Esempio n. 1
# V1.1 6-10-2009 Added Cron reset
//error_reporting(0); // Disable PHP errors and warnings
// Comment to Enable for testing
// Change wd to this files location
include_once "includes/";
include_once "includes/functions.php";
// Have servers moved if moved update configuration
print "\n";
// === Reset Cron =============================================================
if (!apache_running()) {
    // Apache not running however Cron may have been
    // left set to run after a power fail hence reset
// ========================================================= End Reset Cron ===
print " ================== UNIFORM SERVER STATUS ==================\n\n";
if (get_ip_current()) {
    // Current IP address
    print " Your Internet IP Address = {$ip_current}\n";
    // as seen from Internet
} else {
    // Either not connected
    print " Your Internet IP Address = Not connected or error! \n";
    // to Internet
// or errors returned
if (test_access()) {
Esempio n. 2
// ================================================== END RUN APACHE SERVER ===
print "\n";
// === RUN CRON ===============================================================
if ((int) $server_operation & 16) {
    // Cron enabled by config or parameter
    if (apache_running()) {
        // Only run cron if Apache running
        // otherwise ignore and exit quietly
        if (get_cron_tracker() == "run") {
            // Cron already running
            print " Cron already running\n";
            // Already running, give up
        } else {
            // not running
            // set tracker to run
            print " Cron started \n";
            // inform user
            // Test switch between the two: visibe
            //$cmd = 'start ..\..\usr\local\php\php.exe run_cron.php'; // Test
            // Test switch between the two: hidden
            $cmd = 'start uniserv.exe "..\\..\\usr\\local\\php\\php.exe run_cron.php"';
            pclose(popen($cmd, 'r'));
            // Start detatched process
    //End Apache running
} else {
    print " Cron not enabled in\n";
    print " Or disabled by a user parameter\n";