function display_form($name, $place, $choices) { printf("<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s\">\n", script_name()); hidden_field("name", $name); hidden_field("place", $place); hidden_field("choices", implode("#", $choices)); printf("Where was %s born?<br /><br />\n", htmlspecialchars($name)); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { radio_button("response", $choices[$i], $choices[$i], FALSE); print "<br />\n"; } print "<br />\n"; submit_button("submit", "Submit"); print "</form>\n"; }
public function display_profile() { $userid = $this->id; $username = $this->username; $maxwebsites = $this->maxwebsites; $fullnames = $this->full_names; $phone = $this->phone; $user_website = $this->website; $email = $this->email; if (isset($_SESSION['last_visit'])) { $last_visit = $_SESSION['last_visit']; } else { $last_visit = $this->last_visit; } $register_date = $this->joined_date; $status = $this->status; $group = $this->group; $date = getdate(); //date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string('90 days')); //only available in PHP 5.3.0 date_modify($date, '+ 90 days'); $renewdate = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); $userlanguage = $this->language; $profilemsg = file_get_contents('pages' . DS . 'profile_message.php'); $statuslink = ''; if ($this->status_id == '0') { if ($this->group == 'User') { $statuslink = ' - ' . text_link(script_name() . '?activate', translate('Activate your account', sz_config('language'))) . help_icon(translate('Activation is free. Click here to activate your account. Once you account is active you will be able to create your first website.', sz_config('language'))); } else { $statuslink = ' - ' . text_link(script_name() . '?activate' . translate('Activate your account', sz_config('language'))) . help_icon(translate('Click here to activate your account. Once you account is active you will be able to create your first website.', sz_config('language'))); } } elseif ($this->status_id == '3') { $statuslink = ' - ' . text_link('mailto:' . sz_config('email'), translate('Please email us.', sz_config('language'))); } include_once sz_config('base_path') . 'themes' . DS . sz_config('theme') . DS . 'views' . DS . 'profile.php'; }
<?php if (STYLESHEET_BASE) { $ss = STYLESHEET_BASE . "/style.css"; print "<link rel='StyleSheet' href='{$ss}' type='text/css'/>"; } ?> </heaD> <body> <?php $d = get_dir($n = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); asort($d); foreach ($d as $e) { if (preg_match('/jpg|jpeg$/i', $e)) { $ee = rawurlencode($e); // print("<div class='image'><a target='view' href='".script_name()."?show=$ee'><img src='".php_self()."?thumb=$ee' alt='$e' /><br />$e</a></div>"); print "<p><a target='view' href='" . script_name() . "?show={$ee}'>" . preg_replace('/.jpeg$|.jpg$/i', '', $e) . "</a></p>"; } elseif (is_dir($n . '/' . $e) and file_exists($n . '/' . $e . '/index.php')) { print "<p><a href='../{$e}/index.php/index-frame'>{$e}</a></p>"; } elseif (is_dir($n . '/' . $e)) { print "<p><a href='../{$e}/'>{$e}</a></p>"; } } ?> </body> </html> <?php } elseif ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] == '/view-frame') { print doctype("XHTML/1.0") . "\n"; ?> <html> <head><title></title>
function update_entry($dbh) { # Get script parameters; trim whitespace from the ID, but not # from the password, because the password must match exactly, # or from the row, because it is an array. $member_id = trim(script_param("member_id")); $password = script_param("password"); $row = script_param("row"); $member_id = trim($member_id); if (empty($member_id)) { die("No member ID was specified\n"); } if (!ctype_digit($member_id)) { # must look like integer die("Invalid member ID was specified (must be an integer)\n"); } if (!check_pass($dbh, $member_id, $password) && !check_pass($dbh, 0, $password)) { die("Invalid password\n"); } # Examine the metadata for the member table to determine whether # each column allows NULL values. (Make sure nullability is # retrieved in uppercase.) $stmt = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, UPPER(IS_NULLABLE)\n FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS\n WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_NAME = ?"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt); $sth->execute(array("sampdb", "member")); $nullable = array(); while ($info = $sth->fetch()) { $nullable[$info[0]] = $info[1] == "YES"; } # Iterate through each field in the form, using the values to # construct an UPDATE statement that contains placeholders, and # the array of data values to bind to the placeholders. $stmt = "UPDATE member "; $delim = "SET"; $params = array(); foreach ($row as $col_name => $val) { $stmt .= "{$delim} {$col_name}=?"; $delim = ","; # if a form value is empty, update the corresponding column value # with NULL if the column is nullable. This prevents trying to # put an empty string into the expiration date column when it # should be NULL, for example. $val = trim($val); if (empty($val)) { if ($nullable[$col_name]) { $params[] = NULL; } else { $params[] = ""; } # enter empty string } else { $params[] = $val; } } $stmt .= " WHERE member_id = ?"; $params[] = $member_id; $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt); $sth->execute($params); printf("<br /><a href=\"%s\">Edit another member record</a>\n", script_name()); }
function display_scores($dbh) { # Get event ID number, which must look like an integer $event_id = script_param("event_id"); if (!ctype_digit($event_id)) { die("Bad event ID\n"); } # Select scores for the given event $stmt = "\n SELECT\n student.student_id,,,\n score.score AS score, grade_event.category\n FROM student\n INNER JOIN grade_event\n LEFT JOIN score ON student.student_id = score.student_id\n AND grade_event.event_id = score.event_id\n WHERE grade_event.event_id = ?\n ORDER BY"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt); $sth->execute(array($event_id)); # fetch the rows into an array so we know how many there are $rows = $sth->fetchAll(); if (count($rows) == 0) { die("No information was found for the selected event\n"); } printf("<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s?action=%d&event_id=%d\">\n", script_name(), ENTER_SCORES, $event_id); # print scores as an HTML table for ($row_num = 0; $row_num < count($rows); $row_num++) { $row = $rows[$row_num]; # Print event info and table heading preceding the first row if ($row_num == 0) { printf("Event ID: %d, Event date: %s, Event category: %s\n", $event_id, $row["date"], $row["category"]); print "<br /><br />\n"; print "<table border=\"1\">\n"; print "<tr>\n"; display_cell("th", "Name"); display_cell("th", "Score"); print "</tr>\n"; } print "<tr>\n"; display_cell("td", $row["name"]); $col_val = sprintf("<input type=\"text\" name=\"score[%d]\"", $row["student_id"]); $col_val .= sprintf(" value=\"%d\" size=\"5\" /><br />\n", $row["score"]); display_cell("td", $col_val, FALSE); print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; print "<br />\n"; print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" />\n"; print "</form>\n"; }