function getActiveFraudModule() { global $CONFIG; $result = select_query("tblfraud", "fraud", array("setting" => "Enable", "value" => "on")); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $fraud = $data['fraud']; $orderid = $_SESSION['orderdetails']['OrderID']; if ($CONFIG['SkipFraudForExisting']) { $result = select_query("tblorders", "COUNT(*)", array("status" => "Active", "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $fraudmodule = ""; logActivity("Order ID " . $orderid . " Skipped Fraud Check due to Already Active Orders"); } } $hookresponses = run_hook("RunFraudCheck", array("orderid" => $orderid, "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); foreach ($hookresponses as $hookresponse) { if ($hookresponse) { $fraud = ""; logActivity("Order ID " . $orderid . " Skipped Fraud Check due to Custom Hook"); continue; } } return $fraud; }
function editor_page_admin_CSS() { //Allow module to manipulate css $page_theme = THEME; run_hook('site_theme', array(&$page_theme)); global $lang; ?> <form method="post" action=""> <label class="kop2" for="cont1"><?php echo $lang['editor']['content_css']; ?> </label> <br /> <textarea name="cont1" id="cont1" cols="90" rows="20"><?php echo read_style($page_theme); ?> </textarea> <br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php echo $lang['general']['save']; ?> " /> <input type="button" name="Cancel" value="<?php echo $lang['general']['cancel']; ?> " onclick="javascript: window.location='admin.php?module=editor';" /> </form> <?php //Save style. if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $cont1 = $_POST['cont1']; save_style($page_theme, $cont1); redirect('admin.php?module=editor', 0); } }
function pla_rdelete($ldapserver, $dn) { $children = $ldapserver->getContainerContents($dn); if (!is_array($children) || count($children) == 0) { printf('<nobr>' . _('Deleting %s') . '...', htmlspecialchars($dn)); flush(); if (run_hook('pre_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn))) { if ($ldapserver->delete($dn)) { run_hook('post_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn)); printf(' <span style="color:green">%s</span></nobr><br />', _('Success')); return true; } else { pla_error(sprintf(_('Failed to delete entry %s'), htmlspecialchars($dn)), $ldapserver->error(), $ldapserver->errno()); } } } else { foreach ($children as $child_dn) { pla_rdelete($ldapserver, $child_dn); } printf('<nobr>' . _('Deleting %s') . '...', htmlspecialchars($dn)); flush(); if (run_hook('pre_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn))) { if ($ldapserver->delete($dn)) { run_hook('post_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn)); printf(' <span style="color:green">%s</span></nobr><br />', _('Success')); return true; } else { pla_error(sprintf(_('Failed to delete entry %s'), htmlspecialchars($dn)), $ldapserver->error(), $ldapserver->errno()); } } } }
function run_validate_hook(&$validate, $hook_name, $args) { $hookerrors = run_hook($hook_name, $args); $errormessage = ""; if (count($hookerrors)) { foreach ($hookerrors as $hookerrors2) { if (is_array($hookerrors2)) { $validate->addErrors($hookerrors2); continue; } $validate->addError($hookerrors2); } } }
/** * * @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ function affiliateActivate($userid) { global $CONFIG; $result = select_query("tblclients", "currency", array("id" => $userid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $clientcurrency = $data['currency']; $bonusdeposit = convertCurrency($CONFIG['AffiliateBonusDeposit'], 1, $clientcurrency); $result = select_query("tblaffiliates", "id", array("clientid" => $userid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $affiliateid = $data['id']; if (!$affiliateid) { $affiliateid = insert_query("tblaffiliates", array("date" => "now()", "clientid" => $userid, "balance" => $bonusdeposit)); } logActivity("Activated Affiliate Account - Affiliate ID: " . $affiliateid . " - User ID: " . $userid, $userid); run_hook("AffiliateActivation", array("affid" => $affiliateid, "userid" => $userid)); }
function copy_dn($ldapserver_src, $ldapserver_dst, $dn_src, $dn_dst) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('copy_dn: Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)', 17, $ldapserver_src->server_id, $ldapserver_dst->server_id, $dn_src, $dn_dst); } $new_entry = $ldapserver_src->getDNAttrs($dn_src); # modify the prefix-value (ie "bob" in cn=bob) to match the destination DN's value. $rdn_attr = substr($dn_dst, 0, strpos($dn_dst, '=')); $rdn_value = get_rdn($dn_dst); $rdn_value = substr($rdn_value, strpos($rdn_value, '=') + 1); $new_entry[$rdn_attr] = $rdn_value; # don't need a dn attribute in the new entry unset($new_entry['dn']); # Check the user-defined custom call back first if (run_hook('pre_entry_create', array('server_id' => $ldapserver_dst->server_id, 'dn' => $dn_dst, 'attrs' => $new_entry))) { $add_result = $ldapserver_dst->add($dn_dst, $new_entry); if (!$add_result) { run_hook('post_entry_create', array('server_id' => $ldapserver_dst->server_id, 'dn' => $dn_dst, 'attrs' => $new_entry)); echo '</small><br /><br />'; pla_error(_('Failed to copy DN: ') . $dn_dst, $ldapserver_dst->error(), $ldapserver_dst->errno()); } return $add_result; } else { return false; } }
define('MODULE_SETTINGS_DIR', 'data/settings/modules/' . $_GET['module']); } if (file_exists(PAGE_DIR)) { $homepage = read_dir_contents(PAGE_DIR, 'files'); if ($homepage != false) { sort($homepage, SORT_NUMERIC); $homepage = get_page_seoname($homepage[0]); } else { $homepage = '404'; } $page_url_prefix = '?file='; run_hook('page_url_prefix', array(&$page_url_prefix)); define('PAGE_URL_PREFIX', $page_url_prefix); unset($page_url_prefix); $homepage = SITE_URI . '/' . PAGE_URL_PREFIX . $homepage; run_hook('const_home_page', array(&$homepage)); define('HOME_PAGE', $homepage); unset($homepage); } //Some GET-variables for general use. if (isset($_GET['var1'])) { $var1 = $_GET['var1']; } if (isset($_GET['var2'])) { $var2 = $_GET['var2']; } if (isset($_GET['var3'])) { $var3 = $_GET['var3']; } if (isset($_GET['var4'])) { $var4 = $_GET['var4'];
function disableAutoRenew($domainid) { update_query("tbldomains", array("donotrenew" => "on"), array("id" => $domainid)); $domainname = get_query_val("tbldomains", "domain", array("id" => $domainid)); if ($_SESSION['adminid']) { logActivity("Admin Disabled Domain Auto Renew - Domain ID: " . $domainid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); } else { logActivity("Client Disabled Domain Auto Renew - Domain ID: " . $domainid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); } $result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", ",tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid", array("type" => "Domain", "relid" => $domainid, "status" => "Unpaid", "tblinvoices.userid" => $_SESSION['uid']), "", "", "", "tblinvoices ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $itemid = $data['id']; $invoiceid = $data['invoiceid']; $result2 = select_query("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(*)", array("invoiceid" => $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $itemcount = $data[0]; $otheritemcount = 0; if (1 < $itemcount) { $otheritemcount = get_query_val("tblinvoiceitems", "COUNT(*)", "invoiceid=" . (int) $invoiceid . (" AND id!=" . $itemid . " AND type NOT IN ('PromoHosting','PromoDomain','GroupDiscount')")); } if ($itemcount == 1 || $otheritemcount == 0) { update_query("tblinvoices", array("status" => "Cancelled"), array("id" => $invoiceid)); logActivity("Cancelled Previous Domain Renewal Invoice - Invoice ID: " . $invoiceid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); run_hook("InvoiceCancelled", array("invoiceid" => $invoiceid)); } delete_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("id" => $itemid)); updateInvoiceTotal($invoiceid); logActivity("Removed Previous Domain Renewal Line Item - Invoice ID: " . $invoiceid . " - Domain: " . $domainname); } }
} echo '>' . date($option) . '</option>' . "\n"; } unset($option); echo '</select> </td> <td><label for="post_time"> ' . $lang['blog']['post_time'] . '</label></td> </tr> </table><br />'; } function blog_admin_module_settings_afterpost() { global $lang; //truncate_posts should be numeric. if (!is_numeric($_POST['truncate_posts']) || !is_numeric($_POST['posts_per_page'])) { return show_error($lang['blog']['numeric_error'], 1, true); } if (empty($_POST['posts_per_page'])) { return show_error($lang['blog']['posts_per_page_error'], 1, true); } else { //Compose settings array $settings = array('allow_reactions' => isset($_POST['allow_reactions']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'truncate_posts' => $_POST['truncate_posts'], 'posts_per_page' => $_POST['posts_per_page'], 'post_date' => $_POST['post_date'], 'post_time' => $_POST['post_time']); //Save settings module_save_settings('blog', $settings); } } //Add hook for SEO capabilities. $blog_url_prefix = '&module=blog&page=viewpost&post='; run_hook('blog_url_prefix', array(&$blog_url_prefix)); define('BLOG_URL_PREFIX', $blog_url_prefix); unset($blog_url_prefix);
/* * This file is part of pluck, the easy content management system * Copyright (c) pluck team * * Pluck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See docs/COPYING for the complete license. */ //Make sure the file isn't accessed directly. defined('IN_PLUCK') or exit('Access denied!'); ?> <p> <strong><?php echo $lang['options']['message']; ?> </strong> </p> <?php run_hook('admin_options_before'); showmenudiv($lang['settings']['title'], $lang['options']['settings_descr'], 'data/image/settings.png', '?action=settings'); showmenudiv($lang['modules_manage']['title'], $lang['options']['modules_descr'], 'data/image/modules.png', '?action=managemodules'); showmenudiv($lang['modules_settings']['title'], $lang['options']['modules_sett_descr'], 'data/image/settings2.png', '?action=modulesettings'); showmenudiv($lang['theme']['title'], $lang['options']['themes_descr'], 'data/image/themes.png', '?action=theme'); showmenudiv($lang['language']['title'], $lang['options']['lang_descr'], 'data/image/language.png', '?action=language'); showmenudiv($lang['changepass']['title'], $lang['options']['pass_descr'], 'data/image/password.png', '?action=changepass'); run_hook('admin_options_after');
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See docs/COPYING for the complete license. */ //Make sure the file isn't accessed directly. defined('IN_PLUCK') or exit('Access denied!'); ?> <p> <strong><?php echo $lang['page']['message']; ?> </strong> </p> <?php //Run hook. run_hook('admin_pages_before'); //New page button. showmenudiv($lang['page']['new'], null, 'data/image/newpage.png', '?action=editpage'); //Manage images button. showmenudiv($lang['images']['title'], null, 'data/image/image.png', '?action=images'); //Manage files button. showmenudiv($lang['files']['title'], null, 'data/image/file.png', '?action=files'); //Show pages. $pages = get_pages(); if ($pages) { foreach ($pages as $page) { show_page_box($page); } unset($page); }
$array = array("firstname" => $firstname, "lastname" => $lastname, "companyname" => $companyname, "email" => $email, "address1" => $address1, "address2" => $address2, "city" => $city, "state" => $state, "postcode" => $postcode, "country" => $country, "phonenumber" => $phonenumber, "subaccount" => $subaccount, "permissions" => $permissions, "domainemails" => $domainemails, "generalemails" => $generalemails, "invoiceemails" => $invoiceemails, "productemails" => $productemails, "supportemails" => $supportemails, "affiliateemails" => $affiliateemails); if ($password && $password != $aInt->lang("fields", "entertochange")) { $array['password'] = generateClientPW($password); } $where = array("id" => $contactid); update_query($table, $array, $where); run_hook("ContactEdit", array_merge(array("userid" => $userid, "contactid" => $contactid, "olddata" => $oldcontactdata), $array)); } redir("userid=" . $userid . "&contactid=" . $contactid); exit; } if ($action == "delete") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); delete_query("tblcontacts", array("id" => $contactid, "userid" => $userid)); update_query("tblclients", array("billingcid" => ""), array("id" => $userid, "billingcid" => $contactid)); run_hook("ContactDelete", array("userid" => $userid, "contactid" => $contactid)); redir("userid=" . $userid); exit; } ob_start(); if ($error) { infoBox($aInt->lang("global", "validationerror"), $error); echo $infobox; } echo "\n<form action=\""; echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo "\" method=\"get\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\""; echo $userid; echo "\">\n"; echo $aInt->lang("clientsummary", "contacts"); echo ": ";
gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], "Invalid IPN"); exit; } // Check that the payment status is completed if ($ipnValid[1]['payment_status'] !== "Completed") { gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], $ipnValid[1]['payment_status']); exit; } //Check that we havn't credited for it already $query = 'SELECT * FROM tblaccounts WHERE transid=\'' . $ipnValid[1]['txn_id'] . '\''; if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query))) { exit; } $gpSettings = gp_LoadSettings(); //Begin to credit the client //TODO: Uncomment //$clientId = 1; $clientId = gp_LoadUserFromHash($ipnValid[1]['custom']); gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], "Successful"); if ($clientId) { //Apply the Credit // Get the clients currency and apply the rate $currency = getCurrency($clientId); //Write the Transactions mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblaccounts` (userid,gateway,`date`,description,amountin,fees,transid,invoiceid,`rate`)\n \t\t\t\t\t\t values ({$clientId},'paypal',now(),'" . $gpSettings['SystemName'] . " Credit'," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . "," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_fee'] . ",'" . $ipnValid[1]['txn_id'] . "',0,'" . $currency['rate'] . "')"); //Increase the credit balance mysql_query("UPDATE `tblclients` set credit = credit + " . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . " where id = {$clientId}"); //Add it to the credit log mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblcredit` (clientid,date,description,amount)\n\t\t\t\t\t values ({$clientId},now(),'" . $gpSettings['SystemName'] . " Credit " . $ipnValid[1]['payer_email'] . "'," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . ")"); run_hook("groupPay_paymentComplete", array("clientId" => $clientId, "paypalInfo" => $ipnValid[1])); }
$result = select_query("tblservers", "active,type", array("id" => $id)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($type == $data['type']) { $active = $data['active']; } else { $active = ""; } update_query("tblservers", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "ipaddress" => trim($ipaddress), "assignedips" => trim($assignedips), "hostname" => trim($hostname), "monthlycost" => trim($monthlycost), "noc" => $noc, "statusaddress" => trim($statusaddress), "nameserver1" => trim($nameserver1), "nameserver1ip" => trim($nameserver1ip), "nameserver2" => trim($nameserver2), "nameserver2ip" => trim($nameserver2ip), "nameserver3" => trim($nameserver3), "nameserver3ip" => trim($nameserver3ip), "nameserver4" => trim($nameserver4), "nameserver4ip" => trim($nameserver4ip), "nameserver5" => trim($nameserver5), "nameserver5ip" => trim($nameserver5ip), "maxaccounts" => trim($maxaccounts), "username" => trim($username), "password" => encrypt(trim($password)), "accesshash" => trim($accesshash), "secure" => $secure, "disabled" => $disabled, "active" => $active), array("id" => $id)); run_hook("ServerEdit", array("serverid" => $id)); redir("savesuccess=true"); } else { $result = select_query("tblservers", "id", array("type" => $type, "active" => "1")); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $active = $data['id'] ? "" : "1"; $newid = insert_query("tblservers", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "ipaddress" => trim($ipaddress), "assignedips" => trim($assignedips), "hostname" => trim($hostname), "monthlycost" => trim($monthlycost), "noc" => $noc, "statusaddress" => trim($statusaddress), "nameserver1" => trim($nameserver1), "nameserver1ip" => trim($nameserver1ip), "nameserver2" => trim($nameserver2), "nameserver2ip" => trim($nameserver2ip), "nameserver3" => trim($nameserver3), "nameserver3ip" => trim($nameserver3ip), "nameserver4" => trim($nameserver4), "nameserver4ip" => trim($nameserver4ip), "nameserver5" => trim($nameserver5), "nameserver5ip" => trim($nameserver5ip), "maxaccounts" => trim($maxaccounts), "username" => trim($username), "password" => encrypt(trim($password)), "accesshash" => trim($accesshash), "secure" => $secure, "active" => $active, "disabled" => $disabled)); run_hook("ServerAdd", array("serverid" => $newid)); redir("createsuccess=true"); } exit; } if ($action == "savegroup") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); if ($id) { update_query("tblservergroups", array("name" => $name, "filltype" => $filltype), array("id" => $id)); delete_query("tblservergroupsrel", array("groupid" => $id)); } else { $id = insert_query("tblservergroups", array("name" => $name, "filltype" => $filltype)); } if ($selectedservers) { foreach ($selectedservers as $serverid) { insert_query("tblservergroupsrel", array("groupid" => $id, "serverid" => $serverid));
public function deleteContact($contactid) { delete_query("tblcontacts", array("userid" => $this->userid, "id" => $contactid)); update_query("tblclients", array("billingcid" => ""), array("billingcid" => $contactid, "id" => $this->userid)); run_hook("ContactDelete", array("userid" => $this->userid, "contactid" => $contactid)); return true; }
echo "</label> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"donotrenew\" id=\"donotrenew\""; if ($donotrenew) { echo " checked"; } echo "> <label for=\"donotrenew\">"; echo $aInt->lang("domains", "donotrenew"); echo "</label></td></tr>\n"; if (function_exists($registrar . "_AdminDomainsTabFields")) { $fieldsarray = call_user_func($registrar . "_AdminDomainsTabFields", $params); if (is_array($fieldsarray)) { foreach ($fieldsarray as $k => $v) { echo "<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">" . $k . "</td><td class=\"fieldarea\" colspan=\"3\">" . $v . "</td></tr>"; } } } $hookret = run_hook("AdminClientDomainsTabFields", array("id" => $id)); foreach ($hookret as $hookdat) { foreach ($hookdat as $k => $v) { echo "<td class=\"fieldlabel\">" . $k . "</td><td class=\"fieldarea\" colspan=\"3\">" . $v . "</td></tr>"; } } $domainparts = explode(".", $domain, 2); $tld = "." . $domainparts[1]; $tempdomainfields = $additionaldomainfields[$tld]; if ($tempdomainfields) { $result = select_query("tbldomainsadditionalfields", "", array("domainid" => $id)); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $field_name = $data['name']; $field_value = $data['value']; $values[$field_name] = $field_value; }
/** * Modify objects */ public function modify($dn, $attrs, $method = null) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) { debug_log('Entered (%%)', 17, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs); } # Check our unique attributes. if (!$this->checkUniqueAttrs($dn, $attrs)) { return false; } $result = false; $summary = array(); $current_attrs = $this->getDNAttrValues($dn, $method, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, array('*')); # Go through our attributes and call our hooks for each attribute changing its value foreach ($attrs as $attr => $values) { # For new attributes if (count($values) && !isset($current_attrs[$attr])) { if (!run_hook('pre_attr_add', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'newvalue' => $values))) { unset($attrs[$attr]); system_message(array('title' => _('Attribute not added'), 'body' => sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)', _('Hook pre_attr_add prevented attribute from being added'), $attr), 'type' => 'warn')); } else { $summary['add'][$attr]['new'] = $values; } # For modify attributes } elseif (count($values)) { if (!run_hook('pre_attr_modify', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'oldvalue' => $current_attrs[$attr], 'newvalue' => $values))) { unset($attrs[$attr]); system_message(array('title' => _('Attribute not modified'), 'body' => sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)', _('Hook pre_attr_modify prevented attribute from being modified'), $attr), 'type' => 'warn')); } else { $summary['modify'][$attr]['new'] = $values; $summary['modify'][$attr]['old'] = $current_attrs[$attr]; } # For delete attributes } else { if (!run_hook('pre_attr_delete', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'oldvalue' => $current_attrs[$attr]))) { unset($attrs[$attr]); system_message(array('title' => _('Attribute not deleted'), 'body' => sprintf('%s (<b>%s</b>)', _('Hook pre_attr_delete prevented attribute from being deleted'), $attr), 'type' => 'warn')); } else { $summary['delete'][$attr]['old'] = $current_attrs[$attr]; } } } if (!count($attrs)) { return false; } if (run_hook('pre_entry_modify', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attrs' => $attrs))) { $result = @ldap_modify($this->connect($method), $dn, $attrs); if ($result) { run_hook('post_entry_modify', array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attrs' => $attrs)); foreach (array('add', 'modify', 'delete') as $mode) { if (isset($summary[$mode])) { foreach ($summary[$mode] as $attr => $values) { switch ($mode) { case 'add': run_hook(sprintf('post_attr_%s', $mode), array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'newvalue' => $values['new'])); break; case 'modify': run_hook(sprintf('post_attr_%s', $mode), array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'oldvalue' => $values['old'], 'newvalue' => $values['new'])); break; case 'delete': run_hook(sprintf('post_attr_%s', $mode), array('server_id' => $this->index, 'method' => $method, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => $attr, 'oldvalue' => $values['old'])); break; default: debug_dump_backtrace(sprintf('Unkown mode %s', $mode), 1); } } } } } else { system_message(array('title' => _('Could not perform ldap_modify operation.'), 'body' => ldap_error_msg($this->getErrorMessage($method), $this->getErrorNum($method)), 'type' => 'error')); } } return $result; }
/** * Strip slashes from GET, POST, and COOKIE variables if this * PHP install is configured to automatically addslashes() */ if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc() && (!isset($slashes_stripped) || !$slashes_stripped)) { array_stripslashes($_REQUEST); array_stripslashes($_GET); array_stripslashes($_POST); array_stripslashes($_COOKIE); $slashes_stripped = true; } # Create our application repository variable. $app['server'] = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getServer(get_request('server_id', 'REQUEST')); /** * Look/evaluate our timeout */ if (!$app['server']->isSessionValid()) { system_message(array('title' => _('Session Timed Out'), 'body' => sprintf('%s %s %s', _('Your Session timed out after'), $app['server']->getValue('login', 'timeout'), _('min. of inactivity. You have been automatically logged out.')), 'type' => 'info'), sprintf('index.php?server_id=%s&refresh=SID_%s', $app['server']->getIndex(), $app['server']->getIndex())); die; } # If syslog is enabled, we need to include the supporting file. if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('debug', 'syslog')) { require LIBDIR . 'syslog.php'; } /** * At this point we have read all our additional function PHP files and our configuration. * If we are using hooks, run the session_init hook. */ if (function_exists('run_hook')) { run_hook('post_session_init', array()); }
} } elseif (defined('CURRENT_MODULE_PAGE')) { if (!function_exists(CURRENT_MODULE_DIR . '_page_site_' . CURRENT_MODULE_PAGE) || !module_is_included_in_page(CURRENT_MODULE_DIR, CURRENT_PAGE_SEONAME) || !module_is_compatible(CURRENT_MODULE_DIR)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); if (!defined('CURRENT_NOTFOUND')) { define('CURRENT_NOTFOUND', true); } } } } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); if (!defined('CURRENT_NOTFOUND')) { define('CURRENT_NOTFOUND', true); } } } //If a page has been requested that does not exist, return 404 header. if (defined('CURRENT_PAGE_SEONAME') && !defined('CURRENT_PAGE_FILENAME')) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); if (!defined('CURRENT_NOTFOUND')) { define('CURRENT_NOTFOUND', true); } } //Allow modules to manipulate theme $page_theme = THEME; run_hook('site_theme', array(&$page_theme)); //Allow modules to manipulate theme-filename $page_theme_file = 'theme'; run_hook('site_theme_file', array(&$page_theme_file)); //Now, include the theme include_once 'data/themes/' . $page_theme . '/' . $page_theme_file . '.php';
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See docs/COPYING for the complete license. */ //Make sure the file isn't accessed directly. defined('IN_PLUCK') or exit('Access denied!'); ?> <p> <strong><?php echo $lang['modules']['message']; ?> </strong> </p> <?php run_hook('admin_modules_before'); ?> <div class="smallmenu"> <span class="smallmenu_button"> <a href="?action=module_addtosite" style="background: url('data/image/add_small.png') no-repeat;"><?php echo $lang['modules_manage']['add']; ?> </a> </span> </div> <?php foreach ($module_list as $module) { //Load module admin pages. if (file_exists('data/modules/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.admin.php')) { require_once 'data/modules/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.admin.php'; }
public function logout() { if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { update_query("tbladminlog", array("logouttime" => "now()"), array("sessionid" => session_id())); $adminid = $_SESSION['adminid']; session_unset(); session_destroy(); $this->unsetRememberMeCookie(); run_hook("AdminLogout", array("adminid" => $adminid)); return true; } return false; }
if (!is_array($mass_delete)) { pla_error(_('Malformed mass_delete array.')); } if (count($mass_delete) == 0) { echo '<br />'; printf('<center>%s</center>', _('You did not select any entries to delete.')); die; } // @todo: Should sort these entries, so that they are deleted in order, if a user selects children. foreach ($mass_delete as $dn => $junk) { printf(_('Deleting %s'), htmlspecialchars($dn)); flush(); if (run_hook('pre_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn))) { $success = $ldapserver->delete($dn); if ($success) { run_hook('post_entry_delete', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn)); printf(' <span style="color:green">%s</span>.<br />', _('Success')); $successfully_delete_dns[] = $dn; } else { printf(' <span style="color:red">%s</span>.<br /> (%s)<br />', _('Failed'), $ldapserver->error()); $failed_dns[] = $dn; } } flush(); } echo '<blockquote>'; echo '</small>'; $failed_count = count($failed_dns); $total_count = count($mass_delete); if ($failed_count > 0) { printf('<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">' . _('%s of %s entries failed to be deleted.') . '</span>', $failed_count, $total_count);
<?php /** * * @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ define("CLIENTAREA", true); require "init.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { redir("", "index.php"); } run_hook("ClientLogout", array("userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); unset($_SESSION['uid']); unset($_SESSION['cid']); unset($_SESSION['upw']); wDelCookie("User"); $pagetitle = $_LANG['logouttitle']; $breadcrumbnav = "<a href=\"index.php\">" . $_LANG['globalsystemname'] . "</a> > <a href=\"clientarea.php\">" . $_LANG['clientareatitle'] . "</a> > <a href=\"logout.php\">" . $_LANG['logouttitle'] . "</a>"; $pageicon = "images/clientarea_big.gif"; $templatefile = "logout"; initialiseClientArea($pagetitle, $pageicon, $breadcrumbnav); outputClientArea($templatefile);
/** * Displays page content. For use in themes. * * @since 4.6 * @package site */ function theme_content() { //Get needed variables global $lang; //Show "not found" error message if something was missing if (defined('CURRENT_NOTFOUND')) { echo $lang['general']['not_found']; } elseif (defined('CURRENT_PAGE_SEONAME') && !defined('CURRENT_MODULE_DIR')) { //Check if page exists if (defined('CURRENT_PAGE_FILENAME')) { include PAGE_DIR . '/' . CURRENT_PAGE_FILENAME; run_hook('theme_content_before'); run_hook('theme_content', array(&$content)); //Check for module tags in content $regex = '/\\{pluck (.*?)\\}/'; if (preg_match($regex, $content)) { //Split content in chunks. $content = preg_split($regex, $content, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($content as $value) { //Check if chunk is a show_module command if (preg_match('/show_module\\((.*?)\\)/', $value, $matches)) { $module_to_include = $matches[1]; unset($matches); //Check if we need to pass a variable to the module. if (strpos($module_to_include, ',')) { $module_to_include = explode(',', $module_to_include); if (module_is_compatible($module_to_include[0]) && function_exists($module_to_include[0] . '_theme_main')) { call_user_func_array($module_to_include[0] . '_theme_main', array(null, $module_to_include[1])); } unset($module_to_include); } else { //Check if module is compatible, and the function exists. if (module_is_compatible($module_to_include) && function_exists($module_to_include . '_theme_main')) { call_user_func_array($module_to_include . '_theme_main', array(null, null)); } unset($module_to_include); } } else { echo $value; } } } else { echo $content; } run_hook('theme_content_after'); } else { echo $lang['general']['not_found']; } } elseif (defined('CURRENT_PAGE_SEONAME') && defined('CURRENT_MODULE_DIR')) { $module_page_site = call_user_func(CURRENT_MODULE_DIR . '_pages_site'); if (!empty($module_page_site)) { foreach ($module_page_site as $module_page) { if ($module_page['func'] == CURRENT_MODULE_PAGE) { call_user_func(CURRENT_MODULE_DIR . '_page_site_' . $module_page['func']); } } unset($module_page); } } else { echo $lang['general']['not_found']; } }
$dn = rawurldecode($_POST['dn']); $is_binary_val = isset($_POST['binary']) ? true : false; $encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn); $encoded_attr = rawurlencode($attr); if ($ldapserver->isAttrReadOnly($attr)) { pla_error(sprintf(_('The attribute "%s" is flagged as read-only in the phpLDAPadmin configuration.'), htmlspecialchars($attr))); } // special case for binary attributes: // we must go read the data from the file. if ($is_binary_val) { $file = $_FILES['new_value']['tmp_name']; $f = fopen($file, 'r'); $binary_value = fread($f, filesize($file)); fclose($f); $new_value = $binary_value; } $new_entry = array($attr => $new_value); // Check to see if this is a unique Attribute if ($badattr = $ldapserver->checkUniqueAttr($dn, $attr, $new_entry)) { $search_href = sprintf('search.php?search=true&form=advanced&server_id=%s&filter=%s=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, $attr, $badattr); pla_error(sprintf(_('Your attempt to add <b>%s</b> (<i>%s</i>) to <br><b>%s</b><br> is NOT allowed. That attribute/value belongs to another entry.<p>You might like to <a href=\'%s\'>search</a> for that entry.'), $attr, $badattr, $dn, $search_href)); } // Call the custom callback for each attribute modification // and verify that it should be modified. if (run_hook('pre_attr_add', array('server_id' => $ldapserver->server_id, 'dn' => $dn, 'attr_name' => $attr, 'new_value' => $new_entry))) { $add_result = $ldapserver->attrModify($dn, $new_entry); if (!$add_result) { pla_error(_('Could not perform ldap_mod_add operation.'), $ldapserver->error(), $ldapserver->errno()); } } header(sprintf('Location: template_engine.php?server_id=%s&dn=%s&modified_attrs[]=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, $encoded_dn, $encoded_attr));
check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); update_query("tblnetworkissues", array("status" => "Resolved", "enddate" => "now()"), array("id" => $id)); run_hook("NetworkIssueClose", array("id" => $id)); redir("view=resolved"); exit; } if ($action == "reopen") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); update_query("tblnetworkissues", array("status" => "In Progress", "enddate" => "NULL"), array("id" => $id)); run_hook("NetworkIssueReopen", array("id" => $id)); redir(); exit; } if ($action == "delete") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); run_hook("NetworkIssueDelete", array("id" => $id)); delete_query("tblnetworkissues", array("id" => $id)); redir(); exit; } $t_query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM tblnetworkissues LIKE 'type'"; $t_result = full_query($t_query); if (0 < mysql_num_rows($t_result)) { $t_row = mysql_fetch_row($t_result); $type_options = explode('\',\'', preg_replace('/(enum|set)\\(\'(.+?)\'\\)/', '$1', $t_row[1])); } $p_query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM tblnetworkissues LIKE 'priority'"; $p_result = full_query($p_query); if (0 < mysql_num_rows($p_result)) { $p_row = mysql_fetch_row($p_result); $priority_options = explode('\',\'', preg_replace('/(enum|set)\\(\'(.+?)\'\\)/', '$1', $p_row[1]));
} else { if (!$invoicestatus) { $paymentstatus = "<span class=\"textred\">Invoice Deleted</span>"; } else { if ($invoicestatus == "Paid") { $paymentstatus = "<span class=\"textgreen\">" . $aInt->lang("status", "complete") . "</span>"; } else { if ($invoicestatus == "Unpaid") { $paymentstatus = "<span class=\"textred\">" . $aInt->lang("status", "incomplete") . "</span>"; } else { $paymentstatus = getInvoiceStatusColour($invoicestatus); } } } } run_hook("ViewOrderDetailsPage", array("orderid" => $id, "ordernum" => $ordernum, "userid" => $userid, "amount" => $amount, "paymentmethod" => $paymentmethod, "invoiceid" => $invoiceid, "status" => $orderstatus)); $clientnotes = array(); $result = select_query("tblnotes", "tblnotes.*,(SELECT CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) FROM tbladmins WHERE AS adminuser", array("userid" => $userid, "sticky" => "1"), "modified", "DESC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data['created'] = fromMySQLDate($data['created'], 1); $data['modified'] = fromMySQLDate($data['modified'], 1); $data['note'] = autoHyperLink(nl2br($data['note'])); $clientnotes[] = $data; } if (count($clientnotes)) { echo "<div id=\"clientsimportantnotes\">\n"; foreach ($clientnotes as $note) { echo "<div class=\"ticketstaffnotes\">\n <table class=\"ticketstaffnotestable\">\n <tr>\n <td>" . $note['adminuser'] . "</td>\n <td align=\"right\">" . $note['modified'] . "</td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <div>\n " . $note['note'] . "\n <div style=\"float:right;\"><a href=\"clientsnotes.php?userid=" . $userid . "&action=edit&id=" . $note['id'] . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" align=\"absmiddle\" /></a></div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"; } echo "</div>"; }
foreach ($adminbuttonarray as $key => $value) { $modulebtns[] = $frm->button($key, "runModuleCommand('custom','" . $value . "')"); } } $tbl->add($aInt->lang("services", "modulecommands"), "<div id=\"modcmdbtns\">" . implode(" ", $modulebtns) . "</div><div id=\"modcmdworking\" style=\"display:none;text-align:center;\"><img src=\"images/loader.gif\" /> Working...</div>", 1); if (function_exists($module . "_AdminServicesTabFields")) { $params = ModuleBuildParams($id); $fieldsarray = call_user_func($params['moduletype'] . "_AdminServicesTabFields", $params); if (is_array($fieldsarray)) { foreach ($fieldsarray as $k => $v) { $tbl->add($k, $v, 1); } } } } $hookret = run_hook("AdminClientServicesTabFields", array("id" => $id)); foreach ($hookret as $hookdat) { foreach ($hookdat as $k => $v) { $tbl->add($k, $v, 1); } } $addonshtml = ""; $aInt->sortableTableInit("nopagination"); $service = new WHMCS_Service($id); $addons = $service->getAddons(); foreach ($addons as $vals) { $tabledata[] = array($vals['regdate'], $vals['name'], $vals['pricing'], $vals['status'], $vals['nextduedate'], "<a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?userid=" . $userid . "&id=" . $id . "&aid=" . $vals['id'] . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit\"></a>", "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"doDeleteAddon('" . $vals['id'] . "');return false\"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Delete\"></a>"); } $addonshtml = $aInt->sortableTable(array($aInt->lang("addons", "regdate"), $aInt->lang("addons", "name"), $aInt->lang("global", "pricing"), $aInt->lang("fields", "status"), $aInt->lang("fields", "nextduedate"), "", ""), $tabledata); $tbl->add($aInt->lang("addons", "title"), $addonshtml . "<div style=\"padding:5px 25px;\"><a href=\"clientsservices.php?userid=" . $userid . "&id=" . $id . "&aid=add\"><img src=\"images/icons/add.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"top\" /> Add New Addon</a></div>", 1); $customfields = getCustomFields("product", $packageid, $id, true);
function closeTicket($id) { global $whmcs; $status = get_query_val("tbltickets", "status", array("id" => $id)); if ($status == "Closed") { return false; } if (defined("CLIENTAREA")) { addTicketLog($id, "Closed by Client"); } else { if (defined("ADMINAREA")) { addTicketLog($id, "Status changed to Closed"); } else { addTicketLog($id, "Ticket Auto Closed For Inactivity"); } } update_query("tbltickets", array("status" => "Closed"), array("id" => $id)); if ($whmcs->get_config("TicketFeedback")) { $feedbackcheck = get_query_val("tblticketfeedback", "id", array("ticketid" => $id)); if (!$feedbackcheck) { sendMessage("Support Ticket Feedback Request", $id); } } run_hook("TicketClose", array("ticketid" => $id)); return true; }
echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"freedomaintlds[]\" size=\"5\" multiple>"; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT extension FROM tbldomainpricing ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $result = full_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $extension = $data['extension']; echo "<option"; if (in_array($extension, $freedomaintlds)) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $extension; } echo "</select><br>"; echo $aInt->lang("products", "usectrlclickpayterms"); echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n </div>\n</div>\n<div id=\"tab7box\" class=\"tabbox\">\n <div id=\"tab_content\">\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; $producteditfieldsarray = run_hook("AdminProductConfigFields", array("pid" => $id)); if (is_array($producteditfieldsarray)) { foreach ($producteditfieldsarray as $pv) { foreach ($pv as $k => $v) { echo "<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">" . $k . "</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">" . $v . "</td></tr>"; } } } echo "<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">"; echo $aInt->lang("products", "customaffiliatepayout"); echo "</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"affiliatepaytype\" value=\"\""; if ($affiliatepaytype == "") { echo " checked"; } echo "> "; echo $aInt->lang("affiliates", "usedefault");