Esempio n. 1
 public function index()
     $data = array();
     // Displaying Errors In Div
     $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="error">', '</div>');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('inputEmail', 'Email', 'trim|required|valid_email');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('inputNick', 'Username', 'trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[12]');
     // si posava |xxs_clean no donava valid mai
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('inputPassword', 'Password', 'trim|required|matches[inputPasswordConfirm]');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('inputPasswordConfirm', 'Password Confirmation', 'trim|required');
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         // si algun camp es erroni torna al formulari (de registre), omplint els camps
         $data['actiu'] = 2;
         $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
     } else {
         //agafar totes les dades del formulari
         $data[0] = $this->input->post("inputEmail");
         $data[1] = $this->input->post("inputNick");
         $data[2] = $this->input->post("inputPassword");
         //$usu_existeix es un boolean, true existeix, false no
         $usu_existeix = $this->LoginRegistreModel->existeix($data[0]);
         if ($usu_existeix == true) {
             // indica q usuari ja existeix a la bd , tornar al formulari de registre i avisar de l'errror
             $data['errores'] = 1;
             // = 1 per avisar q l'usuari ja existeix
             $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
         } else {
             //usuari no existeix a la bd, guardar usuari.
             //crear carpeta usuari dins de avatars,
             //para dentro de application //set_realpath('./application/uploads/peliculas/'.$idp."/");
             $dir = set_realpath('./application/avatars/' . $data[0] . "/");
             if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                 mkdir($dir, 777);
             //generar aleatori, q sera el codi d'activacio
             $data[3] = rand(1000, 9999);
             //enviar email
             $this->EmailModel->enviar_email_valid_reg($data[0], $data[3]);
             //tornar al form indicant q s'ha registrat correctament i per entrar a de validar per email
             $data['reg_correcte'] = true;
             //variable per mostrar missatge de registre correcte i avisar q ha de validar
             $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
Esempio n. 2
 function elfinder_init()
     //  die('lib');
     $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath('/'), 'URL' => site_url() . '/')));
     $this->load->library('elfinder/elfinder_lib', $opts);
 public function connector()
     $opts = array('debug' => true, 'bind' => array('mkdir.pre mkfile.pre rename.pre' => array('Plugin.Slugifier.cmdPreprocess'), 'upload.presave' => array('Plugin.Slugifier.onUpLoadPreSave')), 'plugin' => array('Sanitizer' => array('enable' => true, 'targets' => array('\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'), 'replace' => '_'), 'Slugifier' => array('enable' => true)));
     $opts['roots'] = array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'alias' => 'Racine', 'path' => set_realpath('assets/files'), 'URL' => site_url('assets/files') . '/', 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'uploadOverwrite' => false, 'uploadAllow' => array('image', 'application/pdf', "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"), 'attributes' => array(array('pattern' => '/\\.tmb$/', 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'hidden' => true, 'locked' => false), array('pattern' => '/\\.quarantine$/', 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'hidden' => true, 'locked' => false), array('pattern' => '/\\.html$/', 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'hidden' => true, 'locked' => false))));
     $this->load->library('elfinder_lib', $opts);
Esempio n. 4
 public function index()
     ee()->view->cp_page_title = lang('reelocate_module_name');
     $data = array('submit_url' => REELOCATE_CP . AMP . 'method=preview', 'current_site_url' => rtrim(ee()->config->item('site_url'), '/\\'), 'current_site_path' => rtrim(dirname(dirname(ee()->config->item('avatar_path'))), '/\\'), 'site_path' => rtrim(set_realpath('..'), '/\\'), 'cp_url' => ee()->config->item('site_url'));
     $data['current_site_url'] = preg_replace('/http[s]?:\\/\\//i', '', $data['current_site_url']);
     $data['site_url'] = $data['current_site_url'];
     return ee()->load->view('index', $data, true);
Esempio n. 5
 public function elfinder($extension_regex = NULL, $root = '')
     //default attributes
     $attributes = array(array('pattern' => '/error_log|iu-application|iu-resources|iu-system|install|license\\.txt|installed\\.txt|\\.htaccess|\\.htpasswd|\\.tmb|\\.quarantine/i', 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'hidden' => true, 'locked' => false));
     if (!empty($extension_regex)) {
         $attributes[] = array('pattern' => $extension_regex, 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'hidden' => true, 'locked' => false);
     $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'alias' => __("Assets"), 'path' => set_realpath('./' . (empty($root) ? '' : $root)), 'URL' => site_url(empty($root) ? '' : $root), 'attributes' => $attributes, '' => '')));
     $this->load->library('elfinderlib', $opts);
Esempio n. 6
 public function get_Diploma()
     $config = array();
     $config['useragent'] = "CodeIgniter";
     //$config['mailpath']            = "/usr/bin/sendmail"; // or "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
     $config['protocol'] = "smtp";
     $config['smtp_host'] = "ssl://";
     $config['smtp_port'] = "465";
     $config['smtp_user'] = "******";
     $config['smtp_pass'] = "******";
     $config['mailtype'] = 'html';
     $config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
     $config['newline'] = "\r\n";
     $config['wordwrap'] = TRUE;
     $id = $_POST['id'];
     //establecemos la carpeta en la que queremos guardar los pdfs,
     //si no existen las creamos y damos permisos
     //importante el slash del final o no funcionará correctamente
     //establecemos el nombre del archivo
     //establecemos el tipo de papel
     $this->html2pdf->paper('Letter', 'landscape');
     //datos que queremos enviar a la vista, lo mismo de siempre
     $fila = $this->personal_model->getUsuario($id);
     $imgPDF = set_realpath('vendor/img') . 'ambientesA.png';
     $imgDet = set_realpath('vendor/img') . 'ambientesB.png';
     $data = array('title' => 'Datos personal en pdf', 'contenido' => $fila, 'imag' => $imgPDF, 'imagDet' => $imgDet);
     //hacemos que coja la vista como datos a imprimir
     //importante utf8_decode para mostrar bien las tildes, ñ y demás
     $this->html2pdf->html(utf8_decode($this->load->view('diplomas/pdf', $data, true)));
     //si el pdf se guarda correctamente lo mostramos en pantalla
     if ($this->html2pdf->create('save')) {
         $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Test From');
         $this->email->subject('Email PDF Test');
         $this->email->message("<div style='width: 50% 50%;' align='center'>\n                                    <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n                                        <tr>\n                                        <td align='center' valign='top' style=''>\n                                            <table width='600' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n                                                <tr>\n                                                    <td width='20' align='left' valign='top' \n                                                        style='background-color:#F5F5F5;'>&nbsp;</td>\n                                                    <td align='center' valign='top' \n                                                        style='background-color:#F5F5F5; color:#000000; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;'><br>\n                                                        <br><br>\n                                                        <div style='color:#030369; font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size:24px;'>\n                                                            Laboratorio Nacional de la Informatica Avanzada\n                                                            LANIA A.C<br>\n                                                        </div>\n                                                        <br>\n                                                        <div style='color:#000000; font-style: oblique; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px;'>\n                                                            <p><b>De parte de UNETE te felicitamos por </b><br>\n                                                                  haber concluido satisfactoriamente nuestro curso</p>\n                                                        </div>\n                                                        <br>\n                                                        <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n                                                          <tr>\n                                                            <td align='center' valign='middle'>\n                                                                <hr style='height: 3px; background-color:#030369; border: 0 none;'>\n                                                            </td>\n                                                          </tr>\n                                                          <tr>\n                                                            <td height='30' align='center' valign='middle'>\n                                                                <div style='color:#030369; font-style: oblique; font-size:18px; font-family: Comic Sans MS, Cursive;'>Descripción diplomado</div>\n                                                            </td>\n                                                          </tr>\n                                                          <tr>\n                                                            <td align='center' valign='middle'>\n                                                                <hr style='height: 3px; background-color:#030369; border: 0 none;'>\n                                                            </td>\n                                                          </tr>\n                                                        </table>\n                                                        <br>\n                                                        <div style='color:#000000; font-style: oblique; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px;'>\n                                                            <p><b>Te damos un fuerte abrazo!</b><br>\n                                                                  Descarga tu Diploma adjunto</p>\n                                                        </div>\n                                                        <br><br>\n                                                        <div style='color:#000000; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;'><b>Dirección Lania</b> <br>\n                                                          Contacto <br>\n                                                          Telefono: (123) 456-789 <br>\n                                                          Email: <br>\n                                                          Sitio Web:\n                                                        </div>\n                                                        <br><br>\n                                                    </td>\n                                                    <td width='20' align='left' valign='top' \n                                                        style='background-color:#F5F5F5;'>&nbsp;</td>\n                                                </tr>\n                                            </table>\n                                        </td>\n                                        </tr>\n                                    </table>\n                                    </div>");
         $path = set_realpath('files/pdfs');
         $this->email->attach($path . 'Diploma.pdf');
         if ($this->email->send()) {
             echo "Se envio email";
         } else {
             echo $this->email->print_debugger();
         //echo $path;
         //echo $this->email->print_debugger();
function get_logo($logo = 'logo.jpg', $context = 'web')
    $CI =& get_instance();
    // if they don't have a logo in the database, just default to logo.jpg
    if ($logo == '0' || $logo == NULL) {
        $logo = 'logo.jpg';
    if ($context == 'web' or $CI->config->item('logo_base_url') === TRUE) {
        $path = base_url() . 'img/logo/';
    } else {
        $path = set_realpath('./img/logo/');
    return "<img src='{$path}{$logo}' />";
 function updateDBConfigFile($strDBName, $strDBHost, $strUserName, $strPWord)
     $strDBConfigFN = set_realpath('.') . 'application/config/database.php';
     $fInfo = get_file_info($strDBConfigFN);
     if ($fInfo === false) {
         $this->bError = true;
         $this->strErrMsg = 'Can not find the database configuration file ' . $strDBConfigFN . '<br>';
     $strDBConfig = '<?php' . "\n" . '/* ----------------------------' . "\n" . '  Database configuration entries updated on ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' for the ' . "\n" . '  Delightful Labor installation. ' . "\n\n" . '  Updates can be found at the bottom of this file.' . "\n" . ' ----------------------------*/' . "\n" . "?>" . read_file($strDBConfigFN) . "\n\n" . '/* ----------------------------' . "\n" . '  Delightful Labor database settings. ' . "\n" . ' ----------------------------*/' . "\n" . "\$db['default']['hostname'] = '{$strDBHost}';\n" . "\$db['default']['username'] = '******';\n" . "\$db['default']['password'] = '******';\n" . "\$db['default']['database'] = '{$strDBName}';\n";
     write_file($strDBConfigFN, $strDBConfig);
Esempio n. 9
	public function index()
		$this->EE->cp->set_variable('cp_page_title', lang('reelocate_module_name'));
		$data = array(
			'submit_url' => REELOCATE_CP.AMP.'method=preview',
			'current_site_url' => rtrim($this->EE->config->item('site_url'), '/\\'),
			'current_site_path' => rtrim(dirname(dirname($this->EE->config->item('avatar_path'))), '/\\'),
			'site_path' => rtrim(set_realpath('..'), '/\\'),
			'cp_url' => $this->EE->config->item('site_url'),
		$data['current_site_url'] = preg_replace('/http[s]?:\/\//i', '', $data['current_site_url']);
		$data['site_url'] = $data['current_site_url'];
		return $this->EE->load->view('index', $data, TRUE);
  * Get the admin lang codes from the language folder
  * @return	array	Array of lang code
 function get_admin_langs()
     $path = set_realpath(APPPATH . 'language/');
     $lang_dirs = array();
     if ($dirs = scandir($path)) {
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
             if (is_dir($path . $dir)) {
                 $file_path = set_realpath($path . $dir) . 'admin_lang' . EXT;
                 if (is_file($file_path)) {
                     $lang_dirs[] = $dir;
         //			$callback = create_function('$el', 'return is_file(realpath("'.$path.'$el'.'/admin_lang'.EXT.'"));');
         //			return $lang_dirs = array_values(array_filter($dirs, $callback));
     return $lang_dirs;
function create_asset($assetID, $creatorID, $contentType, $filename)
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $filename = rtrim(set_realpath($filename), '/');
    $params = array('AssetID' => $assetID, 'CreatorID' => $creatorID, 'Asset' => "@{$filename};type={$contentType}");
    echo 'Posting ' . $filename . ' to ' . $CI->config->item('asset_service') . '<br/>';
    $curl = new Curl();
    $curl->option(CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
    $curl->option(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
    $response = json_decode($curl->execute(), TRUE);
    if (!isset($response)) {
        $response = array('Message' => 'Invalid or missing response. ' . $curl->error_string);
    return $response;
Esempio n. 12
 function ipn()
     //  error_log("--IPN VERIFIED--", 3, "my-errors.log");
     $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Landlord');
     //            $this->email->cc('*****@*****.**');
     //            $this->email->bcc('*****@*****.**');
     $this->email->subject('Email Test');
     $this->email->message('Testing the email class.');
     /* This function will return a server path without symbolic links or relative directory structures. */
     $path = set_realpath('upload/');
     $this->email->attach($path . '');
     /* Enables you to send an attachment */
     //error_log("--IPN VERIFIED--", 3, $report);
Esempio n. 13
 public function init($config)
     // configure options
     switch ($config) {
         case 'image':
             $options = $this->image;
         case 'audio':
             $options = $this->audio;
         case 'video':
             $options = $this->video;
             $options = array();
     $filePath = isset($options['filePath']) ? $options['filePath'] : 'assets/uploads';
     $allowedTypes = isset($options['allowedTypes']) ? $options['allowedTypes'] : array();
     $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath('./' . $filePath), 'URL' => site_url($filePath), 'tmbPath' => 'thumbs', 'uploadAllow' => $allowedTypes, 'uploadDeny' => 'all')));
     $connector = new elFinderConnector(new elFinder($opts));
 public function elfinder_init()
     $this->load->helper(array("path", "modulo/direccion/region"));
     $this->load->library(array("module/archivo/archivo_permiso", "module/usuario/usuario_configuracion"));
     if (!is_dir(FCPATH . "media/usuario")) {
         mkdir(FCPATH . "media/usuario", 0755);
     //******************* carpeta de usuario ***************************************
     $dir = FCPATH . "media/usuario/" . $this->session->userdata('session_idUsuario') . "/";
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755);
     $dir .= "Disco/";
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755);
     $dir .= "Mis archivos";
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755);
     $disabled = array();
     if (!$this->archivo_permiso->permiso("eliminar", $this->session->userdata('session_idUsuario'))) {
         $disabled[] = "rm";
         $disabled[] = "cut";
     if (!$this->archivo_permiso->permiso("editar", $this->session->userdata('session_idUsuario'))) {
         $disabled[] = "rename";
     $discos = array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath($dir), 'disabled' => $disabled, 'attributes' => array(array('pattern' => '!^/.tmb!', 'hidden' => true))));
     //****************** archivos regionales ***************************************
     if (!is_dir(FCPATH . "media/usuario/regiones")) {
         mkdir(FCPATH . "media/usuario/regiones", 0755);
     $lista_regiones = $this->usuario_configuracion->listaRegiones();
     foreach ($lista_regiones as $region) {
         $dir_region = FCPATH . "media/usuario/regiones/" . $region;
         if (!is_dir($dir_region)) {
             mkdir($dir_region, 0755);
         $dir_region .= "/" . str_replace("'", "", nombreRegion($region));
         if (!is_dir($dir_region)) {
             mkdir($dir_region, 0755);
         $discos[] = array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath($dir_region), 'disabled' => $disabled, 'attributes' => array(array('pattern' => '!^/.tmb!', 'hidden' => true), array('pattern' => '/^.+/', 'read' => true, 'write' => true, 'locked' => false)));
     //****************** archivos nacionales ***************************************
     $disabled_general = array();
     $generales_edicion = true;
     $generales_locked = false;
     if (!$this->archivo_permiso->permiso("generales", $this->session->userdata('session_idUsuario'))) {
         $generales_edicion = false;
         $generales_locked = true;
         $disabled_general = array("rename", "rm", "cut");
     $dir_nacional = FCPATH . "media/usuario/Nacional";
     if (!is_dir($dir_nacional)) {
         mkdir($dir_nacional, 0755);
     $discos[] = array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath($dir_nacional), 'disabled' => $disabled_general, 'attributes' => array(array('pattern' => '!^/.tmb!', 'hidden' => true), array('pattern' => '/^.+/', 'read' => true, 'write' => $generales_edicion, 'locked' => $generales_locked)));
     $opts = array('roots' => $discos);
     $this->load->library('core/archivo/elfinderlib', $opts);
Esempio n. 15
  * Get the admin lang codes from the language folder
  * @return	array	Array of lang code
 function get_admin_langs()
     $path = set_realpath(APPPATH . 'language/');
     $lang_dirs = array();
     if ($dirs = scandir($path)) {
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
             if (is_dir($path . $dir)) {
                 $file_path = set_realpath($path . $dir) . 'admin_lang.php';
                 if (is_file($file_path)) {
                     $lang_dirs[] = $dir;
     return $lang_dirs;
Esempio n. 16
 public function guardar_imagen()
     //el true al final es para convertirlo a Array de lo contrario será objeto
     //datos de la imagen cropeada
     //$data['datoimagen']     = json_decode($_POST['datoimagen'],true);
     //$data['datocanvas']     = json_decode($_POST['datocanvas'],true);
     //$data['datos']     = json_decode($_POST['datos'],true);
     //$data['datocropbox']     = json_decode($_POST['datocropbox'],true);
     $data['datoimagen'] = json_decode(stripslashes($this->input->post('datoimagen')), true);
     $data['datocanvas'] = json_decode(stripslashes($this->input->post('datocanvas')), true);
     $data['datos'] = json_decode(stripslashes($this->input->post('datos')), true);
     $data['datocropbox'] = json_decode(stripslashes($this->input->post('datocropbox')), true);
     $data['id_session'] = $_POST['id_session'];
     $data['id_diseno'] = $_POST['id_diseno'];
     $data['variation_id'] = $_POST['variation_id'];
     $data['consecutivo'] = $_POST['consecutivo'];
     $data['nombre'] = $_POST['nombre'];
     $data['tipo_archivo'] = $_POST['tipo_archivo'];
     $data['tipo'] = $_POST['tipo'];
     $data['ext'] = $_POST['ext'];
     $data['tamano'] = $_POST['tamano'];
     $data['ancho'] = $_POST['ancho'];
     $data['alto'] = $_POST['alto'];
     $data['ano'] = $_POST['ano'];
     $data['mes'] = $_POST['mes'];
     $idp = $data['id_session'];
     $dir = set_realpath('./uploads/' . $idp . "/");
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755, TRUE);
     //guardar la imagen recortada
     $dato = substr($_POST['croppedImage'], strpos($_POST['croppedImage'], ",") + 1);
     $nombre = $data['nombre'];
     $decodedData = base64_decode($dato);
     $fp = fopen("uploads/" . $idp . "/" . "rec_" . substr($nombre, 5), 'wb');
     //$fp = fopen("uploads/".$idp."/"."rec_".$nombre, 'wb');
     fwrite($fp, $decodedData);
     $data['uid_imagen'] = 'uid_' . date('d') . date('m') . date('Y') . '_' . random_string('alpha', 4) . random_string('numeric', 3);
     $checar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->check_existente_imagen($data);
     //si existe ya registros borrarlos para crear nuevo
     if ($checar != false) {
         $eliminar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->eliminar_imagenes($checar);
         $eliminar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->eliminar_imagenes_original($checar);
         $eliminar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->eliminar_imagenes_recorte($checar);
     $guardar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->anadir_imagenes($data);
     $guardar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->anadir_imagenes_original($data);
     $guardar = $this->modelo_fotoimagen->anadir_imagenes_recorte($data);
Esempio n. 17
 function go_upload_wav()
     $campaign_id = $this->input->post('campaign_id');
     $config['upload_path'] = '/tmp/';
     $config['allowed_types'] = 'wav|x-wav';
     $config['overwrite'] = true;
     $this->load->library('upload', $config);
     $upload_path = set_realpath("/var/lib/asterisk/sounds");
     foreach ($_FILES as $fileName => $file) {
         if (!empty($file['name'])) {
             if (!$this->upload->do_upload($fileName)) {
                 $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
                 $result .= "ERROR: File " . $file['name'] . " not uploaded.\n";
                 $result .= "\t" . $error['error'] . "\n";
                 //$this->load->view('upload_form', $error);
             } else {
                 //$data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());
                 $prefix = $this->commonhelper->checkIfTenant($this->session->userdata('user_group')) ? $this->session->userdata('user_group') . "_" : "";
                 $fname = str_replace(' ', '_', $file['name']);
                 copy($config['upload_path'] . $fname, "{$upload_path}/go_{$prefix}" . $fname);
                 chmod("{$upload_path}/go_{$prefix}" . $fname, 0777);
                 $result .= "SUCCESS: File " . $fname . " uploaded.\n";
                 $fn .= "{$fileName}\n";
                 $files .= "go_{$prefix}" . str_replace(".wav", '', $fname) . " ";
     echo "wav|{$result}|{$fn}|" . trim($files);
 public function elfinder_init($edMode = false)
     if (!$edMode) {
         $path = 'uploads';
     } else {
         $path = 'templates';
     if ($this->input->get('path')) {
         $path = $this->input->get('path');
     $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'LocalFileSystem', 'path' => set_realpath($path), 'URL' => site_url() . $path, 'accessControl' => 'access', 'attributes' => array(array('pattern' => '/administrator/', 'read' => false, 'write' => false, 'locked' => true)))));
     $this->load->library('elfinder_lib', $opts);
Esempio n. 19
 public function edit($id)
     $config['upload_path'] = './upload/';
     // โฟลเดอร์ ตำแหน่งเดียวกับ root ของโปรเจ็ค
     $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
     // ปรเเภทไฟล์
     $config['max_size'] = '0';
     // ขนาดไฟล์ (kb)  0 คือไม่จำกัด ขึ้นกับกำหนดใน php.ini ปกติไม่เกิน 2MB
     $config['max_width'] = '1024';
     // ความกว้างรูปไม่เกิน
     $config['max_height'] = '768';
     // ความสูงรูปไม่เกิน
     $config['file_name'] = 'mypicture';
     // ชื่อไฟล์ ถ้าไม่กำหนดจะเป็นตามชื่อเพิม
     // เรียกใช้การตั้งค่า
     $fileExist = $this->input->post('d_service_image');
     if (file_exists($fileExist) && is_file($fileExist)) {
         $file_upload = "";
     } else {
         $file_upload = $this->input->post('h_service_image');
         // เก็บชื่อไฟล์เพิมถ้ามี
         $fileCheck = './upload/' . $file_upload;
         $full_fileCheck = set_realpath($fileCheck);
         if (!file_exists($full_fileCheck) || !is_file($full_fileCheck)) {
             $file_upload = "";
     // ทำการอัพโหลดไฟล์จาก input file ชื่อ service_image
     if (!$this->upload->display_errors()) {
         // ถ้าไม่มี error อัพไฟล์ได้ ให้เอาใช้ไฟล์ใส่ตัวแปร ไว้บันทึกลงฐานข้อมูล
         $file_upload = $this->upload->data('file_name');
         // เก็บชื่อไฟล์ใหม่
     } else {
         // ถ้า error ในกรณีเลือกไฟล์แล้วไม่ผ่าน
         if ($this->upload->data('file_type')) {
             // เช่น ประเภทไม่ถูกต้อง
             // ต้อง return เพื่อให้แสดง error
     $newdata = array('service_title' => $this->input->post('service_title'), 'service_detail' => $this->input->post('service_detail'), 'service_img' => $file_upload, 'service_update' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     return $this->db->update('tbl_service', $newdata, array('service_id' => $id));
Esempio n. 20
 public function subjectQuerySend()
     $data = $this->input->post();
     $ci = CI::get_instance();
       echo $data['upload']; die();*/
     /*  $this->load->view('profile_quote',$data);*/
     $message = $this->load->view('other_subject_send', $data, TRUE);
     $config['upload_path'] = 'uploads/';
     $config['allowed_types'] = 'docx|pdf|ppt|doc|pptx|pdf|jpeg|png';
     $config['max_size'] = 5000;
     $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
     if ($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']) {
         if (!$this->upload->do_upload('uploadfile')) {
             $error = array('error' => $ci->upload->display_errors());
             setInformUser('error', $error['error'] . ' please import  file formate only');
         } else {
             /* $admin_mail='*****@*****.**';*/
             $this->email->from(setEmail(), 'Eduworkers');
             $path = set_realpath('uploads');
             $file = $this->upload->data();
             /*         echo $file['file_name'];
                     echo $path; die;*/
             $this->email->subject('Order Query');
             $this->email->attach($path . $file['file_name']);
             if ($this->email->send()) {
                 $this->email->from(setEmail(), 'Eduworkers');
                 $this->email->subject('Order Query');
                 $this->email->attach($path . $file['file_name']);
                 if ($this->email->send()) {
                     setInformUser('success', "Send  Quote successfully");
                 } else {
                     setInformUser('error', "Some Error Occurred.");
             } else {
                 setInformUser('error', "Some Error Occurred.");
     } else {
         /*  $admin_mail='*****@*****.**';*/
         $this->email->from(setEmail(), 'Eduworkers');
         $this->email->subject('Order Query');
         /*  echo $data['subject']; die;
         if ($this->email->send()) {
             $this->email->from(setEmail(), 'Eduworkers');
             $this->email->subject('Order Query');
             if ($this->email->send()) {
                 setInformUser('success', "Send  Quote successfully");
             } else {
                 setInformUser('error', "Some Error Occurred.");
         } else {
             setInformUser('error', "Some Error Occurred.");
Esempio n. 21
    echo $row['service_detail'];
        <th width="120">Images:</th>
        <input type="file" name="service_image" >
        <input type="hidden" name="h_service_image" value="<?php 
    echo $row['service_img'];
    $fileCheck = './upload/' . $row['service_img'];
    $full_fileCheck = set_realpath($fileCheck);
    if (file_exists($full_fileCheck) && is_file($full_fileCheck)) {
        <img src="<?php 
        echo base_url('upload/' . $row['service_img']);
" style="width:150px;">
        <input type="checkbox" name="d_service_image" value="<?php 
        echo $full_fileCheck;
"> คลิกเลือกหากต้องการลบไฟล์
Esempio n. 22
 function Fastreport()
     $this->thisdir = set_realpath('./assets/fr');
Esempio n. 23
	 * METAWEBLOG API: new media object
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	parameter list
	 * @return	void
	function newMediaObject($plist)
		$parameters = $plist->output_parameters();

		if ($this->upload_dir == '')
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('801', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_access'));

		if ( ! $this->fetch_member_data($parameters['1'], $parameters['2']))
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('802', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_access'));

		if ($this->userdata['group_id'] != '1' && ! in_array($parameters['0'], $this->userdata['assigned_channels']))
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('803', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_channel'));

		if ($this->userdata['group_id'] != '1')
			$this->EE->db->where('upload_id', $this->upload_dir);
			$this->EE->db->where('member_group', $this->userdata['group_id']);

			if ($this->EE->db->count_all_results('upload_no_access') != 0)
				return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('803', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_access'));

		$this->EE->db->select('server_path, url');
		$query = $this->EE->db->get_where('upload_prefs', array('id' => $this->upload_dir));

		if ($query->num_rows() == 0)
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('803', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_access'));

		/** -------------------------------------
		/**  File name and security
		/** -------------------------------------*/

		$filename = preg_replace("/\s+/", "_", $parameters['3']['name']);

		$filename = $this->EE->security->sanitize_filename($filename);

		if ($this->EE->security->xss_clean($parameters['3']['bits'], TRUE) === FALSE)
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('810', $this->EE->lang->line('invalid_file_content'));

		/** -------------------------------------
		/**  Upload the image
		/** -------------------------------------*/

		$upload_path = set_realpath($this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($query->row('server_path') .'/'));

		$filename = $this->unique_filename($filename, $upload_path);

		if ( ! $fp = @fopen($upload_path.$filename,FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE))
			return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_error_message('810', $this->EE->lang->line('unable_to_upload'));
		@fwrite($fp, $parameters['3']['bits']);// Data base64 decoded by XML-RPC library

		@chmod($upload_path.$filename, FILE_WRITE_MODE);

		$response = array(array(
								'url' =>
								array($this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($query->row('url') .'/').$filename,'string'),

		return $this->EE->xmlrpc->send_response($response);
Esempio n. 24
	function send_email($subject  = '', $to = '',  $body = '', $attachment = '')
		$CI =& get_instance();
       	// Configure email library
		if(config('smtp_host')!="" and config('smtp_port')!="" and config('smtp_user')!="" and config('smtp_pass')!="" )
			$config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
			$config['smtp_host'] = config('smtp_host');
			$config['smtp_port'] = config('smtp_port');
			$config['smtp_user'] = config('smtp_user');
			$config['smtp_pass'] = config('smtp_pass');
       	$config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
		$config['mailtype'] = 'html';
		$CI->email->from( config('site_email') , config('site_name'));
		$CI->email->to( $to );
		$CI->email->subject( $subject );
		$CI->email->message( $body );
		$path = set_realpath('pdfs/');
 		$CI->email->attach($path . $attachment);
			return true;
Esempio n. 25
 public function imagen_encontrada()
     //crear carpeta
     $data['session'] = $_POST['session'];
     $data['uid_original'] = $_POST['uid_original'];
     $idp = $data['session'];
     $dir = set_realpath('./uploads/' . $idp . "/");
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755, TRUE);
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         $config_adjunto['upload_path'] = './uploads/' . $data['session'] . '/';
         $config_adjunto['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|png|gif|jpeg';
         $config_adjunto['max_size'] = '20480';
         $config_adjunto['file_name'] = 'Orig_' . $data['uid_original'];
         $config_adjunto['overwrite'] = true;
         $this->load->library('upload', $config_adjunto);
         foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
             if ($this->upload->do_upload($key)) {
                 $data['logo'] = $this->upload->data();
                 $nombre = $data['logo']['file_name'];
                 $tipo_archivo = $data['logo']['file_type'];
                 $tipo = $data['logo']['image_type'];
                 $ext = $data['logo']['file_ext'];
                 $tamano = $data['logo']['file_size'];
                 $ancho = $data['logo']['image_width'];
                 $alto = $data['logo']['image_height'];
                 	[file_name] => foco.jpg 
                 	[file_type] => image/jpeg 
                 	[image_type] => jpeg 
                 	[file_ext] => .jpg 
                 	[file_size] => 106.74 
                 	[image_width] => 2048
                 	[image_height] => 1365 
         $targetPath = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $data['session'] . '/' . $data['logo']['file_name'];
         echo '<div id="cont_img">';
         echo '<img alto="' . $alto . '" ancho="' . $ancho . '" tamano="' . $tamano . '" ext="' . $ext . '" tipo="' . $tipo . '" tipo_archivo="' . $tipo_archivo . '" nombre="' . $nombre . '" id="image" src="' . $targetPath . '" style="max-width: 100%;" alt="Picture"/>';
         echo '</div>';
     echo '<script src="' . base_url() . 'js/fotoimagen/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
 public function test_set_realpath_error_trigger()
     $this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Not a valid path: /path/to/nowhere');
     set_realpath('/path/to/nowhere', TRUE);