public function onlyDelete() { $this->allowForMethod = "DELETE"; if (strtoupper(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'DELETE') { resDie(array(), "Avaliable for only DELETE Method !"); } }
public function logSave($userType = "", $user_id = "") { $userType = strtolower(trim($userType)); if ($userType == "") { $userType = "guess"; } if (!in_array($userType, array('guess', 'gaestaff', 'staff', 'owner', 'customer'))) { $errors = array("error" => "userType in correct!"); resDie($errors, $this->methodPlace()); } $is_https = 0; if (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $is_https = 1; } $this->load->library('session'); $logData["method_type"] = strtoupper(trim($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD'))); $logData["url_call"] = base_url(uri_string()); $logData["header_data"] = json_encode(getallheaders()); $logData["request_data"] = json_encode($_REQUEST); $logData["get_data"] = json_encode($_GET); $logData["post_data"] = json_encode($_POST); $logData["file_data"] = json_encode($_FILES); $logData["shop_id"] = 1; $logData["is_https"] = $is_https; $logData["user_type"] = $userType; $logData["user_id"] = $user_id; $logData["controller_name"] = $this->router->fetch_class(); $logData["function_name"] = $this->router->fetch_method(); $logData["base_app_id"] = base_app_id(); $logData["create_time"] = time(); $logData["session_id"] = $this->session->userdata('session_id'); $logData["ip_address"] = $this->input->ip_address(); return $this->insert($logData); }
public function onlyOwner() { $ownerData = $this->getCurrentOwner(); if (!$ownerData) { $error = array("user_type" => "owner", "error" => "require_login"); resDie($error, "owner:require_login"); } return $ownerData; }
function json_validate($string) { // decode the JSON data $result = json_decode($string); // switch and check possible JSON errors switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: $error = ''; // JSON is valid // No error has occurred break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $error = 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $error = 'Invalid or malformed JSON.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $error = 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $error = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON.'; break; // PHP >= 5.3.3 // PHP >= 5.3.3 case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded.'; break; // PHP >= 5.5.0 // PHP >= 5.5.0 case JSON_ERROR_RECURSION: $error = 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded.'; break; // PHP >= 5.5.0 // PHP >= 5.5.0 case JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN: $error = 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded.'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: $error = 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given.'; break; default: $error = 'Unknown JSON error occured.'; break; } if ($error !== '') { // throw the Exception or exit // or whatever :) resDie($error); } // everything is OK return array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", json_decode(json_encode($result), true)))); }
function editproductdetail() { $product_id = 233; $dbData['description'] = "30000"; $this->load->model('product_model'); try { $this->product_model->editDetail($dbData, $product_id); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); //end format insetr }
public function single_upload() { $this->load->library("form_validation"); $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules("txt_name", "required"); $this->form_validation->requireFile("txt_file"); $this->formCheck(); $this->load->model("image_model"); $result = $this->image_model->upload('txt_file'); if ($result["rs"] == 1) { resOk($result["data"]); } else { resDie($result["data"]); } }
public function createAccessData($table_id, $item_id) { $dbData = array(); $dbData["token"] = $this->generateAccessToken($table_id, $item_id); $dbData["holder_object_table_id"] = $table_id; $dbData["holder_object_id"] = $item_id; $dbData["status"] = 1; $dbData["create_time"] = time(); $dbData["update_time"] = time(); $dbData["session_id"] = $this->session->userdata('session_id'); $dbData["ip_address"] = $this->input->ip_address(); $access_id = $this->db->insert("access", $dbData); if (!$access_id) { resDie(array(), "Cannot Insert Access token"); } $dbData["access_id"] = $access_id; $dbData["access_token"] = $dbData["token"]; $this->setAccessTokenToCookie($dbData["access_token"]); return $dbData; }
private function updateStatus($deleteIdArray = array(), $status = 0) { if (!in_array($status, array(0, 1, 2))) { resDie("updateStatus is avaliable for 0,1,2"); } $primary_field = "promotion_id"; if (!(is_array($deleteIdArray) && sizeof($deleteIdArray) > 0)) { resDie(array(), "delete-is-not-array"); } $idArray = $this->getUniqIdArrayForDelete($primary_field, $deleteIdArray); $deleteDataArray = array(); $success_count = 0; if (sizeof($idArray) > 0) { foreach ($idArray as $index => $value) { $deleteRow = array(); $deleteRow[$primary_field] = $value; if ($value == 0) { $deleteRow["result"] = 0; } else { if ($this->getDataById($value)) { $result = $this->updateSimpleDataById(array("status" => $status), $value); $deleteRow["result"] = 1; $success_count++; } else { $deleteRow["result"] = 0; } } array_push($deleteDataArray, $deleteRow); } } $deleteResult = array(); $deleteResult["total"] = sizeof($idArray); $deleteResult["success"] = $success_count; $deleteResult["detail"] = $deleteDataArray; return $deleteResult; }
public function bulk_update_type() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('ids', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('type', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $attribute_ids = t_Post('ids'); $attribute_type = t_Post('type'); // Business logic $attribute_ids = explode(',', $attribute_ids); if (!is_array($attribute_ids)) { resDie("Cannot delete referral data"); } $this->mLoadModel('attribute_model'); try { $this->attribute_model->batch_update_type($attribute_ids, $attribute_type); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
private function checkSinglePromotion($promotion_id) { $this->load->model("root_promotion_model"); $ResDataPromotion = $this->root_promotion_model->getId($promotion_id); if ($ResDataPromotion) { $this->load->model("root_promotion_group_model"); $promotion_group_id = $ResDataPromotion[0]['promotion_group_id']; $ResDataPromotionGroup = $this->root_promotion_group_model->getId($promotion_group_id); if ($ResDataPromotionGroup[0]['promotion_group_promotion_group_type_id'] == 1) { resDie(array(), 'promotion group is single'); } } }
public function db_trans_complete($error_msg = "") { $this->db->trans_complete(); if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE) { $this->db->trans_rollback(); resDie(array(), $error_msg); } else { $this->db->trans_commit(); } }
public function bulk_hide() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('ids', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $referral_ids = t_Post('ids'); // Business logic $referral_ids = explode(',', $referral_ids); if (!is_array($referral_ids)) { resDie("Cannot delete referral data"); } $this->mLoadModel('referral_model'); try { $this->referral_model->batch_update($referral_ids, self::STATUS_BLOCK); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
public function delete($deleteIdArray = array()) { if (!(is_array($deleteIdArray) && sizeof($deleteIdArray) > 0)) { resDie(array(), "delete-is-not-array"); } $idArray = array(); foreach ($deleteIdArray as $index => $row) { if (is_numeric(@$row["imagegallery_id"])) { if (!in_array(@$row["imagegallery_id"], $idArray)) { array_push($idArray, @$row["imagegallery_id"]); } } } $deleteDataArray = array(); $success_count = 0; if (sizeof($idArray) > 0) { foreach ($idArray as $index => $value) { $deleteRow = array(); $deleteRow["imagegallery_id"] = $value; if ($value == 0) { $deleteRow["result"] = 0; } else { if ($this->getDataById($value)) { $result = $this->updateDataById(array("status" => 0), $value); $this->makeImageInGalleryIdDelete($value); $deleteRow["result"] = 1; $success_count++; } else { $deleteRow["result"] = 0; } } array_push($deleteDataArray, $deleteRow); } } $deleteResult = array(); $deleteResult["total"] = sizeof($idArray); $deleteResult["success"] = $success_count; $deleteResult["detail"] = $deleteDataArray; return $deleteResult; }
public function addProductForPackage($Dbdata) { $Dbdata['shop_id'] = $this->currentShopId(); $Dbdata['status'] = 1; $Dbdata['create_time'] = time(); $Dbdata['update_time'] = time(); $FieldData = 'package_id,product_id'; // $PackageData = $this->CheckProductInPackage($Dbdata,$Tbname='package',$FieldData) ; $PackageData = $this->GetPackageData($Dbdata, $Tbname = 'package', $FieldData); $PackageMatchData = $this->GetPackageData($Dbdata, $Tbname = 'product_matchto_package', $FieldData); if (!$PackageData and !$PackageMatchData) { return $this->insertToTable("product_matchto_package", $Dbdata); } else { return resDie('Your Database Have same package_id ' . $Dbdata['package_id'] . ' and product_id' . $Dbdata['product_id']); } }
public function update_status() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('id', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('status', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $customer_id = t_Post('id'); $customer_status = t_Post('status'); // Business logic $status_active = 1; $status_blocked = 2; $dbData = array(); $dbData['status'] = $customer_status == $status_active ? $status_blocked : $status_active; $dbData['update_time'] = time(); $this->mLoadModel('customer_model'); try { $this->customer_model->update($dbData, $customer_id); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
public function update_sort() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('sort', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('sorted', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $referral_sort = t_Post('sort'); $referral_sorted = t_Post('sorted'); // Business logic $this->mLoadModel('referral_model'); try { $order = explode('&', $referral_sort); $order = explode('||', $order[0]); $order = $order[1]--; $sorted = explode('&', $referral_sorted); foreach ($sorted as $sort) { $sort = explode('||', $sort); $referral_id = str_replace('id=', '', $sort[0]); $dbData = array(); $dbData['update_time'] = time(); $dbData['sort_index'] = $order++; $this->referral_model->update($dbData, $referral_id); } } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
public function getId($item_id) { $result = $this->getDataById($item_id); if (!$result) { resDie(array(), "module_model : data-not-foud"); } return $result; }
private function checknumGroupAndType($num) { if (!in_array($num['badge_group_type_id'], array(1, 2))) { resDie("badge_group is avaliable for 1,2"); } else { if (!in_array($num['badge_check_type_id'], array(1, 2))) { resDie("badge_check is avaliable for 1,2"); } } }
public function bulk_delete() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('ids', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $staff_group_ids = t_Post('ids'); // Business logic $staff_group_ids = explode(',', $staff_group_ids); if (!is_array($staff_group_ids)) { resDie("Cannot delete staff data"); } $this->mLoadModel('staff_group_model'); try { $this->staff_group_model->batch_delete($staff_group_ids); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
function bulk_delete_customer() { // Form validation $this->form_validation->onlyPost(); $this->form_validation->set_rules('id', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('customerIds', 'trim|required'); $this->formCheck(); // Receiving parameter $customer_group_id = t_Post('id'); $customer_customer_ids = t_Post('customerIds'); // Business logic $customer_customer_ids = explode(',', $customer_customer_ids); if (!is_array($customer_customer_ids)) { resDie("Cannot delete customer data"); } $this->mLoadModel('customer_mathto_customer_group_model'); try { $this->customer_mathto_customer_group_model->delete_customer($customer_group_id, $customer_customer_ids); } catch (Exception $e) { resDie($e->getMessage()); } // Response resOk(); }
function getValueForId($value = "") { if ($value == "") { resDie(array(), "No id"); } if (!is_numeric($value)) { resDie(array(), "Id is not currect"); } return intval($value); }
public function startCropImageById($imageId, $cropData, $isRect = false) { $cropData = $this->checkCropDataFormat($cropData); $cx = $cropData["cx"]; $cy = $cropData["cy"]; $cw = $cropData["cw"]; $ch = $cropData["ch"]; $imageData = $this->getId($imageId); $db_image_size_using = $imageData["image_size_using"]; $full_dirImage = $this->getRootImagesPath($imageData["image_server_id"]) . $imageData["image_file_dir"]; $source_imagePath = $full_dirImage . $imageData["image_file_name"]; if (!file_exists($source_imagePath)) { resDie(array(), "image-soure-file-not-found"); } if ($isRect == true) { $imageSize = getimagesize($source_imagePath); $imageW = $imageSize[0]; $imageH = $imageSize[1]; $max_rec_size = $imageH; if ($imageW < $imageH) { $max_rec_size = $imageW; } $diff_cx_cw = $cw - $cx; if ($diff_cx_cw > $max_rec_size) { $cw = $cw - ($diff_cx_cw - $max_rec_size); } $diff_cy_ch = $ch - $cy; if ($diff_cy_ch > $max_rec_size) { $ch = $ch - ($diff_cy_ch - $max_rec_size); } } $imagePathArray = array(); $imageSizeUsingArray = $this->getSizeUsingArray(); $imageSizeUsingArray_crop = array(); foreach ($imageSizeUsingArray as $key => $value) { if ($value["type"] == "rect") { array_push($imageSizeUsingArray_crop, $value); } } if (sizeof($db_image_size_using) > 0) { foreach ($db_image_size_using as $key => $value) { if ($value["type"] == "rect") { $is_foundExistName = false; foreach ($imageSizeUsingArray_crop as $usingCropIndex => $usingCropRow) { if ($value["name"] == $usingCropRow["name"]) { $is_foundExistName = true; } } if (!$is_foundExistName) { array_push($imageSizeUsingArray_crop, $value); } } } } $cropData = array(); foreach ($imageSizeUsingArray_crop as $key => $value) { $crop_imagePath = $full_dirImage . $value["name"] . $imageData["image_file_name"]; $resize_to = intval($value["width"]); $cropData = $this->cropAndResize($source_imagePath, $crop_imagePath, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, $resize_to); } $resultData = array(); $resultData["cropData"] = $cropData; $resultData["imageData"] = $imageData; return $resultData; }
private function getNewFileId($fileData) { $insertData = array("file_id" => "", "server_id" => $this->current_server_id, "title" => $fileData["name"], "file_size" => $fileData["size"], "status" => 0, "create_time" => time(), "update_time" => time(), "ip_address" => $this->input->ip_address()); $newFileId = $this->insert($insertData); if (!$newFileId) { $error = array("error" => "Cannot insert new file to database!"); resDie($error, $this->methodPlace()); exit; } return $newFileId; }
protected function resDie($dataArray = array()) { resDie($dataArray, $this->methodName()); }