function initZabbixHost($hostgroupDatas) { $allObjects = scanRealmByText('object'); foreach ($allObjects as $object) { // get group data $groups = array(); $parentRacks = getResidentRacksData($object['id']); foreach ($parentRacks as $key => $rack) { array_push($groups, array('groupid' => $hostgroupDatas[$rack['name']])); } // set interfaces $interfaces = array(); $allocs = getObjectIPAllocations($object['id']); $current_ips = array(); foreach ($allocs as $alloc) { $interface = array('type' => 1, "main" => 0, "useip" => 1, "ip" => $alloc["addrinfo"]["ip"], "dns" => "", "port" => "10050"); array_push($interfaces, $interface); } if (count($interfaces) < 1) { $interface = array('type' => 1, "main" => 1, "useip" => 1, "ip" => "", "dns" => "", "port" => "10050"); array_push($interfaces, $interface); } else { $interfaces[0]['main'] = 1; } // insert host $params = array('host' => $object['name'], 'groups' => $groups, 'interfaces' => $interfaces); $result = doPost('host.create', $params); // set result $id = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result']['hostids'][0] : -1; if ($id < 0) { http_response_code(500); exit; } } }
function initRackTablesRack($remain_hostgroups) { // get the data of zabbix hostgroup $params = array('output' => 'extend', 'sortfield' => array('name')); $result = doPost('hostgroup.get', $params); $hostgroups = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array(); global $row_id; global $rack_height; $rowInfo = getRowInfo($row_id); $sort_order = $rowInfo['count']; foreach ($hostgroups as $hostgroup) { if (in_array($hostgroup['name'], $remain_hostgroups)) { continue; } $taglist = genericAssertion('taglist', 'array0'); $sort_order += 1; $rack_id = commitAddObject($hostgroup['name'], NULL, 1560, "", $taglist); // set height $params = array('output' => array('hostids'), 'groupids' => array($hostgroup['groupid'])); $result = doPost('host.get', $params); $height = isset($result['result']) ? count($result['result']) : 0; if ($height < $rack_height) { $height = $rack_height; } commitUpdateAttrValue($rack_id, 27, $height); commitUpdateAttrValue($rack_id, 29, $sort_order); // Link it to the row commitLinkEntities('row', $row_id, 'rack', $rack_id); } $rackDatas = array(); $allRacks = scanRealmByText('rack'); foreach ($allRacks as $rack_id => $rack) { $rackDatas[$rack['name']] = $allRacks[$rack_id]; } return $rackDatas; }
function renderSwitchReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_8}'; # typeid_8 = Switches foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = makeLinksInText($Result['comment']); // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['2']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = $attributes['2']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['22']['value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = date("Y-m-d", $attributes['22']['value']); } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOSVersion'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['5']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOSVersion'] = $attributes['5']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = 'unknown'; if (isset($attributes['28']['a_value']) && $attributes['28']['a_value'] != '') { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = $attributes['28']['a_value']; } // Location $aResult[$Result['id']]['sLocation'] = getLocation($Result); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'Type', 'OEM', 'HW Expire Date', 'OS Version', 'Location'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[2] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[3] = $aRow['HWtype']; $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['OEMSN']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['HWExpDate']; $aCSVRow[6] = $aRow['sOSVersion']; $aCSVRow[7] = preg_replace('/<a[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/iU', '$1', $aRow['sLocation']); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts addCSS('css/extensions/style.css'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery-latest.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery.tablesorter.js'); addJS('js/extensions/picnet.table.filter.min.js'); // Display the stat array echo "<h2>Switch report ({$iTotal})</h2><ul>"; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=switches&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Type</th> <th>OEM S/N</th> <th>HW Expire Date</th> <th>OS Version</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>' . $aRow['sComment'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWtype'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['OEMSN'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWExpDate'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOSVersion'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sLocation'] . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ); $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); } ); </script>'; }
function renderLBList() { $cells = array(); foreach (scanRealmByText('object', getConfigVar('IPV4LB_LISTSRC')) as $object) { $cells[$object['id']] = $object; } renderCellList('object', 'items', FALSE, $cells); }
function renderVMReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_1504}'; # typeid_1504 = Virtual machines foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = makeLinksInText($Result['comment']); // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['4']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = $attributes['4']['a_value']; } // IP Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV4List'] = getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV6List'] = getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']); // Port (MAC) Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ports'] = getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']); // Container $aResult[$Result['id']]['container'] = getObjectContainerList($Result['id']); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'MAC', 'IP(s)', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'OS', 'Hypervisor'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { $aCSVRow[1] .= $aPortDetails['l2address'] . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[1] = trim($aCSVRow[1]); $aCSVRow[2] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[2] = trim($aCSVRow[2]); $aCSVRow[3] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['sOS']; $aCSVRow[6] = ''; foreach ($aRow['container'] as $key => $aDetails) { $aCSVRow[6] .= trim($aDetails['container_name']) . ' '; } $aCSVRow[6] = trim($aCSVRow[6]); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts addCSS('css/extensions/style.css'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery-latest.js'); addJS('js/extensions/jquery.tablesorter.js'); addJS('js/extensions/picnet.table.filter.min.js'); // Display the stat array echo "<h2>Virtual machines report ({$iTotal})</h2><ul>"; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=vm&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>MAC</th> <th>IP(s)</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>OS</th> <th>Hypervisor</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { echo $aPortDetails['l2address'] . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td>' . ' <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } else { $key = new IPv6Address($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td> <td>' . $aRow['sComment'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOS'] . '</td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['container'] as $key => $aDetails) { echo '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $key)) . '">' . $aDetails['container_name'] . '</a><br/>'; } echo '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { 2: { sorter: "ipAddress" } }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ); $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); } ); </script>'; }
/** * getResult Function * * Call Racktables API to get Objects and filter the result if required * * @param array $post * @return array Result */ function getResult($post) { $sFilter = ''; if (isset($post['objectIDs'])) { foreach ($post['objectIDs'] as $sFilterValue) { $sFilter .= '{$typeid_' . $sFilterValue . '} or '; } $sFilter = substr($sFilter, 0, -4); $sFilter = '(' . $sFilter . ')'; } $aResult = scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter); // Add tags $aTemp = array(); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { $Result['tags'] = loadEntityTags('object', $Result['id']); $Result['itags'] = getImplicitTags($Result['tags']); array_push($aTemp, $Result); } $aResult = $aTemp; // Search / Filter by name if (isset($post['name_preg']) && $post['name_preg'] != '') { $aTemp = array(); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { if (preg_match('/' . $post['name_preg'] . '/', $Result['name'])) { array_push($aTemp, $Result); } } $aResult = $aTemp; } // Search / Filter by tag if (isset($post['tag_preg']) && $post['tag_preg'] != '') { $aTemp = array(); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { if (preg_match('/' . $post['tag_preg'] . '/', $Result['asset_no'])) { array_push($aTemp, $Result); } } $aResult = $aTemp; } // Search / Filter by comment if (isset($post['comment_preg']) && $post['comment_preg'] != '') { $aTemp = array(); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { if (preg_match('/' . $post['comment_preg'] . '/', $Result['comment'])) { array_push($aTemp, $Result); } } $aResult = $aTemp; } // Tags if (isset($post['tag']) && count($post['tag']) > 0) { $aTemp = array(); $aSearchTags = array_keys($post['tag']); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { foreach ($Result['tags'] as $aTag) { if (in_array($aTag['id'], $aSearchTags)) { array_push($aTemp, $Result); } } foreach ($Result['itags'] as $aTag) { if (in_array($aTag['id'], $aSearchTags)) { array_push($aTemp, $Result); } } } $aResult = $aTemp; } // Ports - Load port data if necessary if (isset($post['Ports'])) { $aTemp = array(); foreach ($aResult as $Result) { $Result['portsLinks'] = getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']); foreach ($Result['portsLinks'] as $i => $port) { $Result['portsLinks'][$i]['remote_object_name'] = 'unknown'; if (!is_null($port['remote_object_id'])) { $remote_object = spotEntity('object', intval($port['remote_object_id'])); $Result['portsLinks'][$i]['remote_object_name'] = $remote_object['name']; } } array_push($aTemp, $Result); } $aResult = $aTemp; } return $aResult; }
function renderItem() { // Main layout starts. echo '<table border=0 class=objectview cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>'; // Left portlet with rack list. echo '<td class=pcleft height="1%" width="25%">'; startPortlet('Objects'); printOpFormIntro('viewitems'); // object select area $disabled = ''; if (false) { $disabled = 'disabled'; } echo "<select name=objectid style=width:50%; {$disabled} size=" . getConfigVar('MAXSELSIZE') . " onchange=getElementsByName(\"viewitems\")[0].submit()>\n"; $allObjects = scanRealmByText('object'); $objectlist = array(); $selected = isset($_REQUEST['objectid']) ? $_REQUEST['objectid'] : -1; if ($selected < 0) { echo "<option value=-1 selected>All</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=-1>All</option>\n"; } foreach ($allObjects as $object) { //echo '<option value=' . $object['id']; echo '<option value=' . $object['id']; if ($object['id'] == $selected) { echo ' selected'; } echo '>' . $object['name'] . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; //$object = spotEntity('object', $selected); echo '</form>'; echo '<br><br>'; finishPortlet(); echo '</td>'; echo '<td class=pcright>'; $query = "select * from item_information"; if ($selected >= 0) { $query .= " where objectid = '{$selected}'"; } $query .= ' order by hostid, name'; $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($query); $items = $result->fetchAll(); unset($result); $count = count($items); startPortlet("Items({$count})"); if ($count <= 0) { echo '<h4>No Item is in the Object.<h4>'; } else { echo '<table style=width:80%; border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>'; echo '<tr><th>Name</th>'; echo '<th>Type</th>'; echo '<th>Key</th>'; echo '<th>Interface</th>'; echo '<th>Type of information</th>'; echo '<th>Data type</th>'; echo '<th>Units</th>'; echo '<th>Use custom multiplier</th>'; echo "<th>Update interval (in sec)</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($items as $item) { // Name echo "<tr class='row_{$order} tdleft {$problem}' valign=top><td><a href=index.php?page=item&tab=properties&item_id={$item['itemid']}><strong>{$item['name']}</strong></a></td>\n"; // Type global $itemtypelist; echo "<td>{$itemtypelist[$item['type']]}</td>"; // Key echo "<td>{$item['key_']}</td>"; // Interface $interfaceStr = '-'; if (isset($item['interfaceid'])) { $interface = searchInterfaceById($item['interfaceid'])[0]; if (isset($interface['ip'])) { $interfaceStr = "{$interface['ip']}:{$interface['port']}"; } } echo "<td>{$interfaceStr}</td>"; // Type of information global $itemvalue_types; echo "<td>{$itemvalue_types[$item['value_type']]}</td>"; // Data type global $itemdata_types; echo "<td>{$itemdata_types[$item['data_type']]}</td>"; // Uints echo "<td>{$item['units']}</td>"; // Use custom multiplier if ($item['multiplier'] == 1) { echo "<td>{$item['formula']}</td>"; } else { echo "<td>-</td>"; } // Update interval (in sec) echo "<td>{$item['delay']}</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>\n"; } echo '<br><br>'; finishPortlet(); echo '</td>'; // end tag echo "</tr></table>\n"; }
function renderServerReport() { $aResult = array(); $iTotal = 0; $sFilter = '{$typeid_4}'; # typeid_4 = Server foreach (scanRealmByText('object', $sFilter) as $Result) { $aResult[$Result['id']] = array(); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sName'] = $Result['name']; // Create active links in comment $aResult[$Result['id']]['sComment'] = $Result['comment']; // Load additional attributes: $attributes = getAttrValues($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['14']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sContact'] = $attributes['14']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['2']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWtype'] = $attributes['2']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['1']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['OEMSN'] = $attributes['1']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['22']['value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['HWExpDate'] = date("Y-m-d", $attributes['22']['value']); } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = ''; if (isset($attributes['4']['a_value'])) { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sOS'] = $attributes['4']['a_value']; } $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = 'unknown'; if (isset($attributes['28']['a_value']) && $attributes['28']['a_value'] != '') { $aResult[$Result['id']]['sSlotNumber'] = $attributes['28']['a_value']; } // Location $aResult[$Result['id']]['sLocation'] = getLocation($Result); // IP Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV4List'] = getObjectIPv4AllocationList($Result['id']); $aResult[$Result['id']]['ipV6List'] = getObjectIPv6AllocationList($Result['id']); // Port (MAC) Informations $aResult[$Result['id']]['ports'] = getObjectPortsAndLinks($Result['id']); $iTotal++; } if (isset($_GET['csv'])) { header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_' . date("Ymdhis") . '.csv'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); $outstream = fopen("php://output", "w"); $aCSVRow = array('Name', 'MAC', 'IP(s)', 'Comment', 'Contact', 'Type', 'OEM', 'HW Expire Date', 'OS', 'Location'); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { $aCSVRow = array(); $aCSVRow[0] = $aRow['sName']; $aCSVRow[1] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { $aCSVRow[1] .= $aPortDetails['l2address'] . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[1] = trim($aCSVRow[1]); $aCSVRow[2] = ''; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { $aCSVRow[2] .= $key . ' '; } } $aCSVRow[2] = trim($aCSVRow[2]); $aCSVRow[3] = str_replace('"', "'", $aRow['sComment']); $aCSVRow[4] = $aRow['sContact']; $aCSVRow[5] = $aRow['HWtype']; $aCSVRow[6] = $aRow['OEMSN']; $aCSVRow[7] = $aRow['HWExpDate']; $aCSVRow[8] = $aRow['sOS']; $aCSVRow[9] = preg_replace('/<a[^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/iU', '$1', $aRow['sLocation']); fputcsv($outstream, $aCSVRow); } fclose($outstream); exit(0); # Exit normally after send CSV to browser } // Load stylesheet and jquery scripts echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="extensions/jquery/themes/racktables/style.css" type="text/css"/>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/jquery-latest.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery/picnet.table.filter.min.js"></script>'; // Display the stat array echo '<h2>Server report (' . $iTotal . ')</h2><ul>'; echo '<a href="index.php?page=reports&tab=server&csv">CSV Export</a>'; echo '<table id="reportTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>MAC</th> <th>IP(s)</th> <th>Comment</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Type</th> <th>OEM S/N</th> <th>HW Expire Date</th> <th>OS</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; foreach ($aResult as $id => $aRow) { echo '<tr> <td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $id)) . '">' . $aRow['sName'] . '</a></td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ports'] as $portNumber => $aPortDetails) { if (trim($aPortDetails['l2address']) != '') { echo $aPortDetails['l2address'] . '<br/>'; } } echo ' </td> <td>'; foreach ($aRow['ipV4List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip4_format')) { $key = ip4_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } foreach ($aRow['ipV6List'] as $key => $aDetails) { if (function_exists('ip6_format')) { $key = ip6_format($key); } if (trim($key) != '') { echo $key . '<br/>'; } } echo '</td> <td>' . makeLinksInText($aRow['sComment']) . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sContact'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWtype'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['OEMSN'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['HWExpDate'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sOS'] . '</td> <td>' . $aRow['sLocation'] . '</td> </tr>'; } echo ' </tbody> </table>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ["zebra"]; $("#reportTable").tablesorter( { headers: { 2: { sorter: "ipAddress" }, }, sortList: [[0,0]] } ) $("#reportTable").tableFilter(); }); </script>'; }
require_once 'inc/pre-init.php'; try { // Switch block below is a module request dispatcher. // Dispatches based on module request. // The last string 'interface' is the default. $requestedModule = array_key_exists('module', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['module'] : 'interface'; switch ($requestedModule) { case 'interface': require_once 'inc/interface.php'; // init.php has to be included after interface.php, otherwise the bits // set by local.php get lost require_once 'inc/init.php'; ###################################################################### global $rowindex; $tab['top'] = null; $allrows = scanRealmByText('row'); foreach ($allrows as $row) { if (!isset($tab['top']['default'])) { $tab['top']['default'] = $row['name']; $tabhandler['top']['default'] = 'renderTop'; $rowindex['default'] = $row['id']; } else { $tab['top'][$row['name']] = $row['name']; $tabhandler['top'][$row['name']] = 'renderTop'; $rowindex[$row['name']] = $row['id']; } } /* // location $locations = scanRealmByText('location'); foreach($locations as $location) {