function runTypeBaseline($userid, $command) { $run = runCheck($command); switch ($userid) { case 35: switch ($run) { case "reg": return "Reg"; break; case "minireg": return "MiniReg"; break; default: return $run; break; } break; case 30: switch ($run) { case "Smoke": return "Smoke"; break; default: return "Nothing"; break; } break; default: return "NoSmokeReg"; break; } }
if (count($validation_errors) > 0) { // $errors = '<div id="errorMsgs">'; $errors .= '<p>' . $mod_strings['LBL_SITECFG_FIX_ERRORS'] . '</p><ul>'; foreach ($validation_errors as $error) { $errors .= '<li class="error">' . $error . '</li>'; } $errors .= '</ul>'; //</div>'; } } echo $errors; return; } if (isset($_REQUEST['checkInstallSystem']) && $_REQUEST['checkInstallSystem']) { require_once 'install/installSystemCheck.php'; echo runCheck($install_script, $mod_strings); return; } //if this is a DB Settings check, then just run the check and return, //this is an ajax call and there is no need for further processing if (isset($_REQUEST['checkDBSettings']) && $_REQUEST['checkDBSettings']) { require_once 'install/checkDBSettings.php'; echo checkDBSettings(); return; } } //maintaining the install_type if earlier set to custom if (isset($_REQUEST['install_type']) && $_REQUEST['install_type'] == 'custom') { $_SESSION['install_type'] = $_REQUEST['install_type']; } //set the default settings into session
$tl = $ln; } } if (strpos($lines[$il], 'a href="') !== FALSE) { preg_match_all('#<a\\s.*?(?:href=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]).*?>#is', $lines[$il], $matches1); // $out[$x]['link'] = $matches1[1][0]; } if (strpos($lines[$il], 'src="') !== FALSE) { preg_match_all('#<img\\s.*?(?:src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]).*?>#is', $lines[$il], $matches2); // $out[$x]['image'] = $matches2[1][0]; } $out[$x]['title'] = trim(strip_tags($lines[$tl])); $x2 = $tl + 1; $out[$x]['text'] = NULL; while ($x2 < count($lines)) { $out[$x]['text'] .= trim(strip_tags($lines[$x2])); $x2++; } $out[$x]['text'] = trim($out[$x]['text']); $out[$x]['date'] = 'Not yet collected'; $x++; } } return $out; } $ourArr = runCheck(''); $ourArr = array_merge($ourArr, runCheck(',1')); $ourArr = array_merge($ourArr, runCheck(',2')); echo json_encode($ourArr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);