$compiler_options_debug = getVar("compiler_options_debug"); if ($compiler_options_debug !== NULL) { $json["compiler_options_debug"] = $compiler_options_debug; } $compile = getBoolVar("compile"); $json["compile"] = $compile; $run = getBoolVar("run"); $json["run"] = $run; $test = getBoolVar("test"); $json["test"] = $test; $debug = getBoolVar("debug"); $json["debug"] = $debug; $profile = getBoolVar("profile"); $json["profile"] = $profile; // Kreiran je json saveJson($fileData, $json); print "Editovanje izvršeno!"; admin_log("edit at file {$fileData} (mod={$mod})"); } } } } } } function admin_log($msg) { $login = $_SESSION['login']; $conf_base_path = "/usr/local/webide"; $msg = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " - {$login} - {$msg}\n"; file_put_contents("{$conf_base_path}/log/admin.php.log", $msg, FILE_APPEND); }
<?php include __DIR__ . '/content.php'; echo saveJson(__DIR__ . '/content.json');
require_once "../../lib/webidelib.php"; require_once "../login.php"; $login = $_SESSION['login']; if (!in_array($login, $conf_admin_users)) { print "<p><b><font color=\"red\">Access denied!</font></b></p>\n"; exit(0); } $fileLastId = "last_id.txt"; $fileData = getVar("fileData"); if (!file_exists($fileData)) { if (!isset($akoNemaKreiraj) || $akoNemaKreiraj == 0) { ispisGreske("Fajl <{$fileData}> ne postoji!"); exit; } else { // Kreiranje autotest fajla sa zajednickim postavkama koje su proslijedjene saveJson($fileData, getDefDecodedJson()); } } function getVar($var) { // Safe getting variable, any: POST or GET; // Returns NULL if no variable if (isset($_POST[$var])) { return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST[$var]) : $_POST[$var]; } else { if (isset($_GET[$var])) { return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_GET[$var]) : $_GET[$var]; } else { return NULL; } }
foreach ($registration_data['products'] as $key => $value) { foreach ($omit_properties as $property) { if (array_key_exists($property, $value)) { unset($registration_data['products'][$key][$property]); } } } // If no error, run the API call if (!$error) { $return = $ws_call->get_data(); // Run any promotions $run_promotions = runPromotions(); // Save request and return to JSON file $json_path = $GLOBALS['app_path_registration'] . 'logs/' . session_id() . '-' . time() . '.json'; $json_data = array('request' => $registration_data, 'return' => $return); $json = saveJson($json_path, $json_data); // If no errors if (!isset($return['error'])) { // Loop thru each serial number and flag the serial numbers that have been registered if (count($return['serial_numbers']) > 0) { foreach ($return['serial_numbers'] as $key => $value) { updateSessionSerialNumber($value['serial_number'], $value['submitted']); } } // Add R Account to session if ($return['r_account']) { $_SESSION['registration']['customer']['r_account'] = $return['r_account']; } // Set flag to indicate registration process is complete $t = time(); if (isset($return['r_account'])) {
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../include/content.php'; echo saveJson();
<?php function saveJson($filename, $contents) { $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fp, json_encode($contents)); fclose($fp); } $data = $_POST["data"]; $save_json = file_get_contents("save.json"); $save = json_decode($save_json); array_push($save, json_decode($data)); saveJson("save.json", $save);