Esempio n. 1
function clusterConnection($first, $second)
    $first = str_replace("__perc__", "%", $first);
    $second = str_replace("__perc__", "%", $second);
    $ignoredPredicates = array();
    $ignoredObjects = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < 5; $t++) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['ignoreObject_' . $t])) {
            $ignoredObjects[] = urlencode($_REQUEST['ignoreObject_' . $t]);
    for ($t = 0; $t < 5; $t++) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['ignorePredicate_' . $t])) {
            $ignoredPredicates[] = $_REQUEST['ignorePredicate_' . $t];
    echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<table class="closeheader" style="background-color:white;">
				<td>Quick Connection with Cluster Table</td><td align="right"><a href="javascript:toggle(\'clusterCon\',false);" alt="close" style="color:white;text-decoration:none;background-color:orange">x</a></td>
			<table style="border: 1px solid #888;background-color:white;width:100%">
    $connectedfirst = searchClusterStart($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first);
    $connectedsecond = searchClusterStart($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second);
    $shortestPathFound = false;
    do {
        $popA = array_pop($connectedfirst);
        $popB = array_pop($connectedsecond);
        if ($popA == $popB) {
        } else {
            $shortestPathFound = true;
            array_push($connectedfirst, strlen($popA) == 0 ? $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first : $popA);
            array_push($connectedsecond, strlen($popB) == 0 ? $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second : $popB);
    } while ($shortestPathFound == false);
    echo '<table><tr>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($connectedfirst); $i++) {
        if ($i == 0) {
            echo '<td><a href="' . $GLOBALS['objectLinkingURL'] . cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase') . '">';
            echo cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase') == $first ? '<span style="font-weight:bold">' . getLabel($connectedfirst[$i]) . '</span>' : getLabel($connectedfirst[$i]);
            echo '</a>';
            echo '<a href="#e" onclick="ladeInfobox(\'ajax.php?f=4&amp;actObject=' . $connectedfirst[$i] . '\',1000,\'' . str_replace('"', '', urldecode(cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase'))) . '\');"><img border="0" src="images/moreKnopf.png" title="show Details about this Object"></a>';
            echo '</td>';
        } else {
            $ignoretest[] = cutBaseUri(getClusterProperty($connectedfirst[$i]), 'predBase');
            $ignoretest[] = cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase');
            echo '<td><table><tr><td align="center">' . cutBaseUri(getClusterProperty($connectedfirst[$i]), 'predBase') . '</td></tr><tr><td>';
            echo getClusterPropertyDirection($connectedfirst[$i], getClusterProperty($connectedfirst[$i])) == 'left' ? '<img src="images/nachlinksPfeil.png" width="90" height="10" />' : '<img src="images/nachrechtsPfeil.png" width="90" height="10" />';
            echo '</td></tr></table></td>';
            echo '<td><a href="' . $GLOBALS['objectLinkingURL'] . cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase') . '">' . getLabel($connectedfirst[$i]) . '</a>';
            echo '<a href="#e" onclick="ladeInfobox(\'ajax.php?f=4&amp;actObject=' . $connectedfirst[$i] . '\',1000,\'' . str_replace('"', '', urldecode(cutBaseUri($connectedfirst[$i], 'wikiBase'))) . '\');"><img border="0" src="images/moreKnopf.png" title="show Details about this Object"></a>';
            echo '</td>';
    for ($i = count($connectedsecond) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        $ignoretest[] = cutBaseUri(getClusterProperty($connectedsecond[$i]), 'predBase');
        $ignoretest[] = cutBaseUri($connectedsecond[$i], 'wikiBase');
        echo '<td><table><tr><td align="center">' . cutBaseUri(getClusterProperty($connectedsecond[$i]), 'predBase') . '</td></tr><tr><td>';
        echo getClusterPropertyDirection($connectedsecond[$i], getClusterProperty($connectedsecond[$i])) == 'left' ? '<img src="images/nachlinksPfeil.png" width="90" height="10" />' : '<img src="images/nachrechtsPfeil.png" width="90" height="10" />';
        echo '</td></tr></table></td><td><a href="' . $GLOBALS['objectLinkingURL'] . cutBaseUri($connectedsecond[$i], 'wikiBase') . '">';
        echo cutBaseUri($connectedsecond[$i], 'wikiBase') == $second ? '<span style="font-weight:bold">' . getLabel($connectedsecond[$i]) . '</span>' : getLabel($connectedsecond[$i]);
        echo '</a>';
        echo '<a href="#e" onclick="ladeInfobox(\'ajax.php?f=4&amp;actObject=' . $connectedsecond[$i] . '\',1000,\'' . str_replace('"', '', urldecode(cutBaseUri($connectedsecond[$i], 'wikiBase'))) . '\');"><img border="0" src="images/moreKnopf.png" title="show Details about this Object"></a>';
        echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    echo '		</td>
    foreach ($ignoretest as $ignore) {
        if (in_array($ignore, $ignoredPredicates) || in_array($ignore, $ignoredObjects)) {
            echo '<tr><td><span style="color:red">Warning: The preview connection contains elements in your ignore list.</span></td></tr>';
    echo '</table>
    echo '</table>';
Esempio n. 2
function calcConnectionCluster($first, $second, $maxdepth)
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT t1.object, t1.depth, t1.referenced_by_property, t1.referenced_by_object, t1.cluster_id, t2.object, t2.depth, t2.referenced_by_property, t2.referenced_by_object,t2.cluster_id FROM " . $GLOBALS['clusterTableName'] . " AS t1, " . $GLOBALS['clusterTableName'] . " AS t2 WHERE t1.object='" . $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first . "' AND t2.object='" . $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second . "' AND t1.cluster_id=t2.cluster_id");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
        $resCount = mysql_query("SELECT object_count, triple_count FROM " . $GLOBALS['countTableName'] . " WHERE id='" . $row[4] . "'");
        $resRow = mysql_fetch_array($resCount);
        $mindepthcalc = abs($row[1] - $row[6]);
        $connectedfirst = searchClusterStart($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first);
        $connectedsecond = searchClusterStart($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second);
        $shortestPathFound = false;
        do {
            $popA = array_pop($connectedfirst);
            $popB = array_pop($connectedsecond);
            if ($popA == $popB) {
            } else {
                $shortestPathFound = true;
                array_push($connectedfirst, strlen($popA) == 0 ? $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first : $popA);
                array_push($connectedsecond, strlen($popB) == 0 ? $GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second : $popB);
        } while ($shortestPathFound == false);
        $maxdepthcalc = count($connectedfirst) + count($connectedsecond) - 1;
        if ($mindepthcalc <= $maxdepth) {
            $return = $mindepthcalc > 0 ? $mindepthcalc - 1 : $mindepthcalc;
            $isInMainCluster = $row[4] == 0;
            echo '"' . $first . '" and "' . $second . '" can be found in cluster ' . $row[4] . ' ' . ($isInMainCluster ? '(the main cluster)' : '(a minor cluster)') . ' containing ' . $resRow[0] . ' objects and ' . $resRow[1] . ' triples.<br>';
            echo 'Using the paths stored in the cluster table, we determined that the shortest connection between them has a length between ' . $mindepthcalc . ' and ' . $maxdepthcalc . '. (You choosed ' . $maxdepth . ' as max. Distance.)<br><br>';
        } else {
            $return = 'notenoughdistance';
            echo 'There is no connection between these objects within the chosen distance. Using the paths stored in the cluster table, we determined that the shortest connection between them has a length between ' . $mindepthcalc . ' and ' . $maxdepthcalc . '';
    } else {
        echo '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['objectLinkingURL'] . $first . '">' . getLabel($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $first) . '</a> and <a href="' . $GLOBALS['objectLinkingURL'] . $second . '">' . getLabel($GLOBALS['wikipediaBase'] . $second) . '</a> are not in the same Cluster.<br> There exists no connection between these two objects in the DBpedia infobox data set.<br> The reason is that infoboxes in the corresponding Wikipedia articles do not exist or do not contain information<br>allowing to connect these two objects (note that this may have changed since the data was extracted). <br>';
        $return = false;
    return $return;