function msg($key, $p0 = '', $p1 = '', $p2 = '', $p3 = '', $p4 = '', $p5 = '', $p6 = '', $p7 = '', $p8 = '', $p9 = '') { global $REX; if (isset($this->text[$key])) { $msg = $this->text[$key]; } else { $msg = ''; } // falls der key nicht gefunden wurde, auf die fallbacksprache switchen if ($msg == '') { if (!$this->isFallback()) { // fallbackobjekt ggf anlegen if (!$this->isFallback() && $this->fallback == null) { $this->fallback = rex_create_lang($this->fallback_locale, $this->searchpath); } // suchen des keys in der fallbacksprache return $this->fallback->msg($key, $p0, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9); } else { trigger_error('Schluessel "' . $key . '" konnte weder in der ausgewälten noch in der Fallbacksprache gefunden werden!', E_USER_ERROR); } } $patterns = array('/\\{0\\}/', '/\\{1\\}/', '/\\{2\\}/', '/\\{3\\}/', '/\\{4\\}/', '/\\{5\\}/', '/\\{6\\}/', '/\\{7\\}/', '/\\{8\\}/', '/\\{9\\}/'); $replacements = array($p0, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9); return preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $msg); }
/** * URL Funktionen * @package redaxo4 * @version svn:$Id$ */ function rex_parse_article_name($name) { static $firstCall = true; static $search, $replace; if ($firstCall) { global $REX, $I18N; // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!$I18N) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } // Sprachspezifische Sonderzeichen Filtern $search = explode('|', $I18N->msg('special_chars')); $replace = explode('|', $I18N->msg('special_chars_rewrite')); $firstCall = false; } return str_replace('+', '-', urlencode(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_\\-0-9 ]/', '', str_replace($search, $replace, $name))))); }
static function _formatStrftime($value, $format) { global $I18N; if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang(); } if (empty($value)) { return ''; } if ($format == '' || $format == 'date') { // Default REX-Dateformat $format = $I18N->msg('dateformat'); } elseif ($format == 'datetime') { // Default REX-Datetimeformat $format = $I18N->msg('datetimeformat'); } return strftime($format, $value); }
protected function configurePackage() { global $REX, $I18N; self::arraySet($this->package, 'rex.backend', $REX['REDAXO']); self::arraySet($this->package, 'rex.user', $REX['USER']); $REX['ADDON']['rxid'][$this->package['name']] = ''; $REX['ADDON']['name'][$this->package['name']] = $this->package['title']; $REX['ADDON']['version'][$this->package['name']] = $this->package['version']; $REX['ADDON']['author'][$this->package['name']] = $this->package['author']; $REX['ADDON']['supportpage'][$this->package['name']] = $this->package['supportpage']; $REX['ADDON']['perm'][$this->package['name']] = $this->package['permission_startpage']; $REX['ADDON']['pages'][$this->package['name']] = self::arrayGet($this->package, 'package.pages'); if ($this->package['permission'] != '') { $REX['PERM'][] = $this->package['permission']; } if (count($this->package['permission_options']) > 0) { $REX['EXTPERM'][] = $this->package['permission_options']; } if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $package_lang_dirs = self::arrayGet($this->package, 'package.providers.i18n'); $package_lang_dirs[] = self::arrayGet($this->package, 'path.package') . '/lang'; if (count($package_lang_dirs)) { foreach ($package_lang_dirs as $package_lang_dir) { if (is_dir($package_lang_dir)) { $I18N->appendFile($package_lang_dir); } } } }
// login failed $rex_user_loginmessage = $REX['LOGIN']->message; // Fehlermeldung von der Datenbank if (is_string($loginCheck)) { $rex_user_loginmessage = $loginCheck; } $REX['PAGES']['login'] = rex_be_navigation::getLoginPage(); $REX['PAGE'] = 'login'; $REX['USER'] = null; $REX['LOGIN'] = null; } else { // Userspezifische Sprache einstellen, falls gleicher Zeichensatz $lang = $REX['LOGIN']->getLanguage(); $I18N_T = rex_create_lang($lang, '', FALSE); if ($I18N->msg('htmlcharset') == $I18N_T->msg('htmlcharset')) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($lang); } $REX['USER'] = $REX['LOGIN']->USER; } } // ----- Prepare Core Pages if ($REX['USER']) { $REX['PAGES'] = rex_be_navigation::getLoggedInPages($REX['USER']); } // ----- INCLUDE ADDONS include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/'; // ----- Prepare AddOn Pages if ($REX['USER']) { foreach (OOAddon::getAvailableAddons() as $addonName) { $title = OOAddon::getProperty($addonName, 'name', ''); $href = OOAddon::getProperty($addonName, 'link', 'index.php?page=' . $addonName);
/** * Prüft die mit setLogin() und setPassword() gesetzten Werte * anhand des LoginQueries/UserQueries und gibt den Status zurück * * Gibt true zurück bei erfolg, sonst false */ function checkLogin() { global $REX, $I18N; if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang(); } // wenn logout dann header schreiben und auf error seite verweisen // message schreiben $ok = false; if (!$this->logout) { // LoginStatus: 0 = noch checken, 1 = ok, -1 = not ok // checkLogin schonmal ausgeführt ? gecachte ausgabe erlaubt ? if ($this->cache) { if ($this->login_status > 0) { return true; } elseif ($this->login_status < 0) { return false; } } if ($this->usr_login != '') { // wenn login daten eingegeben dann checken // auf error seite verweisen und message schreiben $this->USER = new rex_login_sql($this->DB); $USR_LOGIN = $this->usr_login; $USR_PSW = $this->usr_psw; $query = str_replace('USR_LOGIN', $this->usr_login, $this->login_query); $query = str_replace('USR_PSW', $this->usr_psw, $query); $this->USER->setQuery($query); if ($this->USER->getRows() == 1) { $ok = true; $this->setSessionVar('UID', $this->USER->getValue($this->uid)); $this->sessionFixation(); } else { $this->message = $I18N->msg('login_error', $REX['RELOGINDELAY']); $this->setSessionVar('UID', ''); } } elseif ($this->getSessionVar('UID') != '') { // wenn kein login und kein logout dann nach sessiontime checken // message schreiben und falls falsch auf error verweisen $this->USER = new rex_login_sql($this->DB); $query = str_replace('USR_UID', $this->getSessionVar('UID'), $this->user_query); $this->USER->setQuery($query); if ($this->USER->getRows() == 1) { if ($this->getSessionVar('STAMP') + $this->session_duration > time()) { $ok = true; $this->setSessionVar('UID', $this->USER->getValue($this->uid)); } else { $this->message = $I18N->msg('login_session_expired'); } } else { $this->message = $I18N->msg('login_user_not_found'); } } else { $this->message = $I18N->msg('login_welcome'); $ok = false; } } else { $this->message = $I18N->msg('login_logged_out'); $this->setSessionVar('UID', ''); } if ($ok) { // wenn alles ok dann REX[UID][system_id) schreiben $this->setSessionVar('STAMP', time()); } else { // wenn nicht, dann UID loeschen und error seite $this->setSessionVar('STAMP', ''); $this->setSessionVar('UID', ''); } if ($ok) { $this->login_status = 1; } else { $this->login_status = -1; } return $ok; }
/** * Übersetzt den text $text, falls dieser mit dem prefix "translate:" beginnt. */ function rex_translate($text, $I18N_Catalogue = null, $use_htmlspecialchars = true) { if (!$I18N_Catalogue) { global $REX, $I18N; if (!$I18N) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } return rex_translate($text, $I18N, $use_htmlspecialchars); } $tranKey = 'translate:'; $transKeyLen = strlen($tranKey); if (substr($text, 0, $transKeyLen) == $tranKey) { $text = $I18N_Catalogue->msg(substr($text, $transKeyLen)); } if ($use_htmlspecialchars) { return htmlspecialchars($text); } return $text; }
$MSG['err'] = ""; $checkmodus = rex_request('checkmodus', 'float'); $send = rex_request('send', 'string'); $dbanlegen = rex_request('dbanlegen', 'string'); $noadmin = rex_request('noadmin', 'string'); $lang = rex_request('lang', 'string'); $export_addon_dir = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/import_export'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; // ---------------------------------- MODUS 0 | Start if (!($checkmodus > 0 && $checkmodus < 10)) { $langpath = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/lang'; foreach ($REX['LANGUAGES'] as $l) { $isUtf8 = substr($l, -4) == 'utf8'; $I18N_T = rex_create_lang($l, $langpath, FALSE); $label = $I18N_T->msg('lang'); if ($isUtf8) { $label .= ' (utf-8)'; } $langs[$l] = '<li><a href="index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . $l . '"' . rex_tabindex() . '>' . $label . '</a></li>'; } unset($I18N_T); // wenn nur eine Sprache -> direkte weiterleitung if (count($REX['LANGUAGES']) == 1) { header('Location: index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . key($langs)); exit; } rex_setup_title('SETUP: SELECT LANGUAGE'); echo '<h2 class="rex-hl2">Please choose a language!</h2> <div class="rex-area-content">
/** * Sendet den Content zum Client, * fügt ggf. HTTP1.1 cache headers hinzu * * @param $content string Inhalt des Artikels * @param $lastModified integer Last-Modified Timestamp * @param $cacheKey string Cachekey zur identifizierung des Caches * @param $environment string Die Umgebung aus der der Inhalt gesendet wird * (frontend/backend) * @param $sendcharset boolean TRUE, wenn der Charset mitgeschickt werden soll, sonst FALSE */ function rex_send_content($content, $lastModified, $etag, $environment, $sendcharset = false) { global $REX; if ($sendcharset) { global $I18N; // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $I18N->msg('htmlcharset')); } // ----- Last-Modified if ($REX['USE_LAST_MODIFIED'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_LAST_MODIFIED'] == $environment) { rex_send_last_modified($lastModified); } // ----- ETAG if ($REX['USE_ETAG'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_ETAG'] == $environment) { rex_send_etag($etag); } // ----- GZIP if ($REX['USE_GZIP'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_GZIP'] == $environment) { $content = rex_send_gzip($content); } // ----- MD5 Checksum // dynamische teile sollen die md5 summe nicht beeinflussen if ($REX['USE_MD5'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_MD5'] == $environment) { rex_send_checksum(md5(preg_replace('@<!--DYN-->.*<!--/DYN-->@', '', $content))); } // Evtl offene Db Verbindungen schließen rex_sql::disconnect(null); // content length schicken, damit der browser einen ladebalken anzeigen kann if (!ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content)); } echo $content; }
/** * Übersetzt den text $text, falls dieser mit dem prefix "translate:" beginnt. */ function rex_translate($text, $I18N_Catalogue = null, $use_htmlspecialchars = true) { if (!$I18N_Catalogue) { global $REX, $I18N; if (!$I18N) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } if (!$I18N) { trigger_error('Unable to create language "' . $REX['LANG'] . '"', E_USER_ERROR); } return rex_translate($text, $I18N, $use_htmlspecialchars); } $tranKey = 'translate:'; $transKeyLen = strlen($tranKey); if (substr($text, 0, $transKeyLen) == $tranKey) { $text = $I18N_Catalogue->msg(substr($text, $transKeyLen)); } if ($use_htmlspecialchars) { return htmlspecialchars($text); } return $text; }
/** * Sendet den Content zum Client, * fügt ggf. HTTP1.1 cache headers hinzu * * @param $content string Inhalt des Artikels * @param $lastModified integer Last-Modified Timestamp * @param $cacheKey string Cachekey zur identifizierung des Caches * @param $environment string Die Umgebung aus der der Inhalt gesendet wird * (frontend/backend) * @param $sendcharset boolean TRUE, wenn der Charset mitgeschickt werden soll, sonst FALSE */ function rex_send_content($content, $lastModified, $etag, $environment, $sendcharset = FALSE) { global $REX; // Cachen erlauben, nach revalidierung // see session_cache_limiter('none'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, private'); if ($sendcharset) { global $I18N; // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $I18N->msg('htmlcharset')); } // ----- Last-Modified if ($REX['USE_LAST_MODIFIED'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_LAST_MODIFIED'] == $environment) { rex_send_last_modified($lastModified); } // ----- ETAG if ($REX['USE_ETAG'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_ETAG'] == $environment) { rex_send_etag($etag); } // ----- GZIP if ($REX['USE_GZIP'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_GZIP'] == $environment) { $content = rex_send_gzip($content); } // ----- MD5 Checksum // dynamische teile sollen die md5 summe nicht beeinflussen if ($REX['USE_MD5'] === 'true' || $REX['USE_MD5'] == $environment) { rex_send_checksum(md5(preg_replace('@<!--DYN-->.*<!--/DYN-->@', '', $content))); } // Evtl offene Db Verbindungen schließen rex_sql::disconnect(null); // content length schicken, damit der browser einen ladebalken anzeigen kann header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content)); echo $content; }
/** * Erstellt einen SQL Dump, der die aktuellen Datebankstruktur darstellt. * Dieser wird in der Datei $filename gespeichert. * * @return boolean TRUE wenn ein Dump erstellt wurde, sonst FALSE */ function rex_a1_export_db($filename, array $tables = null) { global $REX, $I18N; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $sql = rex_sql::factory(); $nl = "\n"; $insertSize = 5000; // ----- EXTENSION POINT rex_register_extension_point('A1_BEFORE_DB_EXPORT'); // Versionsstempel hinzufügen fwrite($fp, '## Redaxo Database Dump Version ' . $REX['VERSION'] . $nl); fwrite($fp, '## Prefix ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $nl); fwrite($fp, '## charset ' . $I18N->msg('htmlcharset') . $nl . $nl); // fwrite($fp, '/*!40110 START TRANSACTION; */'.$nl); if (is_null($tables)) { $tables = array(); foreach (rex_sql::showTables(1, $REX['TABLE_PREFIX']) as $table) { if ($table != $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'user' && substr($table, 0, strlen($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $REX['TEMP_PREFIX'])) != $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . $REX['TEMP_PREFIX']) { // Tabellen die mit rex_tmp_ beginnne, werden nicht exportiert! $tables[] = $table; } } } foreach ($tables as $table) { //---- export metadata $create = rex_sql::showCreateTable($table); fwrite($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\n"); fwrite($fp, "{$create};\n"); $fields = $sql->getArray("SHOW FIELDS FROM `{$table}`"); foreach ($fields as $idx => $field) { if (preg_match('#^(bigint|int|smallint|mediumint|tinyint|timestamp)#i', $field['Type'])) { $fields[$idx] = 'int'; } elseif (preg_match('#^(float|double|decimal)#', $field['Type'])) { $fields[$idx] = 'double'; } elseif (preg_match('#^(char|varchar|text|longtext|mediumtext|tinytext)#', $field['Type'])) { $fields[$idx] = 'string'; } // else ? } //---- export tabledata $start = 0; $max = $insertSize; do { $sql->freeResult(); $sql->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT {$start},{$max}"); if ($sql->getRows() > 0 && $start == 0) { fwrite($fp, "\nLOCK TABLES `{$table}` WRITE;"); fwrite($fp, "\n/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `{$table}` DISABLE KEYS */;"); } elseif ($sql->getRows() == 0) { break; } $start += $max; $values = array(); while ($sql->hasNext()) { $record = array(); foreach ($fields as $idx => $type) { $column = $sql->getValue($idx); switch ($type) { case 'int': $record[] = intval($column); break; case 'double': $record[] = sprintf('%.10F', (double) $column); break; case 'string': default: $record[] = $sql->escape($column, "'", true); break; } } $values[] = $nl . ' (' . implode(',', $record) . ')'; $sql->next(); } if (!empty($values)) { $values = implode(',', $values); fwrite($fp, "\nINSERT INTO `{$table}` VALUES {$values};"); unset($values); } } while ($sql->getRows() >= $max); if ($start > 0) { fwrite($fp, "\n/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ENABLE KEYS */;"); fwrite($fp, "\nUNLOCK TABLES;\n\n"); } } fclose($fp); $hasContent = true; // Den Dateiinhalt geben wir nur dann weiter, wenn es unbedingt notwendig ist. if (rex_extension_is_registered('A1_AFTER_DB_EXPORT')) { $content = rex_get_file_contents($filename); $hashBefore = md5($content); // ----- EXTENSION POINT $content = rex_register_extension_point('A1_AFTER_DB_EXPORT', $content); $hashAfter = md5($content); if ($hashAfter != $hashBefore) { rex_put_file_contents($filename, $content); $hasContent = !empty($content); unset($content); } } return $hasContent; }
public static function syncData() { global $REX, $I18N; // error reporting if (HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE) { ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(-1); } else { ini_set('display_startup_errors', 0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); error_reporting(0); } // necessary stuff so mediapool function can work properly in frontend $REX['USER'] = new rex_fe_user(); $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/functions/'; include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/functions/'; // init logger $logFile = HR4YOU_SYNC_LOG_FILE_PATH; $log = KLogger::instance($logFile, KLogger::INFO); $phpLogErrors = ini_get('log_errors'); $phperrorLog = ini_get('error_log'); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', $log->getLogFilePath()); $log->logInfo('======================================== START HR4YOU SYNC ========================================'); $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'Accept: application/xml'))); $xmlUrl = $REX['ADDON']['hr4you_sync']['settings']['xml_url']; $defaultClangId = $REX['ADDON']['hr4you_sync']['settings']['default_clang_id']; $defaultArticleId = $REX['ADDON']['hr4you_sync']['settings']['default_article_id']; $defaultMediaCategoryId = $REX['ADDON']['hr4you_sync']['settings']['default_media_category_id']; $defaultJobCategoryId = $REX['ADDON']['hr4you_sync']['settings']['default_job_category_id']; $xmlString = file_get_contents($xmlUrl, false, $context); $jobs = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString); // remove all previously synced jobs and media files $log->logInfo('>> [INF] remove all previously synced jobs and media files'); $sql = rex_sql::factory(); $sql->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql, "SELECT * FROM `" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "d2u_stellenmarkt_stellen` WHERE hr4you_jobid > 0 ORDER BY stellen_id ASC"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->getRows(); $i++) { $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, 'DELETE FROM `' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'd2u_stellenmarkt_stellen` WHERE stellen_id = ' . $sql->getValue('stellen_id')); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, 'DELETE FROM `' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'd2u_stellenmarkt_stellen_lang` WHERE stellen_id = ' . $sql->getValue('stellen_id')); // delete media $log->logInfo('>> [INF] delete media: ' . $sql->getValue('bild')); $media = OOMedia::getMediaByFileName($sql->getValue('bild')); if (is_object($media)) { $mediaInUse = $media->isInUse(); if ($mediaInUse === false) { if ($media->delete() !== false) { // success $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media deleted'); } else { // failed $log->logError('>> [ERR] media not deleted'); } } else { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media not deleted because still in use'); } } else { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media does not exist anymore'); } $sql->next(); } // add jobs $log->logInfo('>> [INF] add jobs'); foreach ($jobs->entry as $job) { $sql = rex_sql::factory(); $sql->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql, "SELECT * FROM `" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "d2u_stellenmarkt_stellen` WHERE hr4you_jobid = " . $job->jobid); if ($sql->getRows() < 1) { // for safety reasons: only addon new job if it does not already exist // copy media file $log->logInfo('>> [INF] copy media file'); $pathInfo = pathinfo($job->kopfgrafik_url); $originalFile = $pathInfo['basename']; $originalFileWithPath = $REX['MEDIAFOLDER'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $originalFile; $mediaFile = self::rex_mediapool_filename_nosubindex($pathInfo['basename'], false); $mediaFileWithPath = $REX['MEDIAFOLDER'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $mediaFile; if (!file_exists($mediaFileWithPath)) { if (copy($job->kopfgrafik_url, $mediaFileWithPath)) { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media file sucessfully copied because it does not exist'); } if (chmod($mediaFileWithPath, $REX['FILEPERM'])) { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media file chmod to: ' . $REX['FILEPERM']); } $mpSyncReturn = rex_mediapool_syncFile($mediaFile, $defaultMediaCategoryId, $job->kopfgrafik_name); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media file synced width return value: ', $mpSyncReturn); } else { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] media file already exists'); } // retrieve id of contact by email address $log->logInfo('>> [INF] retrieve id of contact by email address'); $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, "SELECT kontakt_id FROM `" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "d2u_stellenmarkt_kontakt` WHERE email LIKE '" . $job->ap_email . "'"); if ($sql2->getRows() > 0) { //contact found $contactId = $sql2->getValue('kontakt_id'); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] contact found! id:' . $contactId); } else { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] contact not found. adding new contact'); $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, 'INSERT INTO `' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'd2u_stellenmarkt_kontakt` (name, bild, telefon, email) VALUES ("' . $job->ap_vorname . ' ' . $job->ap_nachname . '","", "' . $job->ap_telefon . '", "' . $job->ap_email . '")'); $contactId = $sql2->getLastId(); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] contact id: ' . $contactId); } // checkout job category id as xml and addon ids are different $log->logInfo('>> [INF] checkout job category id as xml and addon ids are different'); $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, "SELECT kategorie_id FROM `" . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "d2u_stellenmarkt_kategorien` WHERE hr4you_berufskategorie_id LIKE '" . $job->berufskategorie_id . "'"); if ($sql2->getRows() > 0) { // job category found $log->logInfo('>> [INF] job category found!'); $jobCategoryId = $sql2->getValue('kategorie_id'); } else { $log->logInfo('>> [INF] job category not found! using default job category id'); $jobCategoryId = $defaultJobCategoryId; } // add new job $log->logInfo('>> [INF] add new job'); $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, 'INSERT INTO `' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'd2u_stellenmarkt_stellen` (hr4you_jobid, interne_bezeichnung, interne_nummer, datum, status, kontakt_id, artikel_id, kategorie_ids, bild, hr4you_url_application_form) VALUES (' . $job->jobid . ',"' . $job->titel . '", ' . $job->referenznummer . ', "' . $job->von_datum . '", "online", ' . $contactId . ', ' . $defaultArticleId . ', "|' . $jobCategoryId . '|", "' . $mediaFile . '", "' . $job->url_application_form . '")'); $theJobId = $sql2->getLastId(); // get blocks and headings $block1 = self::trimString($job->block1_html); $block2 = self::trimString($job->block2_html); $block3 = self::trimString($job->block3_html); $headline1 = self::getHeadline($block1); $headline2 = self::getHeadline($block2); $headline3 = self::getHeadline($block3); include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/xoutputfilter/classes/'; $xoutputFilter = new xoutputfilter(); if ($block1 != '') { if ($headline1 == '') { $headline1 = $xoutputFilter->get('###aufgaben_ueberschrift###', $defaultClangId); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] headline1 not found. using default: ' . $headline1); } else { $block1 = self::stripHeadline($block1); } } if ($block2 != '') { if ($headline2 == '') { $headline2 = $xoutputFilter->get('###profil_ueberschrift###', $defaultClangId); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] headline2 not found. using default: ' . $headline2); } else { $block2 = self::stripHeadline($block2); } } if ($block3 != '') { if ($headline3 == '') { $headline3 = $xoutputFilter->get('###angebot_ueberschrift###', $defaultClangId); $log->logInfo('>> [INF] headline3 not found. using default: ' . $headline3); } else { $block3 = self::stripHeadline($block3); } } // add lang specific stuff for new job $log->logInfo('>> [INF] add lang specific stuff for new job'); $sql2 = rex_sql::factory(); $sql2->setDebug(HR4YOU_SYNC_DEBUG_MODE); rex_hr4you_sync_utils::logQuery($log, $sql2, 'INSERT INTO `' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'd2u_stellenmarkt_stellen_lang` (stellen_id, clang_id, bezeichnung, aufgaben_ueberschrift, aufgaben_text, profil_ueberschrift, profil_text, angebot_ueberschrift, angebot_text, hr4you_einleitung) VALUES (' . $theJobId . ', ' . $defaultClangId . ', "' . $job->titel . '", "' . $headline1 . '", "' . htmlspecialchars($block1) . '", "' . $headline2 . '", "' . htmlspecialchars($block2) . '", "' . $headline3 . '", "' . htmlspecialchars($block3) . '", "' . $job->einleitung . '")'); } } // delete pathlist as ids of jobs have changed $log->logInfo('>> [INF] delete pathlist'); seo42_generate_pathlist(array()); // restore vars and settings unset($REX['USER']); unset($I18N); ini_set('log_errors', $phpLogErrors); ini_set('error_log', $phperrorLog); $log->logInfo('======================================== END HR4YOU SYNC ========================================'); }
public static function offline404ModeMsg($params) { global $REX, $I18N; if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $I18N->appendFile($REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/seo42/lang/'); $insert = ' <!-- SEO42 Offline 404 Mode --> <style type="text/css"> body { position: relative; } #seo42-offline-404-frontend-msg { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: white; background: darkred; border: 1px solid #fff; position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; padding: 4px; text-align: center; z-index: 100; } </style> <div id="seo42-offline-404-frontend-msg">' . $I18N->msg('seo42_offline_404_frontend_msg') . '</div> <!-- SEO42 Offline 404 Mode -->' . PHP_EOL; return str_replace('</body>', $insert . '</body>', $params['subject']); }
// --------------------------------------------- END: SETUP FUNCTIONS $MSG['err'] = ''; $checkmodus = rex_request('checkmodus', 'float'); $send = rex_request('send', 'string'); $dbanlegen = rex_request('dbanlegen', 'string'); $noadmin = rex_request('noadmin', 'string'); $lang = rex_request('lang', 'string'); $export_addon_dir = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/import_export'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; require_once $export_addon_dir . '/functions/'; // ---------------------------------- MODUS 0 | Start if (!($checkmodus > 0 && $checkmodus < 10)) { $langpath = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/lang'; foreach ($REX['LANGUAGES'] as $l) { $I18N_T = rex_create_lang($l, $langpath, false); $label = $I18N_T->msg('lang'); $label .= ' (utf-8)'; $langs[$l] = '<li><a href="index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . $l . '"' . rex_tabindex() . '>' . $label . '</a></li>'; } unset($I18N_T); // wenn nur eine Sprache -> direkte weiterleitung if (count($REX['LANGUAGES']) == 1) { header('Location: index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . key($langs)); exit; } rex_setup_title('SETUP: SELECT LANGUAGE'); echo '<h2 class="rex-hl2">Please choose a language!</h2> <div class="rex-area-content"> <ul class="rex-setup-language">' . implode('', $langs) . '</ul> </div>';
function a401_perform_ajax($_rex_ajax, $rxa, $REX) { $rxa['ajaxdir'] .= $REX['REDAXO'] ? 'backend/' : 'frontend/'; if (!$REX['REDAXO'] and !$rxa['settings']['frontend_active']) { return; } if ($REX['REDAXO'] and !$rxa['settings']['backend_active']) { return; } if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $rxa['ajaxdir'] = str_replace("/", "\\", $rxa['ajaxdir']); } // Code ausführen falls die Datei vorhanden ist if (file_exists($rxa['ajaxdir'] . $_rex_ajax . '.inc.php')) { @ob_end_clean(); @ob_end_clean(); // Fix für REDAXO < 4.2.x if (isset($REX_ARTICLE)) { $REX['ARTICLE'] = $REX_ARTICLE; } // Include der Datei include_once $rxa['ajaxdir'] . $_rex_ajax . '.inc.php'; exit; } else { if (trim($REX["ADDON"][$rxa['name']]["settings"]["errormail"]) != '') { $_subject = 'REX_Ajax Error ' . $REX['SERVER'] . ' ' . $REX['SERVERNAME']; $_mailtext = $_subject . "\n\n" . date('d.m.Y h:i:s') . "\n\n"; ob_start(); var_dump($_REQUEST); $_mailtext .= "_REQUEST\n"; $_mailtext .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); $_mailtext .= "\n_SESSION\n"; $_mailtext .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); var_dump($_SERVER); $_mailtext .= "\n_SERVER\n"; $_mailtext .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $_to = $REX["ADDON"][$rxa['name']]["settings"]["errormail"]; $_header = 'From: ' . $REX['ERROR_EMAIL'] . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $REX['ERROR_EMAIL'] . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); if (OOAddon::isAvailable('phpmailer')) { if (!isset($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } include $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/phpmailer/'; $mail = new rex_mailer(); $mail->From = $REX['ERROR_EMAIL']; $mail->Subject = $_subject; $mail->Body = $_mailtext; $mail->AddAddress($_to, ''); $mail->Send(); } else { @mail($_to, $_subject, $_mailtext, $_header); } } } }
/** * @access public */ function isInUse() { global $REX, $I18N; // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $sql = rex_sql::factory(); $filename = addslashes($this->getFileName()); $values = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 21; $i++) { // check if valueX contains $filename, // but take care that other files that end with $filename are not matched // example: "abc.jpg" should not be matched for $filename="bc.jpg" $values[] = 'value' . $i . ' REGEXP "(^|[^[:alnum:]+_-])' . $filename . '"'; } $files = array(); $filelists = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { $files[] = 'file' . $i . '="' . $filename . '"'; $filelists[] = 'FIND_IN_SET("' . $filename . '",filelist' . $i . ')'; } $where = ''; $where .= implode(' OR ', $files) . ' OR '; $where .= implode(' OR ', $filelists) . ' OR '; $where .= implode(' OR ', $values); $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT article_id, clang FROM ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article_slice WHERE ' . $where; $warning = array(); $res = $sql->getArray($query); if ($sql->getRows() > 0) { $warning[0] = $I18N->msg('pool_file_in_use_articles') . '<br /><ul>'; foreach ($res as $art_arr) { $aid = $art_arr['article_id']; $clang = $art_arr['clang']; $ooa = OOArticle::getArticleById($aid, $clang); $name = $ooa->getName(); $warning[0] .= '<li><a href="javascript:openPage(\'index.php?page=content&article_id=' . $aid . '&mode=edit&clang=' . $clang . '\')">' . $name . '</a></li>'; } $warning[0] .= '</ul>'; } // ----- EXTENSION POINT $warning = rex_register_extension_point('OOMEDIA_IS_IN_USE', $warning, array('filename' => $this->getFileName(), 'media' => $this)); if (!empty($warning)) { return $warning; } return false; }
$REX['LANG'] = 'de_de'; $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); $requestLang = rex_request('lang', 'string'); foreach ($REX['LOCALES'] as $l) { if ($requestLang == $l) { $REX['LANG'] = $l; $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } } setlocale(LC_ALL, trim($I18N->msg('setlocale'))); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $I18N->msg('htmlcharset')); $page_name = $I18N->msg('setup'); $page = 'setup'; } else { // ----------------- CREATE LANG OBJ $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); $locale = trim($I18N->msg('setlocale')); $charset = trim($I18N->msg('htmlcharset')); $charset_alt = str_replace('iso-', 'iso', $charset); setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . '.' . $charset, $locale . '.' . $charset_alt, $locale); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $I18N->msg('htmlcharset')); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); // ---- prepare login $REX_LOGIN = new rex_backend_login($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'user'); $REX_ULOGIN = rex_post('REX_ULOGIN', 'string'); $REX_UPSW = rex_post('REX_UPSW', 'string'); if ($REX['PSWFUNC'] != '') { $REX_LOGIN->setPasswordFunction($REX['PSWFUNC']); } if (isset($FORM['logout']) and $FORM['logout'] == 1) {
/** * Ändert den Status des Artikels * * @param int $article_id Id des Artikels die gelöscht werden soll * @param int $clang Id der Sprache * @param int|null $status Status auf den der Artikel gesetzt werden soll, oder NULL wenn zum nächsten Status weitergeschaltet werden soll * * @return array Ein Array welches den status sowie eine Fehlermeldung beinhaltet */ function rex_articleStatus($article_id, $clang, $status = null) { global $REX, $I18N; if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $success = false; $message = ''; $artStatusTypes = rex_articleStatusTypes(); $GA = rex_sql::factory(); $GA->setQuery('select * from ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article where id='{$article_id}' and clang={$clang}"); if ($GA->getRows() == 1) { // Status wurde nicht von außen vorgegeben, // => zyklisch auf den nächsten Weiterschalten if (!$status) { $newstatus = ($GA->getValue('status') + 1) % count($artStatusTypes); } else { $newstatus = $status; } $EA = rex_sql::factory(); $EA->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article'); $EA->setWhere("id='{$article_id}' and clang={$clang}"); $EA->setValue('status', $newstatus); $EA->addGlobalUpdateFields($REX['REDAXO'] ? null : 'frontend'); if (!$REX['REDAXO']) { include_once $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/functions/'; } if ($EA->update()) { $message = $I18N->msg('article_status_updated'); rex_deleteCacheArticle($article_id, $clang); // ----- EXTENSION POINT $message = rex_register_extension_point('ART_STATUS', $message, array('id' => $article_id, 'clang' => $clang, 'status' => $newstatus)); $success = true; } else { $message = $EA->getError(); } } else { $message = $I18N->msg('no_such_category'); } return array($success, $message); }
$MSG['err'] = ""; $checkmodus = rex_request('checkmodus', 'float'); $send = rex_request('send', 'string'); $dbanlegen = rex_request('dbanlegen', 'string'); $noadmin = rex_request('noadmin', 'string'); $export_addon_dir = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/addons/import_export'; // ---------------------------------- MODUS 0 | Start if (!($checkmodus > 0 && $checkmodus < 10)) { $langpath = $REX['INCLUDE_PATH'] . '/lang'; $langs = array(); if ($handle = opendir($langpath)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($file, -5) == '.lang') { $isUtf8 = substr($file, -9) == 'utf8.lang'; $locale = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - strlen(substr($file, -5))); $I18N_T = rex_create_lang($locale, $langpath); $label = $I18N_T->msg('lang'); if ($isUtf8) { $label .= ' (utf-8)'; } $langs[$locale] = '<li><a href="index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . $locale . '"' . rex_tabindex() . '>' . $label . '</a></li>'; } } closedir($handle); unset($I18N_T); } // wenn nur eine Sprache -> direkte weiterleitung if (count($langs) == 1) { header('Location: index.php?checkmodus=0.5&lang=' . key($langs)); exit; }
/** * @access public */ function isInUse() { global $REX, $I18N; // Im Frontend gibts kein I18N if (!is_object($I18N)) { $I18N = rex_create_lang($REX['LANG']); } $sql = rex_sql::factory(); $filename = addslashes($this->getFileName()); $values = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 21; $i++) { $values[] = 'value' . $i . ' LIKE "%' . $filename . '%"'; } $files = array(); $filelists = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { $files[] = 'file' . $i . '="' . $filename . '"'; $filelists[] = '(filelist' . $i . ' = "' . $filename . '" OR filelist' . $i . ' LIKE "' . $filename . ',%" OR filelist' . $i . ' LIKE "%,' . $filename . ',%" OR filelist' . $i . ' LIKE "%,' . $filename . '" ) '; } $where = ''; $where .= implode(' OR ', $files) . ' OR '; $where .= implode(' OR ', $filelists) . ' OR '; $where .= implode(' OR ', $values); $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT article_id, clang FROM ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article_slice WHERE ' . $where; // deprecated since REX 4.3 // ----- EXTENSION POINT $query = rex_register_extension_point('OOMEDIA_IS_IN_USE_QUERY', $query, array('filename' => $this->getFileName(), 'media' => $this)); $warning = array(); $res = $sql->getArray($query); if ($sql->getRows() > 0) { $warning[0] = $I18N->msg('pool_file_in_use_articles') . '<br /><ul>'; foreach ($res as $art_arr) { $aid = $art_arr['article_id']; $clang = $art_arr['clang']; $ooa = OOArticle::getArticleById($aid, $clang); $name = $ooa->getName(); $warning[0] .= '<li><a href="javascript:openPage(\'index.php?page=content&article_id=' . $aid . '&mode=edit&clang=' . $clang . '\')">' . $name . '</a></li>'; } $warning[0] .= '</ul>'; } // ----- EXTENSION POINT $warning = rex_register_extension_point('OOMEDIA_IS_IN_USE', $warning, array('filename' => $this->getFileName(), 'media' => $this)); if (!empty($warning)) { return $warning; } return false; }