Esempio n. 1
 if ($action == 'solve') {
     $pid = $_GET["pid"];
     if ($solve = 'ignored') {
         mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}helpdesk SET solved='ignored', solved_by={$CURUSER['uid']}, solved_date = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id={$pid}");
 if ($msg_answer != "" && $id != 0) {
     $zap_usr = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id = {$addedbyid}");
     $wyn_usr = mysqli_fetch_array($zap_usr);
     $addedby_name = $wyn_usr["username"];
     $ans_usr = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id = {$CURUSER['uid']}");
     $wan_usr = mysqli_fetch_array($ans_usr);
     $sendby_name = $wan_usr["username"];
     $msg = sqlesc("[color=red][b]From the {$SITENAME} HELPDESK [/b][/color]\n\n[quote=" . $addedby_name . "]" . $msg_problem . "[/quote]\n" . $msg_answer . "\n\nregards {$SITENAME} staff member {$sendby_name}");
     mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}helpdesk SET solved='yes', solved_by={$CURUSER['uid']}, solved_date = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), msg_answer = " . sqlesc($msg_answer) . " WHERE id={$id}");
     send_pm($CURUSER[uid], $addedbyid, sqlesc('Helpdesk'), $msg);
 if ($msg_problem != "" && $title != "") {
     do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}helpdesk (title, msg_problem, added, added_by) VALUES (" . sqlesc($title) . ", " . sqlesc($msg_problem) . ", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),  {$CURUSER['uid']})", true);
     err_msg("Help desk", "Message sent! Await for reply.");
 if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["id_level"] >= 6) {
     $st_usr = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id = {$CURUSER['uid']}");
     $sta_usr = mysqli_fetch_array($st_usr);
     $staff_name = $sta_usr["username"];
     $countt = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}helpdesk WHERE solved='no'");
     $count = count($countt);
     print "<center><a href=index.php?page=modules&amp;module=helpdesk&action=problems><h1><br><font color=steelblue>welcome staff member " . $staff_name . " there are </font><font color=red>" . $count . " </font><font color=steelblue>unanswered questions waiting</font></h1></a></center>";
Esempio n. 2
File: dj.php Progetto: Karpec/gizd
     $genre = trim($_POST['genre']);
     if (is_array($activedays) and count($activedays) and 5 < strlen($activetime) and 2 < strlen($genre)) {
         $selectedadays = array();
         foreach ($activedays as $ad) {
             if ($availabledays[$ad]) {
                 $selectedadays[] = $availabledays[$ad];
         if (count($selectedadays)) {
             $activedays = implode(',', $selectedadays);
             do_sqlquery('INSERT INTO ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'shoutcastdj VALUES (NULL, \'' . $CURUSER['uid'] . '\', \'0\', ' . sqlesc($activedays) . ', ' . sqlesc($activetime) . ', ' . sqlesc($genre) . ')', true);
             $id = is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? false : $___mysqli_res;
             $query = do_sqlquery('SELECT FROM ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users u LEFT JOIN ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users_level g ON WHERE delete_users=\'yes\'', true);
             while ($si = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                 send_pm(0, $si[id], sqlesc($language['subject']), sqlesc('' . $language['msg'] . ' ' . $CURUSER['username'] . ' ' . $language['msgg'] . ' [url]' . $BASEURL . '/index.php?page=dj&do=list&id=' . $id . '[/url]'));
             success_msg($language['SUCCESS'], $language['thanks']);
             stdfoot(true, false);
         } else {
             stderr($language['ERROR'], $language['blank']);
     } else {
         stderr($language['ERROR'], $language['blank']);
 $availabledays = explode(',', $language['days']);
 $days = '';
 $i = 0;
 while ($i < 7) {
Esempio n. 3
if ($CURUSER["can_upload"] == "no") {
    // do nothing
} else {
    $reqfilledtpl = new bTemplate();
    $reqfilledtpl->set("language", $language);
    $reqfilledtpl->set("rf0", "<table align='center' width=550 class=lista><tr><td class=lista align=center width=100%>");
    $filledurl = $_GET["filledurl"];
    $requestid = $_GET["requestid"];
    $filldate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT users.username, requests.userid, requests.request FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}requests requests inner join {$TABLE_PREFIX}users users on requests.userid = where = {$requestid}") or sqlerr();
    $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users where id =" . $CURUSER[uid]) or sqlerr();
    $arr2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
    $msg = "" . REQUEST . ": [url={$BASEURL}/index.php?page=reqdetails&id=" . $requestid . "][b]" . $arr[request] . "[/b][/url], is filled by [url={$BASEURL}/index.php?page=userdetails&id=" . $CURUSER[uid] . "][b]" . $arr2[username] . "[/b][/url].\r\n\r\nThe torrent can be downloaded from the following link:\r\n[url=" . $filledurl . "][b]" . $filledurl . "[/b][/url]\r\n\r\nDo not forget to thank the uploader.\r\nIf for some reason this is not what you want, please reset this by clicking [url={$BASEURL}/index.php?page=reqreset&requestid=" . $requestid . "][b]HERE![/b][/url].\r\n\r\n[b]DO NOT[/b] click the link unless you are absolutly sure you want to reset the request.";
    $subject = "Your torrent request is filled !";
    mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}requests SET filled = '{$filledurl}', fulfilled= '{$filldate}', filledby = {$CURUSER['uid']} WHERE id = {$requestid}") or sqlerr();
    if ($btit_settings["req_rwon"] == true) {
        if ($btit_settings["req_sbmb"] == true) {
            mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET uploaded = uploaded + {$btit_settings['req_mb']}  WHERE id={$CURUSER['uid']}");
        if ($btit_settings["req_sbmb"] == false) {
            mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET seedbonus = seedbonus + {$btit_settings['req_sb']} WHERE id={$CURUSER['uid']}");
    send_pm($CURUSER[uid], $arr[userid], sqlesc($subject), sqlesc($msg));
    $reqfilledtpl->set("rf1", "<table class=lista align=center width=550 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>\n");
    $reqfilledtpl->set("rf2", "<br><BR><div align=left>Request " . $arr[request] . " has now been successfuly filled here: <a href={$filledurl}>{$filledurl}</a>.  User <a href=index.php?page=account-details&id={$arr['userid']}><b>{$arr['username']}</b></a> has recieved a PM about this upload.  <br>\r\n<br><b>Is this is an accident?</b><br><br>No worries, only <a href=index.php?page=reqreset&requestid={$requestid}><b>CLICK HERE</b></a> to reset this request.<br><b>WARNING</b> do not click this unless you realy want to reset the request !<br><BR></div>");
    $reqfilledtpl->set("rf3", "<BR><BR>Thanks for filling out this request :)<br><br>Go back to<a href=index.php?page=viewrequests><b> View Requests</b></a>");
    $reqfilledtpl->set("rf4", "</td></tr></table></table>");
Esempio n. 4
function check_upload($tmp_name = "", $name = "")
    global $btit_settings, $language, $CURUSER;
    Return values
    1 = $tmp_name empty
    2 = $name empty
    3 = $tmp_name doesn't exist
    4 = At least one of the banned triggers were matched
    5 = All good
    if ($tmp_name == "") {
        return 1;
    if ($name == "") {
        return 2;
    if (file_exists($tmp_name)) {
        $handle = fopen($tmp_name, "r");
        $haystack = " " . fread($handle, filesize($tmp_name));
        $needles = isset($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_search_terms"]) && !empty($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_search_terms"]) ? explode(",", $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_search_terms"]) : array();
        $found = "no";
        if (is_array($needles) && !empty($needles)) {
            foreach ($needles as $needle) {
                if ($found == "no" && strpos($haystack, $needle)) {
                    $found = "yes";
        if ($found == "yes") {
            $quarantined_name = "";
            if (is_dir($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"])) {
                if (is_writable($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"])) {
                    $quarantined_name = $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"] . "/hack_attempt_" . $CURUSER["uid"] . "-" . time() . "-" . $name;
                    move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $quarantined_name);
                } else {
                    send_pm(0, $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_pm"], sqlesc($language["QUAR_ERR"]), sqlesc($language["QUAR_DIR_PROBLEM_1"] . " " . (!empty($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"]) ? "([b]" . $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"] . "[/b]) " : "") . $language["QUAR_DIR_PROBLEM_3"]));
            } else {
                send_pm(0, $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_pm"], sqlesc($language["QUAR_ERR"]), sqlesc($language["QUAR_DIR_PROBLEM_1"] . " " . (!empty($btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"]) ? "([b]" . $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_dir"] . "[/b]) " : "") . $language["QUAR_DIR_PROBLEM_2"]));
            send_pm(0, $btit_settings["secsui_quarantine_pm"], sqlesc($language["QUAR_PM_SUBJ"]), sqlesc("[url=" . $BASEURL . "/index.php?page=userdetails&id=" . $CURUSER["uid"] . "]" . $CURUSER["username"] . "[/url] " . $language["QUAR_PM_MSG_1"] . ":" . "\n\n[b]" . (isset($quarantined_name) && !empty($quarantined_name) ? $quarantined_name : "[color=red]" . $language["QUAR_UNABLE"] . "[/color]") . "[/b]\n\n" . $language["QUAR_PM_MSG_2"] . " [b]" . getip() . "[/b]\n\n" . ":yikes:"));
            return 4;
        } else {
            return 5;
    } else {
        return 3;
Esempio n. 5
$admintpl->set("search_value", $diff);
// it's final step, users get new group and pm are send
if ($changeug == "Work" && isset($_POST["uyedegis"])) {
    $dis = "";
    if ($grupdegis == "evet") {
        $dis .= "<div align=\"center\">";
        foreach ($_POST["uyedegis"] as $uyedegis => $degeri) {
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET id_level='" . $kullan1 . "' WHERE id='" . $degeri . "'");
            $dis .= "User <b>" . $degeri . "</b> ID LEVEL has changed to <b>" . $kullan1 . "</b><br />";
        $dis .= "</div>";
    if ($mesajat == "evet") {
        $dis .= "<div align=\"center\">";
        foreach ($_POST["uyedegis"] as $uyedegis => $degeri) {
            send_pm($gonderen, $degeri, $baslik, $mesajmetni);
            $dis .= "PM send to User <b>" . $degeri . "</b><br />";
        $dis .= "</div>";
    $admintpl->set("show_tasks", $dis);
    $admintpl->set("language", $language);
    $admintpl->set("final_result", true, true);
    $admintpl->set("display_result", false, true);
if ($readyto == "Go") {
    $mdiff = $_POST["diff"] * $s[$_POST["type"]];
    $admintpl->set("search_diff_title", "Search for difference >" . makesize($mdiff) . " and User Group = " . ($kullan == 0 ? "ALL" : $kullan));
    $admintpl->set("final_result", false, true);
    $admintpl->set("display_result", true, true);
    $admintpl->set("pm_bbcode", textbbcode("act", "mesajmetni", ""));
Esempio n. 6
    $torrenturl = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $_POST["torrenturl"]);
    $type = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $_POST["type"]);
    if ($expecttitle == "" || $cat == 0 || $descr == "") {
        stderr($language["ERROR"], $language["ERR_MISSING_DATA"]);
    $expect = sqlesc($expecttitle);
    $descr = sqlesc($descr);
    $date = sqlesc($date);
    $cat = sqlesc($cat);
    $upl = sqlesc($uploaded);
    $torurl = sqlesc($torrenturl);
    $tpe = sqlesc($type);
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}expected SET expect_offer={$tpe}, cat={$cat}, expect={$expect}, descr={$descr}, date={$date}, uploaded={$upl}, torrenturl={$torurl} WHERE id={$id}");
    if ($type == 'yes' and $uploaded == 'yes') {
        $ms = sqlesc("Some time ago, you voted for the torrent: " . $expecttitle . "\n\n\nWe like to lett you know it is uploaded and you can get it here :\n\n\n[url]" . $torrenturl . "[/url]\n\n\n[color=red][b]THIS IS AN AUTOMATIC SYSTEM MESSAGE PLEASE DON,T REPLY[/b][/color]");
        $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "select userid from {$TABLE_PREFIX}addedexpected where expectid = " . $id) or die(is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
            $kk = $row["userid"];
            send_pm(0, $kk, sqlesc('Voted offer is uploaded'), $ms);
    //pm end
    header("Refresh: 0; url=index.php?page=viewexpected");
} else {
    stderr($language["ERROR"], $language["ERR_NOT_AUTH"]);
Esempio n. 7
                 do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}personal_messages (ID_MEMBER_FROM, fromName, msgtime, subject, body) VALUES (".$CURUSER["smf_fid"].", '".$CURUSER["username"]."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), $subject, $msg)",true);
                 do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}pm_recipients (ID_PM, ID_MEMBER) VALUES ($pm_id, $rec)");
                 do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$db_prefix}members SET instantMessages=instantMessages+1, unreadMessages=unreadMessages+1 WHERE ID_MEMBER=$rec");
                 do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}messages (sender, receiver, added, subject, msg) VALUES ($send,$rec,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),$subject,$msg)") or die(mysql_error());
             $hmm = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}ignore WHERE ignore_id = '{$uid}' AND user_id = '{$rec}' ");
             if (mysql_num_rows($hmm)) {
                 redirect("index.php?page=usercp&uid=" . $uid . "&do=ign");
             } else {
                 // replaced by send_pm function
                 send_pm($CURUSER['uid'], $rec, $subject, $msg);
             // beta
             send_mail($CURUSER['email'], $subject, $msg);
             // beta
             redirect("index.php?page=usercp&uid=" . $uid . "&do=pm&action=list");
 case 'deleteall':
     if ($FORUMLINK == "smf") {
         redirect("index.php?page=forum&action=pm" . ($_GET["type"] == "out" ? ";f=outbox" : ""));
     if (isset($_GET["type"])) {
Esempio n. 8
 Online Quiz , Welcome <?php 
echo $CURUSER["username"];
<br />
<form name="quiz" method="post" action="index.php?page=modules&amp;module=quiz">
if ($_POST["do"] == "finish") {
    $rans = $_POST["rans"];
    $tq = $_POST["tq"];
    $seedbon = $btit_settings["quizbon"];
    if ($tq == $rans and $btit_settings["quizp"] == true) {
        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `seedbonus`=seedbonus+'" . $seedbon . "' WHERE `id`=" . $CURUSER["uid"] . "", true);
        send_pm(0, $user, sqlesc('You have a 100% score for the Quiz!'), sqlesc("You have a 100% score for our Quiz!\n\n Congratulations , you did recieve " . $seedbon . " seedbonus points !!\n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]"));
    $end = $_POST["end"];
    $startposition = $_POST["startposition"];
    echo "<table cellpadding='5px' align='center' style='border:1px solid silver' width='80%'\nbgcolor='green'>";
    echo "<tr><td>Total Question Attempt</td><td>", $tq, "</td><tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Correct Answer</td><td>", $rans, "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Wrong Answer</td><td>", $tq - $rans, "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Correct Answer Percentage</td><td>", $rans / $tq * 100, "%</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Wrong Answer Percenntage</td><td>", ($tq - $rans) / $tq * 100, "%</td></tr>";
    echo "</table><br><br>";
    $query = "select * from {$TABLE_PREFIX}quiz where qid<='{$end}' and qid>='{$startposition}'";
    echo "<table cellpadding='5px' align='center' style='border:1px\nsolid silver'>";
    echo "<tr><th colspan='4' id='heading'>Online Quiz Test\nQuestion</td></tr>";
    $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $query);
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
Esempio n. 9
    $new_logs = dbcount("(log_id)", DB_FAILED_LOGINS, "datestamp > '" . (int) $settings['cronjob_hour'] . "'");
    if ($new_logs) {
        $result = dbquery("SELECT COUNT(fl.log_id) AS tries, fl.user_id, fl.datestamp, MIN(fl.datestamp) AS mindate, MAX(fl.datestamp) AS maxdate,\r\n\t\t\ttu.user_language\r\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB_FAILED_LOGINS . " fl\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu ON fl.user_id=tu.user_id\r\n\t\t\tWHERE datestamp > '" . (int) $settings['cronjob_hour'] . "'\r\n\t\t\tGROUP BY user_id");
        $reinc = false;
        while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
            if ($data['user_language'] != "" && $data['user_language'] != $settings['locale'] && file_exists(LOCALE . $data['user_language'] . "/global.php")) {
                include LOCALE . $data['user_language'] . "/global.php";
                $reinc = true;
            $message = sprintf($locale['flogins_101'], $data['tries']);
            if ($data['tries'] == 1) {
                $message .= sprintf($locale['flogins_102'], showdate($settings['longdate'], $data['datestamp']));
            } else {
                $message .= sprintf($locale['flogins_103'], showdate($settings['longdate'], $data['mindate']), showdate($settings['longdate'], $data['maxdate']));
            send_pm($data['user_id'], "0", $locale['flogins_100'], $message, "0");
        if ($reinc) {
            include LOCALE . LOCALESET . "global.php";
    $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_SETTINGS . " SET settings_value='" . (int) $time_now . "' WHERE settings_name='cronjob_hour'");
// Cron Job (24 HOUR)
if ($settings['cronjob_day'] < time() - 86400) {
    $new_time = time();
    $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_THREAD_NOTIFY . " WHERE notify_datestamp < '" . (time() - 1209600) . "'");
    $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_NEW_USERS . " WHERE user_datestamp < '" . (time() - 86400) . "'");
    // Check if there are any suspended users, and un-suspend them if the suspend-time is over
    $usr_inactive = dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_status='3' AND user_actiontime!='0' AND user_actiontime < '" . time() . "'");
    if ($usr_inactive) {
  * Execute Normal and Inline Thread Moderation
  * @param array $thread_options Moderation information
  * @param array Thread IDs. Only the first one will be used, but it needs to be an array
  * @return boolean true
 function execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids)
     global $db, $mybb;
     $tid = (int) $tids[0];
     // Take the first thread to get thread data from
     $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'fid', "tid='{$tid}'");
     $thread = $db->fetch_array($query);
     // If deleting threads, only do that
     if ($thread_options['deletethread'] == 1) {
         foreach ($tids as $tid) {
     } else {
         if ($thread_options['mergethreads'] == 1 && count($tids) > 1) {
             $tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
             $options = array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'DESC');
             $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'tid, subject', "tid IN ({$tid_list})", $options);
             // Select threads from newest to oldest
             $last_tid = 0;
             while ($tid = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 if ($last_tid != 0) {
                     $this->merge_threads($last_tid, $tid['tid'], $tid['subject']);
                     // And keep merging them until we get down to one thread.
                 $last_tid = $tid['tid'];
         if ($thread_options['deletepoll'] == 1) {
             foreach ($tids as $tid) {
         if ($thread_options['removeredirects'] == 1) {
             foreach ($tids as $tid) {
         if ($thread_options['removesubscriptions'] == 1) {
             $this->remove_thread_subscriptions($tids, true);
         if ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'approve') {
             $this->approve_threads($tids, $thread['fid']);
         } elseif ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'unapprove') {
             $this->unapprove_threads($tids, $thread['fid']);
         } elseif ($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'toggle') {
             $this->toggle_thread_visibility($tids, $thread['fid']);
         if ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'softdelete') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'restore') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['softdeletethread'] == 'toggle') {
         if ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'open') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'close') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['openthread'] == 'toggle') {
         if ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'stick') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'unstick') {
         } elseif ($thread_options['stickthread'] == 'toggle') {
         if ($thread_options['threadprefix'] != '-1') {
             $this->apply_thread_prefix($tids, $thread_options['threadprefix']);
             // Update thread prefix
         if (my_strtolower(trim($thread_options['newsubject'])) != '{subject}') {
             $this->change_thread_subject($tids, $thread_options['newsubject']);
         if (!empty($thread_options['addreply'])) {
             $tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
             $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'uid, fid, subject, tid, firstpost, closed', "tid IN ({$tid_list}) AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'");
             require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php";
             // Loop threads adding a reply to each one
             while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 $posthandler = new PostDataHandler("insert");
                 if (empty($thread_options['replysubject'])) {
                     $new_subject = 'RE: ' . $thread['subject'];
                 } else {
                     $new_subject = str_ireplace('{username}', $mybb->user['username'], $thread_options['replysubject']);
                     $new_subject = str_ireplace('{subject}', $thread['subject'], $new_subject);
                 // Set the post data that came from the input to the $post array.
                 $post = array("tid" => $thread['tid'], "replyto" => $thread['firstpost'], "fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $new_subject, "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "username" => $mybb->user['username'], "message" => $thread_options['addreply'], "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())));
                 // Set up the post options from the input.
                 $post['options'] = array("signature" => 1, "emailnotify" => 0, "disablesmilies" => 0);
                 if ($thread['closed'] == 1) {
                     // Keep this thread closed
                     $post['modoptions']['closethread'] = 1;
                 if ($posthandler->validate_post($post)) {
         if ($thread_options['movethread'] > 0 && $thread_options['movethread'] != $thread['fid']) {
             if ($thread_options['movethreadredirect'] == 1) {
                 $time = TIME_NOW + $thread_options['movethreadredirectexpire'] * 86400;
                 foreach ($tids as $tid) {
                     $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['movethread'], 'redirect', $time);
             } else {
                 $this->move_threads($tids, $thread_options['movethread']);
         if ($thread_options['copythread'] > 0 || $thread_options['copythread'] == -2) {
             if ($thread_options['copythread'] == -2) {
                 $thread_options['copythread'] = $thread['fid'];
             foreach ($tids as $tid) {
                 $new_tid = $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['copythread'], 'copy');
         if (!empty($thread_options['recountrebuild'])) {
             require_once MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/functions_rebuild.php';
             foreach ($tids as $tid) {
     // Do we have a PM subject and PM message?
     if (isset($thread_options['pm_subject']) && $thread_options['pm_subject'] != '' && isset($thread_options['pm_message']) && $thread_options['pm_message'] != '') {
         $tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
         // For each thread, we send a PM to the author
         $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'uid', "tid IN ({$tid_list})");
         while ($uid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'uid')) {
             // Let's send our PM
             $pm = array('subject' => $thread_options['pm_subject'], 'message' => $thread_options['pm_message'], 'touid' => $uid);
             send_pm($pm, $mybb->user['uid'], 1);
     return true;
Esempio n. 11
                 $tables = $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users u';
                 if ($ratio) {
                     $where .= ' AND ((u.uploaded)/(u.downloaded=0))' . $pick;
             # get data
             $pm_users = get_result('SELECT, u.username FROM ' . $tables . ' ' . $where, true);
             $i = 0;
             # revamp data
             foreach ($pm_users as $cur) {
                 if (!$pm_sender && $cur['id'] == $CURUSER['uid']) {
                 if ($pm) {
                     send_pm($sender, $cur['id'], $subject, $msg);
                 if ($list_users) {
                     $l_users[] = '<a href="' . $BASEURL . '/index.php?page=userdetails&amp;id=' . $cur['id'] . '">' . $cur['username'] . '</a>';
             # set output vars
             $block_title = $language['MASS_SENT'];
             $masspm_post = true;
             $masspm['subject'] = $original_subject;
             $masspm['body'] = format_comment($original_msg);
             $masspm['info'] = '<b>' . $i . '</b> ' . $language['USERS_FOUND'] . ' ' . $rank_details . ' ' . $ratio_d . ' !! ' . (!$pm ? ' [ DEBUG MODE ] ' : '') . '<br /><br />' . $language['USERS_PMED'] . '<br />' . implode(' - ', $l_users);
 case 'write':
Esempio n. 12
function warn_user($UserID, $Duration, $Reason) {
	global $LoggedUser, $DB, $Cache, $Time;

	$DB->query("SELECT Warned FROM users_info WHERE UserID=".$UserID." AND Warned <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
	if($DB->record_count() > 0) {
		//User was already warned, appending new warning to old.
		list($OldDate) = $DB->next_record();
		$NewExpDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($OldDate) + $Duration);

		send_pm($UserID, 0, db_string("You have received multiple warnings."), db_string("When you received your latest warning (Set to expire on ".date("Y-m-d", (time() + $Duration))."), you already had a different warning (Set to expire on ".date("Y-m-d", strtotime($OldDate)).").\n\n Due to this collision, your warning status will now expire at ".$NewExpDate."."));

		$AdminComment = date("Y-m-d").' - Warning (Clash) extended to expire at '.$NewExpDate.' by '.$LoggedUser['Username']."\nReason: $Reason\n";

		$DB->query('UPDATE users_info SET
			WHERE UserID=\''.db_string($UserID).'\'');
	} else {
		//Not changing, user was not already warned
		$WarnTime = time_plus($Duration);

		$Cache->update_row(false, array('Warned' => $WarnTime));

		$AdminComment = "\n".date("Y-m-d").' - Warned until '.$WarnTime.' by '.$LoggedUser['Username']."\nReason: $Reason\n";

		$DB->query('UPDATE users_info SET
			WHERE UserID=\''.db_string($UserID).'\'');
Esempio n. 13
function do_sanity($ts = 0)
    // Lets try upping the max_execution_time and memory_limit if we can (Code from Pet/FM)
    if (@ini_get("max_execution_time") < 300) {
        @ini_set("max_execution_time", 300);
    if (trim(@ini_get("memory_limit"), "M") < 128) {
        @ini_set("memory_limit", "128M");
    global $clean_interval, $BASEURL, $btit_settings, $XBTT_USE, $db_prefix, $autopruneusers, $email_on_prune, $days_members, $days_not_comfirm, $days_to_email, $PRIVATE_ANNOUNCE, $TORRENTSDIR, $CURRENTPATH, $LIVESTATS, $LOG_HISTORY, $TABLE_PREFIX, $DOXPATH, $DBDT;
    $THIS_BASEPATH = dirname(__FILE__);
    $days = 14;
    $time = time() - $days * 86400;
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}bugs WHERE status != 'na' AND added < {$time}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    //delete bots after 48 hours
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}bots WHERE visit < (NOW() - INTERVAL 2880 MINUTE)");
    //end bots
    //delete last up/downloads after 48 hours
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}downloads WHERE date < (NOW() - INTERVAL 2880 MINUTE)");
    //end last up/downloads
    //show images in shoutbox
    if ($btit_settings["endtch"] == TRUE) {
        $shout = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
        $shoutrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($shout);
        $fp = $btit_settings["fix_chat"];
        if ($shoutrow["count"] >= $btit_settings["don_chat"]) {
            if ($btit_settings["ran_chat"] == TRUE) {
                do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat (uid, time, name, text) VALUES (0," . time() . ", 'System','[img]{$BASEURL}/images/shouts/shout.php[/img]')");
            } else {
                do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat (uid, time, name, text) VALUES (0," . time() . ", 'System','[img]{$BASEURL}/images/shouts/" . $fp . "[/img]')");
    //show images in shoutbox end
    //happy hour
    $happy_r = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(value_s) AS happy , value_i AS happys from {$TABLE_PREFIX}avps where arg='happyhour'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $happy_a = mysqli_fetch_array($happy_r);
    $curDate = time();
    $happyTime = $happy_a["happy"] + 3600;
    if ($happy_a["happys"] == 0) {
        $happyHour = happyHour();
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}avps set value_s=" . sqlesc($happyHour) . ", value_i='1' WHERE arg='happyhour' LIMIT 1 ") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    } elseif ($happy_a["happys"] == 1 && $curDate > $happyTime) {
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}avps set value_i='0' WHERE arg='happyhour' LIMIT 1 ");
    $switch = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` WHERE `external`='no'", true);
    $switch_happy = mysqli_fetch_array($switch);
    if ($switch_happy["happy_hour"] == "yes") {
        if (ishappyHour("check") && $happyTime > "0:00") {
            do_sqlquery("ALTER TABLE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` CHANGE `happy` `happy` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NULL DEFAULT 'yes'") or sqlerr();
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` SET `happy`='yes' WHERE `external`='no'", true);
        } else {
            do_sqlquery("ALTER TABLE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` CHANGE `happy` `happy` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NULL DEFAULT 'no'") or sqlerr();
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` SET `happy`='no' WHERE `external`='no'", true);
    // happy hour
    // featured
    if ($btit_settings["auto_feat"] == TRUE) {
        $feat = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT info_hash , leechers , image from {$TABLE_PREFIX}files where image!='' ORDER BY leechers DESC limit 1");
        $resfeat = mysqli_fetch_array($feat);
        do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}featured (fid,torrent_id) VALUES ('','{$resfeat['info_hash']}')");
    if ($XBTT_USE) {
        $ressb = do_sqlquery("SELECT uid FROM xbt_files_users as u INNER JOIN xbt_files as x ON u.fid=x.fid WHERE u.left = '0' AND x.flags='0' AND'1'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($ressb) > 0) {
            while ($arrsb = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ressb)) {
                $x = $arrsb["uid"];
                quickQuery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `seedbonus`=`seedbonus`+'" . number_format(($ts > 0 ? time() - $ts : $clean_interval) / 3600 * $GLOBALS["bonus"], 6, ".", "") . "' WHERE `id` = '{$x}'");
    } else {
        $ressb = do_sqlquery("SELECT pid FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers WHERE status = 'seeder'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($ressb) > 0) {
            while ($arrsb = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ressb)) {
                $x = $arrsb['pid'];
                quickQuery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `seedbonus`=`seedbonus`+'" . number_format(($ts > 0 ? time() - $ts : $clean_interval) / 3600 * $GLOBALS["bonus"], 6, ".", "") . "' WHERE `pid`= '{$x}'");
    $query = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` WHERE warn='yes'");
    while ($conf = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        if (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0) {
            $expire_dat = $conf['warnadded'];
            $expire2 = strtotime($expire_dat);
            $nown = strtotime("now");
            if ($nown >= $expire2) {
                $subj = sqlesc("Your Warning time is expired !!");
                $msg = sqlesc("You are not longer Warned , please be carefull to not make the same mistake again !!");
                send_pm(0, $conf[id], $subj, $msg);
                mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET warn='no' WHERE id='{$conf['id']}'") or sqlerr();
    //remove boot after expiration
    require_once load_language("lang_userdetails.php");
    $datetime = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $bootedstats = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE addbooted < '{$datetime}' AND booted='yes'");
    while ($arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($bootedstats)) {
        if (mysqli_num_rows($bootedstats) > 0) {
            $sub = sqlesc($language["BOOT_SUB"]);
            $mess = sqlesc($language["BOOT_MSG"]);
            send_pm(0, $arr[id], $sub, $mess);
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET booted='no' WHERE id='{$arr['id']}'") or sqlerr();
    //remove boot after expiration
    // DT request hack start
    $reqprune = $btit_settings["req_prune"];
    $request = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}requests WHERE filledby > '0' AND fulfilled < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$reqprune} DAY)");
    $reqrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($request);
    $reqid = $reqrow["id"];
    if (mysqli_num_rows($request) > 0) {
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}requests WHERE filledby > 0 AND id = {$reqid}");
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}addedrequests WHERE requestid = {$reqid}");
    // DT request hack end
    if ($autopruneusers) {
        $timeout = $days_members * 60 * 60 * 24;
        $timeout2 = $days_not_comfirm * 60 * 60 * 24;
        if ($GLOBALS["FORUMLINK"] == "smf") {
            do_sqlquery("DELETE u,smfm FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u INNER JOIN {$db_prefix}members smfm ON smfm.ID_MEMBER=u.smf_fid INNER JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON WHERE (u.id_level = '2' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.lastconnect)<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-{$timeout2}) AND ul.auto_prune='yes') OR (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect)<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-{$timeout}) AND ul.auto_prune='yes')");
        } else {
            do_sqlquery("DELETE u FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u INNER JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON WHERE (u.id_level = '2' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.lastconnect)<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-{$timeout2}) AND ul.auto_prune='yes') OR (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect)<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-{$timeout}) AND ul.auto_prune='yes')");
        if ($email_on_prune) {
            $timeout = $days_to_email * 60 * 60 * 24;
            $res = get_result("SELECT email, lastconnect FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u INNER JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP()>=(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect)+{$timeout}-{$clean_interval}/2) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP()<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect)+{$timeout}+{$clean_interval}/2) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect)<(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-{$timeout}) AND ul.auto_prune='yes'", true);
            foreach ($res as $id => $rusers) {
                send_mail($rusers["email"], $language["EMAIL_INACTIVE_SUBJ"], $language["EMAIL_INACTIVE_MSG"] . "\n\n" . $BASEURL . "/index.php");
    // Autoprune torrents
    if ($btit_settings["autotprune"] == TRUE) {
        quickQuery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` `f` " . ($XBTT_USE ? "LEFT JOIN `xbt_files` `xf` ON `f`.`bin_hash`=`xf`.`info_hash`" : "") . " SET `f`.`dead_time`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE ((" . ($XBTT_USE ? "`xf`.`seeders`>0 OR `xf`.`leechers`>0" : "`f`.`seeds`>0 OR `f`.`leechers`>0") . ") OR `f`.`dead_time`=0) AND `f`.`external`='no'");
        $res = get_result("SELECT `info_hash`, `bin_hash` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` WHERE `dead_time`<=" . (time() - $btit_settings["autotprundedays"] * 86400) . " AND `dead_time`!=0 AND `external`='no'");
        if (count($res) > 0) {
            foreach ($res as $row) {
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` WHERE `info_hash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}timestamps` WHERE `info_hash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}comments` WHERE `info_hash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}ratings` WHERE `infohash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}peers` WHERE `infohash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                quickQuery("DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}history` WHERE `infohash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["info_hash"]) . "'");
                if ($XBTT_USE) {
                    quickQuery("UPDATE `xbt_files` SET `flags`=1 WHERE `info_hash`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $row["bin_hash"]) . "'");
    // Autoprune torrents
    // timed registration
    $expire_datetr = $btit_settings["regi_d"];
    $expire_timetr = $btit_settings["regi_t"];
    $expire_datetrs = $expire_datetr . " " . $expire_timetr . ":00:00";
    $expiretr = strtotime($expire_datetrs);
    $nowtr = strtotime("now");
    if ($nowtr >= $expiretr) {
        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}settings` SET `value`='true' WHERE `key`='regi'", true);
    // end timed registration
    // Anti Hit and Run V2 based on CobraCRK's Anti Hit&Run Mod v1 Enhanced By IntelPentium4 & fatepower
    // converted ( and improved ) to XBTIT 2 by DiemThuy Nov 2008
    if (!$XBTT_USE) {
        // Get current time
        $timenow = time();
        // Get last time that dosanity() was run
        $timeres = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT last_time FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run_tasks WHERE task='sanity'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($timeres) > 0) {
            $timearr = mysqli_fetch_array($timeres);
            $lastrecordedtime = intval($timearr['last_time']);
        } else {
            $lastrecordedtime = $timenow - $clean_interval;
        // Update Active Seeders' Seeding Clock
        $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT pid, infohash FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers WHERE status = 'seeder'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) {
            while ($arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                $x = $arr['pid'];
                $t = $arr['infohash'];
                $pl = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE pid='" . $x . "'");
                if (mysqli_num_rows($pl) > 0) {
                    $ccc = mysqli_result($pl, 0, "id");
                } else {
                    $ccc = "Unknown";
                mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}history SET seed = seed+" . $timenow . "-" . $lastrecordedtime . " WHERE uid = {$ccc} AND infohash='{$t}'");
        //Update table anti_hit_run_tasks with new time info.
        $hunden = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT last_time FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run_tasks WHERE task='sanity'");
        $manneplutt = mysqli_fetch_row($hunden);
        if (!$manneplutt) {
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run_tasks (task, last_time) VALUES ('sanity',{$timenow})");
        } else {
            $ts = $manneplutt[0];
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run_tasks SET last_time={$timenow} WHERE task='sanity' AND last_time = {$ts}");
        // Rank who has no anti-hit punishment rule should be excluded
        $levels = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "select id from {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level order by id");
        while ($SingleLevel = mysqli_fetch_array($levels)) {
            $hasAntiHitRecord = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "select id_level from {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run where id_level=" . $SingleLevel["id"]);
            if (mysqli_num_rows($hasAntiHitRecord) == 0) {
                @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}history`,`users` set hitchecked= 2 where and users.id_level=" . $SingleLevel["id"] . " and completed='yes' and hitchecked='0'");
        $hit_parameters = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "select * from {$TABLE_PREFIX}anti_hit_run order by id_level");
        while ($hit = mysqli_fetch_array($hit_parameters)) {
            // Punishment
            $r = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT DISTINCT uid,infohash FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}history history inner join {$TABLE_PREFIX}users users on WHERE users.id_level=" . $hit["id_level"] . " AND active='no' AND completed='yes' AND hit='no' AND hitchecked= 0 AND date < ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) - (86400 * " . $hit["tolerance_days_before_punishment"] . ")) AND history.downloaded>(1048576 * " . $hit["min_download_size"] . ") AND seed<( 3600 * " . $hit["min_seed_hours"] . ") AND (history.uploaded/history.downloaded)<" . $hit["min_ratio"]);
            while ($x = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
                @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}history SET hit='yes' WHERE uid=" . $x[uid] . " AND infohash='" . $x[infohash] . "' AND hitchecked=0");
                if (mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) > 0) {
                    if ($hit["reward"] == 'yes') {
                        $reward = "\n\n[color=red]If you want to get the lost amount back , you must seed for at least " . $hit["min_seed_hours"] . " hour(s) or until the file\\'s ratio becomes greater than " . $hit["min_ratio"] . " then your total upload will incremented by " . $hit["upload_punishment"] . " MB !! \n\n\\ [/color][color=purple]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]";
                    } else {
                        $reward = " ";
                    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}history SET hitchecked= 1 ,punishment_amount=" . $hit["upload_punishment"] . " WHERE uid=" . $x[uid] . " AND infohash='" . $x[infohash] . "' AND hitchecked=0");
                    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET uploaded=(case when uploaded-(1048576 * " . $hit["upload_punishment"] . ")<0 then 0 else uploaded-(1048576 * " . $hit["upload_punishment"] . ") end) WHERE id={$x['uid']}");
                    send_pm(0, $x[uid], sqlesc("Auto Hit an Run warning"), sqlesc("You did Hit and Run on the following torrent :\n\n [url]" . $BASEURL . "/index.php?page=details&id={$x['infohash']}[/url] !\n\n\\We did take away " . $hit["upload_punishment"] . " MB as punishment\n\nBe carefull to not make the mistake once more ! " . $reward . ""));
                    // DT reputation system start
                    $reput = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}reputation_settings WHERE id =1");
                    $setrep = mysqli_fetch_array($reput);
                    $plus = $setrep["rep_hit"];
                    if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE) {
                        //do nothing
                    } else {
                        @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET reputation = reputation - '{$plus}' WHERE id='{$x['uid']}'");
                    // DT reputation system end
                    // warn at hit and run
                    if ($hit["warn"] == 'yes') {
                        $id = (int) $x[uid];
                        $warnreason = "Auto Hit & Run Warning";
                        $warnaddedby = "System";
                        $added = warn_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($hit["days1"]), date('Y')));
                        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET warn="yes",warns=warns+1,warnreason="' . $warnreason . '",warnaddedby="' . $warnaddedby . '",warnadded="' . $added . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
                    // end warn at hit and run
                    // boot at hit and run
                    if ($hit["boot"] == 'yes') {
                        $id = (int) $x[uid];
                        $whybooted = "Auto Hit & Run Ban";
                        $whobooted = "System";
                        $addbooted = booted_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($hit["days2"]), date('Y')));
                        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET booted="yes", whybooted="' . $whybooted . '",whobooted="' . $whobooted . '",addbooted="' . $addbooted . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
                    // end boot at hit and run
                    //Dox Hack Start
                    $r = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id, filename, added FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}dox WHERE added < '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $btit_settings["dox_del"] . ' weeks')) . "'");
                    while ($del = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
                        $MANNE = "{$BASEURL}/{$DOXPATH}";
                        quickQuery("DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}dox WHERE id={$del['id']}");
                    //Dox Hack End
                    // boot after warn at hit and run
                    if ($hit["warnboot"] == 'yes') {
                        $diem = do_sqlquery("SELECT warns FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id={$x['uid']}");
                        $thuy = mysqli_fetch_array($diem);
                        if ($thuy["warns"] >= $hit["days3"]) {
                        $id = (int) $x[uid];
                        $whybooted = "Auto Hit & Run Ban after beeing warned";
                        $whobooted = "System";
                        $addbooted = booted_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($hit["days2"]), date('Y')));
                        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET booted="yes", whybooted="' . $whybooted . '",whobooted="' . $whobooted . '",addbooted="' . $addbooted . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
                    // end boot after warn at hit and run
            mysqli_free_result($r) || is_object($r) && get_class($r) == "mysqli_result" ? true : false;
            // Reward
            if ($hit["reward"] == 'yes') {
                $rr = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT DISTINCT uid,infohash,punishment_amount FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}history history inner join {$TABLE_PREFIX}users users on WHERE users.id_level=" . $hit["id_level"] . " AND hit='yes' AND completed='yes' AND hitchecked= 1 AND (seed>=( 3600 * " . $hit["min_seed_hours"] . ") or (history.uploaded/history.downloaded)>=" . $hit["min_ratio"] . ")");
                while ($xr = mysqli_fetch_array($rr)) {
                    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}history SET hitchecked= 3 WHERE uid=" . $xr[uid] . " AND infohash='" . $xr[infohash] . "' AND hitchecked=1");
                    if (mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) > 0) {
                        @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET uploaded=uploaded+(1048576 * " . $xr["punishment_amount"] . ")  WHERE id={$xr['uid']}");
                        send_pm(0, $xr[uid], sqlesc("Thanks (Punishement Removed)"), sqlesc("Thank you very much for seeding back the following torrent:\n\n [url]" . $BASEURL . "/index.php?page=details&id={$xr['infohash']}[/url] !\n\n [color=green]The punishment is now removed and you total upload amount increased by " . $xr["punishment_amount"] . " MB!  [/color]\n\n [color=purple]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]"));
                        // DT reputation system start
                        if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE) {
                            //do nothing
                        } else {
                            @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET reputation = reputation + '{$plus}' WHERE id='{$x['uid']}'");
                        // DT reputation system end
                        // warn at hit and run
                        if ($hit["warn"] == 'yes') {
                            quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET warn="no", warns=warns-1 WHERE id=' . $xr[uid]);
                        // end warn at hit and run
                        // boot at hit and run
                        if ($hit["boot"] == 'yes') {
                            quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET booted="no" WHERE id=' . $xr[uid]);
                        // end boot at hit and run
                mysqli_free_result($rr) || is_object($rr) && get_class($rr) == "mysqli_result" ? true : false;
            // Who are fine should not be punished
            @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "Update {$TABLE_PREFIX}history,users SET hitchecked= 1 WHERE AND users.id_level = users.id_level=" . $hit["id_level"] . " AND completed='yes' AND date < ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) - (86400 * " . $hit["tolerance_days_before_punishment"] . ")) AND hitchecked= 0");
        mysqli_free_result($levels) || is_object($levels) && get_class($levels) == "mysqli_result" ? true : false;
        mysqli_free_result($hasAntiHitRecord) || is_object($hasAntiHitRecord) && get_class($hasAntiHitRecord) == "mysqli_result" ? true : false;
        mysqli_free_result($hit_parameters) || is_object($hit_parameters) && get_class($hit_parameters) == "mysqli_result" ? true : false;
    // End of Anti Hit and Run
    //Invalid Login System Hack Start
    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}bannedip WHERE comment='max_number_of_invalid_logins_reached'");
    //invalid Login System Hack Stop
    //start freeleech
    $queryd = do_sqlquery("SELECT free_expire_date, free FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` WHERE `external`='no'", true);
    $configd = mysqli_fetch_array($queryd);
    $expire_dated = $configd['free_expire_date'];
    $expired = strtotime($expire_dated);
    $nowd = strtotime("now");
    if ($nowd >= $expired && $configd['free'] == 'yes') {
        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` SET `free`='no',free_expire_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `external`='no'", true);
        do_sqlquery("ALTER TABLE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` CHANGE `free` `free` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NULL DEFAULT 'no'", true);
        // xbtt
        if ($XBTT_USE) {
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE xbt_files SET down_multi=0, flags=2");
            do_sqlquery("ALTER TABLE xbt_files CHANGE `down_multi` `down_multi` INT NULL DEFAULT '0'", true);
    // end freeleech
    $query = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_config` WHERE `id`=1", true);
    $config = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
    $expire_date = $config['lot_expire_date'];
    $expire = strtotime($expire_date);
    $now = strtotime("now");
    if ($now >= $expire) {
        $number_winners = $config['lot_number_winners'];
        $number_to_win = $config['lot_number_to_win'];
        $minupload = $config['lot_amount'];
        $res = do_sqlquery("SELECT `id`, `user` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_tickets` ORDER BY RAND(NOW()) LIMIT " . $number_winners . "", true);
        //select number of winners
        $total = mysqli_num_rows(do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_tickets`", true));
        //select total selled tickets
        $pot = $total * $minupload;
        //selled tickets * ticket price
        $pot += $number_to_win;
        // ticket prize + minimum win
        $win = $pot / $number_winners;
        // prize for each winner
        $subject = sqlesc("You have won a prize with the lottery");
        //subject in pm
        $msg = sqlesc("Congratulations you have won a prize with our Lottery. Your prize has been added to your account. You won " . makesize($win) . "");
        //next 3 rows are the msg for PM
        $sender = $config['sender_id'];
        // Sender id, in my case 0
        //print the winners and send them PM en give them price
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
            $ras = do_sqlquery("SELECT `smf_fid`, `id`, `username` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` WHERE `id`=" . $row['user'] . "", true);
            $raw = mysqli_fetch_array($ras);
            $rec = sqlesc("{$raw['id']}");
            $lotid = $raw["id"];
            $lotname = $raw["username"];
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `uploaded`=uploaded+" . $win . " WHERE `id`=" . $row['user'] . "", true);
            $smf = mysqli_fetch_assoc(do_sqlquery("SELECT smf_fid, username FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` WHERE `id`=" . $row["user"] . "", true));
            send_pm($sender, $rec, $subject, $msg);
            // begin - announce winner in shoutbox
            do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat (uid, time, name, text) VALUES (0," . time() . ", 'System','[color=red]Lottery winner : [/color][url={$BASEURL}/index.php?page=userdetails&id={$lotid}]" . $lotname . " did win " . makesize($win) . "[/url]')");
            // end - announce winner in shoutbox
            do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_winners` (`id`, `win_user`, `windate`, `price`) VALUES ('', '" . $raw['username'] . "', '" . $expire_date . "', '" . $win . "')");
        do_sqlquery("TRUNCATE TABLE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_tickets`", true);
        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_config` SET `lot_status`='closed' WHERE `id`=1", true);
    // lottery auto start
    if ($btit_settings["autolot"] == TRUE) {
        $date_end = lastOfMonth();
        $klaar = $config["lot_status"];
        if ($klaar == 'closed') {
            $expire_date = $date_end;
            $expire_time = 23;
            $val1 = $expire_date . " " . $expire_time . ":59:59";
            $val2 = 1;
            $val3 = 15 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
            // Gb
            $val4 = 500 * 1024 * 1024;
            // Mb
            $val5 = 'yes';
            $val6 = 1;
            $val7 = 2;
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}lottery_config` SET `lot_expire_date`='" . $val1 . "', `lot_number_winners`='" . $val2 . "', `lot_number_to_win`='" . $val3 . "', `lot_amount`='" . $val4 . "', `lot_status`='" . $val5 . "', `limit_buy`='" . $val6 . "', `sender_id`=" . $val7 . " WHERE `id`=1", true);
        // lottery end
    $results = do_sqlquery("SELECT info_hash, seeds, leechers, dlbytes, filename FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}files WHERE external='no'");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($results)) {
        list($hash, $seeders, $leechers, $bytes, $filename) = $row;
        $timeout = time() - intval($GLOBALS["report_interval"] * 2);
        // for testing purpose -- begin
        $resupd = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers where lastupdate < " . $timeout . " AND infohash='{$hash}'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($resupd) > 0) {
            while ($resupdate = mysqli_fetch_array($resupd)) {
                $uploaded = max(0, $resupdate["uploaded"]);
                $downloaded = max(0, $resupdate["downloaded"]);
                $pid = $resupdate["pid"];
                $ip = $resupdate["ip"];
                // update user->peer stats only if not livestat
                if (!$LIVESTATS) {
                    if ($PRIVATE_ANNOUNCE) {
                        quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET uploaded=uploaded+{$uploaded}, downloaded=downloaded+{$downloaded} WHERE pid='{$pid}' AND id>1 LIMIT 1");
                    } else {
                        // ip
                        quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET uploaded=uploaded+{$uploaded}, downloaded=downloaded+{$downloaded} WHERE cip='{$ip}' AND id>1 LIMIT 1");
                // update dead peer to non active in history table
                if ($LOG_HISTORY) {
                    $resuser = do_sqlquery("SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE " . ($PRIVATE_ANNOUNCE ? "pid='{$pid}'" : "cip='{$ip}'") . " ORDER BY lastconnect DESC LIMIT 1");
                    $curu = @mysqli_fetch_row($resuser);
                    quickquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}history SET active='no' WHERE uid={$curu['0']} AND infohash='{$hash}'");
        // for testing purpose -- end
        quickQuery("DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers where lastupdate < " . $timeout . " AND infohash='{$hash}'");
        quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}files SET lastcycle='" . time() . "' WHERE info_hash='{$hash}'");
        $results2 = do_sqlquery("SELECT status, COUNT(status) from {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers WHERE infohash='{$hash}' GROUP BY status");
        $counts = array();
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($results2)) {
            $counts[$row[0]] = 0 + $row[1];
        quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}files SET leechers=" . (isset($counts["leecher"]) ? $counts["leecher"] : 0) . ",seeds=" . (isset($counts["seeder"]) ? $counts["seeder"] : 0) . " WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
        if ($bytes < 0) {
            quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}files SET dlbytes=0 WHERE info_hash=\"{$hash}\"");
    //Auto Seedbox Start
    do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}files SET `seedbox`='0' ");
    $sid = do_sqlquery("select * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers WHERE `ip` =" . $btit_settings["seedip"]);
    while ($sow = mysqli_fetch_array($sid)) {
        do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}files SET `seedbox`='1' WHERE `info_hash`='{$sow['infohash']}'");
    //Auto Seedbox End
    //DT Uploader Medals
    global $btit_settings;
    do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET `up_med`='0' ");
    $time_B = 86400 * $btit_settings['UPD'];
    $time_E = strtotime(now);
    $time_D = $time_E - $time_B;
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT uploader,count( * ) AS Count FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}files WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data) > " . $time_D . " GROUP by uploader");
    while ($fetch_U = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
        if ($fetch_U['Count'] >= $btit_settings['UPB'] and $fetch_U['Count'] < $btit_settings['UPS']) {
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET `up_med`='1' WHERE `id`='{$fetch_U['uploader']}'");
        if ($fetch_U['Count'] >= $btit_settings['UPS'] and $fetch_U['Count'] < $btit_settings['UPG']) {
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET `up_med`='2' WHERE `id`='{$fetch_U['uploader']}'");
        if ($fetch_U['Count'] >= $btit_settings['UPG']) {
            do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET `up_med`='3' WHERE `id`='{$fetch_U['uploader']}'");
    //DT end Uploader Medals
    // high speed report
    if ($btit_settings["highswitch"] == TRUE) {
        if ($GLOBALS["XBTT_USE"]) {
            $resch = do_sqlquery("SELECT `uid` `id`, `up_rate` FROM `xbt_files_users` WHERE `up_rate` >= (" . $btit_settings["highspeed"] . "*1024) AND `active`=1");
        } else {
            $resch = do_sqlquery("SELECT `p`.`upload_difference`, `p`.`announce_interval`, `u`.`id` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}peers` `p` LEFT JOIN `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` `u` ON " . ($PRIVATE_ANNOUNCE ? "`p`.`pid`=`u`.`pid`" : "`p`.`ip`=`u`.`cip`") . " WHERE (`p`.`upload_difference`/`p`.`announce_interval`) >= (" . $btit_settings["highspeed"] . "*1024)");
        if (@mysqli_num_rows($resch) > 0) {
            while ($rowch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resch)) {
                if (!is_null($rowch["id"])) {
                    if ($GLOBALS["XBTT_USE"]) {
                        $transferrate = "Upload speed " . round($rowch["up_rate"] / 1024, 2) . " KB/sec ?!";
                    } else {
                        $transferrate = "Upload speed " . round(round($rowch['upload_difference'] / $rowch['announce_interval']) / 1024, 2) . " KB/sec ?!";
                    $high = $rowch["id"];
                    if ($btit_settings["highonce"] == TRUE) {
                        $once = do_sqlquery("SELECT `id` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}reports` WHERE `addedby` = 0 AND `votedfor` = {$high} AND `type` = 'user' AND reason LIKE 'Upload speed%'");
                        if (@mysqli_num_rows($once) === FALSE) {
                            do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}reports` (`addedby`,`votedfor`,`type`,`reason`) VALUES ('0','{$high}','user', '{$transferrate}')");
                    if ($btit_settings["highonce"] == FALSE) {
                        do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}reports` (`addedby`,`votedfor`,`type`,`reason`) VALUES ('0','{$high}','user', '{$transferrate}')");
    // end high speed report
    // DT reputation system start
    $reput = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}reputation_settings WHERE id =1");
    $setrep = mysqli_fetch_array($reput);
    if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE or $setrep["rep_en_sys"] == FALSE) {
        //do nothing
    } else {
        // demote
        $rep_sub = sqlesc("You are Demoted!");
        $rep_msg = sqlesc($setrep["rep_dm_text"]);
        $rep_demotelist = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE reputation < " . $setrep["rep_dm"] . " AND id_level = " . $setrep["rep_pr_id"]);
        while ($rep_demote = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rep_demotelist)) {
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET id_level=" . $setrep["rep_dm_id"] . " WHERE id=" . $rep_demote["id"]);
            send_pm(0, $rep_demote[id], $rep_sub, $rep_msg);
        // promote
        $rep_subj = sqlesc("You are Promoted!");
        $rep_mesg = sqlesc($setrep["rep_pm_text"]);
        $rep_promotelist = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE reputation > " . $setrep["rep_pr"] . " AND id_level = " . $setrep["rep_dm_id"]);
        while ($rep_promote = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rep_promotelist)) {
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET id_level=" . $setrep["rep_pr_id"] . " WHERE id=" . $rep_promote["id"]);
            send_pm(0, $rep_promote[id], $rep_subj, $rep_mesg);
    // DT reputation system start
    // Client Log for XBT
    if ($GLOBALS["XBTT_USE"]) {
        $timeout = time() - intval($GLOBALS["report_interval"] * 2);
        quickQuery("DELETE FROM `xbt_announce_log` WHERE `mtime`<={$timeout}");
        $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT `u`.`id`, INET_NTOA(`al`.`ipa`) `ip`, `al`.`port`, LOWER(HEX(`al`.`peer_id`)) `peer_id`, `u`.`clientinfo` FROM `xbt_announce_log` `al` LEFT JOIN `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` `u` ON `al`.`uid`=`u`.`id` WHERE `al`.`event`=2 GROUP BY `al`.`peer_id` ORDER BY `u`.`id` ASC");
        if (@mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) {
            $old_clients = array();
            $current_clients = array();
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                $client = getagent("", $row["peer_id"]);
                if (!empty($row["clientinfo"])) {
                    if (!array_key_exists($row["id"], $old_clients)) {
                        $old_clients[$row["id"]] = unserialize($row["clientinfo"]);
                    if (!array_key_exists($row["id"], $current_clients)) {
                        $current_clients[$row["id"]] = unserialize($row["clientinfo"]);
                } else {
                    if (!array_key_exists($row["id"], $old_clients)) {
                        $old_clients[$row["id"]] = array();
                    if (!array_key_exists($row["id"], $current_clients)) {
                        $current_clients[$row["id"]] = array();
                if (!in_array($client . "[X]" . $row["port"], $current_clients[$row["id"]])) {
                    if (count($current_clients[$row["id"]]) == 20) {
                        $newlist = array();
                        foreach ($current_clients[$row["id"]] as $v) {
                            $newlist[] = $v;
                        $current_clients[$row["id"]] = $newlist;
                    $current_clients[$row["id"]][] = $client . "[X]" . $row["port"];
                    $current_clients[$row["id"]][] = time() . "[X]" . $row["ip"];
            foreach ($current_clients as $k => $v) {
                $s_old_clients = serialize($old_clients[$k]);
                $s_current_clients = serialize($current_clients[$k]);
                if ($s_old_clients != $s_current_clients) {
                    mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `clientinfo`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $s_current_clients) . "' WHERE `id`={$k}");
    // Client Log for XBT
    // banbutton
    $timeout = $btit_settings["bandays"] * 86400;
    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}signup_ip_block` WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `added`) > {$timeout}");
    // end banbutton
    # global language, $clean_interval, $reload_cfg_interval;
    global $language, $clean_interval, $reload_cfg_interval;
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/khez.php';
    quickQuery('OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'khez_configs`;');
    # hacks can start here ==Khez==
    // warn-ban system with acp by DT
    global $XBTT_USE;
    $resset = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}low_ratio_ban_settings WHERE id ='1'");
    $art = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resset);
    $resban = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}low_ratio_ban ");
    while ($ban = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resban)) {
        if ($art["wb_sys"] == TRUE) {
            if ($XBTT_USE) {
                $udownloaded = "u.downloaded+IFNULL(x.downloaded,0)";
                $uuploaded = "u.uploaded+IFNULL(x.uploaded,0)";
                $utables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}users u LEFT JOIN xbt_users x ON";
            } else {
                $udownloaded = "u.downloaded";
                $uuploaded = "u.uploaded";
                $utables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}users u";
            $min_dl = $ban["wb_down"] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
            // find bad users 1
            $demotelist = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} <= " . $ban["wb_one"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 0 ");
            while ($demote = mysqli_fetch_assoc($demotelist)) {
                // warn bad users 1
                do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rat_warn_level = 1 , rat_warn_time = NOW() WHERE id=" . $demote["id"]);
                // DT reputation system start
                $reput = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}reputation_settings WHERE id =1");
                $setrep = mysqli_fetch_array($reput);
                $plus = $setrep["rep_minrep"];
                if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET reputation = reputation - '{$plus}' WHERE id='{$demote['id']}'");
                // DT reputation system end
                // send pm bad users 1
                $sub = sqlesc("Low Ratio Warning!");
                $msg = sqlesc($art["wb_text_one"]);
                send_pm(0, $demote[id], $sub, $msg);
                // add warn symbol 1
                if ($ban["wb_warn"] == TRUE) {
                    $id = $demote["id"];
                    $warnreason = "Low Ratio Warning";
                    $warnaddedby = "System";
                    $added = warn_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($ban['wb_days_one']), date('Y')));
                    quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET warn="yes",warns=warns+1,warnreason="' . $warnreason . '",warnaddedby="' . $warnaddedby . '",warnadded="' . $added . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
            // time date stuff
            $time_AA = 86400 * $ban['wb_days_one'];
            $time_BB = strtotime(now);
            $time_CC = $time_BB - $time_AA;
            // find bad users 2
            $demotelistt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} <= " . $ban["wb_two"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 1 ");
            while ($demotee = mysqli_fetch_assoc($demotelistt)) {
                $time_DD = strtotime($demotee["rat_warn_time"]);
                if ($time_DD <= $time_CC) {
                    // warn bad users 2
                    do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rat_warn_level = 2 , rat_warn_time = NOW() WHERE id=" . $demotee["id"]);
                    // DT reputation system start
                    $reput = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}reputation_settings WHERE id =1");
                    $setrep = mysqli_fetch_array($reput);
                    $plus = $setrep["rep_minrep"];
                    if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE) {
                        //do nothing
                    } else {
                        @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET reputation = reputation - '{$plus}' WHERE id='{$demotee['id']}'");
                    // DT reputation system end
                    // send pm bad users 2
                    $sub = sqlesc("Low Ratio Warning Two!");
                    $msg = sqlesc($art["wb_text_two"]);
                    send_pm(0, $demotee[id], $sub, $msg);
                    // add warn symbol 2
                    if ($ban["wb_warn"] == TRUE) {
                        $warnreason = "Low Ratio Warning";
                        $warnaddedby = "System";
                        $added = warn_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($ban['wb_days_two']), date('Y')));
                        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET warn="yes",warns=warns+1,warnreason="' . $warnreason . '",warnaddedby="' . $warnaddedby . '",warnadded="' . $added . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
            // unwarn user who did improve
            $unwarnone = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} > " . $ban["wb_one"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 1 ");
            while ($unwarna = mysqli_fetch_assoc($unwarnone)) {
                $iid = $unwarna["id"];
                quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET rat_warn_level=rat_warn_level-1 WHERE id=' . $iid);
            // time date stuff
            $time_EE = 86400 * $ban['wb_days_two'];
            $time_FF = $time_BB - $time_EE;
            // find bad users 3
            $demotelisttt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} <= " . $ban["wb_three"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 2 ");
            while ($demoteee = mysqli_fetch_assoc($demotelisttt)) {
                $time_GG = strtotime($demoteee["rat_warn_time"]);
                if ($time_GG <= $time_FF) {
                    // warn bad users 3
                    do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rat_warn_level = 3 , rat_warn_time = NOW() WHERE id=" . $demoteee["id"]);
                    // DT reputation system start
                    $reput = do_sqlquery("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}reputation_settings WHERE id =1");
                    $setrep = mysqli_fetch_array($reput);
                    $plus = $setrep["rep_minrep"];
                    if ($setrep["rep_is_online"] == FALSE) {
                        //do nothing
                    } else {
                        @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET reputation = reputation - '{$plus}' WHERE id='{$demoteee['id']}'");
                    // DT reputation system end
                    // send pm bad users 3
                    $sub = sqlesc("Final Low Ratio Warning!");
                    $msg = sqlesc($art["wb_text_fin"]);
                    send_pm(0, $demoteee[id], $sub, $msg);
                    // add warn symbol 3
                    if ($ban["wb_warn"] == TRUE) {
                        $id = $demoteee["id"];
                        $warnreason = "Low Ratio Warning";
                        $warnaddedby = "System";
                        $added = warn_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($ban['wb_days_fin']), date('Y')));
                        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET warn="yes",warns=warns+1,warnreason="' . $warnreason . '",warnaddedby="' . $warnaddedby . '",warnadded="' . $added . '" WHERE id=' . $id);
            // unwarn user who did improve 2
            $unwarntwo = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} > " . $ban["wb_two"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 2 ");
            while ($unwarnb = mysqli_fetch_assoc($unwarntwo)) {
                $oid = $unwarnb["id"];
                quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET rat_warn_level=rat_warn_level-2 WHERE id=' . $oid);
            // time date stuff
            $time_HH = 86400 * $ban['wb_days_fin'];
            $time_II = $time_BB - $time_HH;
            // find bad users 4
            $demotelistttt = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} <= " . $ban["wb_fin"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 3 ");
            while ($demoteeee = mysqli_fetch_assoc($demotelistttt)) {
                $time_JJ = strtotime($demoteeee["rat_warn_time"]);
                if ($time_JJ <= $time_II) {
                    // ban bad users 4
                    if ($btit_settings["en_sys"] == TRUE) {
                        do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rat_warn_level = 4 ,rat_warn_time = NOW(), id_level=" . $btit_settings["dm_id"] . " WHERE id=" . $demoteeee["id"]);
                    } else {
                        do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rat_warn_level = 4 ,rat_warn_time = NOW(), bandt='yes' WHERE id=" . $demoteeee["id"]);
            // unwarn user who did improve last
            $unwarnthree = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id,rat_warn_time FROM {$utables} WHERE {$udownloaded}  > " . $min_dl . " AND {$uuploaded}/{$udownloaded} > " . $ban["wb_three"] . " AND id_level=" . $ban["wb_rank"] . " AND rat_warn_level = 3 ");
            while ($unwarnc = mysqli_fetch_assoc($unwarnthree)) {
                $lid = $unwarnc["id"];
                quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users SET rat_warn_level=rat_warn_level-3 WHERE id=' . $lid);
    // warn-ban system with acp end
    //  optimize peers table
    quickQuery("OPTIMIZE TABLE {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers");
    // delete readposts when topic don't exist or deleted  *** should be done by delete, just in case
    quickQuery("DELETE readposts FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}readposts LEFT JOIN topics ON readposts.topicid = WHERE IS NULL");
    // delete readposts when users was deleted *** should be done by delete, just in case
    quickQuery("DELETE readposts FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}readposts LEFT JOIN users ON readposts.userid = WHERE IS NULL");
    // deleting orphan image in captcha folder (if image code is enabled)
    if ($dir = @opendir($CAPTCHA_FOLDER . "/")) {
        while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dir))) {
            if ($ext = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1) == "png") {
    quickQuery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `birthday_bonus`=0 WHERE DAYOFMONTH(`dob`)!=" . date('j'));
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT `u`.`id`, `u`.`dob`,`l`.`language_url` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` `u` LEFT JOIN `language` `l` ON `u`.`language`=`l`.`id` WHERE DAYOFMONTH(`u`.`dob`)=" . date('j') . " AND MONTH(`u`.`dob`)=" . date('n') . " AND `u`.`dob`!=CURDATE() AND `u`.`birthday_bonus`=0 ORDER BY `l`.`language_url` ASC");
    if (@mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) {
        global $THIS_BASEPATH;
        $firstrun = 1;
        $englang = "language/english";
        $templang = $englang;
        require_once $THIS_BASEPATH . "/" . $englang . "/lang_main.php";
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            if ($row["language_url"] != $templang) {
                if ($firstrun != 1) {
                    // Reset the language to English before loading the new language
                    require_once $THIS_BASEPATH . "/" . $englang . "/lang_main.php";
                // Load the new language etc.
                require_once $THIS_BASEPATH . "/" . $row["language_url"] . "/lang_main.php";
                $templang = $row["language_url"];
                $firstrun = 0;
            $dob = explode("-", $row["dob"]);
            $age = userage($dob[0], $dob[1], $dob[2]);
            $bonus = round($age * $btit_settings["birthday_bonus"] * 1073741824);
            $query1 = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `uploaded`=`uploaded`+{$bonus}, `birthday_bonus`=1 WHERE `id`=" . $row["id"];
            send_pm(0, $row["id"], addslashes($language["HB_SUBJECT"]), addslashes($language["HB_MESSAGE_1"] . makesize($bonus) . $language["HB_MESSAGE_2"] . $btit_settings["birthday_bonus"] . $language["HB_MESSAGE_3"]));
    //timed rank
    $datetimedt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $rankstats = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE timed_rank < '{$datetimedt}' AND rank_switch='yes'");
    while ($arrdt = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rankstats)) {
        if (mysqli_num_rows($rankstats) > 0) {
            $res6 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT level FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level WHERE id ='{$arrdt['old_rank']}'");
            $arr6 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res6);
            $oldrank = $arr6[level];
            $subj = sqlesc("Your timed rank is expired !");
            $msg = sqlesc("Your timed rank is expired !\n\n Your rank did changed back to " . $oldrank . "\n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]");
            send_pm(0, $arrdt["id"], $subj, $msg);
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET rank_switch='no', id_level = old_rank WHERE id='{$arrdt['id']}'") or sqlerr();
    //timed rank end
    //begin invitation system by dodge
    global $INV_EXPIRES;
    $deadtime = $INV_EXPIRES * 86400;
    $user = do_sqlquery("SELECT inviter FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}invitations WHERE time_invited < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$deadtime} SECOND)");
    @($arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($user));
    if (mysqli_num_rows($user) > 0) {
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET invitations=invitations+1 WHERE id = '" . $arr["inviter"] . "'");
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "DELETE FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}invitations WHERE inviter = '" . $arr["inviter"] . "' AND time_invited < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$deadtime} SECOND)");
    //end invitation system
    // auto ext update
    $num_torrents_to_update = 5;
    $torrents = get_result("SELECT `announces`, `info_hash` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}files` WHERE `external`='yes' ORDER BY `lastupdate` DESC LIMIT " . $num_torrents_to_update);
    if (count($torrents) > 0) {
        require_once "getscrape.php";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($torrents); $i++) {
            $announces = @unserialize($torrents[$i]['announces']) ? unserialize($torrents[$i]['announces']) : array();
            if (count($announces) > 0) {
                $keys = array_keys($announces);
                $random = mt_rand(0, count($keys) - 1);
                $url = $keys[$random];
                scrape($url, $torrents[$i]['info_hash']);
    // auto ext update
    // OK We're finished, let's reset max_execution_time and memory_limit back to the php.ini defaults
Esempio n. 14
if ($DisableIRC != $Cur['DisableIRC'] && check_perms('users_disable_any')) {
    $UpdateSet[] = "DisableIRC='{$DisableIRC}'";
    $EditSummary[] = "IRC status changed";
    $HeavyUpdates['DisableIRC'] = $DisableIRC;
    if (!empty($UserReason)) {
        send_pm($UserID, 0, db_string('Your IRC privileges have been disabled'), db_string("Your IRC privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: {$UserReason}. If you would like to discuss this please join " . BOT_DISABLED_CHAN . " on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://" . NONSSL_SITE_URL . "/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]. This loss of privileges does not affect the ability to join and talk to staff in"));
if ($DisableRequests != $Cur['DisableRequests'] && check_perms('users_disable_any')) {
    $UpdateSet[] = "DisableRequests='{$DisableRequests}'";
    $EditSummary[] = "request status changed";
    $HeavyUpdates['DisableRequests'] = $DisableRequests;
    if (!empty($UserReason)) {
        send_pm($UserID, 0, db_string('Your request privileges have been disabled'), db_string("Your request privileges have been disabled. The reason given was: {$UserReason}. If you would like to discuss this please join " . BOT_DISABLED_CHAN . " on our IRC network. Instructions can be found [url=http://" . NONSSL_SITE_URL . "/wiki.php?action=article&name=IRC+-+How+to+join]here[/url]. This loss of privileges does not affect the ability to join and talk to staff in"));
if ($EnableUser != $Cur['Enabled'] && check_perms('users_disable_users')) {
    $EnableStr = 'account ' . translateUserStatus($Cur['Enabled']) . '->' . translateUserStatus($EnableUser);
    if ($EnableUser == '2') {
        disable_users($UserID, '', 1);
    } elseif ($EnableUser == '1') {
        update_tracker('add_user', array('id' => $UserID, 'passkey' => $Cur['torrent_pass']));
        if ($Cur['Downloaded'] == 0 || $Cur['Uploaded'] / $Cur['Downloaded'] >= $Cur['RequiredRatio']) {
            $UpdateSet[] = "i.RatioWatchEnds='0000-00-00 00:00:00'";
            $CanLeech = 1;
            $UpdateSet[] = "m.can_leech='1'";
            $UpdateSet[] = "i.RatioWatchDownload='0'";
        } else {
Esempio n. 15

if($Recipient == 'Uploader') {
	$ToID = $_POST['uploaderid'];
	if($Report) {
		$Message = "You uploaded the above torrent, it has been reported for the reason: ".$ReportType['title'].":\n\"".$_POST['report_reason']."\"\n\n".$Message;
	} else {
		$Message = "I am PMing you as you are the uploader of the above torrent.\n\n".$Message;
} else if($Recipient == 'Reporter') {
	$ToID = $_POST['reporterid'];
	$Message = "You reported the above torrent for the reason ".$ReportType['title'].":\n\"".$_POST['report_reason']."\"\n\n".$Message;
} else {
	$Err = "Something went horribly wrong";

$Subject = $_POST['raw_name'];

if(!is_number($ToID)) {
	$Err = "Haxx occuring, non number present";

if($ToID == $LoggedUser['ID']) {
	$Err = "That's you!";

if(isset($Err)) {
	echo $Err;
} else {
	send_pm($ToID, $LoggedUser['ID'], db_string($Subject), db_string($Message));
Esempio n. 16
foreach ($sql as $row) {
    $ban_user_id[] = ',' . $row['ban_userid'];
$ban_user_id = join('', $ban_user_id);
$user_list = DB()->fetch_rowset("\n\tSELECT DISTINCT dl.user_id, u.user_opt, tr.user_id as active_dl\n\tFROM " . BB_BT_DLSTATUS . " dl\n\tLEFT JOIN " . BB_USERS . " u  ON(u.user_id = dl.user_id)\n\tLEFT JOIN " . BB_BT_TRACKER . " tr ON(tr.user_id = dl.user_id)\n\tWHERE dl.topic_id = {$topic_id}\n\t\tAND dl.user_status IN (" . DL_STATUS_COMPLETE . ", " . DL_STATUS_DOWN . ")\n\t\tAND dl.user_id NOT IN ({$userdata['user_id']}, " . EXCLUDED_USERS_CSV . $ban_user_id . ")\n\t\tAND u.user_active = 1\n\tGROUP BY dl.user_id\n");
$subject = sprintf($lang['CALLSEED_SUBJECT'], $t_data['topic_title']);
$message = sprintf($lang['CALLSEED_TEXT'], make_url(TOPIC_URL . $topic_id), $t_data['topic_title'], make_url(DOWNLOAD_URL . $t_data['attach_id']));
if ($user_list) {
    foreach ($user_list as $row) {
        if (!empty($row['active_dl'])) {
        if (bf($row['user_opt'], 'user_opt', 'user_callseed')) {
            send_pm($row['user_id'], $subject, $message, BOT_UID);
} else {
    send_pm($t_data['poster_id'], $subject, $message, BOT_UID);
DB()->query("UPDATE " . BB_BT_TORRENTS . " SET call_seed_time = " . TIMENOW . " WHERE topic_id = {$topic_id} LIMIT 1");
meta_refresh(TOPIC_URL . $topic_id);
function topic_info($topic_id)
    global $lang;
    $sql = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\ttor.poster_id, tor.forum_id, tor.attach_id, tor.call_seed_time,\n\t\t\tt.topic_title, sn.seeders\n\t\tFROM      " . BB_BT_TORRENTS . " tor\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . BB_TOPICS . " t  USING(topic_id)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . BB_BT_TRACKER_SNAP . " sn USING(topic_id)\n\t\tWHERE tor.topic_id = {$topic_id}\n\t";
    if (!($torrent = DB()->fetch_row($sql))) {
    return $torrent;
Esempio n. 17
  * Insert a post into the database.
  * @return array Array of new post details, pid and visibility.
 function insert_post()
     global $db, $mybb, $plugins, $cache, $lang;
     $post =& $this->data;
     // Yes, validating is required.
     if (!$this->get_validated()) {
         die("The post needs to be validated before inserting it into the DB.");
     if (count($this->get_errors()) > 0) {
         die("The post is not valid.");
     // Fetch the thread
     $thread = get_thread($post['tid']);
     $closed = $thread['closed'];
     // This post is being saved as a draft.
     if ($post['savedraft']) {
         $visible = -2;
     } else {
         // Automatic subscription to the thread
         if ($post['options']['subscriptionmethod'] != "" && $post['uid'] > 0) {
             switch ($post['options']['subscriptionmethod']) {
                 case "pm":
                     $notification = 2;
                 case "email":
                     $notification = 1;
                     $notification = 0;
             require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_user.php";
             add_subscribed_thread($post['tid'], $notification, $post['uid']);
         // Perform any selected moderation tools.
         $ismod = is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $post['uid']);
         if ($ismod) {
             $lang->load($this->language_file, true);
             $modoptions = $post['modoptions'];
             $modlogdata['fid'] = $thread['fid'];
             $modlogdata['tid'] = $thread['tid'];
             if (!isset($modoptions['closethread'])) {
                 $modoptions['closethread'] = $closed;
             $modoptions_update = array();
             // Close the thread.
             if ($modoptions['closethread'] == 1 && $thread['closed'] != 1) {
                 $modoptions_update['closed'] = $closed = 0;
                 log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_closed);
             // Open the thread.
             if ($modoptions['closethread'] != 1 && $thread['closed'] == 1) {
                 $modoptions_update['closed'] = $closed = 1;
                 log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_opened);
             if (!isset($modoptions['stickthread'])) {
                 $modoptions['stickthread'] = $thread['sticky'];
             // Stick the thread.
             if ($modoptions['stickthread'] == 1 && $thread['sticky'] != 1) {
                 $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 1;
                 log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_stuck);
             // Unstick the thread.
             if ($modoptions['stickthread'] != 1 && $thread['sticky']) {
                 $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 0;
                 log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_unstuck);
             // Execute moderation options.
             if ($modoptions_update) {
                 $db->update_query('threads', $modoptions_update, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'");
         // Fetch the forum this post is being made in
         $forum = get_forum($post['fid']);
         // Decide on the visibility of this post.
         $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($post['fid'], $post['uid']);
         if ($forumpermissions['modposts'] == 1 && !$ismod) {
             $visible = 0;
         } else {
             $visible = 1;
         // Are posts from this user being moderated? Change visibility
         if ($mybb->user['uid'] == $post['uid'] && $mybb->user['moderateposts'] == 1) {
             $visible = 0;
     if (!isset($post['pid'])) {
         $post['pid'] = 0;
     $post['pid'] = (int) $post['pid'];
     $post['uid'] = (int) $post['uid'];
     if ($post['pid'] > 0) {
         $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid='{$post['pid']}' AND uid='{$post['uid']}' AND visible='-2'");
         $draft_check = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid");
     } else {
         $draft_check = false;
     if ($this->method != "update" && $visible == 1) {
         $double_post = $this->verify_post_merge();
         // Only combine if they are both invisible (mod queue'd forum) or both visible
         if ($double_post !== true && $double_post['visible'] == $visible) {
             $this->pid = $double_post['pid'];
             $post['message'] = $double_post['message'] .= "\n" . $mybb->settings['postmergesep'] . "\n" . $post['message'];
             $update_query = array("message" => $db->escape_string($double_post['message']));
             $update_query['edituid'] = (int) $post['uid'];
             $update_query['edittime'] = TIME_NOW;
             $query = $db->update_query("posts", $update_query, "pid='" . $double_post['pid'] . "'");
             if ($draft_check) {
                 $db->delete_query("posts", "pid='" . $post['pid'] . "'");
             if ($post['posthash']) {
                 // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the merged post.
                 $post['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($post['posthash']);
                 $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='0' AND visible='1' AND posthash='{$post['posthash']}'");
                 $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount");
                 if ($attachmentcount > 0) {
                     // Update forum count
                     update_thread_counters($post['tid'], array('attachmentcount' => "+{$attachmentcount}"));
                 $attachmentassign = array("pid" => $double_post['pid'], "posthash" => '');
                 $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$post['posthash']}' AND pid='0'");
             // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible.
             $this->return_values = array("pid" => $double_post['pid'], "visible" => $visible, "merge" => true);
             $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_merge", $this);
             return $this->return_values;
     if ($visible == 1 && $thread['visible'] == 1) {
         $now = TIME_NOW;
         // Yes, the value to the lastpost key in this array has single quotes within double quotes. It's not a bug.
         $update_array = array('lastpost' => "'{$now}'");
         if ($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0) {
             $update_array['postnum'] = 'postnum+1';
         $db->update_query("users", $update_array, "uid='{$post['uid']}'", 1, true);
     // Are we updating a post which is already a draft? Perhaps changing it into a visible post?
     if ($draft_check) {
         // Update a post that is a draft
         $this->post_update_data = array("subject" => $db->escape_string($post['subject']), "icon" => (int) $post['icon'], "uid" => $post['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($post['username']), "dateline" => (int) $post['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($post['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($post['ipaddress']), "includesig" => $post['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $post['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible);
         $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post", $this);
         $db->update_query("posts", $this->post_update_data, "pid='{$post['pid']}'");
         $this->pid = $post['pid'];
     } else {
         // Insert the post.
         $this->post_insert_data = array("tid" => (int) $post['tid'], "replyto" => (int) $post['replyto'], "fid" => (int) $post['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($post['subject']), "icon" => (int) $post['icon'], "uid" => $post['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($post['username']), "dateline" => $post['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($post['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($post['ipaddress']), "includesig" => $post['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $post['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible);
         $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post", $this);
         $this->pid = $db->insert_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data);
     // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the newly created post.
     if ($post['posthash']) {
         $post['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($post['posthash']);
         $attachmentassign = array("pid" => $this->pid, "posthash" => '');
         $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$post['posthash']}' AND pid='0'");
     $thread_update = array();
     if ($visible == 1 && $thread['visible'] == 1) {
         $thread = get_thread($post['tid']);
         require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_parser.php';
         $parser = new Postparser();
         $done_users = array();
         $subject = $parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']);
         $parser_options = array('me_username' => $post['username'], 'filter_badwords' => 1);
         $excerpt = $parser->text_parse_message($post['message'], $parser_options);
         $excerpt = my_substr($excerpt, 0, $mybb->settings['subscribeexcerpt']) . $lang->emailbit_viewthread;
         // Fetch any users subscribed to this thread receiving instant notification and queue up their subscription notices
         $query = $db->query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT u.username,, u.uid, u.language, u.loginkey, u.salt, u.regdate, s.subscriptionkey, s.notification\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadsubscriptions s\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u ON (u.uid=s.uid)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (s.notification='1' OR s.notification='2') AND s.tid='{$post['tid']}'\n\t\t\t\tAND s.uid != '{$post['uid']}'\n\t\t\t\tAND u.lastactive>'{$thread['lastpost']}'\n\t\t\t");
         $args = array('this' => &$this, 'done_users' => &$done_users, 'users' => array());
         while ($subscribedmember = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             if ($done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']]) {
             $args['users'][$subscribedmember['uid']] = (int) $subscribedmember['uid'];
             $done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']] = 1;
             $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $subscribedmember['uid']);
             if ($forumpermissions['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] == 0) {
             if ($thread['uid'] != $subscribedmember['uid'] && $forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthread'] == 1 && !is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $subscribedmember['uid'])) {
                 // User isn't a moderator or the author of the thread...
             if ($subscribedmember['language'] != '' && $lang->language_exists($subscribedmember['language'])) {
                 $uselang = $subscribedmember['language'];
             } elseif ($mybb->settings['orig_bblanguage']) {
                 $uselang = $mybb->settings['orig_bblanguage'];
             } else {
                 $uselang = "english";
             if ($uselang == $mybb->settings['bblanguage']) {
                 if ($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) {
                     $emailsubject = $lang->emailsubject_subscription;
                     $emailmessage = $lang->email_subscription;
             } else {
                 if ($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) {
                     if (!isset($langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription'])) {
                         $userlang = new MyLanguage();
                         $userlang->set_path(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/languages");
                         $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription'] = $userlang->emailsubject_subscription;
                         $langcache[$uselang]['email_subscription'] = $userlang->email_subscription;
                     $emailsubject = $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription'];
                     $emailmessage = $langcache[$uselang]['email_subscription'];
             if ($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) {
                 $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($emailsubject, $subject);
                 $post_code = md5($subscribedmember['loginkey'] . $subscribedmember['salt'] . $subscribedmember['regdate']);
                 $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($emailmessage, $subscribedmember['username'], $post['username'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $subject, $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], str_replace("&amp;", "&", get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "newpost")), $thread['tid'], $subscribedmember['subscriptionkey'], $post_code);
                 $new_email = array("mailto" => $db->escape_string($subscribedmember['email']), "mailfrom" => '', "subject" => $db->escape_string($emailsubject), "message" => $db->escape_string($emailmessage), "headers" => '');
                 $db->insert_query("mailqueue", $new_email);
                 $queued_email = 1;
             } elseif ($subscribedmember['notification'] == 2) {
                 $post_code = md5($subscribedmember['loginkey'] . $subscribedmember['salt'] . $subscribedmember['regdate']);
                 $pm = array('subject' => array('pmsubject_subscription', $subject), 'message' => array('pm_subscription', $subscribedmember['username'], $post['username'], $subject, $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], str_replace("&amp;", "&", get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "newpost")), $thread['tid'], $subscribedmember['subscriptionkey'], $post_code), 'touid' => $subscribedmember['uid'], 'language' => $subscribedmember['language'], 'language_file' => 'messages');
                 send_pm($pm, -1, true);
         $plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_post_insert_subscribed', $args);
         // Have one or more emails been queued? Update the queue count
         if (isset($queued_email) && $queued_email == 1) {
         $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1');
         // Update forum count
         update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("posts" => "+1"));
     } else {
         if ($visible == 0) {
             // Update the unapproved posts count for the current thread and current forum
             $thread_update = array('unapprovedposts' => '+1');
             update_thread_counters($post['tid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1"));
             update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1"));
         } else {
             if ($thread['visible'] == 0) {
                 // Update the unapproved posts count for the current forum
                 $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1');
                 update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1"));
             } else {
                 if ($thread['visible'] == -1) {
                     // Update the unapproved posts count for the current forum
                     $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1');
                     update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("deletedposts" => "+1"));
     $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='{$this->pid}' AND visible='1'");
     $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount");
     if ($attachmentcount > 0) {
         $thread_update['attachmentcount'] = "+{$attachmentcount}";
     update_thread_counters($post['tid'], $thread_update);
     // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible.
     $this->return_values = array("pid" => $this->pid, "visible" => $visible, "closed" => $closed);
     $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post_end", $this);
     return $this->return_values;
    while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) {
        if ($row['internalKey'] != $sender) {
            $recipient = $row['internalKey'];
            $fields = compact('recipient', 'sender', 'subject', 'message', 'postdate', 'type', 'private');
            send_pm($fields, $from);
if ($sendto == 'a') {
    $rs = $modx->db->select('id', '[+prefix+]manager_users');
    $private = 0;
    while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) {
        if ($row['id'] != $sender) {
            $recipient = $row['id'];
            $fields = compact('recipient', 'sender', 'subject', 'message', 'postdate', 'type', 'private');
            send_pm($fields, $from);
header("Location: index.php?a=10");
function pm2email($from, $fields)
    global $modx;
    if ($modx->config['pm2email'] == '0') {
    $msg = $message . "\n\n----------------\nFrom [(site_name)]\n[(site_url)]manager/\n\n";
    $msg = $modx->mergeSettingsContent($msg);
    $params['from'] = $from['email'];
    $params['fromname'] = $from['fullname'];
Esempio n. 19
 } else {
     if ($is_in_hotel) {
         $pm_comment .= $lang['Rabbitoshi_pm_news_hotel'];
     } else {
         $pm_comment .= '<b>' . $lang['Rabbitoshi_general_message'] . '</b>' . '<br />' . $thought . '<br /><br />';
         $pm_comment .= '<b>' . $lang['Rabbitoshi_message'] . '</b>' . '<br />' . $message . '<br /><br />';
 if ($rrow[$i]['owner_notification']) {
     $user_id = $rrow[$i]['owner_id'];
     $new_comment_subject = $lang['Rabbitoshi_pm_news'];
     $new_comment = $pm_comment;
     $comment_date = date("U");
     if (defined('PRIVMSGA_TABLE')) {
         $new_comment = $lang['Rabbitoshi_APM_pm'];
         send_pm(0, '', $user_id, $new_comment_subject, $new_comment, '');
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET user_new_privmsg = user_new_privmsg + 1 , user_last_privmsg = '9999999999' \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE user_id = " . $rrow[$i]['owner_id'];
         if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
             message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update users table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . PRIVMSGS_TABLE . " (privmsgs_type, privmsgs_subject, privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid, privmsgs_date, privmsgs_enable_html, privmsgs_enable_bbcode, privmsgs_enable_smilies, privmsgs_attach_sig) VALUES ('" . PRIVMSGS_NEW_MAIL . "', '" . str_replace("\\'", "''", addslashes(sprintf($new_comment_subject))) . "', '2', '" . $user_id . "', '" . $comment_date . "', '0', '1', '1', '0')";
         if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) {
             message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert private message sent info', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
         $privmsg_sent_id = $db->sql_nextid();
         $privmsgs_text = $new_comment;
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . PRIVMSGS_TEXT_TABLE . " (privmsgs_text_id, privmsgs_text) VALUES ({$privmsg_sent_id}, '" . str_replace("\\'", "''", addslashes(sprintf($privmsgs_text))) . "')";
         if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) {
             message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert private message sent text', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
         $rewards_string .= ' ' . $reward_faction_points . ' FP';
         $message = '[HERALD] Gave you ' . $reward_faction_points . ' Faction Points';
         send_pm($data['name'], $message);
         $claimed = true;
     if (count($reward_blocks) > 0) {
         give_blocks($data['name'], $reward_blocks);
         $rewards_string .= ' ' . $reward_block_count . ' blocks';
         $message = '[HERALD] Gave you ' . $reward_block_count . ' Blocks';
         send_pm($data['name'], $message);
         $claimed = true;
     // Were they able to claim a reward of some value?
     if ($claimed == true) {
         $message = 'Vote again tomorrow for even better rewards!';
         send_pm($data['name'], $message);
         echo " * Gave player c:{$reward_credits} fp:{$reward_faction_points} b:{$reward_block_count}";
         echo " rewards ok: claiming.\n";
         echo " * Broadcasting the transaction.\n";
         $message = '[HERALD] Gave ' . $data['name'] . ' ' . $rewards_string;
         $message .= ' for voting for us ' . $user_new_data[$data['name']]['consecutive_votes'];
         $message .= ' days in a row on';
     } else {
         echo " * Player had no rewards: vote NOT claimed.\n";
 } else {
     echo " * Error claiming vote: vote NOT claimed.\n";
Esempio n. 21
                 $error_message = $lang->users_already_rec_request_alt;
             // To maintain a proper count when we call count($users)
         // Do we have auto approval set to On?
         if ($user['buddyrequestsauto'] == 1 && $mybb->get_input('manage') != "ignored") {
             $existing_users[] = $user['uid'];
             $pm = array('subject' => 'buddyrequest_new_buddy', 'message' => 'buddyrequest_new_buddy_message', 'touid' => $user['uid'], 'receivepms' => (int) $user['buddyrequestspm'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'language_file' => 'usercp');
         } elseif ($user['buddyrequestsauto'] != 1 && $mybb->get_input('manage') != "ignored") {
             // Send request
             $id = $db->insert_query('buddyrequests', array('uid' => (int) $mybb->user['uid'], 'touid' => (int) $user['uid'], 'date' => TIME_NOW));
             $pm = array('subject' => 'buddyrequest_received', 'message' => 'buddyrequest_received_message', 'touid' => $user['uid'], 'receivepms' => (int) $user['buddyrequestspm'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'language_file' => 'usercp');
             $sent = true;
         } elseif ($mybb->get_input('manage') == "ignored") {
             $existing_users[] = $user['uid'];
 if ($found_users < count($users)) {
     if ($error_message) {
         $error_message .= "<br />";
     $error_message .= $lang->invalid_user_selected;
 if (($adding_self != true || $adding_self == true && count($users) > 0) && ($error_message == "" || count($users) > 1)) {
     if ($mybb->get_input('manage') == "ignored") {
         $message = $lang->users_added_to_ignore_list;
Esempio n. 22
File: edit.php Progetto: Karpec/gizd
        updatemoderbyhash($moder, $torhash);
        if ($moder == 'ok' && $CURUSER['trusted'] == 'no') {
            $get_user = "******" . $torhash . "'";
            $row = do_sqlquery($get_user, true);
            if (mysqli_num_rows($row) == 1) {
                $username = '';
                while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($row)) {
                    $username = $data['upname'];
                    $file = $data['filename'];
                    $uploader = $data['uploader'];
                $msg = '[b]' . $uploader . ' your torrent ' . $file . ' is approved![/b]
		Do not reply, this is an automatic message.';
                send_pm($CURUSER["uid"], $username, sqlesc($file), sqlesc($msg));
            if ($btit_settings["sbone"] == true || $CURUSER['trusted'] == 'no') {
                $al = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
                $rw = mysqli_fetch_assoc($al);
                $ct = $rw["count"] + 1;
                do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat (uid, time, name, text, count) VALUES (0," . time() . ", 'System','[color=red]NEW TORRENT[/color]: [url={$BASEURL}/index.php?page=torrent-details&id={$torhash}]" . $file . "[/url]'," . $ct . ")");
        if ($_POST["ex_moder"] != $moder && $moder == "bad" && $CURUSER["moderate_trusted"] == "yes") {
            redirect("index.php?page=moder&hash=" . $torhash . "");
        $youtube_video = $_FILES["youtube_video"];
        if ($btit_settings["imgsw"] == false) {
            //image url
            $userfile = $_FILES["userfile"];
Esempio n. 23
            if ($_POST['gname'] == "trappedinawell") {
                $game = 24;
                $level = 1;
                $score = $_POST['gscore'];
                $ardresult = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}flashscores WHERE game ='24' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 1");
                $arcad = mysqli_fetch_array($ardresult);
                $loser = $arcad["user"];
                if ($score > $arcad["score"]) {
                    if ($btit_settings["arc_aw"] == true) {
                        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `uploaded`=uploaded+'" . $upbon . "' WHERE `id`=" . $user . "", true);
                    } else {
                        do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `seedbonus`=seedbonus+'" . $seedbon . "' WHERE `id`=" . $user . "", true);
                    send_pm(0, $user, sqlesc('You Beat The Highscore!'), sqlesc("You did beat the highscore for Trapped In A Well\n\n Congratulations , you did recieve a " . $arte . " bonus !!\n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]"));
                    if ($user != $loser) {
                        send_pm(0, $loser, sqlesc('Your Highscore Is Broken!'), sqlesc("Your highscore for Trapped In A Well is broken\n\n Time to visit the arcade and get it back ;)\n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]"));
                    do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `trophy`='0' WHERE `id`=" . $loser . "", true);
                    do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `trophy`='1' WHERE `id`=" . $user . "", true);
                    $al = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
                    $rw = mysqli_fetch_assoc($al);
                    $ct = $rw["count"] + 1;
                    do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}chat (uid, time, name, text,count) VALUES (0," . time() . ", 'System','[color=red]NEW HIGHSCORE FOR[/color]: [img]{$BASEURL}/flash/trappedinawell1.gif[/img] Score: " . $score . " By " . $arcadeuser . " Award: " . $arte . "'," . $ct . ")");
            mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}flashscores` ( `ID` , `game` , `user` , `level` , `score` ,`date` ) VALUES ( '', '" . $game . "', '" . $user . "', '" . $level . "', '" . $score . "',NOW());") or die(is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
///////////////////////END ARCADE//////////////////////
Esempio n. 24
     if ($forum_permissions['canview'] != 1) {
 if ($warningshandler->validate_warning()) {
     $warninginfo = $warningshandler->insert_warning();
     // Are we notifying the user?
     if ($mybb->get_input('send_pm', MyBB::INPUT_INT) == 1 && $group_permissions['canusepms'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['enablepms'] != 0) {
         $pm = array('subject' => $mybb->get_input('pm_subject'), 'message' => $mybb->get_input('pm_message'), 'touid' => $user['uid']);
         $sender_uid = $mybb->user['uid'];
         if ($mybb->settings['allowanonwarningpms'] == 1 && $mybb->get_input('pm_anonymous', MyBB::INPUT_INT)) {
             $sender_uid = -1;
         // Some kind of friendly error notification
         if (!send_pm($pm, $sender_uid, true)) {
             $warningshandler->friendly_action .= $lang->redirect_warned_pmerror;
     $lang->redirect_warned = $lang->sprintf($lang->redirect_warned, htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']), $warningshandler->new_warning_level, $warningshandler->friendly_action);
     if (!empty($post['pid'])) {
         redirect(get_post_link($post['pid']), $lang->redirect_warned);
     } else {
         redirect(get_profile_link($user['uid']), $lang->redirect_warned);
 } else {
     $warn_errors = $warningshandler->get_friendly_errors();
     $warn_errors = inline_error($warn_errors);
     $mybb->input['action'] = 'warn';
Esempio n. 25
if ($CURUSER['id_level'] <= $att['id_level']) {
    stderr("Forget It", "you can not demote/promote a member with the same or a higher rank than you !!");
// protection
$dt3 = (int) $_POST['level'];
$dt2 = 'yes';
$dt1 = rank_expiration(mktime(date('H') + 2, date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') + addslashes($_POST['t_days']), date('Y')));
$returnto = $_POST['returnto'];
// staff control
do_sqlquery("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}t_rank (userid, old_rank, new_rank, date, byt , enddate) VALUES ({$id},{$idd},{$dt3}, NOW(), {$CURUSER['uid']}, '{$dt1}' )", true);
// staff control
$res4 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT level FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level WHERE id ='{$dt3}'");
$arr4 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res4);
$newrank = $arr4[level];
$res5 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT old_rank FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id ='{$id}'");
$arr5 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res5);
$res6 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT level FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level WHERE id ='{$arr5['old_rank']}'");
$arr6 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res6);
$oldrank = $arr6[level];
function rank_expiration($timestamp = 0)
    return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);
$subj = sqlesc("Your rank is changed !");
$msg = sqlesc("Your rank is changed to " . $newrank . "\n\n this is a timed rank and it will expire " . $dt1 . "\n\n after that you will get your old rank " . $oldrank . " back\n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]");
do_sqlquery("UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `old_rank` = '" . $idd . "',`timed_rank`='" . $dt1 . "', `rank_switch`='" . $dt2 . "', `id_level`='" . $dt3 . "' WHERE `id`=" . $id);
send_pm(0, $id, $subj, $msg);
header('Location: ' . $returnto);
Esempio n. 26
        change_tor_status($attach_id, $new_status);
        $this->response['status'] = $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$new_status] . ' <b> ' . $lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$new_status] . '</b> &middot; ' . profile_url($userdata) . ' &middot; <i>' . delta_time(TIMENOW) . $lang['TOR_BACK'] . '</i>';
        if ($bb_cfg['tor_comment'] && ($comment && $comment != $lang['COMMENT'] || in_array($new_status, $bb_cfg['tor_reply']))) {
            if ($tor['poster_id'] > 0) {
                $subject = sprintf($lang['TOR_MOD_TITLE'], $tor['topic_title']);
                $message = sprintf($lang['TOR_MOD_MSG'], get_username($tor['poster_id']), make_url(TOPIC_URL . $tor['topic_id']), $bb_cfg['tor_icons'][$new_status] . ' ' . $lang['TOR_STATUS_NAME'][$new_status]);
                if ($comment && $comment != $lang['COMMENT']) {
                    $message .= "\n\n[b]" . $lang['COMMENT'] . '[/b]: ' . $comment;
                send_pm($tor['poster_id'], $subject, $message, $userdata['user_id']);
    case 'status_reply':
        if (!$bb_cfg['tor_comment']) {
        $subject = sprintf($lang['TOR_AUTH_TITLE'], $tor['topic_title']);
        $message = sprintf($lang['TOR_AUTH_MSG'], get_username($tor['checked_user_id']), make_url(TOPIC_URL . $tor['topic_id']), $tor['topic_title']);
        if ($comment && $comment != $lang['COMMENT']) {
            $message .= "\n\n[b]" . $lang['COMMENT'] . '[/b]: ' . $comment;
        send_pm($tor['checked_user_id'], $subject, $message, $userdata['user_id']);
$this->response['attach_id'] = $attach_id;
Esempio n. 27
        if ($user['usergroup'] != $gid && !in_array($gid, $additionalgroups)) {
            $query = $db->simple_select("joinrequests", "rid", "uid = '" . (int) $user['uid'] . "' AND gid = '" . (int) $gid . "'", array("limit" => 1));
            $pendinginvite = $db->fetch_array($query);
            if ($pendinginvite['rid']) {
            } else {
                $usergroups_cache = $cache->read('usergroups');
                $usergroup = $usergroups_cache[$gid];
                $joinrequest = array("uid" => $user['uid'], "gid" => $usergroup['gid'], "dateline" => TIME_NOW, "invite" => 1);
                $db->insert_query("joinrequests", $joinrequest);
                $lang_var = 'invite_pm_message';
                if ($mybb->settings['deleteinvites'] != 0) {
                    $lang_var .= '_expires';
                $pm = array('subject' => array('invite_pm_subject', $usergroup['title']), 'message' => array($lang_var, $usergroup['title'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $mybb->settings['deleteinvites']), 'touid' => $user['uid'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'language_file' => 'managegroup');
                send_pm($pm, $mybb->user['uid'], true);
                redirect("managegroup.php?gid=" . $gid, $lang->user_invited);
        } else {
    } else {
} elseif ($mybb->input['action'] == "do_joinrequests" && $mybb->request_method == "post") {
    // Verify incoming POST request
    if ($groupleader['canmanagerequests'] == 0) {
Esempio n. 28
        $message = "<strong>" . $locale['pla_605'] . "</strong>";
    echo "<div style='text-align:center'>" . $message . "</div>\n";
if (isset($_POST['edit_app'])) {
    $app_user = stripinput($_POST['app_user']);
    $app_status = stripinput($_POST['app_status']);
    $app_approver = stripinput($_POST['app_approver']);
    $app_approver_pm = stripinput($_POST['app_approver_pm']);
    $app_approver_comment = stripinput($_POST['app_approver_comment']);
    $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_LICENSE_APPLY . " SET app_status = '{$app_status}', app_approver='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "', app_approver_pm='{$app_approver_pm}', app_approver_comment='{$app_approver_comment}' WHERE app_id='" . $_GET['app_id'] . "'");
    $send_pm = $_POST['send_pm'];
    if ($send_pm) {
        $sendpm = send_pm($app_user, $userdata['user_id'], $locale['pla_004'], $app_approver_pm);
    redirect(FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&status=apr");
} elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "delete" && (isset($_GET['app_id']) && isnum($_GET['app_id']))) {
    $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_LICENSE_APPLY . " WHERE app_id='" . $_GET['app_id'] . "'");
    redirect(FUSION_SELF . $aidlink . "&status=del");
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit" && (isset($_GET['app_id']) && isnum($_GET['app_id']))) {
        $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_LICENSE_APPLY . " WHERE app_id='" . $_GET['app_id'] . "'");
        if (dbrows($result)) {
            $data = dbarray($result);
            $app_user = $data['app_user'];
            $app_realname = $data['app_realname'];
            $app_address = $data['app_address'];
            $app_country = $data['app_country'];
            $app_phone = $data['app_phone'];
Esempio n. 29
             log_registration($username, $email, $log);
             echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n" . $locale['454'] . "<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
         } else {
             echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n" . $locale['457'] . "<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
     } else {
         $user_status = $settings['admin_activation'] == "1" ? "2" : "0";
         $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO " . DB_USERS . " (user_name, user_password, user_admin_password, user_email, user_hide_email, user_avatar, user_posts, user_threads, user_joined, user_lastvisit, user_ip, user_rights, user_groups, user_level, user_status" . $db_fields . ") VALUES('{$username}', '" . encrypt_pw($password1) . "', '', '" . $email . "', '{$user_hide_email}', '', '0', '0', '" . time() . "', '0', '" . USER_IP . "', '', '', '" . nMEMBER . "', '{$user_status}'" . $db_values . ")");
         $user_id = mysql_insert_id();
         if ($settings['welcome_pm']) {
             // Pimped: Welcome PM
             send_pm($user_id, $settings['welcome_pm_from'], $settings['welcome_pm_subject'], $settings['welcome_pm_message'], $settings['welcome_pm_smiley']);
         // Log Registration + Security Question
         log_registration($username, $email, $log, $user_id);
         if ($settings['admin_activation'] == "1") {
             echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n" . $locale['451'] . "<br /><br />\n" . $locale['453'] . "<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
         } else {
             echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n" . $locale['451'] . "<br /><br />\n" . $locale['452'] . "<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
 } else {
     echo "<div style='text-align:center'>\r\n\t\t<br />\n" . $locale['458'] . "<br /><br />\n" . $error . "<br />\n<a href='" . FUSION_SELF . "'>" . $locale['459'] . "</a>\r\n\t\t</div><br />\n";
Esempio n. 30
if (!defined("IN_BTIT")) {
    die("non direct access!");
if (!defined("IN_ACP")) {
    die("non direct access!");
$admintpl->set("language", $language);
if (isset($_GET["action"])) {
    $action = $_GET["action"];
} else {
    $action = "";
if ($action == "pm") {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $mesg = "After a system check , we found out you are [color=red]NOT connectable ( NAT )[/color]\n\n that is nor good for our community and it is not good for yourself , speeds will be low ! \n\n for more info read this [url][/url] and fix this problem ! \n\n [color=red]This is a automatic system message , so DO NOT reply ![/color]";
    send_pm(0, $id, sqlesc('Warning , you are NOT connectable !!'), sqlesc($mesg));
$r2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE connectable='no'") or die(is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
$connect = array();
$i = 0;
if ($r2) {
    while ($arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r2)) {
        $res4 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT prefixcolor , suffixcolor  FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level WHERE id ='{$arr['id_level']}'");
        $arr4 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res4);
        $name = $arr4[prefixcolor] . $arr[username] . $arr4[sufixcolor];
        $connect[$i]["Username"] = "******" . $arr["id"] . ">" . $name . "</a>";
        $connect[$i]["IP"] = $arr['joined'];
        $connect[$i]["Failed"] = $arr['lastconnect'];
        $connect[$i]["pm"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&amp;user="******"uid"] . "&amp;code=" . $CURUSER["random"] . "&amp;do=connect&amp;action=pm&amp;id=" . $arr["id"] . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you shure you want to pm this user ?')\">" . image_or_link("{$STYLEPATH}/images/pm.png", "", $language["USERS_PM"]) . "</a>";