function image_setup($postid) { global $post; $post = get_post($postid); // get url if (!preg_match('/<img ([^>]*)src=(\\"|\')(.+?)(\\2)([^>\\/]*)\\/*>/', $post->post_content, $matches)) { reset_colors($post); return false; } // url setup $post->image_url = $matches[3]; if (!($post->image_url = preg_replace('/\\?w\\=[0-9]+/', '', $post->image_url))) { return false; } $post->image_url = clean_url($post->image_url, 'raw'); $previous_md5 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_md5', true); $previous_url = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_url', true); if (md5($post->image_tag) != $previous_md5 or $post->image_url != $previous_url) { reset_colors($post); add_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_url', $post->image_url); add_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_md5', md5($post->image_tag)); //image tag setup $extra = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[5]; $extra = preg_replace('/width=(\\"|\')[0-9]+(\\1)/', '', $extra); $extra = preg_replace('/height=(\\"|\')[0-9]+(\\1)/', '', $extra); $width = is_vertical($post->image_url) ? MIN_WIDTH : MAX_WIDTH; delete_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_tag'); add_post_meta($post->ID, 'image_tag', '<img src="' . $post->image_url . '?w=' . $width . '" ' . $extra . ' />'); // get colors get_all_colors($post); return false; } return true; }
/** * Field Render Function. * * Takes the vars and outputs the HTML for the field in the settings * * @since VIBE_Options 1.0 */ function render() { $class = isset($this->field['class']) ? $this->field['class'] : ''; if (!isset($this->value) || !$this->value) { $this->value = $this->field['std']; } $needle = strtoupper($this->field['id']); $theme_colors = array('BODYBG', 'COLOR', 'DARKBG', 'DARKERBG', 'DARKESTBG', 'DARKCOLOR', 'DARKBORDER', 'DARKTITLECOLOR', 'PRIMARYCOLOR', 'PRIMARYLIGHTCOLOR', 'PRIMARYBORDER', 'LIGHTBG', 'LIGHTERBG', 'LIGHTESTBG', 'LIGHTCOLOR', 'LIGHTBORDER', 'LIGHTERBORDER', 'LIGHTERCOLOR', 'LIGHTESTCOLOR', 'LIGHTERBORDER', 'SPECIALBG', 'SPECIALLIGHTBG', 'SPECIALBORDER', 'SPECIALCOLOR'); if (in_array($needle, $theme_colors)) { global $vibe_options; if (isset($vibe_options['custom_theme'])) { if (!$vibe_options['custom_theme']) { $this->value = reset_colors($needle); } } } echo '<div class="farb-popup-wrapper">'; echo '<input type="text" id="' . $this->field['id'] . '" name="' . $this->args['opt_name'] . '[' . $this->field['id'] . ']" value="' . $this->value . '" class="' . $class . ' popup-colorpicker" style="width:70px;"/>'; echo '<div class="farb-popup"><div class="farb-popup-inside"><div id="' . $this->field['id'] . 'picker" class="color-picker"></div></div></div>'; echo isset($this->field['desc']) && !empty($this->field['desc']) ? ' <span class="description">' . $this->field['desc'] . '</span>' : ''; echo '</div>'; }
function print_stylesheet() { global $post; reset_colors($post); $color = get_all_colors($post); // hack for array keys like -1 being stored in post_meta as 4294967295 foreach ($color->bg as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key) && $key > 0) { $key = -(4294967296.0 - $key); } $new_color->bg[$key] = $value; } foreach ($color->fg as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key) && $key > 0) { $key = -(4294967296.0 - $key); } $new_color->fg[$key] = $value; } $color = $new_color; // end hack ?> #page { background-color:#<?php echo $color->bg['-1']; ?> ; color:#<?php echo $color->fg['-2']; ?> ; } a,a:link, a:visited { color: #<?php echo $color->fg['-3']; ?> ; } a:hover, a:active { color: #<?php echo $color->bg['+2']; ?> ; } h1, h1 a, h1 a:link, h1 a:visited, h1 a:active { color: #<?php echo $color->fg['0']; ?> ; } h1 a:hover { color:#<?php echo $color->bg['+2']; ?> ; } .navigation a, .navigation a:link, .navigation a:visited, .navigation a:active { color: #<?php echo $color->fg['0']; ?> ; } h1:hover, h2:hover, h3:hover, h4:hover, h5:hover h6:hover, .navigation a:hover { color:#<?php echo $color->fg['-2']; ?> ; } .description, h3#respond, #comments, h2, h2 a, h2 a:link, h2 a:visited, h2 a:active, h3, h3 a, h3 a:link, h3 a:visited, h3 a:active, h4, h4 a, h4 a:link, h4 a:visited, h4 a:active, h5, h5 a, h5 a:link, h5 a:visited, h5 a:active, h6, h6 a, h6 a:link, h6 a:visited, h6 a:active { /* Use the corresponding foreground color */ color: #<?php echo $color->fg['-1']; ?> ; border-color: #<?php echo $color->bg['+3']; ?> ; } #postmetadata, #commentform p, .commentlist li, #post, #postmetadata .sleeve, #post .sleeve, #content, h3#respond, h3#comments { color: #<?php echo $color->fg['-2']; ?> ; border-color: #<?php echo $color->fg['-2']; ?> ; } <?php }