Esempio n. 1
function fahuodanrefer_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    $value = $fieldvalue;
    $color = setColorByName($value);
    $outtype = returntablefield("fahuodan", "billid", $fields['value'][$i]['billid'], "outtype");
    if ($outtype == "销售出库") {
        $billinfo = returntablefield("sellplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "billtype,zhuti");
        $billtype = $billinfo['billtype'];
        $title = $billinfo['zhuti'];
        if ($billtype == '1') {
            $url = "sellcontract_newai.php";
        } else {
            if ($billtype == '2') {
                $url = "sellplanmain_newai.php";
            } else {
                if ($billtype == '3') {
                    $url = "sellonemain_newai.php";
        $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='{$url}?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue) . "' target='_blank'>" . $title . "</a>";
    } else {
        if ($outtype == '返厂出库') {
            $title = returntablefield("buyplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "zhuti");
            $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='buyplanmain_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid={$fieldvalue}") . "' target='_blank'>{$title}</a>";
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 2
function stockinrefer_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    $color = setColorByName($fieldvalue);
    if (stristr($fields['value'][$i]['intype'], "采购入库")) {
        $title = returntablefield("buyplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "zhuti");
        $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='buyplanmain_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue) . "' target='_blank'>" . $title . "</a>";
    } else {
        if (stristr($fields['value'][$i]['intype'], "退货入库")) {
            $title = returntablefield("sellplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "zhuti");
            $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='sellonemain_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue) . "' target='_blank'>" . $title . "</a>";
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 3
function relatePrice_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    global $db;
    $sql = "select fieldname,chinese from systemlang where tablename='product' and fieldname='{$fieldvalue}'";
    $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
    $rs_a = $rs->GetArray();
    if (sizeof($rs_a) == 1) {
        $colorValue = setColorByName($rs_a[0]['chinese']);
        $fieldvalue = "<font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0]['chinese'] . "</font>";
    } else {
        $fieldvalue = "";
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 4
function fahuodansupply_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    $value = $fieldvalue;
    $color = setColorByName($value);
    $fahuoinfo = returntablefield("fahuodan", "billid", $fields['value'][$i]['billid'], "outtype,customerid");
    $outtype = $fahuoinfo['outtype'];
    $customerid = $fahuoinfo['customerid'];
    if ($outtype == "销售出库") {
        $supplyname = returntablefield("customer", "rowid", $customerid, "supplyname");
        $color = setColorByName($supplyname);
        $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='customer_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $customerid) . "' target='_blank'>" . $supplyname . "</a>";
    } else {
        if ($outtype == '返厂出库') {
            $supplyname = returntablefield("supply", "rowid", $customerid, "supplyname");
            $color = setColorByName($supplyname);
            $fieldvalue = "<a style='color:{$color}' href='supply_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $customerid) . "' target='_blank'>" . $supplyname . "</a>";
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 5
function accessbank_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    $id = $fields['value'][$i]['编号'];
    $opertype = returntablefield("accessbank", "id", $id, "opertype");
    $parent = returntablefield("accesstype", "name", $opertype, "parent");
    $parentname = returntablefield("accesstype", "id", $parent, "name");
    $colorValue = setColorByName($fieldvalue);
    if ($parentname == '货款') {
        if ($opertype == '货款支付') {
            $billinfo = returntablefield("buyplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "zhuti,billid");
            $fieldvalue = "<a href='buyplanmain_newai.php?action=view_default&billid=" . $billinfo['billid'] . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $billinfo['zhuti'] . "</font></a>";
        } else {
            $billinfo = returntablefield("sellplanmain", "billid", $fieldvalue, "zhuti,billid");
            $fieldvalue = "<a href='sellplanmain_newai.php?action=view_default&billid=" . $billinfo['billid'] . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $billinfo['zhuti'] . "</font></a>";
    } else {
        if ($parentname == '预收预付') {
            if ($opertype == '预收货款') {
                $fieldvalue = "<a href='accesspreshou_newai.php?action=view_default&id=" . $fieldvalue . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $opertype . "-" . $fieldvalue . "</font></a>";
            } else {
                $fieldvalue = "<a href='accessprepay_newai.php?action=view_default&id=" . $fieldvalue . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $opertype . "-" . $fieldvalue . "</font></a>";
        } else {
            if ($opertype == '其他收入') {
                $fieldvalue = "<a href='v_shoururecord_newai.php?action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $opertype . "-" . $fieldvalue . "</font></a>";
            } else {
                if ($opertype == '费用支出') {
                    $fieldvalue = "<a href='v_feiyongrecord_newai.php?action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $opertype . "-" . $fieldvalue . "</font></a>";
                } else {
                    if ($opertype == '资金注入' || $opertype == '资金抽取') {
                        $fieldvalue = "<a href='bankzhuru_newai.php?action=view_default&billid=" . $fieldvalue . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $opertype . "-" . $fieldvalue . "</font></a>";
                    } else {
                        $fieldvalue = $parentname . "单-" . $fieldvalue;
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 6
function callchuli_value($fieldvalue, $fields, $i)
    $uniturl = '';
    $colorValue = setColorByName($fieldvalue);
    if ($fields['value'][$i]['callertype'] == '客户') {
        $uniturl = "<a href='customer_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $fields['value'][$i]['customerid']) . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>{$fieldvalue}</font></a>";
    } else {
        if ($fields['value'][$i]['callertype'] == '供应商') {
            $uniturl = "<a href='supply_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $fields['value'][$i]['customerid']) . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>{$fieldvalue}</font></a>";
        } else {
            $customerid = returntablefield("customer", "supplyname", $fieldvalue, "rowid");
            if ($customerid != '') {
                $uniturl = "<a href='customer_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $customerid) . "' target='_blank'><font color={$colorValue}>{$fieldvalue}</font></a>";
    if ($uniturl != '') {
        $fieldvalue = $uniturl;
    } else {
        $tel = returntablefield("callchuli", "id", $fields['value'][$i]['id'], "tel");
        $fieldvalue .= " <a href='customer_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=add_default&supplyname=" . $fieldvalue . "&phone=" . $tel) . "' target='_blank'><img src='../Framework/images/notify_new.gif' title='创建客户'></a>";
    return $fieldvalue;
Esempio n. 7
function returntablefieldColorFilterGray($tablename, $what, $value, $return, $groupfield = '', $groupvalue = '', $字段名称 = '', $hascolor = false)
    	 global $return_sql_line;
    	 $where_sql = $return_sql_line['where_sql'];;
    	 $where_sql_array = explode("where",$where_sql);
    	 if(trim($where_sql_array[1])!=""&&$字段名称!="")		{
    $ADD_SQL_WHERE_TEXT = " and $return in (select distinct $字段名称 $where_sql)";
    else	{
    global $db;
    if ($value == '') {
    if ($groupfield != "" && $groupvalue != "") {
        $sql = "select  {$return},{$what} from {$tablename} where {$what}='{$value}' and {$groupfield}='{$groupvalue}' {$ADD_SQL_WHERE_TEXT}";
        $TEMP_TAR = 1;
    } else {
        $sql = "select  {$return},{$what} from {$tablename} where {$what}='{$value}' {$ADD_SQL_WHERE_TEXT}";
        $TEMP_TAR = 0;
    $return2 = '';
    $rs = $db->CacheExecute(15, $sql);
    $rs_a = $rs->GetArray();
    if (sizeof($rs_a) == 0 || $rs_a[0][$return] == "") {
        $return2 = "<font color=gray title='在" . $tablename . "表关联信息中,找不到与本值对应的信息.'>{$value}</font>";
    } else {
        $cutvalue = cutStr($rs_a[0][$return], 13);
        $tip = '';
        if ($rs_a[0][$return] != $cutvalue) {
            $tip = "title='" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "'";
            $rs_a[0][$return] = $cutvalue . "..";
        $colorValue = setColorByName($value);
        if ($value == "是") {
            $colorValue = "green";
        } else {
            if ($value == "否") {
                $colorValue = "red";
        //print "".strval($value)."";exit;
        if ($tablename == 'customer') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/customer_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'supply') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/supply_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'linkman') {
            //$id = isset($rs_a[0]['ROWID'])?$rs_a[0]['ROWID']:$value;
            if (isset($rs_a[0]['ROWID'])) {
                $id = $rs_a[0]['ROWID'];
                $qq = returntablefield("linkman", "rowid", $id, "fax");
                $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/linkman_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
            } else {
                $return2 = $rs_a[0][$return];
        } elseif ($tablename == 'supplylinkman') {
            //$id = isset($rs_a[0]['ROWID'])?$rs_a[0]['ROWID']:$value;
            if (isset($rs_a[0]['ROWID'])) {
                $id = $rs_a[0]['ROWID'];
            } else {
                $sql = "select ROWID from {$tablename} where supplyname='" . $value . "'";
                $rowid_rs = $db->CacheExecute(15, $sql);
                $rowid = $rowid_rs->GetArray();
                $id = $rowid[0]['ROWID'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/supplylinkman_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'user') {
            if (isset($rs_a[0]['ROWID'])) {
                $id = $rs_a[0]['ROWID'];
            } else {
                $sql = "select UID from {$tablename} where USER_ID='" . $value . "'";
                $rowid_rs = $db->CacheExecute(15, $sql);
                $rowid = $rowid_rs->GetArray();
                $id = $rowid[0]['UID'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../Framework/user_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&UID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'crm_chance') {
            if (isset($rs_a[0]['编号'])) {
                $id = $rs_a[0]['编号'];
            } else {
                $sql = "select 编号  from {$tablename} where 机会主题='" . $value . "'";
                $rowid_rs = $db->CacheExecute(15, $sql);
                $rowid = $rowid_rs->GetArray();
                $id = $rowid[0]['编号'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/crm_chance_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&编号=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'product') {
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/product_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&productid=" . $value) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'sellplanmain') {
            $id = $rs_a[0]['billid'];
            $billtype = returntablefield($tablename, "billid", $id, "billtype");
            if ($billtype == 1) {
                $urlName = "sellcontract";
            } else {
                if ($billtype == 2) {
                    $urlName = "sellplanmain";
                } else {
                    if ($billtype == 3) {
                        $urlName = "sellonemain";
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/" . $urlName . "_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'buyplanmain') {
            $id = $rs_a[0]['billid'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/buyplanmain_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&billid=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'stock') {
            $id = $rs_a[0]['ROWID'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/store_product_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=init_default&storeid=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'bank') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/v_accessbank_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=init_default&银行账户=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'fahuotype') {
            $id = $rs_a[0]['id'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/fahuodan_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=init_default&fahuotype=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'customerproduct') {
            $id = $rs_a[0]['ROWID'];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/customerproduct_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&ROWID=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'customer_xuqiu') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/customer_xuqiu_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&{$what}=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'crm_shenqingbaobei') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../JXC/crm_shenqingbaobei_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&{$what}=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } elseif ($tablename == 'workplanmain') {
            $id = $rs_a[0][$what];
            $return2 = "<a target='_blank' {$tip} href='../CRM/workplanmain_newai.php?" . base64_encode("action=view_default&{$what}=" . $id) . "'><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></a>";
        } else {
            if ($hascolor) {
                $return2 = "<span {$tip}><font color={$colorValue}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</font></span>";
            } else {
                $return2 = "<span {$tip}>" . $rs_a[0][$return] . "</span>";
    //print $return2;print $value;print "<BR>";
    //if($value=="50001")		exit;
    //print $return2;exit;
    //if($TEMP_TAR == 1)	print_R($return2);
    return $return2;