Esempio n. 1
 function recipe_hero_tc_template_chooser($template)
     global $post;
     if (!empty($post)) {
         $post_id = $post->ID;
     } else {
         return $template;
     if (get_option('recipe_hero_recipes_page_id')) {
         $rh_home_id = get_option('recipe_hero_recipes_page_id');
         if (isset($rh_home_id)) {
             if ($post_id == $rh_home_id) {
                 return recipe_hero_tc_get_template_hierarchy('archive');
     if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'recipe') {
         // Else use custom template
         if (is_single()) {
             return recipe_hero_tc_get_template_hierarchy('single');
         } elseif (is_archive() || is_page(rh_get_page_id('recipes'))) {
             return recipe_hero_tc_get_template_hierarchy('archive');
         } elseif (is_search()) {
             return recipe_hero_tc_get_template_hierarchy('search-results');
         } else {
             return $template;
     return $template;
 * Handle redirects before content is output - hooked into template_redirect so is_page works.
 * @return void
function rh_template_redirect()
    // When default permalinks are enabled, redirect recipes page to post type archive url
    if (!empty($_GET['page_id']) && get_option('permalink_structure') == "" && $_GET['page_id'] == rh_get_page_id('recipes')) {
Esempio n. 3
  * Get the page name/id for a WC page
  * @param  string $wc_page
  * @return array
 private static function get_page_uris($rh_page)
     $rh_page_uris = array();
     if (($page_id = rh_get_page_id($rh_page)) && $page_id > 0 && ($page = get_post($page_id))) {
         $rh_page_uris[] = 'p=' . $page_id;
         $rh_page_uris[] = '/' . $page->post_name;
     return $rh_page_uris;
Esempio n. 4
  * Register 'Recipe' Post Type.
  * @package   Recipe Hero
  * @author    Captain Theme <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 	  1.0.8
 public static function register_post_types()
     if (post_type_exists('recipe')) {
     $permalinks = get_option('recipe_hero_permalinks');
     $recipe_permalink = empty($permalinks['recipe_base']) ? _x('recipe', 'slug', 'recipe-hero') : $permalinks['recipe_base'];
     $labels = array('name' => _x('Recipes', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('Recipe', 'post type singular name'), 'all_items' => __('All Recipes'), 'add_new' => __('Add New'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Recipe'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Recipe'), 'new_item' => __('New Recipe'), 'view_item' => __('View Recipe'), 'search_items' => __('Search Recipes'), 'not_found' => __('No Recipes found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Recipes found in the trash'), 'parent_item_colon' => '', 'menu_name' => __('Recipe Hero'));
     $taxonomies = array();
     $supports = array('title', 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments', 'custom-fields', 'publicize', 'page-attributes');
     $post_type_args = apply_filters('recipe_hero_recipe_post_type_args', array('labels' => $labels, 'singular_label' => __('Recipe'), 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'show_in_nav_menus' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'has_archive' => ($recipes_page_id = rh_get_page_id('recipes')) && get_post($recipes_page_id) ? get_page_uri($recipes_page_id) : 'recipes', 'hierarchical' => false, 'rewrite' => $recipe_permalink ? array('slug' => untrailingslashit($recipe_permalink), 'with_front' => false, 'feeds' => true) : false, 'supports' => $supports, 'menu_position' => 35, 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-shield', 'taxonomies' => $taxonomies));
     register_post_type('recipe', $post_type_args);
 function recipe_hero_recipes_archive_description()
     if (is_post_type_archive('recipe') && get_query_var('paged') == 0) {
         $recipe_page = get_post(rh_get_page_id('recipes'));
         if ($recipe_page) {
             $description = wpautop(do_shortcode($recipe_page->post_content));
             if ($description) {
                 echo '<div class="page-description">' . $description . '</div>';
  * Save the settings
 public function settings_save()
     if (!is_admin()) {
     // We need to save the options ourselves; settings api does not trigger save for the permalinks page
     if (isset($_POST['permalink_structure']) || isset($_POST['cuisine_base']) || isset($_POST['course_base']) && isset($_POST['recipe_permalink'])) {
         // Cat and tag bases
         $recipe_hero_recipe_cuisine_slug = rh_clean($_POST['recipe_hero_recipe_cuisine_slug']);
         $recipe_hero_recipe_course_slug = rh_clean($_POST['recipe_hero_recipe_course_slug']);
         $permalinks = get_option('recipe_hero_permalinks');
         if (!$permalinks) {
             $permalinks = array();
         $permalinks['cuisine_base'] = untrailingslashit($recipe_hero_recipe_cuisine_slug);
         $permalinks['course_base'] = untrailingslashit($recipe_hero_recipe_course_slug);
         // Recipe base
         $recipe_permalink = rh_clean($_POST['recipe_permalink']);
         if ($recipe_permalink == 'custom') {
             // Get permalink without slashes
             $recipe_permalink = trim(rh_clean($_POST['recipe_permalink_structure']), '/');
             // Prepending slash
             $recipe_permalink = '/' . $recipe_permalink;
         } elseif (empty($recipe_permalink)) {
             $recipe_permalink = false;
         $permalinks['recipe_base'] = untrailingslashit($recipe_permalink);
         // Shop base may require verbose page rules if nesting pages
         $recipe_page_id = rh_get_page_id('recipes');
         $recipes_permalink = $recipe_page_id > 0 && get_post($recipe_page_id) ? get_page_uri($recipe_page_id) : _x('shop', 'default-slug', 'recipe-hero');
         if ($recipe_page_id && trim($permalinks['recipe_base'], '/') === $recipes_permalink) {
             $permalinks['use_verbose_page_rules'] = true;
         update_option('recipe_hero_permalinks', $permalinks);
Esempio n. 7
  * Hook into pre_get_posts to do the main recipe query
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $q query object
  * @return void
 public function pre_get_posts($q)
     // We only want to affect the main query
     if (!$q->is_main_query()) {
     if (get_option('recipe_hero_recipes_page_id')) {
         $rh_home_id = get_option('recipe_hero_recipes_page_id');
         if (isset($rh_home_id)) {
             $recipe_page = $rh_home_id;
         } else {
             $recipe_page = '';
     } else {
     if (is_array($q)) {
         $current_id = array_key_exists('queried_object', $q) && array_key_exists('ID', $q->queried_object) ? $q->queried_object->ID : '';
     } else {
         $current_id = '';
     // Fix for verbose page rules
     if ($current_id == $recipe_page) {
         $q->set('post_type', 'recipe');
         $q->set('page', '');
         $q->set('pagename', '');
         // Fix conditional Functions
         $q->is_archive = true;
         $q->is_post_type_archive = true;
         $q->is_singular = false;
         $q->is_page = false;
     // Fix for endpoints on the homepage
     if ($q->is_home() && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && get_option('page_on_front') != $q->get('page_id')) {
         $_query = wp_parse_args($q->query);
         if (!empty($_query) && array_intersect(array_keys($_query), array_keys($this->query_vars))) {
             $q->is_page = true;
             $q->is_home = false;
             $q->is_singular = true;
             $q->set('page_id', get_option('page_on_front'));
     // When orderby is set, WordPress shows posts. Get around that here.
     if ($q->is_home() && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && get_option('page_on_front') == rh_get_page_id('recipes')) {
         $_query = wp_parse_args($q->query);
         if (empty($_query) || !array_diff(array_keys($_query), array('preview', 'page', 'paged', 'cpage', 'orderby'))) {
             $q->is_page = true;
             $q->is_home = false;
             $q->set('page_id', get_option('page_on_front'));
             $q->set('post_type', 'recipe');
     // Special check for sites with the recipe archive on front
     if ($q->is_page() && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && $q->get('page_id') == $recipe_page) {
         // This is a front-page shop
         $q->set('post_type', 'recipe');
         $q->set('page_id', '');
         if (isset($q->query['paged'])) {
             $q->set('paged', $q->query['paged']);
         // Define a variable so we know this is the front page shop later on
         define('RECIPE_IS_ON_FRONT', true);
         // Get the actual WP page to avoid errors and let us use is_front_page()
         // This is hacky but works. Awaiting
         global $wp_post_types;
         $recipe_page_object = get_post($recipe_page);
         $wp_post_types['recipe']->ID = $recipe_page_object->ID;
         $wp_post_types['recipe']->post_title = $recipe_page_object->post_title;
         $wp_post_types['recipe']->post_name = $recipe_page_object->post_name;
         $wp_post_types['recipe']->post_type = $recipe_page_object->post_type;
         $wp_post_types['recipe']->ancestors = get_ancestors($recipe_page_object->ID, $recipe_page_object->post_type);
         // Fix conditional Functions like is_front_page
         $q->is_singular = false;
         $q->is_post_type_archive = true;
         $q->is_archive = true;
         $q->is_page = true;
         // Only apply to recipe categories, the recipe post archive, the recipe page and recipe taxonomies
     } elseif (!$q->is_post_type_archive('recipe') && !$q->is_tax(get_object_taxonomies('recipe'))) {
     // We're on a recipe archive page so queue the get_recipes_in_view method
     add_action('wp', array($this, 'get_recipes_in_view'), 2);
     // And remove the pre_get_posts hook