function index($params) { global $content_schema; $content_schema['lang']['enum'] = list_languages(); $data = array('schema' => $content_schema); $db = connect_database(); // if (isset($params['title'])) { if ($params['id'] == 'new') { $params['published'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $db->insert('content', $params); } else { $db->update('content', $params); } flash_message('Content is saved', 'success'); redirect('dashboard'); } else { $per_page = 5; $page = 1; if (isset($params[0])) { $page = $params[0]; } $data['page'] = $page; $data['news'] = $db->query('SELECT id, published, slug, lang, title FROM content ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT ' . $per_page * ($page - 1) . ', ' . $per_page); $pages = row_array($db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM content')); $data['pages'] = ceil($pages[0] / $per_page); } // $data['html_head'] = array('title' => 'Content Dashboard'); return $data; }
function database($params) { /*global $table_schema; write_schema('dbtable', $table_schema);*/ $data = array(); $db = connect_database(); // if (isset($params['sql']) && is_array($params['sql'])) { foreach ($params['sql'] as $sql) { if (trim($sql) != '') { $db->query($sql); } } } // $data['import'] = @unserialize(gzinflate(file_get_contents('data/schema.db'))); if (!$data['import']) { $data['import'] = array(); } //print_r($file); // $tables = $db->query('SHOW tables'); $data['tables'] = array(); while ($table = row_array($tables)) { $columns = $db->query('DESCRIBE `' . $table[0] . '`'); $tmp = array(); $cname = ''; while ($column = row_assoc($columns)) { $field = $column['Field']; unset($column['Field']); $size = explode('(', $column['Type']); $column['Type'] = $size[0]; $column['Size'] = count($size) == 2 ? str_replace(')', '', $size[1]) : ''; $tmp[$field] = $column; } $data['tables'][$table[0]] = $tmp; } $data['schema'] = load_schema('dbtable'); // if (isset($params[0]) && $params[0] == 'export') { // CHECK IF THERE ARE CONFLICTS $result = file_put_contents('data/schema.db', gzdeflate(serialize($data['tables']))); if ($result) { flash_message('Database schema is exported', 'success'); } else { flash_message('No permission to write to data/schema.db', 'warning'); } redirect('admin/developer', 'database'); } // $data['html_head'] = array('title' => 'Database'); return $data; }
function showTableStatus($db) { $size = 0; $out = ""; start_table(); row1($db, 15); row_array(array("Name", "Engine", "Version", "Row Format", "Rows", "Avg Row Length (KB)", "Data Length (MB)", "Max Data Length (MB)", "Index Length (MB)", "Data free (MB)", "Create Time", "Update Time", "Check Time", "Create Options", "Comment")); _mysql_select_db($db); $result = _mysql_query("show table status"); while ($row = _mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $size += $row["Data_length"] + $row["Index_length"]; $engine = $row["Engine"]; if (!$engine) { $engine = $row["Type"]; } row_array(array($row["Name"], $engine, $row["Version"], $row["Row_format"], $row["Rows"], round($row["Avg_row_length"] / 1024, 2), round($row["Data_length"] / (1024 * 1024), 2), round($row["Max_data_length"] / (1024 * 1024), 2), round($row["Index_length"] / (1024 * 1024), 2), round($row["Data_free"] / (1024 * 1024), 2), $row["Create_time"], $row["Update_time"], $row["Check_time"], $row["Create_options"], $row["Comment"])); } $size = round($size / 1024 / 1024, 1); row2("Total Table Sizes (MB)", $size); end_table(); echo "<BR><BR>"; }
function show_cpu_list($data) { page_head("CPU performance"); echo "\n This table shows peak CPU speed\n (based on Whetstone benchmarks)\n of computers participating in this project.\n <p>\n "; start_table(); row_heading_array(array("CPU model", "Number of computers", "Avg. cores/computer", "GFLOPS/core", "GFLOPs/computer")); $i = 0; $total_nhosts = 0; $total_gflops = 0; foreach ($data->cpus as $d) { row_array(array($d->model, $d->nhosts, number_format($d->mean_ncores, 2), number_format($d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2), number_format($d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2)), "row{$i}"); $total_nhosts += $d->nhosts; $total_gflops += $d->nhosts * $d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0; $i = 1 - $i; } row_array(array("Total", number_format($total_nhosts, 0) . " computers", "", "", number_format($total_gflops / 1000.0, 2) . " TeraFLOPS"), "row{$i}"); end_table(); echo "Generated " . time_str($data->time); page_tail(); }
function student_position($student_id, $school_id) { $sql = "SELECT position FROM scl_result_summary WHERE student_id = {$student_id} AND {$school_id} = {$school_id} LIMIT 1"; #dumpVar($sql); $row = row_array($sql); return $row['position']; }
function update($id) { // set common properties $data['title']='Update siswa'; $this->load->library('form_validation'); // set validation properties $this->_set_rules(); $data['action']=('siswa/update/'.$id); // run validation if ($this->form_validation->run()=== FALSE) { $data['message']=''; $data['siswa']=$this->siswa_model->get_by_id($id)>row_array(); $_POST['jenis_kelamin']=strtoupper($data['siswa']['jenis_kelamin']); $data['siswa']['tanggal_lahir']= date('d-m-Y',strtotime($data['siswa']['tanggal_lahir'])); // set common properties $data['title']='Update siswa'; $data['message']=''; } else { // save data $id=$this->input->post('id'); $siswa= array('nama'=>$this->input->post('nama'), 'alamat'=>$this->input->post('alamat'), 'jenis_kelamin'=>$this->input->post('jenis_kelamin'), 'tanggal_lahir'=> date('Y-m-d',strtotime($this->input->post('tanggal_lahir')))); $this->siswa_model->update($id,$siswa); $data['siswa']=$this->siswa_model->get_by_id($id)->row_array(); // set user message $data['message']='update siswa success'; } $data['link_back']= anchor('siswa/index/','Lihat daftar siswa',array('class'=>'back')); // load view $this->load->view('siswaEdit',$data); }
echo "<p><a href=host_edit_form.php?hostid={$hostid}&detail=1>" . tra("Show details") . "</a>\n "; } page_tail(); exit; } echo "\n <p>" . tra("Check the computers that are the same as %1 (created %2, computer ID %3):", $host->domain_name, $t, $host->id) . "\n <p>\n"; start_table(); row_heading_array(array("", tra("name"), tra("created"), tra("computer ID"))); $i = 1; foreach ($hosts as $host2) { $t = time_str($host2->create_time); $x = $host2->domain_name; if ($x == "") { $x = "[" . tra("no hostname") . "]"; } row_array(array("<input type=checkbox name=id_{$i} value={$host2->id}>", $x, "{$t}", "{$host2->id}")); $i++; } end_table(); echo "\n <br>\n <script>\n function set_all() {\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < $nhosts; $i++) { echo "document.host_list.id_{$i}.checked=1;\n"; } echo "\n }\n function clear_all() {\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < $nhosts; $i++) { echo "document.host_list.id_{$i}.checked=0;\n"; } echo "\n }\n </script>\n <p><a href=javascript:set_all()>Select all</a>\n <p><a href=javascript:clear_all()>Unselect all</a>\n <input type=hidden name=nhosts value={$nhosts}>\n <p><input type=submit value='" . tra("Merge hosts") . "'>\n </form>\n"; if (!$detail) { echo "<p><a href=host_edit_form.php?hostid={$hostid}&detail=1>" . tra("Show details") . "</a>\n "; }