default: dblog("A problem happened while sending password for account:" . " \"" . $_POST["email_adh"] . "\""); $error_detected[] = _T("A problem happened while sending password for account:") . " \"" . $_POST["email_adh"] . "\""; break; } } } else { $error_detected[] = _T("Sent mail is checked but there is no email address") . " \"" . $_POST["login_adh"] . "\""; } } elseif ($_POST["mail_confirm"] == "1" && PREF_MAIL_METHOD == 0) { //if mail has been disabled in the preferences, we should not be here ; we do not throw an error, just a simple warning that will be show later $_SESSION['galette']['mail_warning'] = _T("You asked Galette to send a confirmation mail to the member, but mail has been disabled in the preferences."); } } // dynamic fields set_all_dynamic_fields($DB, 'adh', $adherent['id_adh'], $adherent['dyn']); // deadline $date_fin = get_echeance($DB, $adherent['id_adh']); if ($date_fin != "") { $date_fin_update = $DB->DBDate($date_fin[2] . '-' . $date_fin[1] . '-' . $date_fin[0]); } else { $date_fin_update = "NULL"; } $requete = "UPDATE " . PREFIX_DB . "adherents\n\t\t\t\t\tSET date_echeance=" . $date_fin_update . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id_adh=" . $adherent['id_adh']; $DB->Execute($requete); if (!isset($_POST['id_adh'])) { header('location: ajouter_contribution.php?id_adh=' . $adherent['id_adh']); } elseif (!isset($_POST['del_photo']) && count($error_detected) == 0) { header('location: voir_adherent.php?id_adh=' . $adherent['id_adh']); } }
// to allow the string to be extracted for translation $foo = _T("Contribution added"); // logging dblog('Contribution added', strtoupper($login), $requete); } } else { $requete = "UPDATE " . PREFIX_DB . "cotisations\n SET " . substr($update_string, 1) . "\n WHERE id_cotis=" . $contribution['id_cotis']; if (db_execute($DB, $requete, $error_detected)) { // to allow the string to be extracted for translation $foo = _T("Contribution updated"); // logging dblog('Contribution updated', strtoupper($login), $requete); } } // dynamic fields set_all_dynamic_fields($DB, 'contrib', $contribution['id_cotis'], $contribution['dyn']); // update deadline if ($cotis_extension) { $date_fin = get_echeance($DB, $contribution['id_adh']); if ($date_fin != "") { $date_fin_update = date_text2db($DB, implode("/", $date_fin)); } else { $date_fin_update = "NULL"; } $requete = "UPDATE " . PREFIX_DB . "adherents\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET date_echeance=" . $date_fin_update . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id_adh=" . $contribution['id_adh']; $DB->Execute($requete); } if (count($error_detected) == 0) { if ($missing_amount > 0) { $url = 'ajouter_contribution.php?trans_id=' . $contribution['trans_id'] . '&id_adh=' . $contribution['id_adh']; } else {
} $transaction['trans_id'] = get_last_auto_increment($DB, PREFIX_DB . "transactions", "trans_id"); // to allow the string to be extracted for translation $foo = _T("transaction added"); // logging dblog('transaction added', '', $requete); } else { $requete = "UPDATE " . PREFIX_DB . "transactions\n\t\t\t\t SET " . substr($update_string, 1) . "\n\t\t\t\t WHERE trans_id=" . $transaction['trans_id']; $DB->Execute($requete); // to allow the string to be extracted for translation $foo = _T("transaction updated"); // logging dblog('transaction updated', '', $requete); } // dynamic fields set_all_dynamic_fields($DB, 'trans', $transaction['trans_id'], $transaction['dyn']); if ($missing_amount > 0) { $url = 'ajouter_contribution.php?trans_id=' . $transaction['trans_id']; if (isset($transaction['id_adh'])) { $url .= '&id_adh=' . $transaction['id_adh']; } } else { $url = 'gestion_transactions.php'; } header('location: ' . $url); } } else { if ($transaction['trans_id'] == "") { // initialiser la structure transaction à vide (nouvelle transaction) $transaction['trans_date'] = date("d/m/Y", time()); } else {