function rgbStringToHsl($rgbString)
    $pattern = "/rgba*\\((?P<r>\\d+\\.*\\d*),(?P<g>\\d+\\.*\\d*),(?P<b>\\d+\\.*\\d*),*(?P<a>\\d*\\.*\\d*)\\)/i";
    if (preg_match($pattern, $rgbString, $matches)) {
        $r = $matches['r'];
        $g = $matches['g'];
        $b = $matches['b'];
        $hslArray = rgbToHsl($r, $g, $b);
        return $hslArray;
Esempio n. 2
    $b = ($b + $m) * 255;
    return array(floor($r), floor($g), floor($b));
$hueAdjustment = -180;
$tar = array('red' => 47, 'green' => 116, 'blue' => 118);
$img = imagecreatefrompng('core/imageColor/img.png');
$x = imagesx($img);
$y = imagesy($img);
$yMin = $y / 3;
$yMax = $y * 2 / 3;
$xMin = $x / 3;
$xMax = $x * 2 / 3;
$red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
for ($i = $xMin; $i < $xMax; ++$i) {
    for ($j = $yMin; $j < $yMax; ++$j) {
        $ind = imagecolorat($img, $i, $j);
        $val = imagecolorsforindex($img, $ind);
        if (getDist($tar, $val) < 65) {
            $hsl = rgbToHsl($val['red'], $val['green'], $val['blue']);
            //$h = $hsv['H'] + .2;
            $h = $hsl[0] + $hueAdjustment;
            // if ($h > 1) --$h;
            $rgb = hslToRgb($h, $hsl[1], $hsl[2]);
            $newCol = imagecolorallocate($img, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]);
            imagesetpixel($img, $i, $j, $newCol);
$file = 'core/imageColor/result.png';
imagepng($img, $file);
echo '<img src="' . $file . '">';
Esempio n. 3
    echo $name;
				<tr><th scope="row"><?php 
_e('Text Color', 'easy-watermark');
$c = rgbToHsl($color);
if ($c[2] < 0.5) {
    $txtcolor = 'white';
} else {
    $txtcolor = 'black';
					<input style="background-color:<?php 
echo $color;
echo $txtcolor;
" type="text" maxlength="7" size="7" name="easy-watermark-settings-text[color]" id="ew-color" value="<?php 
echo $color;
$nn = $n + 0.3 * $n;
// Generate the random color hex codes
for ($i = 0; $i < $nn; $i++) {
    $hex_arr[$i] = $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)] . $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)] . $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)] . $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)] . $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)] . $digits[mt_rand(0, 15)];
// Save random color hex codes into array
$hex_arr = array_unique($hex_arr);
$hex_arr = array_slice($hex_arr, 0, $n);
unset($digits, $nn);
$total = count($hex_arr);
// Use rgbToHsl to get HSL values for each color, save it all in a big f*****g array
foreach ($hex_arr as $val) {
    $r = hexdec(substr($val, 0, 2));
    $g = hexdec(substr($val, 2, 2));
    $b = hexdec(substr($val, 4, 2));
    $hsl = rgbToHsl($r, $g, $b);
    if (strlen($val) == 6) {
        $sl = round(1000 * $hsl['s'] * $hsl['l'], 20);
        $colors[$val] = array('x' => $val, 'h' => str_pad($hsl['h'], 20, "0"), 's' => str_pad($hsl['s'], 20, "0"), 'l' => str_pad($hsl['l'], 20, "0"), 'sl' => $sl);
    unset($key, $val, $g, $r, $b, $hsl, $sl, $hex_arr);
    //  Be cool, pack it in, pack it out.  Shakka.
//  Get random BG colors for display fun times
$colors = sortmulti($colors, 'l', 'desc');
$bg1 = array_slice($colors, 0, 1);
$bg1 = array_slice($colors, 1, 2);
$colors = sortmulti($colors, 'l', 'asc');
$range = round(count($colors) * 0.09);
$text = array_slice($colors, $range, $range + 1);
$text = array_slice($colors, $range + 1, $range + 2);