function debug_time($memory_ctrl = 1, $sql_ctrl = 1, $file_ctrl = 0, $cache_ctrl = 0) { $time = run_time(true); $memory = run_memory(true); $sql_db_count = $GLOBALS['app']->db->conn_count(); $sql_db_time = $GLOBALS['app']->db->conn_times(); $sql_cache_count = $GLOBALS['app']->db->cache_count(); $sql_cache_time = $GLOBALS['app']->db->cache_time(); $string = P_Lang('运行{seconds_total}秒', array('seconds_total' => $time)); //$string = "运行 ".$time." 秒"; if ($memory_ctrl && $memory_ctrl != 'false') { $string .= P_Lang(',内存使用{memory_total}', array('memory_total' => $memory)); } if ($sql_ctrl && $sql_ctrl != 'false') { $string .= P_Lang(',数据库执行{sql_count}次,耗时{sql_time}秒', array('sql_count' => $sql_db_count, 'sql_time' => $sql_db_time)); //$string .= ",数据库执行 ".$sql_db_count." 次,耗时 ".$sql_db_time." 秒"; } if ($file_ctrl && $count > 0 && $file_ctrl != 'false') { $string .= P_Lang(',文件执行{file_count}次', array('file_count' => $count)); } if ($cache_ctrl && $cache_ctrl != 'false') { $string .= P_Lang(',缓存执行{cache_count}次,耗时{cache_time}秒', array('cache_count' => $sql_cache_count, 'cache_time' => $sql_cache_time)); } return $string; }
/** * 显示错误信息 * @access public * @param 参数类型 参数 参数说明 * @return 返回值类型 返回值说明 * 2015-5-8下午7:17:25 */ public static function show() { self::$debug[] = run_time("start", "end"); echo "<div style='border:solid 2px #dcdcdc'>"; foreach (self::$debug as $v) { echo $v . "<br>"; } echo "</div>"; }
<?php /* 计算脚本运行时间函数 */ function run_time($start, $end = '', $decimial = 3) { static $times = array(); if ($end != '') { $times[$end] = microtime(); return number_format($times[$end] - $times[$start], $decimial); } $times[$start] = microtime(); } //记录开始运行时间 run_time("start"); //项目初始化 defined('APP_PATH') or define('APP_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); //定义应用 define('APPLICATION_DIR', 'blog'); //定义网站主目录 defined('ROOT') or define('ROOT', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); //框架主目录 define("PHP_PATH", dirname(__FILE__)); //定义框架的资源目录 define('STATICS', APP_PATH . '/' . 'statics'); define('TEMP_PATH', APP_PATH . '/' . 'temp'); // URL 模式定义 const URL_COMMON = 0; //普通模式 const URL_PATHINFO = 1;
<?php if (!defined('IN_TG')) { exit('非法访问!'); } ?> <div id="footer"> <p>运行时间<?php echo round(run_time() - START_TIME, 4); ?> </p> <p>版权所有 翻版必究</p> </div>
/** * Prints a message to stdout * @param string $msg the message to print * @param boolean $verbose whether or not verbose output mode is enabled. If * not enabled, message will not be printed (unless $err==TRUE) * @param string $file optional name of the file generating the message * @param int $line optional line number in the file generating the message * @param boolean $err if this message an error? * @return void */ function print_msg($msg, $verbose = FALSE, $file = NULL, $line = NULL, $err = FALSE) { if ($verbose || $err) { printf("%-24s %-8s %-24s %s\n", date('m/d/Y H:i:s T'), run_time() . 's', str_replace('.php', '', basename($file ? $file : __FILE__)) . ':' . ($line ? $line : __LINE__), ($err ? 'ERROR: ' : '') . $msg); } }
<?php if (!defined('IN_TG')) { exit('非法访问!'); } //设置字符编码 header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); //设置访问硬路径,加快访问速度 define('ROOT_PATH', substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -8)); //检查php版本 if (PHP_VERSION < '4.4.0') { exit('PHP版本过低!'); } require ROOT_PATH . '/includes/global.func.php'; //开始运行的时间 define('START_TIME', run_time());