Esempio n. 1
 * Used to re-econodes an image to a specifed image format
 * - creates a copy of the file at the same location as fileName.
 * - the file would have the format preferred_format if possible, otherwise the default format is jpeg.
 * - the function makes sure that all non-essential image contents are disposed.
 * @package Graphics
 * @param string $fileName
 * @param int $preferred_format = 0
 * @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
function reencodeImage($fileName, $preferred_format = 0)
    if (!resizeImageFile($fileName, $fileName . '.tmp', null, null, $preferred_format)) {
        if (file_exists($fileName . '.tmp')) {
            unlink($fileName . '.tmp');
        return false;
    if (!unlink($fileName)) {
        return false;
    if (!rename($fileName . '.tmp', $fileName)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
 * Images cache
 * @name      Images cache
 * @copyright Images cache contributors
 * @license   BSD
 * @version 0.1
function imageNeedsCache($img)
    global $boardurl, $txt;
    static $js_loaded = false;
    $parseboard = parse_url($boardurl);
    $parseimg = parse_url($img);
    if (!($parseboard['scheme'] === 'https') || $parseboard['scheme'] === $parseimg['scheme']) {
        return false;
    if ($js_loaded === false) {
        $js_loaded = true;
        loadJavascriptFile('imgcache.js', array('defer' => true));
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Graphics.subs.php';
    $destination = CACHEDIR . '/img_cache_' . md5($img);
    if (!file_exists($destination)) {
        resizeImageFile($img, $destination, 200, 200, 3);
    return $boardurl . '/imgcache.php?id=' . md5($img) . '" rel="cached" data-warn="' . Util::htmlspecialchars($txt['httpimgcache_warn_ext']) . '" data-url="' . Util::htmlspecialchars($img);
Esempio n. 3
function reencodeImage($fileName, $preferred_format = 0)
    // There is nothing we can do without GD, sorry!
    if (!checkGD()) {
        return false;
    if (!resizeImageFile($fileName, $fileName . '.tmp', null, null, $preferred_format)) {
        if (file_exists($fileName . '.tmp')) {
            unlink($fileName . '.tmp');
        return false;
    if (!unlink($fileName)) {
        return false;
    if (!rename($fileName . '.tmp', $fileName)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
function saveUserAttribute($userid, $attid, $data)
    global $usertable_prefix, $tables;
    # workaround for integration webbler/phplist
    if (!isset($usertable_prefix)) {
        $usertable_prefix = '';
    if (!empty($tables["attribute"])) {
        $att_table = $usertable_prefix . $tables["attribute"];
        $user_att_table = $usertable_prefix . $tables["user_attribute"];
    } else {
        $att_table = $usertable_prefix . "attribute";
        $user_att_table = $usertable_prefix . "user_attribute";
    if ($data["nodbsave"]) {
        dbg("Not saving {$attid}");
    if (strtolower($data) == 'invalid attribute index') {
    if ($attid == "emailcheck" || $attid == "passwordcheck") {
        dbg("Not saving {$attid}");
    if (!$data["type"]) {
        $data["type"] = "textline";
    if ($data["type"] == "static" || $data["type"] == "password" || $data['type'] == 'htmlpref') {
        Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid, $data["value"], $userid));
        if ($data["type"] == "password") {
            Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set passwordchanged = now() where id = %d', $userid));
        return 1;
    $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('
    select id,type,tablename from %s where id = %d', $att_table, $attid));
    if (!$attid_req[0]) {
        $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('
      select id,type,tablename from %s where name = "%s"', $att_table, $data["name"]));
        if (!$attid_req[0]) {
            if ($GLOBALS["config"]["autocreate_attributes"]) {
                Dbg("Creating new Attribute: " . $data["name"]);
                sendError("creating new attribute " . $data["name"]);
                $atttable = getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]);
                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name,type,tablename) values("%s","%s","%s")', $att_table, $data["name"], $data["type"], $atttable));
                $attid = Sql_Insert_Id();
            } else {
                dbg("Not creating new Attribute: " . $data["name"]);
                # sendError("Not creating new attribute ".$data["name"]);
        } else {
            $attid = $attid_req[0];
            $atttable = $attid_req[2];
    } else {
        $attid = $attid_req[0];
        $atttable = $attid_req[2];
    if (!$atttable) {
        $atttable = getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]);
        # fix attribute without tablename
        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set tablename ="%s" where id = %d', $att_table, $atttable, $attid));
        #   sendError("Attribute without Tablename $attid");
    switch ($data["type"]) {
        case "static":
        case "password":
            Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid, $data["value"], $userid));
        case "select":
            $curval = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from phplist_listattr_%s
        where name = "%s"', $atttable, $data["displayvalue"]), 1);
            if (!$curval[0] && $data['displayvalue'] && $data['displayvalue'] != '') {
                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into phplist_listattr_%s (name) values("%s")', $atttable, $data["displayvalue"]));
                sendError("Added " . $data["displayvalue"] . " to {$atttable}");
                $valid = Sql_Insert_id();
            } else {
                $valid = $curval[0];
            Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
        values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, $valid));
        case 'avatar':
            if (is_array($_FILES)) {
                ## only avatars are files
                $formfield = 'attribute' . $attid . '_file';
                ## the name of the fileupload element
                if (!empty($_FILES[$formfield]['name'])) {
                    $tmpnam = $_FILES[$formfield]['tmp_name'];
                    move_uploaded_file($tmpnam, '/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                    if (function_exists('resizeImageFile')) {
                        resizeImageFile('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg', 250, 1);
                    $size = filesize('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                    #          dbg('New size: '.$size);
                    if ($size < MAX_AVATAR_SIZE) {
                        $avatar = file_get_contents('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                        Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
              values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, base64_encode($avatar)));
                        unlink('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
            Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
        values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, $data["value"]));
    return 1;
Esempio n. 5
function saveUserAttribute($userid, $attid, $data)
    global $usertable_prefix, $table_prefix, $tables;
    # workaround for integration webbler/phplist
    if (!isset($usertable_prefix)) {
        $usertable_prefix = '';
    if (!isset($table_prefix)) {
        $table_prefix = 'phplist_';
    if (!empty($tables["attribute"])) {
        $att_table = $usertable_prefix . $tables["attribute"];
        $user_att_table = $usertable_prefix . $tables["user_attribute"];
    } else {
        $att_table = $usertable_prefix . "attribute";
        $user_att_table = $usertable_prefix . "user_attribute";
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $tmp = $data;
        $data = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $att_table, $attid));
        $data['value'] = $tmp;
        $data['displayvalue'] = $tmp;
    # dbg($data,'$data to store for '.$userid.' '.$attid);
    if ($data["nodbsave"]) {
        #   dbg($attid, "Not saving, nodbsave");
    if ($attid == "emailcheck" || $attid == "passwordcheck") {
        #   dbg($attid, "Not saving, emailcheck/passwordcheck");
    if (!$data["type"]) {
        $data["type"] = "textline";
    if ($data["type"] == "static" || $data["type"] == "password" || $data['type'] == 'htmlpref') {
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['config']['dontsave_userpassword']) && $data['type'] == 'password') {
            $data["value"] = 'not authoritative';
        Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid, $data["value"], $userid));
        dbg('Saving', $data['value'], DBG_TRACE);
        if ($data["type"] == "password") {
            Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set passwordchanged = now(),password="******" where id = %d', hash('sha256', $data['value']), $userid));
        return 1;
    $attributetype = $data['type'];
    $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('
    select id,type,tablename from %s where id = %d', $att_table, $attid));
    if (!$attid_req[0]) {
        $attid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('
      select id,type,tablename from %s where name = "%s"', $att_table, $data["name"]));
        if (!$attid_req[0]) {
            if (!empty($data["name"]) && $GLOBALS["config"]["autocreate_attributes"]) {
                #      Dbg("Creating new Attribute: ".$data["name"]);
                sendError("creating new attribute " . $data["name"]);
                $atttable = getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]);
                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name,type,tablename) values("%s","%s","%s")', $att_table, $data["name"], $data["type"], $atttable));
                $attid = Sql_Insert_Id();
            } else {
                #     dbg("Not creating new Attribute: ".$data["name"]);
                # sendError("Not creating new attribute ".$data["name"]);
        } else {
            $attid = $attid_req[0];
            if (empty($attributetype)) {
                $attributetype = $attid_req[1];
            $atttable = $attid_req[2];
    } else {
        $attid = $attid_req[0];
        if (empty($attributetype)) {
            $attributetype = $attid_req[1];
        $atttable = $attid_req[2];
    if (!$atttable && !empty($data['name'])) {
        $atttable = getNewAttributeTablename($data["name"]);
        # fix attribute without tablename
        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set tablename ="%s" where id = %d', $att_table, $atttable, $attid));
        #   sendError("Attribute without Tablename $attid");
    switch ($attributetype) {
        case "static":
        case "password":
            #  dbg('SAVING STATIC OR  PASSWORD');
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['config']['dontsave_userpassword']) && $data['type'] == 'password') {
                $data["value"] = 'not authoritative';
            Sql_Query(sprintf('update user set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $attid, $data["value"], $userid));
        case "select":
            $curval = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from ' . $table_prefix . 'listattr_%s
        where name = "%s"', $atttable, $data["displayvalue"]), 1);
            if (!$curval[0] && $data['displayvalue'] && $data['displayvalue'] != '') {
                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into ' . $table_prefix . 'listattr_%s (name) values("%s")', $atttable, $data["displayvalue"]));
                sendError("Added " . $data["displayvalue"] . " to {$atttable}");
                $valid = Sql_Insert_id();
            } else {
                $valid = $curval[0];
            Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
        values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, $valid));
        case 'avatar':
            if (is_array($_FILES)) {
                ## only avatars are files, for now
                if (!defined('MAX_AVATAR_SIZE')) {
                    define('MAX_AVATAR_SIZE', 100000);
                $formfield = 'attribute' . $attid . '_file';
                ## the name of the fileupload element
                if (!empty($_FILES[$formfield]['name']) && !empty($_FILES[$formfield]['tmp_name'])) {
                    $tmpnam = $_FILES[$formfield]['tmp_name'];
                    move_uploaded_file($tmpnam, '/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                    if (function_exists('resizeImageFile')) {
                        resizeImageFile('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg', 250, 1);
                    $size = filesize('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                    #          dbg('New size: '.$size);
                    if ($size < MAX_AVATAR_SIZE) {
                        $avatar = file_get_contents('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
                        Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
              values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, base64_encode($avatar)));
                        unlink('/tmp/avatar' . $userid . '.jpg');
            Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,attributeid,value)
        values(%d,%d,"%s")', $user_att_table, $userid, $attid, $data["value"]));
    return 1;
Esempio n. 6
 * Saves a file and stores it locally for avatar use by id_member.
 * What it does:
 * - supports GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP and WBMP formats.
 * - detects if GD2 is available.
 * - uses resizeImageFile() to resize to max_width by max_height, and saves the result to a file.
 * - updates the database info for the member's avatar.
 * - returns whether the download and resize was successful.
 * @uses subs/Graphics.subs.php
 * @package Attachments
 * @param string $temporary_path the full path to the temporary file
 * @param int $memID member ID
 * @param int $max_width
 * @param int $max_height
 * @return boolean whether the download and resize was successful.
function saveAvatar($temporary_path, $memID, $max_width, $max_height)
    global $modSettings;
    $db = database();
    $ext = !empty($modSettings['avatar_download_png']) ? 'png' : 'jpeg';
    $destName = 'avatar_' . $memID . '_' . time() . '.' . $ext;
    // Just making sure there is a non-zero member.
    if (empty($memID)) {
        return false;
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageAttachments.subs.php';
    removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
    $id_folder = getAttachmentPathID();
    $avatar_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, 0, null, true) : '';
    $db->insert('', '{db_prefix}attachments', array('id_member' => 'int', 'attachment_type' => 'int', 'filename' => 'string-255', 'file_hash' => 'string-255', 'fileext' => 'string-8', 'size' => 'int', 'id_folder' => 'int'), array($memID, empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? 0 : 1, $destName, $avatar_hash, $ext, 1, $id_folder), array('id_attach'));
    $attachID = $db->insert_id('{db_prefix}attachments', 'id_attach');
    // First, the temporary file will have the .tmp extension.
    $tempName = getAvatarPath() . '/' . $destName . '.tmp';
    // The destination filename will depend on whether custom dir for avatars has been set
    $destName = getAvatarPath() . '/' . $destName;
    $path = getAttachmentPath();
    $destName = empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $path . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash . '.elk';
    // Resize it.
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Graphics.subs.php';
    if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_download_png'])) {
        $success = resizeImageFile($temporary_path, $tempName, $max_width, $max_height, 3);
    } else {
        $success = resizeImageFile($temporary_path, $tempName, $max_width, $max_height);
    if ($success) {
        // Remove the .tmp extension from the attachment.
        if (rename($tempName, $destName)) {
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize($destName);
            $mime_type = 'image/' . $ext;
            // Write filesize in the database.
            $db->query('', '
				UPDATE {db_prefix}attachments
				SET size = {int:filesize}, width = {int:width}, height = {int:height},
					mime_type = {string:mime_type}
				WHERE id_attach = {int:current_attachment}', array('filesize' => filesize($destName), 'width' => (int) $width, 'height' => (int) $height, 'current_attachment' => $attachID, 'mime_type' => $mime_type));
            // Retain this globally in case the script wants it.
            $modSettings['new_avatar_data'] = array('id' => $attachID, 'filename' => $destName, 'type' => empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? 0 : 1);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        $db->query('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}attachments
			WHERE id_attach = {int:current_attachment}', array('current_attachment' => $attachID));
        return false;