if ($page == FALSE) { show_404(); } else { $page->content = $shortcodes->do_shortcode($page->content); $data['page'] = $page; } if (isset($page->category)) { $this->load->library('post_handler'); if ($page_name == 'home' or $page->category == 1) { $this->load->library('user_agent'); $data['browser'] = $this->agent->is_browser(); $data['pages'] = $this->page_handler->load_pages($page->category, 'temi'); } else { $data['posts'] = $this->post_handler->load_posts($page->category); } } set_active_page($page->name); set_title($page->title); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $value; } if ($data['ajax']) { if ($page_name == 'news' && isset($args[0])) { $data['post'] = $this->post_handler->load_post($args[0]); $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('templates/single', $data, true), 'title' => $data['post']->title); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } else { if (file_exists(APPPATH . "views/templates/" . $page->template) && isset($page->template) && $page->template != 'default') { $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('templates/' . $page->template, $data, true), 'title' => get_title()); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } else { $page->content = $shortcodes->do_shortcode($page->content); $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('templates/page', $data, true), 'title' => get_title()); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } } } else { if ($page_name == 'news' && isset($args[0])) { $data['post'] = $this->post_handler->load_post($args[0]); set_title($data['post']->title); $this->load->view('templates/single', $data); } else { if (file_exists(APPPATH . "views/templates/" . $page->template) && isset($page->template) && $page->template != 'default') { $this->load->view('templates/' . $page->template, $data); } else { $this->load->view('templates/page', $data); } } } }
public function join_am() { set_active_page('join'); set_title(t('title_join_am')); $ajax = $this->input->is_ajax_request(); $data['ajax'] = $ajax; if ($ajax) { $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('main_pages/join_am', $data, true), 'title' => get_title()); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } else { // $data['post'] = $this->post_handler->load_post($args[0]); $this->load->view('main_pages/join_am', $data, FALSE); } }
public function index() { set_active_page('wastemap'); $page = $this->page_handler->load_page('wastemap'); set_title($page->title); $ajax = $this->input->is_ajax_request(); $data['ajax'] = $ajax; if ($ajax) { $data_json = array('body' => $this->load->view('main_pages/wastemap' . $page->template, $data, true), 'title' => get_title()); $this->output->set_output(json_encode($data_json)); } else { $this->load->view('main_pages/wastemap', $data, FALSE); } }
public function __construct() { global $locale, $admin_pages, $aidlink; @(list($title) = dbarraynum(dbquery("SELECT admin_title FROM " . DB_ADMIN . " WHERE admin_link='" . FUSION_SELF . "'"))); set_title($locale['global_123'] . $locale['global_201'] . ($title ? $title . $locale['global_200'] : "")); $this->admin_pages = $admin_pages; // generate core sections $this->admin_sections = array(0 => $locale['ac00'], 1 => $locale['ac01'], 2 => $locale['ac02'], 3 => $locale['ac03'], 4 => $locale['ac04'], 5 => $locale['ac05']); $this->current_page = self::_currentPage(); // Dashboard breadcrumb add_breadcrumb(array('link' => ADMIN . 'index.php' . $aidlink . '&pagenum=0', 'title' => $locale['ac10'])); $activetab = isset($_GET['pagenum']) && isnum($_GET['pagenum']) ? $_GET['pagenum'] : $this->_isActive(); if ($activetab != 0 && $activetab <= 5) { add_breadcrumb(array('link' => ADMIN . $aidlink . "&pagenum=" . $activetab, 'title' => $locale['ac0' . $activetab])); } }
/** * 单独页面 * @param $page */ public function page($page) { if (\ULib\Router::$begin_status) { lib()->load('project', 'menu')->add("project", new \ULib\Project($page, 0)); lib()->add('menu', new \ULib\Menu(true)); set_title(project()->title(), site_title(false)); theme()->header_add("<script>var PM_PAGE_ID = " . project()->id() . ";</script>", 40); theme()->set_desc(project()->desc()); theme()->set_keywords(project()->keywords()); header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); $this->__view('comm/header.php'); $this->__view('project/page.php'); $this->__view('comm/footer.php'); } else { $this->__load_404(); } }
/** * Index Page for this controller. * * Maps to the following URL * * - or - * * - or - * Since this controller is set as the default controller in * config/routes.php, it's displayed at * * So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will * map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name> * @see */ public function index() { set_title('Helpline'); $offset = $this->uri->segment($this->config->item('paginiation_segment')); $list = $this->helpline_model->get_all_logs($this->config->item('pagination_per_page'), $offset, $this->input->get_post(NULL, TRUE)); $p_config = array(); $p_config['base_url'] = site_url('helpline/page'); $p_config['total_rows'] = $list['num_rows']; $p_config['uri_segment'] = $this->config->item('paginiation_segment'); $p_config['per_page'] = $this->config->item('pagination_per_page'); $p_config['num_links'] = 10; $p_config['full_tag_open'] = '<div class="pagination"><span>Pages:</span>'; $p_config['full_tag_close'] = '</div>'; $p_config['cur_tag_open'] = '<strong class="ui-state-hover ui-corner-all">'; $p_config['cur_tag_close'] = '</strong>'; $p_config['anchor_class'] = 'class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all"'; $p_config['suffix'] = '?' . http_build_query($_GET, '', "&"); $p_config['first_link'] = FALSE; $p_config['last_link'] = FALSE; $data['callers'] = $list['rows']; $this->pagination->initialize($p_config); $this->load->view('helpline/list', $data); }
/** * Fetches all Forum Tag Table records * * @param bool|TRUE $setTitle */ public function set_TagInfo($setTitle = TRUE) { $locale = fusion_get_locale("", FORUM_LOCALE); $locale += fusion_get_locale("", FORUM_TAGS_LOCALE); if ($setTitle == TRUE) { set_title($locale['forum_0000']); add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['forum_tag_0100']); add_breadcrumb(array('link' => FORUM . "index.php", 'title' => $locale['forum_0000'])); add_breadcrumb(array('link' => FORUM . "tags.php", 'title' => $locale['forum_tag_0100'])); } $thread_result = NULL; if (isset($_GET['tag_id']) && isnum($_GET['tag_id'])) { $tag_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_FORUM_TAGS . " WHERE tag_status=1 AND tag_id='" . intval($_GET['tag_id']) . "'\n " . (multilang_table("FO") ? "AND tag_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "") . "\n "; $tag_result = dbquery($tag_query); if (dbrows($tag_result) > 0) { $data = dbarray($tag_result); add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $data['tag_title']); add_breadcrumb(array('link' => FORUM . "tags.php?tag_id=" . $data['tag_id'], 'title' => $data['tag_title'])); if (!empty($data['tag_description'])) { set_meta('description', $data['tag_description']); } $data['tag_link'] = FORUM . "tags.php?tag_id=" . $data['tag_id']; $data['tag_active'] = isset($_GET['viewtags']) && isset($_GET['tag_id']) && $_GET['tag_id'] == $data['tag_id'] ? TRUE : FALSE; $this->tag_info['tags'][$data['tag_id']] = $data; $this->tag_info['tags'][0] = array('tag_id' => 0, 'tag_link' => FORUM . "tags.php", 'tag_title' => fusion_get_locale("global_700") . "…", 'tag_active' => '', 'tag_color' => ''); $this->tag_info['filter'] = $this->filter()->get_FilterInfo(); $filter_sql = $this->filter()->get_filterSQL(); // get forum threads. $this->tag_info = array_merge_recursive($this->tag_info, self::get_tag_thread($_GET['tag_id'], array("condition" => $filter_sql['condition'], "order" => $filter_sql['order']))); } else { redirect(FORUM . "index.php"); } } else { $this->cache_tags(); } }
<?php auto_set_params(array('commit', 'query')); set_title("Tag Implications"); create_page_params(); if (Request::$params->commit == "Search Aliases") { redirect_to("tag_alias#index", array('query' => Request::$params->query)); } if (Request::$params->query) { $name = "%" . Request::$params->query . "%"; $implications = TagImplication::find_all(array('calc_rows', 'order' => "is_pending DESC, (SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = tag_implications.predicate_id), (SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = tag_implications.consequent_id)", 'per_page' => 20, 'conditions' => array("predicate_id IN (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name LIKE ?) OR consequent_id IN (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name LIKE ?)", $name, $name), 'page' => Request::$params->page)); } else { $implications = TagImplication::find_all(array('calc_rows', 'order' => "is_pending DESC, (SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = tag_implications.predicate_id), (SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = tag_implications.consequent_id)", 'per_page' => 20, 'page' => Request::$params->page)); } calc_pages(); respond_to_list("implications");
<?php set_title(site_name() . ' - Jocul'); $smarty->assign('content_tpl', 'content/main/thegame');
if (!db_exists(DB_WEBLINKS)) { redirect(BASEDIR . "error.php?code=404"); } require_once THEMES . "templates/header.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; if (file_exists(INFUSIONS . "weblinks/locale/" . LOCALESET . "weblinks.php")) { include INFUSIONS . "weblinks/locale/" . LOCALESET . "weblinks.php"; } else { include INFUSIONS . "weblinks/locale/English/weblinks.php"; } include INFUSIONS . "weblinks/templates/weblinks.php"; $wl_settings = get_settings("weblinks"); $weblink_cat_index = dbquery_tree(DB_WEBLINK_CATS, 'weblink_cat_id', 'weblink_cat_parent'); add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . 'weblinks/weblinks.php', 'title' => $locale['400'])); if (!isset($_GET['weblink_id']) || !isset($_GET['weblink_cat_id'])) { set_title($locale['400']); } if (isset($_GET['weblink_id']) && isnum($_GET['weblink_id'])) { $res = 0; $data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT weblink_url,weblink_cat, weblink_visibility FROM " . DB_WEBLINKS . " WHERE weblink_id='" . intval($_GET['weblink_id']) . "'")); if (checkgroup($data['weblink_visibility'])) { $res = 1; dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_WEBLINKS . " SET weblink_count=weblink_count+1 WHERE weblink_id='" . intval($_GET['weblink_id']) . "'"); redirect($data['weblink_url']); } else { redirect(FUSION_SELF); } } elseif (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) { $info = array(); $info['item'] = array(); $result = dbquery("SELECT weblink_cat_name, weblink_cat_sorting FROM\n\t" . DB_WEBLINK_CATS . " " . (multilang_table("WL") ? "WHERE weblink_cat_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " weblink_cat_id='" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "'");
<?php define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); require ROOT . "/include/admin-init.php"; if (!is_login()) { die(html_jump('login.php')); } set_page_type('library'); set_page_power(array(1)); set_title("图书操作"); $all_user = new user_info(); $all_user->get_id_list(); $category = new library_category(); $category->get_id_list(); get_admin_header(); $status = NULL; if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { if (isset($_GET['act'])) { switch ($_GET['act']) { case 'del': $book_del = new library_book_del(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $book_del->add($_GET['id']); $status = $book_del->del(); if ($status == 'OK') { print_successful_notice("图书删除成功"); } else { print_err_notice($status); } } library_category_up_all();
<?php define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); require ROOT . "/include/admin-init.php"; if (!is_login()) { die(html_jump('login.php')); } set_page_type('option', 'option_library'); set_page_power(array(1)); set_title("网站设置"); library_option(); //加载图书管理设置 get_admin_header(); ?> <div id="option-setting"> <h2 class="left">图书管理设置</h2> <?php if (isset($_GET['status'])) { if ($_GET['status'] == 'OK') { echo '<p class="status blue center">成功更新设置信息</p>'; } else { echo '<p class="status red center">', $_GET['status'], '</p>'; } } ?> <form method="post" action="option-action.php"> <table align="center" cellspacing="1" class="list"> <tr> <th>图书每页显示数目</th> <td><input name="library-one-page" value="<?php
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Descarcare'); assign('content_tpl', 'content/download');
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Meniu principal'); assign('content_tpl', 'content/main');
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) { require "includes/session_init.php"; } if ($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] != true) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } include 'includes/functions.php'; include 'includes/init.php'; ?> <script src="scripts/jquery-ui.js"></script> <link href="styles/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.css" rel="stylesheet"> <?php set_title('Test title'); //header// include 'includes/header.php'; echo '<br/><br/><br/>'; //page// $u = ''; $u = $_GET['url']; if ($u == 'film') { include 'includes/search_film.php'; } elseif ($u == 'job') { include 'includes/search_job.php'; } elseif ($u == 'forum') { include 'includes/search_forum.php'; }
<?php set_title(CONFIG::app_name . " Forum"); create_page_params(); auto_set_params(array('query', 'parent_id')); if (isset(request::$params->parent_id)) { $forum_posts = ForumPost::find_all(array('order' => "is_sticky desc, updated_at DESC", 'per_page' => 100, 'conditions' => array("parent_id = ?", request::$params->parent_id), 'page' => request::$params->page)); } else { $forum_posts = ForumPost::find_all(array('order' => "is_sticky desc, updated_at DESC", 'per_page' => 30, 'conditions' => array("parent_id IS NULL"), 'page' => request::$params->page)); } calc_pages(); respond_to_list($forum_posts);
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Parola depozit'); $DB = Mysql::init(); check_login(); $step = 'request'; if (isset($_POST['sendStoragePassword'])) { $data = $DB->select("id, login, email", ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account", "`id`='" . $_SESSION['user_data']['id'] . "'"); if (is_array($data)) { $storage_pass = $DB->select('password', PLAYER_DATABASE . '.safebox', "`account_id`='" . $_SESSION['user_data']['id'] . "'"); if ($storage_pass == '') { $step = 'error'; } else { // trimitem email $arr = array('login' => $data['login'], 'password' => $storage_pass['password'], 'site_name' => site_name(), 'site_url' => site_url()); $email_ses = email()->load('passwordlost/storagepassword'); $email_ses->assign($arr); $email_ses->set('noreply@' . rtrim(site_name(), '/'), '', $data['email'], 'Metin2 - Parola Depozit'); $email_ses->send(); $step = 'sent'; } } } assign('content_tpl', 'content/storagepassword/' . $step);
} render_articles_main($info); } else { // View articles in a category $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_ARTICLE_CATS . " where article_cat_id='" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "' ORDER BY article_cat_name"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { $cdata = dbarray($result); $info['articles']['child_categories'] = array(); // get child category $child_result = dbquery("SELECT\n\t\tac.article_cat_id, ac.article_cat_name, ac.article_cat_description, count(a.article_id) 'article_count', count(ac2.article_cat_id) 'article_sub_count'\n\t\tFROM " . DB_ARTICLE_CATS . " ac\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_ARTICLE_CATS . " ac2 ON ac.article_cat_id=ac2.article_cat_parent\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_ARTICLES . " a on a.article_cat=ac.article_cat_id AND a.article_draft ='0' AND " . groupaccess("a.article_visibility") . "\n\t\t" . (multilang_table("AR") ? "and a.article_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t" . (multilang_table("AR") ? "WHERE ac.article_cat_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . "\n\t\tac.article_cat_parent = '" . intval($cdata['article_cat_id']) . "'\n\t\tGROUP BY ac.article_cat_id\n\t\tORDER BY ac.article_cat_name\n\t\t"); if (dbrows($child_result) > 0) { while ($childData = dbarray($child_result)) { $info['articles']['child_categories'][$childData['article_cat_id']] = $childData; } } set_title($cdata['article_cat_name'] . $locale['global_200'] . $locale['400']); articleCats_breadcrumbs($article_cat_index); $info['articles']['category'] = $cdata; // xss $info['articles_max_rows'] = dbcount("(article_id)", DB_ARTICLES, "article_cat='" . $_GET['cat_id'] . "' AND article_draft='0'"); $_GET['rowstart'] = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $info['articles_max_rows'] ? $_GET['rowstart'] : "0"; if ($info['articles_max_rows'] > 0) { $a_result = dbquery("\n SELECT * FROM " . DB_ARTICLES . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE article_cat='" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "' AND article_draft='0' AND " . groupaccess('article_visibility') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . $cdata['article_cat_sorting'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT " . intval($_GET['rowstart']) . ", " . intval($article_settings['article_pagination'])); $info['articles_rows'] = dbrows($a_result); while ($data = dbarray($a_result)) { $data['article_snippet'] = parse_textarea($data['article_snippet']); $data['article_article'] = preg_split("/<!?--\\s*pagebreak\\s*-->/i", parse_textarea($data['article_article'])); $data['new'] = $data['article_datestamp'] + 604800 > time() + fusion_get_settings("timeoffset") * 3600 ? $locale['402'] : ''; $info['articles']['item'][] = $data; } $info['page_nav'] = $info['articles_max_rows'] > $article_settings['article_pagination'] ? makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], $article_settings['article_pagination'], $info['articles_max_rows'], 3, FUSION_SELF . "?cat_id=" . $_GET['cat_id'] . "&") : "";
<?php define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); require ROOT . "/include/admin-init.php"; if (!is_login()) { die(html_jump('login.php')); } set_page_type('option'); set_page_power(array(1)); set_title("更新设置"); get_admin_header(); $status = NULL; if (isset($_POST['type'])) { switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'option': $up_option = new up_option(); $status = $up_option->get_post($_POST); if ($status != 'OK') { print_err_notice($status); } else { $status = $up_option->check(); if ($up_option->status == FALSE) { print_err_arr_notice("数据检查出错", $status); } else { $status = $up_option->up(); if (count($status) != 0) { print_err_arr_notice("数据更新出错", $status); } else { print_successful_notice("成功更新设置信息", "option.php?status=OK"); } }
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Confirmare schimbare email'); if (isset($_SESSION['user_data']['email_token']) && $_SESSION['user_data']['email_token'] == '') { assign('content_tpl', 'content/emailchange/confirmation_error'); return; } $step = 'step1'; $args = Vars::get('args'); $username = isset($args[1]) ? $DB->escape($args[1]) : ''; $token = isset($args[1]) ? $DB->escape($args[2]) : ''; $data = $DB->select("id, email, new_email, email_step", ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account", "`login` LIKE '" . $username . "' AND `email_token` LIKE '" . $token . "'"); if (is_array($data)) { $args[0] = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'cancel'; if ($args[0] == 'confirm' && $data['email_step'] == 2) { $ok = $DB->query("UPDATE " . ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account SET `email`='" . $data['new_email'] . "', `email_token`='', `email_expire`='', `new_email`='', `email_step`='0' WHERE `id`='" . $data['id'] . "'"); $step = 'confirmation_confirm'; } elseif ($args[0] == 'accept' && $data['email_step'] == 1) { $token = sha1(microtime() . $data['email'] . rand(123151, 999999)); $ok = $DB->query("UPDATE " . ACCOUNT_DATABASE . ".account SET `email_token`='" . $token . "', `email_step`='2' WHERE `id`='" . $data['id'] . "'"); if ($ok) { $arr = array('login' => $username, 'site_name' => site_name(), 'site_url' => site_url(), 'token' => $token); $email_ses = email()->load('emailchange/emailchange_accept'); $email_ses->assign($arr); $email_ses->set('noreply@' . rtrim(site_name(), '/'), '', $data['new_email'], 'Schimbare de email'); $email_ses->send(); $step = 'step2'; }
<?php defined("IN_FUSION") or die; if (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) { echo show_breadcrumbs("cat", stripinput($_GET['cat_id'])); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_AL_CATALOG_CATS . " WHERE ctg_cat_id='" . intval(stripinput($_GET['cat_id'])) . "'"); if (!dbrows($result)) { redirect(FUSION_SELF); } $category = dbarray($result); set_title($category['ctg_cat_title'] . " | " . $locale['ctg43'] . " | " . $settings['sitename']); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_AL_CATALOG_CATS . " WHERE ctg_cat_parent='" . $category['ctg_cat_id'] . "'"); $has_subcats = false; if (dbrows($result)) { $has_subcats = true; opentable($category['ctg_cat_title'] . $locale['ctg46']); while ($cat = dbarray($result)) { echo "<div class='cat-row'>"; echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . "?action=category&cat_id=" . $cat['ctg_cat_id'] . "'><img src='" . (!empty($cat['ctg_cat_image']) && file_exists(AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/cats/" . $cat['ctg_cat_image']) ? AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/cats/" . $cat['ctg_cat_image'] : AL_CATALOG_DIR . "asset/no-image.jpg") . "' alt='" . $cat['ctg_cat_title'] . "' style='max-width:" . $catalog_settings['cat_thumb_width'] . "px; max-height: " . $catalog_settings['cat_thumb_height'] . "px;' class='cat-image' />"; echo "<div class='cat-row-desc'>"; echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . "?action=category&cat_id=" . $cat['ctg_cat_id'] . "' class='cat-row-link'>" . $cat['ctg_cat_title'] . "</a>"; echo "<p class='cat-row-desc-text'>" . $cat['ctg_cat_desc'] . "</p>"; $subcats_result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_AL_CATALOG_CATS . " WHERE ctg_cat_parent='" . $cat['ctg_cat_id'] . "'"); if ($subcats_num = dbrows($subcats_result) > 0) { echo "<p class='cat-row-subcats'>" . $locale['ctg45']; $c = 0; while ($subcat = dbarray($subcats_result)) { echo "<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . "?action=category&cat_id=" . $subcat['ctg_cat_id'] . "'>" . $subcat['ctg_cat_title'] . "</a>" . ($c < $subcats_num - 1 ? ", " : ""); $c++; } echo "</p>";
<?php check_login(); if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('Nu poti accesa acest fisier direct.'); } set_title(site_name() . ' - Caracterele mele'); $data = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLAYER_DATABASE . ".player WHERE account_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_data']['id'] . "'"); $users = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = $DB->fetch($data)) { $users[$i]['id'] = $row['id']; $users[$i]['name'] = $row['name']; $users[$i]['level'] = $row['level']; $users[$i]['time'] = $row['playtime'] > 0 ? duration($row['playtime'] * 60) : 'nedeterminat'; $users[$i]['class'] = char_class($row['job']); $i++; } $smarty->assign('users', $users); assign('content_tpl', 'content/character');
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); set_title('Chapter Procurement'); $this->redirect = can_this_user('procurement') ? 'procurement' : 'procurement/my_orders'; }
break; case 'ratings': $filter_condition = 'sum_rating DESC'; break; case 'download': $filter_condition = 'download_count DESC'; break; default: $filter_condition = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT download_cat_sorting FROM " . DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS . " WHERE download_cat_id='" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "'"), 0); } $sql = "SELECT d.*, dc.*,\n\t\t\t\ttu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status, tu.user_avatar , tu.user_level, tu.user_joined,\n\t\t\t\tIF(SUM(tr.rating_vote)>0, SUM(tr.rating_vote), 0) AS sum_rating,\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes,\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(td.comment_item_id) AS count_comment,\n\t\t\t\tMAX(d.download_datestamp) as last_updated\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_DOWNLOADS . " d\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS . " dc ON d.download_cat=dc.download_cat_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu ON d.download_user=tu.user_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_RATINGS . " tr ON tr.rating_item_id = d.download_id AND tr.rating_type='D'\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_COMMENTS . " td ON td.comment_item_id = d.download_id AND td.comment_type='D' AND td.comment_hidden='0'\n\t\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("DL") ? "WHERE download_cat_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('download_visibility') . "\n\t\t\t\tAND download_cat = '" . intval($_GET['cat_id']) . "'\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY d.download_id\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . (!empty($filter_condition) ? $filter_condition : "dc.download_cat_sorting") . "\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT " . intval($_GET['rowstart']) . "," . intval($dl_settings['download_pagination']); $result = dbquery($sql); $info['download_rows'] = dbrows($result); } } else { set_title($locale['download_1000']); /** * Everyone's Download Posts */ $info['download_max_rows'] = dbcount("('download_id')", DB_DOWNLOADS, groupaccess('download_visibility')); $_GET['rowstart'] = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $info['download_max_rows'] ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0; if ($info['download_max_rows'] > 0) { $download_query = "SELECT d.*, dc.*,\n\t\t\t\ttu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status, tu.user_avatar , tu.user_level, tu.user_joined,\n\t\t\t\tIF(SUM(tr.rating_vote)>0, SUM(tr.rating_vote), 0) AS sum_rating,\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes,\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(td.comment_item_id) AS count_comment,\n\t\t\t\tmax(d.download_datestamp) as last_updated\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_DOWNLOADS . " d\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS . " dc ON d.download_cat=dc.download_cat_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu ON d.download_user=tu.user_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_RATINGS . " tr ON tr.rating_item_id = d.download_id AND tr.rating_type='D'\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_COMMENTS . " td ON td.comment_item_id = d.download_id AND td.comment_type='D' AND td.comment_hidden='0'\n\t\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("DL") ? "WHERE dc.download_cat_language = '" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('download_visibility') . "\n\t\t\t\t" . $condition . "\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY d.download_id\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . ($filter_condition ? $filter_condition : "dc.download_cat_sorting") . "\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT " . intval($_GET['rowstart']) . "," . intval($dl_settings['download_pagination']); $result = dbquery($download_query); $info['download_rows'] = dbrows($result); } } } if (!empty($info['download_max_rows']) && $info['download_max_rows'] > $dl_settings['download_pagination'] && !isset($_GET['download_id'])) { $page_nav_link = ""; if (!empty($_GET['cat_id']) && isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) {
<?php define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); require ROOT . "/include/admin-init.php"; if (!is_login()) { die(html_jump('login.php')); } set_page_type('library', 'library_history'); set_page_power(array(0, 1)); set_title("个人借书历史"); $all_user = new user_info(); $all_user->get_id_list(); get_admin_header(); ?> <div id="library-lent"> <h2 class="center">个人借书历史</h2> <form method="get"> <?php if (get_power() == 1) { echo '用户:<select name="id">', "\n"; foreach ($all_user->id_list as $n => $v) { if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] == $n) { $c = ' selected'; } else { $c = NULL; } echo "<option value=\"{$n}\"{$c}>{$v} ({$n})</option>\n"; } echo '</select>', "\n"; } ?>
redirect(BASEDIR . "index.php"); } require_once THEMES . "templates/global/profile.php"; if (isset($_GET['lookup']) && isnum($_GET['lookup'])) { $user_status = " AND (user_status='0' OR user_status='3' OR user_status='7')"; if (iADMIN) { $user_status = ""; } $user_data = array(); $result = dbquery("SELECT u.*, s.suspend_reason\n\t\tFROM " . DB_USERS . " u\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_SUSPENDS . " s ON u.user_id=s.suspended_user\n\t\tWHERE user_id='" . $_GET['lookup'] . "'" . $user_status . "\n\t\tORDER BY suspend_date DESC\n\t\tLIMIT 1"); if (dbrows($result)) { $user_data = dbarray($result); } else { redirect("index.php"); } set_title($user_data['user_name'] . $locale['global_200'] . $locale['u103']); if (iADMIN && checkrights("UG") && $_GET['lookup'] != $user_data['user_id']) { if (isset($_POST['add_to_group']) && (isset($_POST['user_group']) && isnum($_POST['user_group']))) { if (!preg_match("(^\\.{$_POST['user_group']}\$|\\.{$_POST['user_group']}\\.|\\.{$_POST['user_group']}\$)", $user_data['user_groups'])) { $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_USERS . " SET user_groups='" . $user_data['user_groups'] . "." . $_POST['user_group'] . "' WHERE user_id='" . $_GET['lookup'] . "'"); } redirect(FUSION_SELF . "?lookup=" . $_GET['lookup']); } } $userFields = new PHPFusion\UserFields(); $userFields->userData = $user_data; $userFields->showAdminOptions = TRUE; $userFields->method = 'display'; $userFields->plugin_folder = INCLUDES . "user_fields/"; $userFields->plugin_locale_folder = LOCALE . LOCALESET . "user_fields/"; $info = $userFields->get_profile_output();
<?php define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); require ROOT . "/include/admin-init.php"; if (!is_login()) { die(html_jump('login.php')); } set_page_type('library', 'library_return'); set_page_power(array(1)); set_title("图书归还"); $all_user = new user_info(); $all_user->get_id_list(); get_admin_header(); ?> <div id="library-lent"> <h2 class="center">图书归还</h2> <?php if (isset($_GET['status'])) { if ($_GET['status'] == 'OK') { echo '<p class="status blue center">成功归还图书</p>'; } else { echo '<p class="status red center">', $_GET['status'], '</p>'; } } ?> <form action="library-action.php" method="get"> 图书ID:<input name="id" value="<?php if (isset($_GET['id'])) { echo $_GET['id']; } ?>
if (isset(Request::$params->samples) && Request::$params->samples == 0) { unset(Request::$params->samples); } $pool = Pool::find(array(Request::$params->id)); if (!$pool) { return 404; } $browse_mode = User::$current->pool_browse_mode; // $q = Tag::parse_query(""); $q = array(); $q['pool'] = (int) Request::$params->id; $q['show_deleted_only'] = false; if ($browse_mode == 1) { $q['limit'] = 1000; $q['order'] = "portrait_pool"; } else { $q['limit'] = 24; } // $count = Post::count_by_sql(Post::generate_sql($q, array('from_api' => true, 'count' => true))); //[:page], q[:limit], count) $sql = Post::generate_sql($q, array('from_api' => true, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $pagination_limit)); $posts = Post::find_by_sql(array($sql), array('calc_rows' => 'found_posts')); calc_pages(); set_title($pool->pretty_name()); switch (Request::$format) { case 'json': render('json', $pool->to_json()); break; case 'xml': break; }