Esempio n. 1
function returnDiagnostic($diagCode, $diagDetails)
    global $recordSchema;
    global $exportContentType;
    global $contentTypeCharset;
    // '$contentTypeCharset' is defined in ''
    global $exportStylesheet;
    // Set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given in '$contentTypeCharset':
    setHeaderContentType($exportContentType, $contentTypeCharset);
    // function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in ''
    if (preg_match("/^srw([ _]?(mods|dc))?([ _]?xml)?\$/i", $recordSchema)) {
        // Return SRW diagnostics (i.e. SRW error information) wrapped into SRW XML ('searchRetrieveResponse'):
        echo srwDiagnostics($diagCode, $diagDetails, $exportStylesheet);
    } else {
        // Return OpenSearch diagnostics (i.e. OpenSearch error information) wrapped into OpenSearch Atom XML:
        echo openSearchDiagnostics($diagCode, $diagDetails, $exportStylesheet);
    // function 'openSearchDiagnostics()' is defined in ''
Esempio n. 2
function generateCitations($result, $rowsFound, $query, $queryURL, $showQuery, $showLinks, $rowOffset, $showRows, $previousOffset, $nextOffset, $wrapResults, $nothingChecked, $citeStyle, $citeOrder, $citeType, $orderBy, $headerMsg, $userID, $viewType)
    global $contentTypeCharset;
    // these variables are defined in ''
    global $defaultCiteStyle;
    global $client;
    global $userOptionsArray;
    // get all user options for the current user:
    // (note that '$userOptionsArray' is made globally available)
    $userOptionsArray = getUserOptions($userID);
    // function 'getUserOptions()' is defined in ''
    // if the query has results ...
    if ($rowsFound > 0) {
        // Save the current Citation view query to a session variable:
        //			saveSessionVariable("lastCitationViewQuery", $query);
        // fetch the name of the citation style file that's associated with the style given in '$citeStyle':
        $citeStyleFile = getStyleFile($citeStyle);
        // function 'getStyleFile()' is defined in ''
        if (empty($citeStyleFile)) {
            $citeStyle = $defaultCiteStyle;
            // if the given cite style could not be found, we'll use the default cite style which is defined by the '$defaultCiteStyle' variable in ''
            $citeStyleFile = getStyleFile($citeStyle);
        // include the found citation style file *once*:
        include_once "cite/" . $citeStyleFile;
        // fetch the name of the citation format file that's associated with the format given in '$citeType':
        $citeFormatFile = getFormatFile($citeType, "cite");
        // function 'getFormatFile()' is defined in ''
        if (empty($citeFormatFile)) {
            if (preg_match("/^cli/i", $client)) {
                // if the query originated from a command line client such as the refbase CLI clients ("cli-refbase-1.1", "cli-refbase_import-1.0")
                $citeType = "ASCII";
            } else {
                $citeType = "html";
            $citeFormatFile = getFormatFile($citeType, "cite");
        // include the found citation format file *once*:
        include_once "cite/" . $citeFormatFile;
        $citationData = citeRecords($result, $rowsFound, $query, $queryURL, $showQuery, $showLinks, $rowOffset, $showRows, $previousOffset, $nextOffset, $wrapResults, $citeStyle, $citeOrder, $citeType, $orderBy, $headerMsg, $userID, $viewType);
        if (preg_match("/^RTF\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "application/rtf";
            $citeFileName = "citations.rtf";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^PDF\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "application/pdf";
            $citeFileName = "citations.pdf";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^LaTeX\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "application/x-latex";
            $citeFileName = "citations.tex";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^LaTeX \\.bbl\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "application/x-latex";
            $citeFileName = "citations.bbl";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^Markdown\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "text/plain";
            $citeFileName = "citations.txt";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^ASCII\$/i", $citeType)) {
            $citeContentType = "text/plain";
            $citeFileName = "citations.txt";
        } else {
            $citeContentType = "text/html";
            $citeFileName = "citations.html";
        if (!preg_match("/^html\$/i", $citeType)) {
            // set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given in '$contentTypeCharset' (which is defined in ''):
            setHeaderContentType($citeContentType, $contentTypeCharset);
        // function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in ''
        if (preg_match("/^application/i", $citeContentType)) {
            // instruct the browser to download the resulting output as file:
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $citeFileName . '"');
        // Note that this doesn't seem to work with all browsers (notably not with Safari & OmniWeb on MacOSX Panther, but it does work with Mozilla & Camino as well as Safari on Tiger)
        echo $citationData;
    } else {
        $nothingFoundFeedback = nothingFound($nothingChecked);
        echo $nothingFoundFeedback;
Esempio n. 3
    $displayType = "";
    // if the 'submit' parameter is empty, this will produce the default view
    $exportFormat = "";
    // if no export format was given, 'show.php' will use the default export format which is defined by the '$defaultExportFormat' variable in ''
    $citeType = "html";
// For the context of 'unapi.php' we set some parameters explicitly:
$exportType = "file";
$citeOrder = "author";
$citeStyle = "";
// if no cite style was given, 'show.php' will use the default cite style which is defined by the '$defaultCiteStyle' variable in ''
$exportContentType = "application/xml";
// this will be used for unAPI XML response output
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the correct parameters have been passed:
if (empty($unapiID) or !empty($unapiID) and !isset($_REQUEST['format'])) {
    // if 'unapi.php' was called without the 'format' parameter, we'll return an appropriate unAPI XML response:
    // Set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given
    // in '$contentTypeCharset' (which is defined in ''):
    setHeaderContentType($exportContentType, $contentTypeCharset);
    // function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in ''
    echo unapiExplainResponse($unapiID);
    // function 'unapiExplainResponse()' is defined in ''
} else {
    // Build the correct query URL:
    // (we skip unnecessary parameters here since 'show.php' will use it's default values for them)
    $queryURL = "&submit=" . $displayType . "&exportFormat=" . rawurlencode($exportFormat) . "&exportType=" . $exportType . "&citeOrder=" . $citeOrder . "&citeStyle=" . rawurlencode($citeStyle) . "&citeType=" . $citeType;
    // call 'show.php' with the correct query URL in order to output record details in the requested format:
    header("Location: {$unapiID}{$queryURL}");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 4
function returnDiagnostic($diagCode, $diagDetails)
    global $exportContentType;
    global $contentTypeCharset;
    // '$contentTypeCharset' is defined in ''
    global $exportStylesheet;
    // use an appropriate default stylesheet:
    if ($exportStylesheet == "DEFAULT") {
        $exportStylesheet = "";
    // TODO: create a stylesheet ('diag2html.xsl') that's appropriate for SRW diagnostics
    // Set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given in '$contentTypeCharset':
    setHeaderContentType($exportContentType, $contentTypeCharset);
    // function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in ''
    // Return SRW diagnostics (i.e. SRW error information) wrapped into SRW XML ('searchRetrieveResponse'):
    echo srwDiagnostics($diagCode, $diagDetails, $exportStylesheet);
    // function 'srwDiagnostics()' is defined in ''
Esempio n. 5
    // redirect to main page ('index.php') which will display the error message stored within the 'HeaderString' session variable
    // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !EXIT! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function 'connectToMySQLDatabase()' is defined in ''
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// (3) RUN the query on the database through the connection:
$result = queryMySQLDatabase($query);
// function 'queryMySQLDatabase()' is defined in ''
// find out how many rows are available:
$rowsFound = @mysql_num_rows($result);
// construct a meaningful channel description based on the specified 'WHERE' clause:
$rssChannelDescription = "Displays all newly added records where " . explainSQLQuery($sanitizedWhereClause) . ".";
// function 'explainSQLQuery()' is defined in ''
// Generate RSS XML data from the result set (upto the limit given in '$showRows'):
$rssFeed = generateRSS($result, $showRows, $rssChannelDescription);
// function 'generateRSS()' is defined in ''
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// (4) DISPLAY search results as RSS feed:
// set mimetype to 'application/rss+xml' and character encoding to the one given in '$contentTypeCharset' (which is defined in ''):
setHeaderContentType("application/rss+xml", $contentTypeCharset);
// function 'setHeaderContentType()' is defined in ''
echo $rssFeed;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// (5) CLOSE the database connection:
// function 'disconnectFromMySQLDatabase()' is defined in ''
// --------------------------------------------------------------------