Esempio n. 1
 function main()
     // HTML common to all pages
     $html = self::getJavascript() . '<form id="batch_update_form" action="module.php" method="get">' . '<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="batch_update">' . '<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_batch_update">' . '<input type="hidden" name="xref"   value="' . $this->xref . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">' . '<input type="hidden" name="data"   value="">' . '<table id="batch_update"><tr>' . '<th>' . WT_I18N::translate('Family tree') . '</th>' . '<td>' . select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), '', WT_GEDCOM, 'onchange="reset_reload();"') . '</td></tr><tr><th>' . WT_I18N::translate('Batch update') . '</th><td><select name="plugin" onchange="reset_reload();">';
     if (!$this->plugin) {
         $html .= '<option value="" selected="selected"></option>';
     foreach ($this->plugins as $class => $plugin) {
         $html .= '<option value="' . $class . '"' . ($this->plugin == $class ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $plugin->getName() . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     if ($this->PLUGIN) {
         $html .= '<br><em>' . $this->PLUGIN->getDescription() . '</em>';
     $html .= '</td></tr>';
     if (!Auth::user()->getSetting('auto_accept')) {
         $html .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="warning">' . WT_I18N::translate('Your user account does not have “automatically approve changes” enabled.  You will only be able to change one record at a time.') . '</td></tr>';
     // If a plugin is selected, display the details
     if ($this->PLUGIN) {
         $html .= $this->PLUGIN->getOptionsForm();
         if (substr($this->action, -4) == '_all') {
             // Reset - otherwise we might "undo all changes", which refreshes the
             // page, which makes them all again!
             $html .= '<script>reset_reload();</script>';
         } else {
             if ($this->curr_xref) {
                 // Create an object, so we can get the latest version of the name.
                 $this->record = WT_GedcomRecord::getInstance($this->curr_xref);
                 $html .= '</table><table id="batch_update2"><tr><td>' . self::createSubmitButton(WT_I18N::translate('previous'), $this->prev_xref) . self::createSubmitButton(WT_I18N::translate('next'), $this->next_xref) . '</td><th><a href="' . $this->record->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . $this->record->getFullName() . '</a>' . '</th>' . '</tr><tr><td valign="top">' . '<br>' . implode('<br>', $this->PLUGIN->getActionButtons($this->curr_xref, $this->record)) . '<br>' . '</td><td dir="ltr" align="left">' . $this->PLUGIN->getActionPreview($this->record) . '</td></tr>';
             } else {
                 $html .= '<tr><td class="accepted" colspan=2>' . WT_I18N::translate('Nothing found.') . '</td></tr>';
     $html .= '</table></form>';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 2
 * add a new tag input field
 * called for each fact to be edited on a form.
 * Fact level=0 means a new empty form : data are POSTed by name
 * else data are POSTed using arrays :
 * glevels[] : tag level
 *  islink[] : tag is a link
 *     tag[] : tag name
 *    text[] : tag value
 * @param string        $tag        fact record to edit (eg 2 DATE xxxxx)
 * @param string        $upperlevel optional upper level tag (eg BIRT)
 * @param string        $label      An optional label to echo instead of the default
 * @param string        $extra      optional text to display after the input field
 * @param WT_Individual $person     For male/female translations
 * @return string
function add_simple_tag($tag, $upperlevel = '', $label = '', $extra = null, WT_Individual $person = null)
    global $tags, $emptyfacts, $main_fact, $FILE_FORM_accept, $xref, $bdm, $action;
    $subnamefacts = array("NPFX", "GIVN", "SPFX", "SURN", "NSFX", "_MARNM_SURN");
    preg_match('/^(?:(\\d+) (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ') ?(.*))/', $tag, $match);
    list(, $level, $fact, $value) = $match;
    // element name : used to POST data
    if ($level == 0) {
        if ($upperlevel) {
            $element_name = $upperlevel . '_' . $fact;
        } else {
            $element_name = $fact;
        // ex: OCCU
    } else {
        $element_name = "text[]";
    if ($level == 1) {
        $main_fact = $fact;
    // element id : used by javascript functions
    if ($level == 0) {
        $element_id = $fact;
    } else {
        $element_id = $fact . Uuid::uuid4();
    if ($upperlevel) {
        $element_id = $upperlevel . '_' . $fact . Uuid::uuid4();
    // field value
    $islink = substr($value, 0, 1) === '@' && substr($value, 0, 2) != '@#';
    if ($islink) {
        $value = trim(trim(substr($tag, strlen($fact) + 3)), " @\r");
    } else {
        $value = trim(substr($tag, strlen($fact) + 3));
    if ($fact == 'REPO' || $fact == 'SOUR' || $fact == 'OBJE' || $fact == 'FAMC') {
        $islink = true;
    if ($fact == 'SHARED_NOTE_EDIT' || $fact == 'SHARED_NOTE') {
        $islink = 1;
        $fact = "NOTE";
    // label
    echo "<tr id=\"", $element_id, "_tr\" ";
    if ($fact == "MAP" || ($fact == "LATI" || $fact == "LONG") && $value == '') {
        echo " style=\"display:none;\"";
    echo " >";
    if (in_array($fact, $subnamefacts) || $fact == "LATI" || $fact == "LONG") {
        echo "<td class=\"optionbox wrap width25\">";
    } else {
        echo "<td class=\"descriptionbox wrap width25\">";
    if (WT_DEBUG) {
        echo $element_name, "<br>";
    // tag name
    if ($label) {
        echo $label;
    } elseif ($upperlevel) {
        echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($upperlevel . ':' . $fact);
    } else {
        echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($fact);
    // help link
    // If using GEDFact-assistant window
    if ($action == "addnewnote_assisted") {
        // Do not print on GEDFact Assistant window
    } else {
        // Not all facts have help text.
        switch ($fact) {
            case 'FORM':
                if ($upperlevel != 'OBJE') {
                    echo help_link($fact);
            case 'NOTE':
                if ($islink) {
                    echo help_link('edit_add_SHARED_NOTE');
                } else {
                    echo help_link($fact);
            case 'NAME':
                if ($upperlevel != 'REPO') {
                    echo help_link($fact);
            case 'ASSO':
            case '_ASSO':
                // Some apps (including webtrees) use "2 _ASSO", since "2 ASSO" is not strictly valid GEDCOM
                if ($level == 1) {
                    echo help_link('ASSO_1');
                } else {
                    echo help_link('ASSO_2');
            case 'ADDR':
            case 'AGNC':
            case 'CAUS':
            case 'DATE':
            case 'EMAI':
            case 'EMAIL':
            case 'EMAL':
            case '_EMAIL':
            case 'FAX':
            case 'OBJE':
            case 'PAGE':
            case 'PEDI':
            case 'PHON':
            case 'PLAC':
            case 'RELA':
            case 'RESN':
            case 'ROMN':
            case 'SEX':
            case 'SOUR':
            case 'STAT':
            case 'SURN':
            case 'TEMP':
            case 'TEXT':
            case 'TIME':
            case 'URL':
            case '_HEB':
            case '_PRIM':
                echo help_link($fact);
    // tag level
    if ($level > 0) {
        if ($fact == 'TEXT' && $level > 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"glevels[]\" value=\"", $level - 1, "\">";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"islink[]\" value=\"0\">";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag[]\" value=\"DATA\">";
            //-- leave data text[] value empty because the following TEXT line will
            //--- cause the DATA to be added
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"text[]\" value=\"\">";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"glevels[]\" value=\"", $level, "\">";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"islink[]\" value=\"", $islink, "\">";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag[]\" value=\"", $fact, "\">";
    echo "</td>";
    // value
    echo "<td class=\"optionbox wrap\">";
    if (WT_DEBUG) {
        echo $tag, "<br>";
    // retrieve linked NOTE
    if ($fact == "NOTE" && $islink) {
        $note1 = WT_Note::getInstance($value);
        if ($note1) {
            $noterec = $note1->getGedcom();
            preg_match("/{$value}/i", $noterec, $notematch);
            $value = $notematch[0];
    if (in_array($fact, $emptyfacts) && ($value == '' || $value == 'Y' || $value == 'y')) {
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"", $element_id, "\" name=\"", $element_name, "\" value=\"", $value, "\">";
        if ($level <= 1) {
            echo '<input type="checkbox" ';
            if ($value) {
                echo ' checked="checked"';
            echo " onclick=\"if (this.checked) ", $element_id, ".value='Y'; else ", $element_id, ".value='';\">";
            echo WT_I18N::translate('yes');
    } else {
        if ($fact == "TEMP") {
            echo select_edit_control($element_name, WT_Gedcom_Code_Temp::templeNames(), WT_I18N::translate('No temple - living ordinance'), $value);
        } else {
            if ($fact == "ADOP") {
                echo edit_field_adop($element_name, $value, '', $person);
            } else {
                if ($fact == "PEDI") {
                    echo edit_field_pedi($element_name, $value, '', $person);
                } else {
                    if ($fact == 'STAT') {
                        echo select_edit_control($element_name, WT_Gedcom_Code_Stat::statusNames($upperlevel), '', $value);
                    } else {
                        if ($fact == 'RELA') {
                            echo edit_field_rela($element_name, strtolower($value));
                        } else {
                            if ($fact == 'QUAY') {
                                echo select_edit_control($element_name, WT_Gedcom_Code_Quay::getValues(), '', $value);
                            } else {
                                if ($fact == '_WT_USER') {
                                    echo edit_field_username($element_name, $value);
                                } else {
                                    if ($fact == 'RESN') {
                                        echo edit_field_resn($element_name, $value);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($fact == '_PRIM') {
                                            echo '<select id="', $element_id, '" name="', $element_name, '" >';
                                            echo '<option value=""></option>';
                                            echo '<option value="Y"';
                                            if ($value == 'Y') {
                                                echo ' selected="selected"';
                                            echo '>', WT_I18N::translate('yes'), '</option>';
                                            echo '<option value="N"';
                                            if ($value == 'N') {
                                                echo ' selected="selected"';
                                            echo '>', WT_I18N::translate('no'), '</option>';
                                            echo '</select>';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($fact == 'SEX') {
                                                echo '<select id="', $element_id, '" name="', $element_name, '"><option value="M"';
                                                if ($value == 'M') {
                                                    echo ' selected="selected"';
                                                echo '>', WT_I18N::translate('Male'), '</option><option value="F"';
                                                if ($value == 'F') {
                                                    echo ' selected="selected"';
                                                echo '>', WT_I18N::translate('Female'), '</option><option value="U"';
                                                if ($value == 'U' || empty($value)) {
                                                    echo ' selected="selected"';
                                                echo '>', WT_I18N::translate_c('unknown gender', 'Unknown'), '</option></select>';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($fact == 'TYPE' && $level == '3') {
                                                    //-- Build the selector for the Media 'TYPE' Fact
                                                    echo '<select name="text[]"><option selected="selected" value="" ></option>';
                                                    $selectedValue = strtolower($value);
                                                    if (!array_key_exists($selectedValue, WT_Gedcom_Tag::getFileFormTypes())) {
                                                        echo '<option selected="selected" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), '" >', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), '</option>';
                                                    foreach (WT_Gedcom_Tag::getFileFormTypes() as $typeName => $typeValue) {
                                                        echo '<option value="', $typeName, '"';
                                                        if ($selectedValue == $typeName) {
                                                            echo ' selected="selected"';
                                                        echo '>', $typeValue, '</option>';
                                                    echo '</select>';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($fact == 'NAME' && $upperlevel != 'REPO' || $fact == '_MARNM') {
                                                        // Populated in javascript from sub-tags
                                                        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"", $element_id, "\" name=\"", $element_name, "\" onchange=\"updateTextName('", $element_id, "');\" value=\"", WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), "\" class=\"", $fact, "\">";
                                                        echo '<span id="', $element_id, '_display" dir="auto">', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), '</span>';
                                                        echo ' <a href="#edit_name" onclick="convertHidden(\'', $element_id, '\'); return false;" class="icon-edit_indi" title="' . WT_I18N::translate('Edit name') . '"></a>';
                                                    } else {
                                                        // textarea
                                                        if ($fact == 'TEXT' || $fact == 'ADDR' || $fact == 'NOTE' && !$islink) {
                                                            echo "<textarea id=\"", $element_id, "\" name=\"", $element_name, "\" dir=\"auto\">", WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), "</textarea><br>";
                                                        } else {
                                                            // text
                                                            // If using GEDFact-assistant window
                                                            if ($action == "addnewnote_assisted") {
                                                                echo "<input type=\"text\" id=\"", $element_id, "\" name=\"", $element_name, "\" value=\"", WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), "\" style=\"width:4.1em;\" dir=\"ltr\"";
                                                            } else {
                                                                echo "<input type=\"text\" id=\"", $element_id, "\" name=\"", $element_name, "\" value=\"", WT_Filter::escapeHtml($value), "\" dir=\"ltr\"";
                                                            echo " class=\"{$fact}\"";
                                                            if (in_array($fact, $subnamefacts)) {
                                                                echo " onblur=\"updatewholename();\" onkeyup=\"updatewholename();\"";
                                                            // Extra markup for specific fact types
                                                            switch ($fact) {
                                                                case 'DATE':
                                                                    echo " onblur=\"valid_date(this);\" onmouseout=\"valid_date(this);\"";
                                                                case 'GIVN':
                                                                    echo ' autofocus data-autocomplete-type="GIVN"';
                                                                case 'LATI':
                                                                    echo " onblur=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'N', 'S');\" onmouseout=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'N', 'S');\"";
                                                                case 'LONG':
                                                                    echo " onblur=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'E', 'W');\" onmouseout=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'E', 'W');\"";
                                                                case 'NOTE':
                                                                    // Shared notes.  Inline notes are handled elsewhere.
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="NOTE"';
                                                                case 'OBJE':
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="OBJE"';
                                                                case 'PLAC':
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="PLAC"';
                                                                case 'REPO':
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="REPO"';
                                                                case 'SOUR':
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="SOUR"';
                                                                case 'SURN':
                                                                case '_MARNM_SURN':
                                                                    echo ' data-autocomplete-type="SURN"';
                                                            echo '>';
                                                        $tmp_array = array('TYPE', 'TIME', 'NOTE', 'SOUR', 'REPO', 'OBJE', 'ASSO', '_ASSO', 'AGE');
                                                        // split PLAC
                                                        if ($fact == 'PLAC') {
                                                            echo "<div id=\"", $element_id, "_pop\" style=\"display: inline;\">";
                                                            echo print_specialchar_link($element_id), ' ', print_findplace_link($element_id);
                                                            echo '<span  onclick="jQuery(\'tr[id^=', $upperlevel, '_LATI],tr[id^=', $upperlevel, '_LONG],tr[id^=LATI],tr[id^=LONG]\').toggle(\'fast\'); return false;" class="icon-target" title="', WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('LATI'), ' / ', WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('LONG'), '"></span>';
                                                            echo '</div>';
                                                            if (array_key_exists('places_assistant', WT_Module::getActiveModules())) {
                                                        } elseif (!in_array($fact, $tmp_array)) {
                                                            echo print_specialchar_link($element_id);
    // MARRiage TYPE : hide text field and show a selection list
    if ($fact == 'TYPE' && $level == 2 && $tags[0] == 'MARR') {
        echo '<script>';
        echo "document.getElementById('", $element_id, "').style.display='none'";
        echo '</script>';
        echo "<select id=\"", $element_id, "_sel\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('", $element_id, "').value=this.value;\" >";
        foreach (array("Unknown", "Civil", "Religious", "Partners") as $key) {
            if ($key == "Unknown") {
                echo "<option value=\"\"";
            } else {
                echo "<option value=\"", $key, "\"";
            $a = strtolower($key);
            $b = strtolower($value);
            if (@strpos($a, $b) !== false || @strpos($b, $a) !== false) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            $tmp = "MARR_" . strtoupper($key);
            echo ">", WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($tmp), "</option>";
        echo "</select>";
    } else {
        if ($fact == 'TYPE' && $level == 0) {
            $onchange = 'onchange="document.getElementById(\'' . $element_id . '\').value=this.value;"';
            echo edit_field_name_type($element_name, $value, $onchange, $person);
            echo '<script>';
            echo "document.getElementById('", $element_id, "').style.display='none';";
            echo '</script>';
    // popup links
    switch ($fact) {
        case 'DATE':
            echo print_calendar_popup($element_id);
            // Allow the GEDFact_assistant module to show a census-date selector
            if (array_key_exists('GEDFact_assistant', WT_Module::getActiveModules())) {
                echo GEDFact_assistant_WT_Module::censusDateSelector($action, $upperlevel, $element_id);
        case 'FAMC':
        case 'FAMS':
            echo print_findfamily_link($element_id);
        case 'ASSO':
        case '_ASSO':
            echo print_findindi_link($element_id, $element_id . '_description');
        case 'FILE':
            print_findmedia_link($element_id, "0file");
        case 'SOUR':
            echo print_findsource_link($element_id, $element_id . '_description'), ' ', print_addnewsource_link($element_id);
            //-- checkboxes to apply '1 SOUR' to BIRT/MARR/DEAT as '2 SOUR'
            if ($level == 1) {
                echo '<br>';
                if ($PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === '0') {
                    $level1_checked = '';
                    $level2_checked = '';
                } else {
                    if ($PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === '1' || $PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === true) {
                        $level1_checked = '';
                        $level2_checked = ' checked="checked"';
                    } else {
                        $level1_checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        $level2_checked = '';
                if (strpos($bdm, 'B') !== false) {
                    echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_INDI" ', $level1_checked, ' value="1">';
                    echo WT_I18N::translate('Individual');
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            if (!in_array($match, explode('|', WT_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
                                echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="1">';
                                echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($match);
                if (strpos($bdm, 'D') !== false) {
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            if (in_array($match, explode('|', WT_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
                                echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="1">';
                                echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($match);
                if (strpos($bdm, 'M') !== false) {
                    echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_FAM" ', $level1_checked, ' value="1">';
                    echo WT_I18N::translate('Family');
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="1">';
                            echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel($match);
        case 'REPO':
            echo print_findrepository_link($element_id), ' ', print_addnewrepository_link($element_id);
        case 'NOTE':
            // Shared Notes Icons ========================================
            if ($islink) {
                // Print regular Shared Note icons ---------------------------
                echo ' ', print_findnote_link($element_id, $element_id . '_description'), ' ', print_addnewnote_link($element_id);
                if ($value) {
                    echo ' ', print_editnote_link($value);
                // Allow the GEDFact_assistant module to create a formatted shared note.
                if (array_key_exists('GEDFact_assistant', WT_Module::getActiveModules())) {
                    echo GEDFact_assistant_WT_Module::print_addnewnote_assisted_link($element_id, $xref, $action);
        case 'OBJE':
            echo print_findmedia_link($element_id, '1media');
            if (!$value) {
                echo ' ', print_addnewmedia_link($element_id);
                $value = 'new';
    echo '<div id="' . $element_id . '_description">';
    // current value
    if ($fact == 'DATE') {
        $date = new WT_Date($value);
        echo $date->Display(false);
    if ($value && $value != 'new' && $islink) {
        switch ($fact) {
            case 'ASSO':
            case '_ASSO':
                $tmp = WT_Individual::getInstance($value);
                if ($tmp) {
                    echo ' ', $tmp->getFullname();
            case 'SOUR':
                $tmp = WT_Source::getInstance($value);
                if ($tmp) {
                    echo ' ', $tmp->getFullname();
            case 'NOTE':
                $tmp = WT_Note::getInstance($value);
                if ($tmp) {
                    echo ' ', $tmp->getFullname();
            case 'OBJE':
                $tmp = WT_Media::getInstance($value);
                if ($tmp) {
                    echo ' ', $tmp->getFullname();
            case 'REPO':
                $tmp = WT_Repository::getInstance($value);
                if ($tmp) {
                    echo ' ', $tmp->getFullname();
    // pastable values
    if ($fact == 'FORM' && $upperlevel == 'OBJE') {
        print_autopaste_link($element_id, $FILE_FORM_accept);
    echo '</div>', $extra, '</td></tr>';
    return $element_id;
Esempio n. 3
            $in_progress = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `##gedcom_chunk` WHERE gedcom_id=? AND imported=1 LIMIT 1")->execute(array($tree->tree_id))->fetchOne();
            if (!$in_progress) {
                echo '<div id="import', $tree->tree_id, '"><div id="progressbar', $tree->tree_id, '"><div style="position:absolute;">', WT_I18N::translate('Deleting old genealogy data…'), '</div></div></div>';
                $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#progressbar' . $tree->tree_id . '").progressbar({value: 0});');
            } else {
                echo '<div id="import', $tree->tree_id, '"></div>';
            $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#import' . $tree->tree_id . '").load("import.php?gedcom_id=' . $tree->tree_id . '&keep_media' . $tree->tree_id . '=' . WT_Filter::get('keep_media' . $tree->tree_id) . '");');
            echo '<table border="0" width="100%" id="actions', $tree->tree_id, '" style="display:none">';
        } else {
            echo '<table border="0" width="100%" id="actions', $tree->tree_id, '">';
        echo '<tr align="center">', '<td><a href="admin_trees_export.php?ged=', $tree->tree_name_url, '" onclick="return modalDialog(\'admin_trees_export.php?ged=', $tree->tree_name_url, '\', \'', WT_I18N::translate('Export'), '\');">', WT_I18N::translate('Export'), '</a>', help_link('export_gedcom'), '</td>', '<td><a href="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '?action=importform&amp;gedcom_id=', $tree->tree_id, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Import'), '</a>', help_link('import_gedcom'), '</td>', '<td><a href="admin_trees_download.php?ged=', $tree->tree_name_url, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Download'), '</a>', help_link('download_gedcom'), '</td>', '<td><a href="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '?action=uploadform&amp;gedcom_id=', $tree->tree_id, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Upload'), '</a>', help_link('upload_gedcom'), '</td>', '<td>', '<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . WT_Filter::escapeJs(WT_I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete “%s”?', $tree->tree_name)), '\')) document.delete_form', $tree->tree_id, '.submit(); return false;">', WT_I18N::translate('Delete'), '</a>', '<form name="delete_form', $tree->tree_id, '" method="post" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">', '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete">', '<input type="hidden" name="gedcom_id" value="', $tree->tree_id, '">', WT_Filter::getCsrf(), '</form>', '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br>';
// Options for creating new gedcoms and setting defaults
if (Auth::isAdmin()) {
    echo '<table class="gedcom_table2"><tr>';
    if (count(WT_Tree::GetAll()) > 1) {
        echo '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Default family tree'), help_link('default_gedcom'), '</th>';
    echo '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Create a new family tree'), help_link('add_new_gedcom'), '</th></tr><tr>';
    if (count(WT_Tree::GetAll()) > 1) {
        echo '<td><form name="defaultform" method="post" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">', '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="setdefault">', WT_Filter::getCsrf(), select_edit_control('default_ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), '', WT_Site::preference('DEFAULT_GEDCOM'), 'onchange="document.defaultform.submit();"'), '</form></td>';
    echo '<td class="button">', '<form name="createform" method="post" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">', WT_Filter::getCsrf(), '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new_tree">', '<input name="ged_name">', ' <input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('save'), '">', '</form>', '</td>', '</tr></table><br>';
    // display link to PGV-WT transfer wizard on first visit to this page, before any GEDCOM is loaded
    if (count(WT_Tree::GetAll()) == 0 && count(User::all()) == 1) {
        echo '<div class="center">', '<a style="color:green; font-weight:bold;" href="admin_pgv_to_wt.php">', WT_I18N::translate('Click here for PhpGedView to <b>webtrees</b> transfer wizard'), '</a>', help_link('PGV_WIZARD'), '</div>';
Esempio n. 4
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
use WT\Auth;
define('WT_SCRIPT_NAME', 'admin_trees_check.php');
require './includes/session.php';
require WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
$controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
$controller->restrictAccess(Auth::isManager())->setPageTitle(WT_I18N::translate('Check for errors'))->pageHeader();
echo '<form method="get" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="go" value="1">';
echo select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM);
echo '<input type="submit" value="', $controller->getPageTitle(), '">';
echo '</form>';
if (!WT_Filter::get('go')) {
// We need to work with raw GEDCOM data, as we are looking for errors
// which may prevent the WT_GedcomRecord objects from working...
$rows = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT i_id AS xref, 'INDI' AS type, i_gedcom AS gedrec FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_file=?" . " UNION " . "SELECT f_id AS xref, 'FAM'  AS type, f_gedcom AS gedrec FROM `##families`    WHERE f_file=?" . " UNION " . "SELECT s_id AS xref, 'SOUR' AS type, s_gedcom AS gedrec FROM `##sources`     WHERE s_file=?" . " UNION " . "SELECT m_id AS xref, 'OBJE' AS type, m_gedcom AS gedrec FROM `##media`       WHERE m_file=?" . " UNION " . "SELECT o_id AS xref, o_type AS type, o_gedcom AS gedrec FROM `##other`       WHERE o_file=? AND o_type NOT IN ('HEAD', 'TRLR')")->execute(array(WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID))->fetchAll();
$records = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $records[$row->xref] = $row;
// Need to merge pending new/changed/deleted records
$rows = WT_DB::prepare(" SELECT xref, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CASE WHEN old_gedcom='' THEN new_gedcom ELSE old_gedcom END, '\n', 1), ' ', 3), ' ', -1) AS type, new_gedcom AS gedrec" . " FROM (" . "  SELECT MAX(change_id) AS change_id" . "  FROM `##change`" . "  WHERE gedcom_id=? AND status='pending'" . "  GROUP BY xref" . " ) AS t1" . " JOIN `##change` t2 USING (change_id)")->execute(array(WT_GED_ID))->fetchAll();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
Esempio n. 5
echo print_findindi_link('rootid');
				<td class="descriptionbox">
					<label for="fan_style">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Layout');
				<td class="optionbox">
echo select_edit_control('fan_style', $controller->getFanStyles(), null, $controller->fan_style);
				<td rowspan="2" class="topbottombar vmiddle">
					<input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo WT_I18N::translate('View');
				<td class="descriptionbox">
					<label for="generations">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Generations');
Esempio n. 6
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'days', WT_Filter::postInteger('days', 1, self::MAX_DAYS, self::DEFAULT_DAYS));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', WT_Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'sortStyle', WT_Filter::post('sortStyle', 'name|date_asc|date_desc', 'date_desc'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'hide_empty', WT_Filter::postBool('hide_empty'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $days = get_block_setting($block_id, 'days', self::DEFAULT_DAYS);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of days to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="', $days, '">';
     echo ' <em>', WT_I18N::plural('maximum %d day', 'maximum %d days', self::MAX_DAYS, self::MAX_DAYS), '</em>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Presentation style');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('infoStyle', array('list' => WT_I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => WT_I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $sortStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'sortStyle', 'date');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Sort order');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('sortStyle', array('name' => WT_I18N::translate('sort by name'), 'date_asc' => WT_I18N::translate('sort by date, oldest first'), 'date_desc' => WT_I18N::translate('sort by date, newest first')), null, $sortStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $hide_empty = get_block_setting($block_id, 'hide_empty', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Should this block be hidden when it is empty?');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('hide_empty', $hide_empty);
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="optionbox wrap">';
     echo '<span class="error">', WT_I18N::translate('If you hide an empty block, you will not be able to change its configuration until it becomes visible by no longer being empty.'), '</span>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 7
    public function configureBlock($block_id)
        if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter', WT_Filter::post('filter', 'indi|event|all', 'all'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'controls', WT_Filter::postBool('controls'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'start', WT_Filter::postBool('start'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_avi', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_avi'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_bmp', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_bmp'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_gif', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_gif'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_jpeg', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_jpeg'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_mp3', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_mp3'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_ole', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_ole'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_pcx', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_pcx'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_pdf', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_pdf'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_png', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_png'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_tiff', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_tiff'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_wav', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_wav'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_audio', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_audio'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_book', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_book'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_card', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_card'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_certificate', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_certificate'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_coat', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_coat'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_document', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_document'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_electronic', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_electronic'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_fiche', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_fiche'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_film', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_film'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_magazine', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_magazine'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_manuscript', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_manuscript'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_map', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_map'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_newspaper', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_newspaper'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_other', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_other'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_painting', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_painting'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_photo', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_photo'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_tombstone', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_tombstone'));
            set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_video', WT_Filter::postBool('filter_video'));
        require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
        $filter = get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter', 'all');
        echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Show only individuals, events, or all?');
        echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
        echo select_edit_control('filter', array('indi' => WT_I18N::translate('Individuals'), 'event' => WT_I18N::translate('Facts and events'), 'all' => WT_I18N::translate('All')), null, $filter, '');
        echo '</td></tr>';
        $filters = array('avi' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_avi', false), 'bmp' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_bmp', true), 'gif' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_gif', true), 'jpeg' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_jpeg', true), 'mp3' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_mp3', false), 'ole' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_ole', true), 'pcx' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_pcx', true), 'pdf' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_pdf', false), 'png' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_png', true), 'tiff' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_tiff', true), 'wav' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_wav', false), 'audio' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_audio', false), 'book' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_book', true), 'card' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_card', true), 'certificate' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_certificate', true), 'coat' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_coat', true), 'document' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_document', true), 'electronic' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_electronic', true), 'fiche' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_fiche', true), 'film' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_film', true), 'magazine' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_magazine', true), 'manuscript' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_manuscript', true), 'map' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_map', true), 'newspaper' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_newspaper', true), 'other' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_other', true), 'painting' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_painting', true), 'photo' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_photo', true), 'tombstone' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_tombstone', true), 'video' => get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter_video', false));
        echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Filter');
		<td class="optionbox">
        echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('FORM');
			<table class="width100">
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['avi']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['bmp']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['gif']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['jpeg']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['mp3']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['ole']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['pcx']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['pdf']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['png']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['tiff']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
			<td class="width33"><input type="checkbox" value="yes"
        if ($filters['wav']) {
            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
					<td class="width33">&nbsp;</td>
					<td class="width33">&nbsp;</td>
        echo WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('TYPE');
			<table class="width100">
        //-- Build the list of checkboxes
        $i = 0;
        foreach (WT_Gedcom_Tag::getFileFormTypes() as $typeName => $typeValue) {
            if ($i > 3) {
                $i = 1;
                echo "</tr><tr>";
            echo "<td class=\"width33\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"yes\" name=\"filter_" . $typeName . "\"";
            if ($filters[$typeName]) {
                echo " checked=\"checked\"";
            echo ">&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $typeValue . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";

        $controls = get_block_setting($block_id, 'controls', true);
        echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Show slide show controls?');
        echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
        echo edit_field_yes_no('controls', $controls);
        echo '</td></tr>';
        $start = get_block_setting($block_id, 'start', false);
        echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Start slide show on page load?');
        echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
        echo edit_field_yes_no('start', $start);
        echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 8
    private function config()
        require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
        if (WT_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN) {
            $controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
						dom: \'<"H"pf<"dt-clear">irl>t<"F"pl>\',
						' . WT_I18N::datatablesI18N() . ',
						autoWidth: false,
						paging: true,
						pagingType: "full_numbers",
						lengthChange: true,
						filter: true,
						info: true,
						jQueryUI: true,
						sorting: [[0,"asc"]],
						columns: [
							/* 0-name */ null,
							/* 1-NAME */ null,
							/* 2-NAME */ { sortable:false },
							/* 3-NAME */ { sortable:false }
            $stories = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT block_id, xref" . " FROM `##block` b" . " WHERE module_name=?" . " AND gedcom_id=?" . " ORDER BY xref")->execute(array($this->getName(), WT_GED_ID))->fetchAll();
            echo '<form method="get" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), ' ', '<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="', $this->getName(), '">', '<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_config">', select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM), '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('show'), '">', '</form>';
            echo '<h3><a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_edit">', WT_I18N::translate('Add a story'), '</a></h3>';
            if (count($stories) > 0) {
                echo '<table id="story_table">';
                echo '<thead><tr>
					<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Story title'), '</th>
					<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Individual'), '</th>
            echo '<tbody>';
            foreach ($stories as $story) {
                $story_title = get_block_setting($story->block_id, 'title');
                $indi = WT_Individual::getInstance($story->xref);
                if ($indi) {
                    echo '<tr><td><a href="', $indi->getHtmlUrl() . '#stories">', $story_title, '</a></td>
							  <td><a href="', $indi->getHtmlUrl() . '#stories">' . $indi->getFullName(), '</a></td>';
                } else {
                    echo '<tr><td>', $story_title, '</td><td class="error">', $story->xref, '</td>';
                echo '<td><a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_edit&amp;block_id=', $story->block_id, '"><div class="icon-edit">&nbsp;</div></a></td>
						 <td><a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_delete&amp;block_id=', $story->block_id, '" onclick="return confirm(\'', WT_I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete this story?'), '\');"><div class="icon-delete">&nbsp;</div></a></td>
            echo '</tbody></table>';
        } else {
            header('Location: ' . WT_SERVER_NAME . WT_SCRIPT_PATH);
Esempio n. 9
echo edit_field_yes_no('NEW_FULL_SOURCES', get_gedcom_setting(WT_GED_ID, 'FULL_SOURCES'));
echo WT_I18N::translate('Source type'), help_link('PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES');
echo select_edit_control('NEW_PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES', array(0 => WT_I18N::translate('none'), 1 => WT_I18N::translate('facts'), 2 => WT_I18N::translate('records')), null, get_gedcom_setting(WT_GED_ID, 'PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES'));
echo WT_I18N::translate('Use GeoNames database for autocomplete on places'), help_link('GEONAMES_ACCOUNT');
					<input type="text" id="NEW_GEONAMES_ACCOUNT" name="NEW_GEONAMES_ACCOUNT" value="<?php 
echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml(get_gedcom_setting(WT_GED_ID, 'GEONAMES_ACCOUNT'));
" size="40" maxlength="255" dir="ltr" placeholder="<?php 
echo WT_I18N::translate('Username');
Esempio n. 10
					<input class="pedigree_form" data-autocomplete-type="INDI" type="text" id="rootid" name="rootid" size="3" value="<?php 
echo $controller->rootid;
echo print_findindi_link('rootid');
				<td class="optionbox center">
				<td class="optionbox center">
echo select_edit_control('talloffset', array(0 => WT_I18N::translate('Portrait'), 1 => WT_I18N::translate('Landscape'), 2 => WT_I18N::translate('Oldest at top'), 3 => WT_I18N::translate('Oldest at bottom')), null, $talloffset);
				<td class="optionbox center">
				    <input type="checkbox" value="<?php 
if ($controller->show_full) {
    echo "1\" checked=\"checked\" onclick=\"document.people.show_full.value='0';";
} else {
    echo "0\" onclick=\"document.people.show_full.value='1';";
Esempio n. 11
    $class = $index++ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
    echo '<td class="' . $class . '">', $this->indiField('preApproved[new][' . $tree->tree_id . '][rootid]', '', $tree->tree_name_url), '</td>', '<td class="' . $class . '">', $this->indiField('preApproved[new][' . $tree->tree_id . '][gedcomid]', '', $tree->tree_name_url), '</td>', '<td class="' . $class . '">', select_edit_control('preApproved[new][' . $tree->tree_id . '][canedit]', $this->get_edit_options(), NULL, NULL), '</td>';
if (!empty($preApproved)) {
    foreach ($preApproved as $fbUsername => $details) {
        echo '
      <td nowrap="nowrap">' . $this->facebookProfileLink($fbUsername) . '</td>';
        $index = 0;
        foreach (WT_Tree::getAll() as $tree) {
            $class = $index++ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
            echo '<td class="' . $class . '">', $this->indiField('preApproved[' . $fbUsername . '][' . $tree->tree_id . '][rootid]', @$details[$tree->tree_id]['rootid'], $tree->tree_name_url), '</td>', '<td class="' . $class . '">', $this->indiField('preApproved[' . $fbUsername . '][' . $tree->tree_id . '][gedcomid]', @$details[$tree->tree_id]['gedcomid'], $tree->tree_name_url), '</td>', '<td class="' . $class . '">', select_edit_control('preApproved[' . $fbUsername . '][' . $tree->tree_id . '][canedit]', $this->get_edit_options(), NULL, @$details[$tree->tree_id]['canedit']), '</td>';
        echo '
      <td><button name="deletePreapproved" value="' . $fbUsername . '" class="icon-delete"></button></td>
function paste_id(value) {
Esempio n. 12
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'num', WT_Filter::postInteger('num', 1, 10000, 10));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'count_placement', WT_Filter::post('count_placement', 'before|after', 'before'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $num = get_block_setting($block_id, 'num', 10);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of items to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="num" size="2" value="', $num, '">';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $count_placement = get_block_setting($block_id, 'count_placement', 'left');
     echo "<tr><td class=\"descriptionbox wrap width33\">";
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Place counts before or after name?');
     echo "</td><td class=\"optionbox\">";
     echo select_edit_control('count_placement', array('before' => WT_I18N::translate('before'), 'after' => WT_I18N::translate('after')), null, $count_placement, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', false);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 13

echo WT_I18N::translate('This will update the highest-level part or parts of the place name.  For example, “Mexico” will match “Quintana Roo, Mexico”, but not “Santa Fe, New Mexico”.');

<form method="post">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Family tree');
echo select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM, 'autofocus');
		<dt><label for="search"><?php 
echo WT_I18N::translate('Search for');
		<dd><input name="search" id="search" type="text" size="30" value="<?php 
echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($search);
" required></dd>
		<dt><label for="replace"><?php 
echo WT_I18N::translate('Replace with');
		<dd><input name="replace" id="replace" type="text" size="30" value="<?php 
Esempio n. 14
        WT_DB::exec("LOCK TABLE" . " `##individuals` WRITE," . " `##individuals` AS individuals2 READ," . " `##families` WRITE," . " `##families` AS families2 READ," . " `##sources` WRITE," . " `##sources` AS sources2 READ," . " `##media` WRITE," . " `##media` AS media2 READ," . " `##other` WRITE," . " `##other` AS other2 READ," . " `##name` WRITE," . " `##name` AS name2 READ," . " `##placelinks` WRITE," . " `##placelinks` AS placelinks2 READ," . " `##change` WRITE," . " `##change` AS change2 READ," . " `##dates` WRITE," . " `##dates` AS dates2 READ," . " `##default_resn` WRITE," . " `##default_resn` AS default_resn2 READ," . " `##hit_counter` WRITE," . " `##hit_counter` AS hit_counter2 READ," . " `##link` WRITE," . " `##link` AS link2 READ");
        try {
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##individuals` (i_id, i_file, i_rin, i_sex, i_gedcom)" . " SELECT i_id, ?, i_rin, i_sex, i_gedcom FROM `##individuals` AS individuals2 WHERE i_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##families` (f_id, f_file, f_husb, f_wife, f_gedcom, f_numchil)" . " SELECT f_id, ?, f_husb, f_wife, f_gedcom, f_numchil FROM `##families` AS families2 WHERE f_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##sources` (s_id, s_file, s_name, s_gedcom)" . " SELECT s_id, ?, s_name, s_gedcom FROM `##sources` AS sources2 WHERE s_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##media` (m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, m_file, m_gedcom)" . " SELECT m_id, m_ext, m_type, m_titl, m_filename, ?, m_gedcom FROM `##media` AS media2 WHERE m_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##other` (o_id, o_file, o_type, o_gedcom)" . " SELECT o_id, ?, o_type, o_gedcom FROM `##other` AS other2 WHERE o_file = ? AND o_type NOT IN ('HEAD', 'TRLR')")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file, n_id, n_num, n_type, n_sort, n_full, n_surname, n_surn, n_givn, n_soundex_givn_std, n_soundex_surn_std, n_soundex_givn_dm, n_soundex_surn_dm)" . " SELECT ?, n_id, n_num, n_type, n_sort, n_full, n_surname, n_surn, n_givn, n_soundex_givn_std, n_soundex_surn_std, n_soundex_givn_dm, n_soundex_surn_dm FROM `##name` AS name2 WHERE n_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelinks` (pl_p_id, pl_gid, pl_file)" . " SELECT pl_p_id, pl_gid, ? FROM `##placelinks` AS placelinks2 WHERE pl_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##dates` (d_day, d_month, d_mon, d_year, d_julianday1, d_julianday2, d_fact, d_gid, d_file, d_type)" . " SELECT d_day, d_month, d_mon, d_year, d_julianday1, d_julianday2, d_fact, d_gid, ?, d_type FROM `##dates` AS dates2 WHERE d_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##default_resn` (gedcom_id, xref, tag_type, resn, comment, updated)" . " SELECT ?, xref, tag_type, resn, comment, updated FROM `##default_resn` AS default_resn2 WHERE gedcom_id = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##link` (l_file, l_from, l_type, l_to)" . " SELECT ?, l_from, l_type, l_to FROM `##link` AS link2 WHERE l_file = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            // This table may contain old (deleted) references, which could clash.  IGNORE these.
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO `##change` (change_time, status, gedcom_id, xref, old_gedcom, new_gedcom, user_id)" . " SELECT change_time, status, ?, xref, old_gedcom, new_gedcom, user_id FROM `##change` AS change2 WHERE gedcom_id = ?")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            // This table may contain old (deleted) references, which could clash.  IGNORE these.
            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO `##hit_counter` (gedcom_id, page_name, page_parameter, page_count)" . " SELECT ?, page_name, page_parameter, page_count FROM `##hit_counter` AS hit_counter2 WHERE gedcom_id = ? AND page_name <> 'index.php'")->execute(array($ged2_id, WT_GED_ID));
            echo '<p>', WT_I18N::translate('The family trees were merged successfully.'), '</p>';
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            echo '<p>', WT_I18N::translate('Oops!  An unexpected database error occurred.'), '</p>';
            echo '<pre>', $ex, '</pre>';
        WT_DB::exec("UNLOCK TABLES");
echo '<form method="POST" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="go" value="1">';
echo '<p>', WT_I18N::translate('Copy all the records from %1$s into %2$s.', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($WT_TREE->tree_title), select_edit_control('ged2_id', WT_Tree::getIdList(), null, $ged2_id)), '</p>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('continue'), '">';
echo '</form>';
Esempio n. 15
 private function config()
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
     $faqs = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT block_id, block_order, gedcom_id, bs1.setting_value AS header, bs2.setting_value AS faqbody" . " FROM `##block` b" . " JOIN `##block_setting` bs1 USING (block_id)" . " JOIN `##block_setting` bs2 USING (block_id)" . " WHERE module_name = ?" . " AND bs1.setting_name = 'header'" . " AND bs2.setting_name = 'faqbody'" . " AND IFNULL(gedcom_id, ?) = ?" . " ORDER BY block_order")->execute(array($this->getName(), WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID))->fetchAll();
     $min_block_order = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT MIN(block_order) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name=?")->execute(array($this->getName()))->fetchOne();
     $max_block_order = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT MAX(block_order) FROM `##block` WHERE module_name=?")->execute(array($this->getName()))->fetchOne();
     echo '<p><form method="get" action="', WT_SCRIPT_NAME, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), ' ', '<input type="hidden" name="mod", value="', $this->getName(), '">', '<input type="hidden" name="mod_action", value="admin_config">', select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM), '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('show'), '">', '</form></p>';
     echo '<a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_edit">', WT_I18N::translate('Add an FAQ item'), '</a>';
     echo help_link('add_faq_item', $this->getName());
     echo '<table id="faq_edit">';
     if (empty($faqs)) {
         echo '<tr><td class="error center" colspan="5">', WT_I18N::translate('The FAQ list is empty.'), '</td></tr></table>';
     } else {
         $trees = WT_Tree::getAll();
         foreach ($faqs as $faq) {
             // NOTE: Print the position of the current item
             echo '<tr class="faq_edit_pos"><td>';
             echo WT_I18N::translate('Position item'), ': ', $faq->block_order + 1, ', ';
             if ($faq->gedcom_id == null) {
                 echo WT_I18N::translate('All');
             } else {
                 echo $trees[$faq->gedcom_id]->tree_title_html;
             echo '</td>';
             // NOTE: Print the edit options of the current item
             echo '<td>';
             if ($faq->block_order == $min_block_order) {
                 echo '&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 echo '<a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_moveup&amp;block_id=', $faq->block_id, '" class="icon-uarrow"></a>';
                 echo help_link('moveup_faq_item', $this->getName());
             echo '</td><td>';
             if ($faq->block_order == $max_block_order) {
                 echo '&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 echo '<a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_movedown&amp;block_id=', $faq->block_id, '" class="icon-darrow"></a>';
                 echo help_link('movedown_faq_item', $this->getName());
             echo '</td><td>';
             echo '<a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_edit&amp;block_id=', $faq->block_id, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Edit'), '</a>';
             echo help_link('edit_faq_item', $this->getName());
             echo '</td><td>';
             echo '<a href="module.php?mod=', $this->getName(), '&amp;mod_action=admin_delete&amp;block_id=', $faq->block_id, '" onclick="return confirm(\'', WT_I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete this FAQ entry?'), '\');">', WT_I18N::translate('Delete'), '</a>';
             echo help_link('delete_faq_item', $this->getName());
             echo '</td></tr>';
             // NOTE: Print the title text of the current item
             echo '<tr><td colspan="5">';
             echo '<div class="faq_edit_item">';
             echo '<div class="faq_edit_title">', $faq->header, '</div>';
             // NOTE: Print the body text of the current item
             echo '<div class="faq_edit_content">', substr($faq->faqbody, 0, 1) == '<' ? $faq->faqbody : nl2br($faq->faqbody, false), '</div></div></td></tr>';
         echo '</table>';
Esempio n. 16
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'num', WT_Filter::postInteger('num', 1, 10000, 10));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', WT_Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|array|table|tagcloud', 'table'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $num = get_block_setting($block_id, 'num', 10);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of items to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="num" size="2" value="', $num, '">';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Presentation style');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('infoStyle', array('list' => WT_I18N::translate('bullet list'), 'array' => WT_I18N::translate('compact list'), 'table' => WT_I18N::translate('table'), 'tagcloud' => WT_I18N::translate('tag cloud')), null, $infoStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', false);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 17
		jQuery("#log_list").dataTable( {
			"dom": \'<"H"pf<"dt-clear">irl>t<"F"pl>\',
			"processing": true,
			"serverSide": true,
			"ajax": "' . WT_SERVER_NAME . WT_SCRIPT_PATH . WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '?action=load_json&from=' . $from . '&to=' . $to . '&type=' . $type . '&oldged=' . rawurlencode($oldged) . '&newged=' . rawurlencode($newged) . '&xref=' . rawurlencode($xref) . '&user='******'&gedc=' . rawurlencode($gedc) . '",
			' . WT_I18N::datatablesI18N(array(10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, -1)) . ',
			jQueryUI: true,
			autoWidth: false,
			sorting: [[ 0, "desc" ]],
			pageLength: ' . Auth::user()->getSetting('admin_site_change_page_size', 10) . ',
			pagingType: "full_numbers",
			columns: [
			/* Timestamp   */ { },
			/* Status      */ { },
			/* Record      */ { },
			/* Old data    */ { class: "raw_gedcom", sortable: false },
			/* New data    */ { class: "raw_gedcom", sortable: false },
			/* User        */ { },
			/* Family tree */ { }
$url = WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '?from=' . rawurlencode($from) . '&amp;to=' . rawurlencode($to) . '&amp;type=' . rawurlencode($type) . '&amp;oldged=' . rawurlencode($oldged) . '&amp;newged=' . rawurlencode($newged) . '&amp;xref=' . rawurlencode($xref) . '&amp;user='******'&amp;gedc=' . rawurlencode($gedc);
$users_array = array();
foreach (User::all() as $tmp_user) {
    $users_array[$tmp_user->getUserName()] = $tmp_user->getUserName();
echo '<form name="changes" method="get" action="' . WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '">', '<input type="hidden" name="action", value="show">', '<table class="site_change">', '<tr>', '<td colspan="6">', WT_I18N::translate('From %s to %s', '<input class="log-date" name="from" value="' . WT_Filter::escapeHtml($from) . '">', '<input class="log-date" name="to" value="' . WT_Filter::escapeHtml($to) . '">'), '</td>', '</tr><tr>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Status'), '<br>', select_edit_control('type', $statuses, null, $type, ''), '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Record'), '<br><input class="log-filter" name="xref" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($xref), '"> ', '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Old data'), '<br><input class="log-filter" name="oldged" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($oldged), '"> ', '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('New data'), '<br><input class="log-filter" name="newged" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($newged), '"> ', '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('User'), '<br>', select_edit_control('user', $users_array, '', $user, ''), '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), '<br>', select_edit_control('gedc', WT_Tree::getNameList(), '', $gedc, Auth::isAdmin() ? '' : 'disabled'), '</td>', '</tr><tr>', '<td colspan="6">', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Filter'), '">', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Export'), '" onclick="document.changes.action.value=\'export\';return true;" ', $action == 'show' ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"', '>', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Delete'), '" onclick="if (confirm(\'', WT_Filter::escapeHtml(WT_I18N::translate('Permanently delete these records?')), '\')) {document.changes.action.value=\'delete\';return true;} else {return false;}" ', $action == 'show' ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"', '>', '</td>', '</tr>', '</table>', '</form>';
if ($action) {
    echo '<br>', '<table id="log_list">', '<thead>', '<tr>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Timestamp'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Status'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Record'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Old data'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('New data'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('User'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), '</th>', '</tr>', '</thead>', '<tbody>', '</tbody>', '</table>';
Esempio n. 18
    private function adminPlaces()
        require WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
        $action = WT_Filter::get('action');
        $parent = WT_Filter::get('parent');
        $inactive = WT_Filter::getBool('inactive');
        $deleteRecord = WT_Filter::get('deleteRecord');
        if (!isset($parent)) {
            $parent = 0;
        $controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
        if ($action == 'ExportFile' && Auth::isAdmin()) {
            $tmp = $this->placeIdToHierarchy($parent);
            $maxLevel = $this->getHighestLevel();
            if ($maxLevel > 8) {
                $maxLevel = 8;
            $tmp[0] = 'places';
            $outputFileName = preg_replace('/[:;\\/\\\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\] $]/', '_', implode('-', $tmp)) . '.csv';
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $outputFileName . '"');
            echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Level'), '";"', WT_I18N::translate('Country'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 0) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('State'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 1) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('County'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 2) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('City'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 3) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Place'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 4) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Place'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 5) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Place'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 6) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Place'), '";';
            if ($maxLevel > 7) {
                echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Place'), '";';
            echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Longitude'), '";"', WT_I18N::translate('Latitude'), '";';
            echo '"', WT_I18N::translate('Zoom level'), '";"', WT_I18N::translate('Icon'), '";', WT_EOL;
        $controller->setPageTitle(WT_I18N::translate('Google Maps™'))->pageHeader();
		<table id="gm_config">
					<a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&amp;mod_action=admin_config">
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Google Maps™ preferences');
					<a class="current" href="module.php?mod=googlemap&amp;mod_action=admin_places">
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Geographic data');
					<a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&amp;mod_action=admin_placecheck">
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Place check');
        if ($action == 'ImportGedcom') {
            $placelist = array();
            $j = 0;
            $gedcom_records = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT i_gedcom FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_file=? UNION ALL SELECT f_gedcom FROM `##families` WHERE f_file=?")->execute(array(WT_GED_ID, WT_GED_ID))->fetchOneColumn();
            foreach ($gedcom_records as $gedrec) {
                $i = 1;
                $placerec = get_sub_record(2, '2 PLAC', $gedrec, $i);
                while (!empty($placerec)) {
                    if (preg_match("/2 PLAC (.+)/", $placerec, $match)) {
                        $placelist[$j] = array();
                        $placelist[$j]['place'] = trim($match[1]);
                        if (preg_match("/4 LATI (.*)/", $placerec, $match)) {
                            $placelist[$j]['lati'] = trim($match[1]);
                            if ($placelist[$j]['lati'][0] != 'N' && $placelist[$j]['lati'][0] != 'S') {
                                if ($placelist[$j]['lati'] < 0) {
                                    $placelist[$j]['lati'][0] = 'S';
                                } else {
                                    $placelist[$j]['lati'] = 'N' . $placelist[$j]['lati'];
                        } else {
                            $placelist[$j]['lati'] = NULL;
                        if (preg_match("/4 LONG (.*)/", $placerec, $match)) {
                            $placelist[$j]['long'] = trim($match[1]);
                            if ($placelist[$j]['long'][0] != 'E' && $placelist[$j]['long'][0] != 'W') {
                                if ($placelist[$j]['long'] < 0) {
                                    $placelist[$j]['long'][0] = 'W';
                                } else {
                                    $placelist[$j]['long'] = 'E' . $placelist[$j]['long'];
                        } else {
                            $placelist[$j]['long'] = NULL;
                        $j = $j + 1;
                    $i = $i + 1;
                    $placerec = get_sub_record(2, '2 PLAC', $gedrec, $i);
            $prevPlace = '';
            $prevLati = '';
            $prevLong = '';
            $placelistUniq = array();
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($placelist as $k => $place) {
                if ($place['place'] != $prevPlace) {
                    $placelistUniq[$j] = array();
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['place'] = $place['place'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['lati'] = $place['lati'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['long'] = $place['long'];
                    $j = $j + 1;
                } elseif ($place['place'] == $prevPlace && ($place['lati'] != $prevLati || $place['long'] != $prevLong)) {
                    if ($placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] == 0 || $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] == 0) {
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] = $place['lati'];
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] = $place['long'];
                    } elseif ($place['lati'] != '0' || $place['long'] != '0') {
                        echo 'Difference: previous value = ', $prevPlace, ', ', $prevLati, ', ', $prevLong, ' current = ', $place['place'], ', ', $place['lati'], ', ', $place['long'], '<br>';
                $prevPlace = $place['place'];
                $prevLati = $place['lati'];
                $prevLong = $place['long'];
            $highestIndex = $this->getHighestIndex();
            $default_zoom_level = array(4, 7, 10, 12);
            foreach ($placelistUniq as $k => $place) {
                $parent = preg_split('/ *, */', $place['place']);
                $parent = array_reverse($parent);
                $parent_id = 0;
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($parent); $i++) {
                    if (!isset($default_zoom_level[$i])) {
                        $default_zoom_level[$i] = $default_zoom_level[$i - 1];
                    $escparent = $parent[$i];
                    if ($escparent == '') {
                        $escparent = 'Unknown';
                    $row = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT pl_id, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_level=? AND pl_parent_id=? AND pl_place LIKE ?")->execute(array($i, $parent_id, $escparent))->fetchOneRow();
                    if ($i < count($parent) - 1) {
                        // Create higher-level places, if necessary
                        if (empty($row)) {
                            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_zoom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $default_zoom_level[$i]));
                            echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>';
                            $parent_id = $highestIndex;
                        } else {
                            $parent_id = $row->pl_id;
                    } else {
                        // Create lowest-level place, if necessary
                        if (empty($row->pl_id)) {
                            WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $place['long'], $place['lati'], $default_zoom_level[$i]));
                            echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>';
                        } else {
                            if (empty($row->pl_long) && empty($row->pl_lati) && $place['lati'] != '0' && $place['long'] != '0') {
                                WT_DB::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati=?, pl_long=? WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $row->pl_id));
                                echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($escparent), '<br>';
            $parent = 0;
        if ($action == 'ImportFile') {
            $placefiles = array();
            $this->findFiles(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/extra');
		<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="importfile" name="importfile" action="module.php?mod=googlemap&amp;mod_action=admin_places&amp;action=ImportFile2">
			<table class="gm_plac_edit">
            echo WT_I18N::translate('File containing places (CSV)');
					<td><input type="file" name="placesfile" size="50"></td>
            if (count($placefiles) > 0) {
                echo WT_I18N::translate('Server file containing places (CSV)'), help_link('PLIF_LOCALFILE', 'googlemap');
						<select name="localfile">
                foreach ($placefiles as $p => $placefile) {
							<option value="<?php 
                    echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($placefile);
                    if (substr($placefile, 0, 1) == "/") {
                        echo substr($placefile, 1);
                    } else {
                        echo $placefile;
            echo WT_I18N::translate('Delete all existing geographic data before importing the file.');
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="cleardatabase"></td>
            echo WT_I18N::translate('Do not create new locations, just import coordinates for existing locations.');
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="updateonly"></td>
            echo WT_I18N::translate('Overwrite existing coordinates.');
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="overwritedata"></td>
			<input id="savebutton" type="submit" value="<?php 
            echo WT_I18N::translate('Continue adding');
        if ($action == 'ImportFile2') {
            $country_names = array();
            foreach (WT_Stats::iso3166() as $key => $value) {
                $country_names[$key] = WT_I18N::translate($key);
            if (isset($_POST['cleardatabase'])) {
                WT_DB::exec("DELETE FROM `##placelocation` WHERE 1=1");
            if (!empty($_FILES['placesfile']['tmp_name'])) {
                $lines = file($_FILES['placesfile']['tmp_name']);
            } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['localfile'])) {
                $lines = file(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/extra' . $_REQUEST['localfile']);
            // Strip BYTE-ORDER-MARK, if present
            if (!empty($lines[0]) && substr($lines[0], 0, 3) == WT_UTF8_BOM) {
                $lines[0] = substr($lines[0], 3);
            $highestIndex = $this->getHighestIndex();
            $placelist = array();
            $j = 0;
            $maxLevel = 0;
            foreach ($lines as $p => $placerec) {
                $fieldrec = explode(';', $placerec);
                if ($fieldrec[0] > $maxLevel) {
                    $maxLevel = $fieldrec[0];
            $fields = count($fieldrec);
            $set_icon = true;
            if (!is_dir(WT_MODULES_DIR . 'googlemap/places/flags/')) {
                $set_icon = false;
            foreach ($lines as $p => $placerec) {
                $fieldrec = explode(';', $placerec);
                if (is_numeric($fieldrec[0]) && $fieldrec[0] <= $maxLevel) {
                    $placelist[$j] = array();
                    $placelist[$j]['place'] = '';
                    for ($ii = $fields - 4; $ii > 1; $ii--) {
                        if ($fieldrec[0] > $ii - 2) {
                            $placelist[$j]['place'] .= $fieldrec[$ii] . ',';
                    foreach ($country_names as $countrycode => $countryname) {
                        if ($countrycode == strtoupper($fieldrec[1])) {
                            $fieldrec[1] = $countryname;
                    $placelist[$j]['place'] .= $fieldrec[1];
                    $placelist[$j]['long'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 4];
                    $placelist[$j]['lati'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 3];
                    $placelist[$j]['zoom'] = $fieldrec[$fields - 2];
                    if ($set_icon) {
                        $placelist[$j]['icon'] = trim($fieldrec[$fields - 1]);
                    } else {
                        $placelist[$j]['icon'] = '';
                    $j = $j + 1;
            $prevPlace = '';
            $prevLati = '';
            $prevLong = '';
            $placelistUniq = array();
            $j = 0;
            foreach ($placelist as $k => $place) {
                if ($place['place'] != $prevPlace) {
                    $placelistUniq[$j] = array();
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['place'] = $place['place'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['lati'] = $place['lati'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['long'] = $place['long'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['zoom'] = $place['zoom'];
                    $placelistUniq[$j]['icon'] = $place['icon'];
                    $j = $j + 1;
                } elseif ($place['place'] == $prevPlace && ($place['lati'] != $prevLati || $place['long'] != $prevLong)) {
                    if ($placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] == 0 || $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] == 0) {
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['lati'] = $place['lati'];
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['long'] = $place['long'];
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['zoom'] = $place['zoom'];
                        $placelistUniq[$j - 1]['icon'] = $place['icon'];
                    } elseif ($place['lati'] != '0' || $place['long'] != '0') {
                        echo 'Difference: previous value = ', $prevPlace, ', ', $prevLati, ', ', $prevLong, ' current = ', $place['place'], ', ', $place['lati'], ', ', $place['long'], '<br>';
                $prevPlace = $place['place'];
                $prevLati = $place['lati'];
                $prevLong = $place['long'];
            $default_zoom_level = array();
            $default_zoom_level[0] = 4;
            $default_zoom_level[1] = 7;
            $default_zoom_level[2] = 10;
            $default_zoom_level[3] = 12;
            foreach ($placelistUniq as $k => $place) {
                $parent = explode(',', $place['place']);
                $parent = array_reverse($parent);
                $parent_id = 0;
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($parent); $i++) {
                    $escparent = $parent[$i];
                    if ($escparent == '') {
                        $escparent = 'Unknown';
                    $row = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT pl_id, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom, pl_icon FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_level=? AND pl_parent_id=? AND pl_place LIKE ? ORDER BY pl_place")->execute(array($i, $parent_id, $escparent))->fetchOneRow();
                    if (empty($row)) {
                        // this name does not yet exist: create entry
                        if (!isset($_POST['updateonly'])) {
                            $highestIndex = $highestIndex + 1;
                            if ($i + 1 == count($parent)) {
                                $zoomlevel = $place['zoom'];
                            } elseif (isset($default_zoom_level[$i])) {
                                $zoomlevel = $default_zoom_level[$i];
                            } else {
                                $zoomlevel = $this->getSetting('GM_MAX_ZOOM');
                            if ($place['lati'] == '0' || $place['long'] == '0' || $i + 1 < count($parent)) {
                                WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_zoom, pl_icon) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $zoomlevel, $place['icon']));
                            } else {
                                //delete leading zero
                                $pl_lati = str_replace(array('N', 'S', ','), array('', '-', '.'), $place['lati']);
                                $pl_long = str_replace(array('E', 'W', ','), array('', '-', '.'), $place['long']);
                                if ($pl_lati >= 0) {
                                    $place['lati'] = 'N' . abs($pl_lati);
                                } elseif ($pl_lati < 0) {
                                    $place['lati'] = 'S' . abs($pl_lati);
                                if ($pl_long >= 0) {
                                    $place['long'] = 'E' . abs($pl_long);
                                } elseif ($pl_long < 0) {
                                    $place['long'] = 'W' . abs($pl_long);
                                WT_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `##placelocation` (pl_id, pl_parent_id, pl_level, pl_place, pl_long, pl_lati, pl_zoom, pl_icon) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($highestIndex, $parent_id, $i, $escparent, $place['long'], $place['lati'], $zoomlevel, $place['icon']));
                            $parent_id = $highestIndex;
                    } else {
                        $parent_id = $row->pl_id;
                        if (isset($_POST['overwritedata']) && $i + 1 == count($parent)) {
                            WT_DB::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati=?, pl_long=?, pl_zoom=?, pl_icon=? WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $place['zoom'], $place['icon'], $parent_id));
                        } else {
                            if (($row->pl_long == '0' || $row->pl_long == null) && ($row->pl_lati == '0' || $row->pl_lati == null)) {
                                WT_DB::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_lati=?, pl_long=? WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($place['lati'], $place['long'], $parent_id));
                            if (empty($row->pl_icon) && !empty($place['icon'])) {
                                WT_DB::prepare("UPDATE `##placelocation` SET pl_icon=? WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($place['icon'], $parent_id));
            $parent = 0;
        if ($action == 'DeleteRecord') {
            $exists = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_parent_id=?")->execute(array($deleteRecord))->fetchOne();
            if (!$exists) {
                WT_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_id=?")->execute(array($deleteRecord));
            } else {
                echo '<table class="facts_table"><tr><td>', WT_I18N::translate('Location not removed: this location contains sub-locations'), '</td></tr></table>';
		function updateList(inactive) {
        if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&inactive', true)) {
            $uri = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&inactive', true);
        } else {
            $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        echo $uri, '&inactive=';

		function edit_place_location(placeid) {'module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=places_edit&action=update&placeid='+placeid, '_blank', gmap_window_specs);
			return false;

		function add_place_location(placeid) {'module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=places_edit&action=add&placeid='+placeid, '_blank', gmap_window_specs);
			return false;

		function delete_place(placeid) {
			var answer=confirm('<?php 
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Remove this location?');
			if (answer == true) {
				window.location = '<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
&action=DeleteRecord&deleteRecord=' + placeid;
        echo '<div id="gm_breadcrumb">';
        $where_am_i = $this->placeIdToHierarchy($parent);
        foreach (array_reverse($where_am_i, true) as $id => $place) {
            if ($id == $parent) {
                if ($place != 'Unknown') {
                    echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($place);
                } else {
                    echo WT_I18N::translate('unknown');
            } else {
                echo '<a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $id, '&inactive=', $inactive, '">';
                if ($place != 'Unknown') {
                    echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($place), '</a>';
                } else {
                    echo WT_I18N::translate('unknown'), '</a>';
            echo ' - ';
        echo '<a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=0&inactive=', $inactive, '">', WT_I18N::translate('Top level'), '</a></div>';
        echo '<form name="active" method="post" action="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $parent, '&inactive=', $inactive, '"><div id="gm_active">';
        echo '<label for="inactive">', WT_I18N::translate('Show inactive places'), '</label>';
        echo '<input type="checkbox" name="inactive" id="inactive"';
        if ($inactive) {
            echo ' checked="checked"';
        echo ' onclick="updateList(this.checked)"';
        echo '>', help_link('PLE_ACTIVE', 'googlemap'), '</div></form>';
        $placelist = $this->getPlaceListLocation($parent, $inactive);
        echo '<div class="gm_plac_edit">';
        echo '<table class="gm_plac_edit"><tr>';
        echo '<th>', WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('PLAC'), '</th>';
        echo '<th>', WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('LATI'), '</th>';
        echo '<th>', WT_Gedcom_Tag::getLabel('LONG'), '</th>';
        echo '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Zoom level'), '</th>';
        echo '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Icon'), '</th>';
        echo '<th>';
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Edit'), '</th><th>', WT_I18N::translate('Delete'), '</th></tr>';
        if (count($placelist) == 0) {
            echo '<tr><td colspan="7" class="accepted">', WT_I18N::translate('No places found'), '</td></tr>';
        foreach ($placelist as $place) {
            echo '<tr><td><a href="module.php?mod=googlemap&mod_action=admin_places&parent=', $place['place_id'], '&inactive=', $inactive, '">';
            if ($place['place'] != 'Unknown') {
                echo WT_Filter::escapeHtml($place['place']), '</a></td>';
            } else {
                echo WT_I18N::translate('unknown'), '</a></td>';
            echo '<td>', $place['lati'], '</td>';
            echo '<td>', $place['long'], '</td>';
            echo '<td>', $place['zoom'], '</td>';
            echo '<td>';
            if ($place['icon'] == NULL || $place['icon'] == '') {
                if ($place['lati'] == NULL || $place['long'] == NULL || $place['lati'] == '0' && $place['long'] == '0') {
                    echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/images/mm_20_yellow.png">';
                } else {
                    echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/images/mm_20_red.png">';
            } else {
                echo '<img src="', WT_STATIC_URL, WT_MODULES_DIR, 'googlemap/', $place['icon'], '" width="25" height="15">';
            echo '</td>';
            echo '<td class="narrow"><a href="#" onclick="edit_place_location(', $place['place_id'], ');return false;" class="icon-edit" title="', WT_I18N::translate('Edit'), '"></a></td>';
            $noRows = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT COUNT(pl_id) FROM `##placelocation` WHERE pl_parent_id=?")->execute(array($place['place_id']))->fetchOne();
            if ($noRows == 0) {
				<td><a href="#" onclick="delete_place(<?php 
                echo $place['place_id'];
);return false;" class="icon-delete" title="<?php 
                echo WT_I18N::translate('Remove');
            } else {
				<td><i class="icon-delete-grey"></i></td>

		<table id="gm_manage">
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Add  a new geographic location');
					<form action="?" onsubmit="add_place_location(this.parent_id.options[this.parent_id.selectedIndex].value); return false;">
        echo select_edit_control('parent_id', $where_am_i, WT_I18N::translate('Top level'), $parent);
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Add');
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Import all places from a family tree');
					<form action="module.php" method="get">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places">
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ImportGedcom">
        echo select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM);
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Import');
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Upload geographic data');
					<form action="module.php" method="get">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places">
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ImportFile">
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Upload');
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Download geographic data');
					<form action="module.php" method="get">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="googlemap">
						<input type="hidden" name="mod_action" value="admin_places">
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ExportFile">
        echo select_edit_control('parent', $where_am_i, WT_I18N::translate('All'), WT_GED_ID);
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo WT_I18N::translate('Download');
Esempio n. 19

<form action="medialist.php" method="get">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="filter">
	<input type="hidden" name="search" value="yes">
	<table class="list_table width75">
			<td class="descriptionbox wrap width25">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Folder');
			<td class="optionbox wrap width25">
echo select_edit_control('folder', $folders, null, $folder);
    echo '<td class="descriptionbox wrap width25">';
    echo WT_I18N::translate('Sort order');
    echo '</td><td class="optionbox wrap width25">';
    echo '<select name="sortby">';
    echo '<option value="title" ', $sortby == 'title' ? 'selected="selected"' : '', '>';
    echo WT_I18N::translate('sort by title');
    echo '</option>';
    echo '<option value="file" ', $sortby == 'file' ? 'selected="selected"' : '', '>';
    echo WT_I18N::translate('sort by filename');
    echo '</option>';
    echo '</select>';
Esempio n. 20
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'days', WT_Filter::postInteger('days', 1, 30, 7));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'filter', WT_Filter::postBool('filter'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', WT_Filter::postBool('onlyBDM'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', WT_Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'sortStyle', WT_Filter::post('sortStyle', 'alpha|anniv', 'alpha'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $days = get_block_setting($block_id, 'days', 7);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of days to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="', $days, '">';
     echo ' <em>', WT_I18N::plural('maximum %d day', 'maximum %d days', 30, 30), '</em>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $filter = get_block_setting($block_id, 'filter', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Show only events of living individuals?');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('filter', $filter);
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $onlyBDM = get_block_setting($block_id, 'onlyBDM', false);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Show only births, deaths, and marriages?');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('onlyBDM', $onlyBDM);
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Presentation style');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('infoStyle', array('list' => WT_I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => WT_I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $sortStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'sortStyle', 'alpha');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Sort order');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('sortStyle', array('alpha' => WT_I18N::translate('sort by name'), 'anniv' => WT_I18N::translate('sort by date')), null, $sortStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 21
 private function fetchFriendList()
     global $WT_SESSION, $controller;
     $controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
     $controller->addInlineJavaScript("\n            \$('head').append('<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . WT_MODULES_DIR . $this->getName() . "/facebook.css?v=" . WT_FACEBOOK_VERSION . "\" />');", WT_Controller_Page::JS_PRIORITY_LOW);
     $preApproved = unserialize($this->getSetting('preapproved'));
     if (WT_Filter::postArray('preApproved') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         $roleRows = WT_Filter::postArray('preApproved');
         $fbUsernames = WT_Filter::postArray('facebook_username', WT_REGEX_USERNAME);
         foreach ($fbUsernames as $facebook_username) {
             $facebook_username = $this->cleanseFacebookUsername($facebook_username);
             $this->appendPreapproved($preApproved, $facebook_username, $roleRows);
         $this->setSetting('preapproved', serialize($preApproved));
         WT_FlashMessages::addMessage(WT_I18N::translate('Users successfully imported from Facebook'));
         header("Location: module.php?mod=" . $this->getName() . "&mod_action=admin");
     if (empty($WT_SESSION->facebook_access_token)) {
         $this->error_page(WT_I18N::translate("You must <a href='%s'>login to the site via Facebook</a> in order to import friends from Facebook", "index.php?logout=1"));
     $graph_url = "" . self::api_dir . "me/friends?fields=first_name,last_name,name,username&access_token=" . $WT_SESSION->facebook_access_token;
     $friendsResponse = $this->fetch_url($graph_url);
     if ($friendsResponse === FALSE) {
         $this->error_page(WT_I18N::translate("Could not fetch your friends from Facebook. Note that this feature won't work for Facebook Apps created after 2014-04-30 due to a Facebook policy change."));
     $friends = json_decode($friendsResponse);
     if (empty($friends->data)) {
         $this->error_page(WT_I18N::translate("No friend data"));
     function nameSort($a, $b)
         return strcmp($a->last_name . " " . $a->first_name, $b->last_name . " " . $b->first_name);
     usort($friends->data, "nameSort");
     echo "<form id='facebook_friend_list' method='post' action=''>";
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     // for select_edit_control
     $index = 0;
     foreach (WT_Tree::getAll() as $tree) {
         $class = $index++ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
         echo "<label>" . $tree->tree_name_html . " - " . WT_I18N::translate('Role') . help_link('role') . ": " . select_edit_control('preApproved[' . $tree->tree_id . '][canedit]', $this->get_edit_options(), NULL, NULL) . "</label>";
     foreach ($friends->data as $friend) {
         $facebook_username = $this->cleanseFacebookUsername(isset($friend->username) ? $friend->username : $friend->id);
         // Exclude friends who are already pre-approved or are current users
         if (isset($preApproved[$facebook_username]) || $this->get_user_id_from_facebook_username($facebook_username)) {
         echo "<label><input name='facebook_username[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $facebook_username . "'/>" . $friend->name . "</label>";
     echo WT_Filter::getCsrf();
     echo "<button>Select Friends</button></form>";
Esempio n. 22
switch ($files) {
    case 'local':
    case 'unused':
        $extra = 'onchange="this.form.submit();"';
        echo '<span dir="ltr">', WT_DATA_DIR;
        // Don’t show a list of media folders if it just contains one folder
        if (count($media_folders) > 1) {
            echo '&nbsp;', select_edit_control('media_folder', $media_folders, null, $media_folder, $extra);
        } else {
            echo $media_folder, '<input type="hidden" name="media_folder" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($media_folder), '">';
        // Don’t show a list of subfolders if it just contains one subfolder
        if (count($media_paths) > 1) {
            echo '&nbsp;', select_edit_control('media_path', $media_paths, null, $media_path, $extra);
        } else {
            echo $media_path, '<input type="hidden" name="media_path" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($media_path), '">';
        echo '</span>', '<div>', '<input type="radio" name="subfolders" value="include"', $subfolders == 'include' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' onchange="this.form.submit();">', WT_I18N::translate('Include subfolders'), '<br>', '<input type="radio" name="subfolders" value="exclude"', $subfolders == 'exclude' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' onchange="this.form.submit();">', WT_I18N::translate('Exclude subfolders'), '</div>';
    case 'external':
        echo WT_I18N::translate('External media files have a URL instead of a filename.');
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="media_folder" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($media_folder), '">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="media_path" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($media_path), '">';
Esempio n. 23
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'days', WT_Filter::postInteger('days', 1, 30, 7));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', WT_Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'calendar', WT_Filter::post('calendar', 'jewish|gregorian', 'jewish'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $days = get_block_setting($block_id, 'days', 7);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of days to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="' . $days . '">';
     echo ' <em>', WT_I18N::plural('maximum %d day', 'maximum %d days', 30, 30), '</em>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Presentation style');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('infoStyle', array('list' => WT_I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => WT_I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $calendar = get_block_setting($block_id, 'calendar');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Calendar');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('calendar', array('jewish' => WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName(), 'gregorian' => WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName()), null, $calendar, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 24
        // Total filtered/unfiltered rows
        $recordsFiltered = WT_DB::prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();
        $recordsTotal = WT_DB::prepare($SELECT2 . $WHERE)->execute($args)->fetchColumn();
        header('Content-type: application/json');
        echo json_encode(array('sEcho' => WT_Filter::getInteger('sEcho'), 'recordsTotal' => $recordsTotal, 'recordsFiltered' => $recordsFiltered, 'data' => $data));
		jQuery("#log_list").dataTable( {
			dom: \'<"H"pf<"dt-clear">irl>t<"F"pl>\',
			processing: true,
			serverSide: true,
			ajax: "' . WT_SERVER_NAME . WT_SCRIPT_PATH . WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '?action=load_json&from=' . $from . '&to=' . $to . '&type=' . $type . '&text=' . rawurlencode($text) . '&ip=' . rawurlencode($ip) . '&user='******'&gedc=' . rawurlencode($gedc) . '",
			' . WT_I18N::datatablesI18N(array(10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, -1)) . ',
			jQueryUI: true,
			autoWidth: false,
			sorting: [[ 0, "desc" ]],
			pageLength: ' . Auth::user()->getSetting('admin_site_log_page_size', 20) . ',
			pagingType: "full_numbers"
$url = WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '?from=' . rawurlencode($from) . '&amp;to=' . rawurlencode($to) . '&amp;type=' . rawurlencode($type) . '&amp;text=' . rawurlencode($text) . '&amp;ip=' . rawurlencode($ip) . '&amp;user='******'&amp;gedc=' . rawurlencode($gedc);
$users_array = array();
foreach (User::all() as $tmp_user) {
    $users_array[$tmp_user->getUserName()] = $tmp_user->getUserName();
echo '<form name="logs" method="get" action="' . WT_SCRIPT_NAME . '">', '<input type="hidden" name="action", value="show">', '<table class="site_logs">', '<tr>', '<td colspan="6">', WT_I18N::translate('From %s to %s', '<input class="log-date" name="from" value="' . WT_Filter::escapeHtml($from) . '">', '<input class="log-date" name="to" value="' . WT_Filter::escapeHtml($to) . '">'), '</td>', '</tr><tr>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Type'), '<br>', select_edit_control('type', array('' => '', 'auth' => 'auth', 'config' => 'config', 'debug' => 'debug', 'edit' => 'edit', 'error' => 'error', 'media' => 'media', 'search' => 'search'), null, $type, ''), '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Message'), '<br><input class="log-filter" name="text" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($text), '"> ', '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('IP address'), '<br><input class="log-filter" name="ip" value="', WT_Filter::escapeHtml($ip), '"> ', '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('User'), '<br>', select_edit_control('user', $users_array, '', $user, ''), '</td>', '<td>', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), '<br>', select_edit_control('gedc', WT_Tree::getNameList(), '', $gedc, Auth::isAdmin() ? '' : 'disabled'), '</td>', '</tr><tr>', '<td colspan="6">', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Filter'), '">', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Export'), '" onclick="document.logs.action.value=\'export\';return true;" ', $action == 'show' ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"', '>', '<input type="submit" value="', WT_I18N::translate('Delete'), '" onclick="if (confirm(\'', WT_Filter::escapeHtml(WT_I18N::translate('Permanently delete these records?')), '\')) {document.logs.action.value=\'delete\';return true;} else {return false;}" ', $action == 'show' ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"', '>', '</td>', '</tr>', '</table>', '</form>';
if ($action) {
    echo '<br>', '<table id="log_list">', '<thead>', '<tr>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Timestamp'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Type'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Message'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('IP address'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('User'), '</th>', '<th>', WT_I18N::translate('Family tree'), '</th>', '</tr>', '</thead>', '<tbody>', '</tbody>', '</table>';
Esempio n. 25
define('WT_SCRIPT_NAME', 'admin_site_other.php');
require './includes/session.php';
require WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
$controller = new WT_Controller_Page();
$controller->restrictAccess(Auth::isManager())->setPageTitle(WT_I18N::translate('Add unlinked records'))->pageHeader();
<div id="other">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Add unlinked records');
		<form method="post" action="?" name="tree">
echo select_edit_control('ged', WT_Tree::getNameList(), null, WT_GEDCOM, ' onchange="tree.submit();"');
	<table id="other">
				<a href="#" onclick="add_unlinked_indi(); return false;">
echo WT_I18N::translate('Create a new individual');