Esempio n. 1
 function find_news($start, $end)
     global $lang;
     global $ile;
     global $url;
     global $tpl;
     global $znalezione;
     if (isset($_GET['nazwa'])) {
         $nazwa = XDb::xEscape($_GET['nazwa']);
         $query = "select votes,cache_id,name, status, score, latitude, longitude, wp_oc, user_id, type from caches where name like '%" . $nazwa . "%' and caches.status in ('1','2','3') order by name limit " . $start . "," . $end;
         $czykilka = 1;
         $url = "./find.php?nazwa=" . $nazwa;
     if (isset($_GET['wp'])) {
         $wp = XDb::xEscape($_GET['wp']);
         $query = "select votes,cache_id,name, status, score, latitude, longitude, wp_oc, user_id, type from caches where wp_oc = '" . $wp . "' and caches.status in ('1','2','3') order by name limit " . $start . "," . $end;
         $czykilka = 0;
         $url = "./find.php?wp=" . $wp;
     if (isset($_GET['owner'])) {
         $owner = XDb::xEscape($_GET['owner']);
         $query = "select votes,cache_id,name, status, score, latitude, longitude, wp_oc, user_id, type from caches where user_id = (select user_id from user where username ='******') and caches.status in ('1','2','3') order by name limit " . $start . "," . $end;
         $czykilka = 1;
         $url = "./find.php?owner=" . $owner;
     if (isset($_GET['finder'])) {
         $finder = XDb::xEscape($_GET['finder']);
         $query = "select caches.votes,caches.cache_id,name, status, score, latitude, longitude, wp_oc, caches.user_id, caches.type from caches inner join cache_logs on caches.cache_id=cache_logs.cache_id where cache_logs.user_id = (select user.user_id from user where username ='******') and cache_logs.type = '1' and cache_logs.deleted=0 and caches.status in ('1','2','3') order by desc limit " . $start . "," . $end;
         $czykilka = 1;
         $url = "./find.php?finder=" . $finder;
     $wynik = XDb::xSql($query);
     $ilewyn = XDb::xNumRows($wynik);
     if ($czykilka == 0) {
         if ($ilewyn > 0) {
             global $address;
             $wiersz = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik);
             $adres = "./" . $address . ".php?wp=" . $wiersz['wp_oc'];
             header('Location: ' . $adres);
         } else {
             $tpl->assign("error", "1");
     if ($czykilka == 1) {
         $znalezione = array();
         while ($rekord = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik)) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
                 $query2 = "select 1 from cache_logs where user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and type = '1' and deleted='0' and cache_id ='" . $rekord['cache_id'] . "';";
                 $wynik2 = XDb::xSql($query2);
                 $if_found = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik2);
                 if ($if_found[0] != '1') {
                     $query2 = "select 2 from cache_logs where user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and type = '2' and deleted='0' and cache_id ='" . $rekord['cache_id'] . "';";
                     $wynik2 = XDb::xSql($query2);
                     $if_found = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik2);
                 $if_found = $if_found[0];
             $query = "select username from user where user_id = " . $rekord['user_id'] . ";";
             $wynik2 = XDb::xSql($query);
             $wiersz = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik2);
             $query = "select " . $lang . " from cache_type where id = " . $rekord['type'] . ";";
             $wynik2 = XDb::xSql($query);
             $wiersz2 = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik2);
             if ($rekord['votes'] > 3) {
                 $rekord['score'] = score2ratingnum($rekord['score']);
             } else {
                 $rekord['score'] = 5;
             $rekord['username'] = $wiersz['username'];
             $rekord['if_found'] = $if_found;
             $rekord['N'] = cords($rekord['latitude']);
             $rekord['E'] = cords($rekord['longitude']);
             $rekord['typetext'] = $wiersz2[0];
             $znalezione[] = $rekord;
Esempio n. 2
     $wynik9 = XDb::xSql($query9);
     $if_ignored = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik9);
     $if_ignored = $if_ignored[0];
     if ($if_ignored == 1) {
 if (isset($_GET['skip_inactive'])) {
     if ($wiersz['status'] > 1) {
 $rekord['user_id'] = $wiersz['user_id'];
 $rekord['name'] = $wiersz['name'];
 $rekord['status'] = $wiersz['status'];
 $rekord['score'] = score2ratingnum($wiersz['score']);
 $rekord['latitude'] = $wiersz['latitude'];
 $rekord['longitude'] = $wiersz['longitude'];
 $rekord['wp_oc'] = $wartosc;
 $rekord['N'] = cords($rekord['latitude']);
 $rekord['E'] = cords($rekord['longitude']);
 $rekord['distance'] = $dist;
 $rekord['kier'] = $kier;
 $rekord['if_found'] = $if_found;
 $query = "select username from user where user_id = '" . $rekord['user_id'] . "';";
 $wynik = XDb::xSql($query);
 $wiersz = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik);
 $rekord['username'] = $wiersz['username'];
 $znalezione[] = $rekord;
 $lista[] = $rekord['wp_oc'];
Esempio n. 3
 * This function set map template variables based on given table
 * @param array $filter - contains map params to set on template
function setFilterSettings(array $filter)
    global $powerTrailModuleSwitchOn;
    // reset all min-score options
    tpl_set_var("min_sel1", "");
    tpl_set_var("min_sel2", "");
    tpl_set_var("min_sel3", "");
    tpl_set_var("min_sel4", "");
    tpl_set_var("min_sel5", "");
    tpl_set_var("max_sel1", "");
    tpl_set_var("max_sel2", "");
    tpl_set_var("max_sel3", "");
    tpl_set_var("max_sel4", "");
    tpl_set_var("max_sel5", "");
    // go through filter values
    foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
        $value = intval($value);
        if ($key == "min_score" || $key == "max_score") {
            if ($key == "min_score") {
                $minmax = "min";
            } else {
                $minmax = "max";
            tpl_set_var($minmax . "_sel" . intval(score2ratingnum($value) + 1), 'selected="selected"');
            tpl_set_var($key, $value);
        if (!($key == "h_avail" || $key == "h_temp_unavail" || $key == "be_ftf" || $key == "powertrail_only" || $key == "map_type" || $key == "h_noscore")) {
            // workaround for reversed values
            $value = 1 - $value;
        if ($value) {
            $chk = ' checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $chk = "";
        tpl_set_var($key . "_checked", $chk);
        if ($key == 'map_type') {
            tpl_set_var('map_type', $value);
        } else {
            tpl_set_var($key, $value ? "true" : "");
    // hide powerTrails filter if powerTrails are disabled in config
    if ($powerTrailModuleSwitchOn) {
        tpl_set_var("powerTrails_display", "");
    } else {
        tpl_set_var("powerTrails_display", "display:none");
function ratings($score, $votes)
    if ($votes < 3) {
        return '<span style="color: gray">' . tr('pt083') . '</span>';
    $scoreNum = score2ratingnum($score);
    switch ($scoreNum) {
        case 0:
            return '<span style="color: #790000">' . tr('pt074') . '</span>';
        case 1:
            return '<span style="color: #BF3C3C">' . tr('pt073') . '</span>';
        case 2:
            return '<span style="color: #B36200">' . tr('pt072') . '</span>';
        case 3:
            return '<span style="color: #518C00">' . tr('pt071') . '</span>';
        case 4:
            return '<span style="color: #009D00">' . tr('pt070') . '</span>';
Esempio n. 5
 $cache_status = mysql_fetch_row($wynik);
 if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
     $query2 = "select 1 from cache_logs where user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and type = '1' and deleted='0' and cache_id ='" . $caches['cache_id'] . "';";
     $wynik2 = db_query($query2);
     $if_found = mysql_fetch_row($wynik2);
     if ($if_found[0] != '1') {
         $query2 = "select 2 from cache_logs where user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and type = '2' and deleted='0' and cache_id ='" . $caches['cache_id'] . "';";
         $wynik2 = db_query($query2);
         $if_found = mysql_fetch_row($wynik2);
     $if_found = $if_found[0];
 $cache_info = array();
 $cache_info['if_found'] = $if_found;
 if ($caches['votes'] > 3) {
     $cache_info['score'] = score2ratingnum($caches['score']);
 } else {
     $cache_info['score'] = 5;
 if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
     $query3 = "select id from cache_watches where user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' and cache_id ='" . $caches['cache_id'] . "';";
     $wynik3 = db_query($query3);
     $watched = mysql_fetch_row($wynik3);
     $watched = $watched[0];
     if (!empty($watched)) {
         $cache_info['watched'] = $watched;
     } else {
         $cache_info['watched'] = -1;
 $cache_info['cache_id'] = $caches['cache_id'];
Esempio n. 6
function score2rating($score)
    global $ratingDesc;
    return $ratingDesc[score2ratingnum($score)];
Esempio n. 7
     tpl_set_var('jQueryPopUpWindowscripts', ' ');
     tpl_set_var('GeoKretyApi_window_display', 'none');
 # end of GeoKretyApi
 if ($cache_record['votes'] < 3) {
     // DO NOT show cache's score
     $score = "";
     $scorecolor = "";
     $font_size = "";
     tpl_set_var('score', "N/A");
     tpl_set_var('scorecolor', "#000000");
 } else {
     // show cache's score
     $score = $cache_record['score'];
     $scorenum = score2ratingnum($cache_record['score']);
     $font_size = "2";
     if ($scorenum == 0) {
         $scorecolor = "#DD0000";
     } else {
         if ($scorenum == 1) {
             $scorecolor = "#F06464";
         } else {
             if ($scorenum == 2) {
                 $scorecolor = "#DD7700";
             } else {
                 if ($scorenum == 3) {
                     $scorecolor = "#77CC00";
                 } else {
                     if ($scorenum == 4) {
                         $scorecolor = "#00DD00";
Esempio n. 8
     tpl_set_var('jQueryPopUpWindowscripts', ' ');
     tpl_set_var('GeoKretyApi_window_display', 'none');
 # end of GeoKretyApi
 if ($geocache->getRatingVotes() < 3) {
     // DO NOT show cache's score
     $score = "";
     $scorecolor = "";
     $font_size = "";
     tpl_set_var('score', tr('not_available'));
     tpl_set_var('scorecolor', "#000000");
 } else {
     // show cache's score
     $score = $geocache->getScore();
     $scorenum = score2ratingnum($score);
     $font_size = "2";
     if ($scorenum == 0) {
         $scorecolor = "#DD0000";
     } elseif ($scorenum == 1) {
         $scorecolor = "#F06464";
     } elseif ($scorenum == 2) {
         $scorecolor = "#DD7700";
     } elseif ($scorenum == 3) {
         $scorecolor = "#77CC00";
     } elseif ($scorenum == 4) {
         $scorecolor = "#00DD00";
     tpl_set_var('score', score2rating($score));
     tpl_set_var('scorecolor', $scorecolor);
function ratings($score, $votes)
    $language = $_POST['lang'];
    if ($votes < 3) {
        return '<span style="color: gray">' . tr2('pt083', $language) . '</span>';
    $scoreNum = score2ratingnum($score);
    switch ($scoreNum) {
        case 0:
            return '<span style="color: #790000">' . tr2('pt074', $language) . '</span>';
        case 1:
            return '<span style="color: #BF3C3C">' . tr2('pt073', $language) . '</span>';
        case 2:
            return '<span style="color: #B36200">' . tr2('pt072', $language) . '</span>';
        case 3:
            return '<span style="color: #518C00">' . tr2('pt071', $language) . '</span>';
        case 4:
            return '<span style="color: #009D00">' . tr2('pt070', $language) . '</span>';