function api_keys_utils_get_from_url($more = array()) { $defaults = array('allow_disabled' => 0, 'ensure_isown' => 1); $more = array_merge($defaults, $more); $api_key = request_str("api_key"); # OAuth2 section 2.2 ... if (!$api_key) { $api_key = request_str("client_id"); } if (!$api_key) { error_404(); } $key_row = api_keys_get_by_key($api_key); if (!$key_row) { error_404(); } if ($key_row['deleted']) { error_410(); } if ($more['ensure_isown']) { if ($key_row['user_id'] != $GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id']) { error_403(); } } if (!$more['allow_disabled']) { if ($key_row['disabled']) { error_403(); } } return $key_row; }
function api_output_get_format() { $format = null; $possible = null; if (request_isset('format')) { $possible = request_str('format'); } elseif (function_exists('getallheaders')) { $headers = getallheaders(); if (isset($headers['Accept'])) { foreach (explode(",", $headers['Accept']) as $what) { list($type, $q) = explode(";", $what, 2); if (preg_match("!^application/(\\w+)\$!", $type, $m)) { $possible = $m[1]; break; } } } } else { } if ($possible) { if (in_array($possible, $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats'])) { $format = $possible; } } return $format; }
function api_dots_dotsForUser() { // these keys not important $skipKeys = array("details", "details_json", "index_on", "details_listview", "type_of_co"); $u = request_str('user'); $owner = users_get_by_id($u); $output = array(); if ($owner) { $dots = dots_get_dots_for_user($owner); // please say there is a better way if ($dots) { foreach ($dots as &$row) { $a = array(); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $skipKeys)) { $a[$k] = $v; } } $output[] = $a; } } } if (count($output)) { api_output_ok($output); } else { api_output_error(); } }
function api_auth_oauth2_get_access_token(&$method) { # $require_header = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api_oauth2_require_authentication_header']; $check_header = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api_oauth2_check_authentication_header']; if ($require_header || $check_header) { $headers = apache_request_headers(); $token = null; if (!isset($headers['authorization'])) { if ($require_header) { return null; } } else { if (preg_match("/Bearer\\s+([a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\/\\=]+)\$/", $headers['authorization'], $m)) { $token = $m[1]; $token = base64_decode($token); } } if ($token || $require_header) { return $token; } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['api_oauth2_allow_get_parameters']) { return request_str('access_token'); } return post_str('access_token'); }
function actions() { $action = request_str('action'); if (method_exists($this, $action . 'Action')) { return call_user_func(array($this, $action . 'Action')); } else { return $this->defaultAction(); } }
function api_dispatch() { # # Output formats # $format = request_str('format'); if ($format = request_str('format')) { if (in_array($format, $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats']['valid'])) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats']['current'] = $format; } else { $format = null; } } if (!$format) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats']['current'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats']['default']; } # # Can I get a witness? # if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_api']) { api_output_error(999, 'The API is currently disabled'); } # # Is this a valid method? # $method = request_str('method'); if (!$method) { api_output_error(404, 'Method not found'); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['methods'][$method])) { api_output_error(404, 'Method not found'); } $method_row = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['methods'][$method]; if (!$method_row['enabled']) { api_output_error(404, 'Method not found'); } $lib = $method_row['library']; loadlib($lib); $method = explode(".", $method); $function = $lib . "_" . array_pop($method); if (!function_exists($function)) { api_output_error(404, 'Method not found'); } # # Auth-y bits # if ($method_row['required_login']) { # Please, to write me... } # # Go! # call_user_func($function); exit; }
function defaultAction() { $subjects = array(1 => array('id' => 1, 'title' => s('General question')), 2 => array('id' => 2, 'title' => s('Bug report')), 3 => array('id' => 3, 'title' => s('Collaboration or partership')), 4 => array('id' => 4, 'title' => s('Idea')), 5 => array('id' => 5, 'title' => s('Other'))); $html = ''; $errors = array(); $is_posted = request_int('is_posted'); $jump_to = 'feedback_name'; if ($is_posted) { if (!count($errors) && !request_str('email')) { $errors[] = s('Please, enter your email'); $jump_to = 'feedback_email'; } if (!count($errors) && request_str('email') && !filter_var(request_str('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = s('Please, provide correct email address. For example:'); $jump_to = 'feedback_email'; } if (!count($errors) && !request_str('message')) { $errors[] = s('Enter the message.'); $jump_to = 'feedback_password'; } if (!count($errors)) { $data = array('{name}' => request_str('name'), '{email}' => request_str('email'), '{subject}' => $subjects[request_int('subject_id')]['title'], '{message}' => request_str('message')); $message = str_replace(array_keys($data), array_values($data), 'Name: {name} Email: {email} Subject: {subject} {message} ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ' . date('r')); core::$sql->insert(array('message' => core::$sql->s($message), 'insert_stamp' => core::$sql->i(time())), DB . 'feedback'); require_once '../mod/lib.mail.php'; foreach (array('*****@*****.**') as $email) { mail_send(request_str('name'), request_str('email'), $email, ' - ' . $subjects[request_int('subject_id')]['title'], $message, false); } go(Core::$config['http_home'] . 'feedback/?action=ok'); } } $page = new PageCommon(s('Feedback')); $html .= $page->start(); $html .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-8"><h2>' . s('Feedback') . '</h2>'; if (count($errors)) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>'; } $form = new Form('feedback', false, 'post'); $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addString('name', s('Name'), $is_posted ? request_str('name') : '') . $form->addString('email', s('E-mail'), $is_posted ? request_str('email') : '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->addSelect('subject_id', s('Subject'), $is_posted ? request_int('subject_id') : 1, array('data' => $subjects)) . $form->addText('message', s('Message'), $is_posted ? request_str('message') : '', array('is_required' => true, 'style' => 'height:200px')) . $form->submit(s('Send')) . '</div>'; $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>'; $html .= '</div></div>'; $html .= $page->stop(); return $html; }
function api_auth_has_valid_crumb(&$method, $ttl = 0) { $crumb = request_str("crumb"); if (!$crumb) { return 0; } $name = $method['name']; $ttl = isset($method['crumb_ttl']) ? $method['crumb_ttl'] : 0; if (!crumb_check("api", $ttl, $name)) { return 0; } return 1; }
function defaultAction() { $html = ''; $errors = array(); $is_posted = request_int('is_posted'); $jump_to = 'subscription_email'; if ($is_posted) { // $captcha_code = request_str('captcha_code'); if (!count($errors) && !request_str('email')) { $errors[] = s('Please, enter your email'); $jump_to = 'register_email'; } if (!count($errors) && request_str('email') && !filter_var(request_str('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = s('Please, provide correct email address. For example:'); $jump_to = 'register_email'; } // if(captcha_compare(request_str('captcha_code'))) { // captcha_close(); if (!count($errors)) { // file_put_contents('data/subscription.txt', "\r\n" . request_str('email'), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); core::$sql->insert(array('email' => core::$sql->s(request_str('email')), 'insert_stamp' => core::$sql->i(time())), DB . 'subscription'); /* switch (request_int('language_id')) { case 1: mail('*****@*****.**', 'subscribe gisconf '.request_str('email'), '*password: Oov4eeph', 'From:'); break; case 2: mail('*****@*****.**', 'subscribe gisconf-en '.request_str('email'), '*password: Oov4eeph', 'From:'); break; } */ go(core::$config['http_home'] . 'subscription/?action=ok'); } // } // else // $errors []= 'Неверный код подтверждения'; } $page = new PageCommon(s('Newsletter')); $html .= $page->start(); $html .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-offset-1 col-md-6"><h1>' . s('Newsletter') . '</h1>'; if (count($errors)) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>'; } $form = new Form('subscription', false, 'post'); $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addString('email', s('E-mail'), $is_posted ? request_str('email') : '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->submit(s('Subscribe')) . '</div>'; $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>'; $html .= '</div></div>'; $html .= $page->stop(); return $html; }
# Ensure that this is something we can export # $format = get_str('format'); if (!$format) { $format = 'csv'; } $map = formats_valid_export_map('key by extension'); if (!isset($map[$format])) { error_404(); } # Hey look! At least to start we are deliberately not doing # any pagination on the 'dots-for-a-sheet' page. We'll see # how long its actually sustainable but for now it keeps a # variety of (display) avenues open. # (20101025/straup) $more = array('per_page' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['import_max_records'], 'sort' => request_str('_sort'), 'order' => request_str('_order')); $sheet['dots'] = dots_get_dots_for_sheet($sheet, $GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id'], $more); $bbox = implode(", ", array_values($sheet['extent'])); # valid extras are things like $export_more = array('viewer_id' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id']); if ($format == "json" && ($cb = get_str("callback"))) { $export_more['callback'] = $cb; } // added by seanc(6/21/2011) if ($format == "json" && isset($sheet['label'])) { $export_more['sheet_label'] = $sheet['label']; $export_more['sheet_extent'] = $bbox; } $export_props = export_collect_user_properties($format); $export_more = array_merge($export_props, $export_more); # caching?
function _api_output_rest_send_jsonp(&$rsp) { $callback = request_str('callback'); $callback = filter_strict($callback); if (!$callback) { $callback = "makeItSo"; } $callback = htmlspecialchars($callback); _api_output_rest_send_json_headers(); echo $callback . "(" . json_encode($rsp) . ")"; }
<?php # Note the order here – it's important # (20121024/straup) $GLOBALS['this_is_api'] = 1; include "include/init.php"; loadlib("api"); $method = request_str("method"); api_dispatch($method); exit;
echo json_encode($json); exit; } # $key_more = array('ensure_isown' => 0); $key_row = api_keys_utils_get_from_url($key_more); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("key", $key_row); $ok = 1; $error = null; # Basics (redirect URLs) if ($ok && !$key_row['app_callback']) { error_403(); } # Basics (everything else) $grant = request_str("grant_type"); $code = request_str("code"); if (!$code || !$grant) { $error = "invalid_request"; $ok = 0; } if ($ok && $grant != "authorization_code") { $error = "invalid_grant"; $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { $rsp = array('error' => $error); local_send_json($rsp); exit; } # Sort out the grant tokens $grant_token = api_oauth2_grant_tokens_get_by_code($code);
function api_dispatch($method) { if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_api']) { api_output_error(999, 'API disabled'); } $method = filter_strict($method); $api_key = request_str("api_key"); $access_token = request_str("access_token"); # Log the basics api_log(array('api_key' => $api_key, 'method' => $method, 'access_token' => $access_token, 'remote_addr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $methods = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['methods']; if (!$method || !isset($methods[$method])) { $enc_method = htmlspecialchars($method); api_output_error(404, "Method '{$enc_method}' not found"); } apache_setenv("API_METHOD", $method); $method_row = $methods[$method]; $key_row = null; $token_row = null; if (!$method_row['enabled']) { $enc_method = htmlspecialchars($method); api_output_error(404, "Method '{$enc_method}' not found"); } $method_row['name'] = $method; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['api_auth_type'] == 'oauth2') { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && !$GLOBALS['cfg']['api_oauth2_allow_get_parameters']) { api_output_error(405, 'Method not allowed'); } } if (isset($method_row['request_method'])) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != $method_row['request_method']) { api_output_error(405, 'Method not allowed'); } } # Okay – now we get in to validation and authorization. Which means a # whole world of pedantic stupid if we're using Oauth2. Note that you # could use OAuth2 and require API keys be passed explictly but since # that's not part of the spec if you enable the two features simultaneously # don't be surprised when hilarity ensues. Good times. (20121026/straup) # First API keys if (features_is_enabled("api_require_keys")) { if (!$api_key) { api_output_error(999, "Required API key is missing"); } $key_row = api_keys_get_by_key($api_key); api_keys_utils_ensure_valid_key($key_row); } # Second auth-y bits $auth_rsp = api_auth_ensure_auth($method_row, $key_row); if (isset($auth_rsp['api_key'])) { $key_row = $auth_rsp['api_key']; } if (isset($auth_rsp['access_token'])) { $token_row = $auth_rsp['access_token']; } if ($auth_rsp['user']) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['user'] = $auth_rsp['user']; } apache_setenv("API_KEY", $key_row['api_key']); # Check for require-iness of users here ? # Roles - for API keys (things like only the site keys) api_config_ensure_role($method_row, $key_row, $token_row); # Blessings and other method specific access controls api_config_ensure_blessing($method_row, $key_row, $token_row); # Finally, crumbs - because they are tastey if ($method_row['requires_crumb']) { api_auth_ensure_crumb($method_row); } # GO! loadlib($method_row['library']); $parts = explode(".", $method); $method = array_pop($parts); $func = "{$method_row['library']}_{$method}"; if (!function_exists($func)) { api_output_error(404, "Method not found"); } call_user_func($func); exit; }
function api_foursquare_venues_search() { $lat = request_float('latitude'); $lon = request_float('longitude'); $alt = request_float('altitude'); $query = request_str('query'); # See this? It's a quick and dirty shim until I can figure # out how to pass 'sort' flags via the UI (20120201/straup) # $sort = request_float('sort'); $sort = $GLOBALS['cfg']['foursquare_venues_sort']; $sort_func = "_api_foursquare_venues_sort_by_name"; if ($sort == 'distance') { $sort_func = "_api_foursquare_venues_sort_by_distance"; } if (!$lat || !geo_utils_is_valid_latitude($lat)) { api_output_error(999, "Missing or invalid latitude"); } if (!$lat || !geo_utils_is_valid_longitude($lon)) { api_output_error(999, "Missing or invalid longitude"); } $checkin_crumb = crumb_generate("api", "privatesquare.venues.checkin"); $fsq_user = foursquare_users_get_by_user_id($GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id']); $method = 'venues/search'; if ($query) { $args = array('oauth_token' => $fsq_user['oauth_token'], 'll' => "{$lat},{$lon}", 'radius' => 1200, 'limit' => 30, 'intent' => 'match', 'query' => $query); $rsp = foursquare_api_call($method, $args); if (!$rsp['ok']) { _api_foursquare_error($rsp); } $venues = $rsp['rsp']['venues']; usort($venues, $sort_func); $out = array('venues' => $venues, 'query' => $query, 'latitude' => $lat, 'longitude' => $lon, 'crumb' => $checkin_crumb); api_output_ok($out); } $random_user = foursquare_users_random_user(); if (!$random_user) { $random_user = $fsq_user; } # # TO DO: api_call_multi # first get stuff scoped to the current user $args = array('oauth_token' => $fsq_user['oauth_token'], 'll' => "{$lat},{$lon}", 'limit' => 30, 'intent' => 'checkin'); $rsp = foursquare_api_call($method, $args); if (!$rsp['ok']) { _api_foursquare_error($rsp); } $venues = array(); $seen = array(); foreach ($rsp['rsp']['venues'] as $v) { $venues[] = $v; $seen[] = $v['id']; } # now just get whatever $args = array('oauth_token' => $random_user['oauth_token'], 'll' => "{$lat},{$lon}", 'limit' => 30, 'radius' => 800, 'intent' => 'browse'); $rsp = foursquare_api_call($method, $args); if (!$rsp['ok']) { _api_foursquare_error($rsp); } foreach ($rsp['rsp']['venues'] as $v) { if (!in_array($v['id'], $seen)) { $venues[] = $v; } } usort($venues, $sort_func); # go! $out = array('venues' => $venues, 'latitude' => $lat, 'longitude' => $lon, 'crumb' => $checkin_crumb); api_output_ok($out); }
function get_home_info() { $title_url = request_str('user_title_url', true); if ($title_url == '') { out(); } $id = $this->get_id_by_title_url($title_url); if ($id == U_GUEST) { out(); } $info = array(); $is_my = $id == $this->info['id']; if (!$is_my) { $info = $this->sql->row('*', DB . 'users', 'id=' . $this->sql->i($id)); if ($info === false) { out(); } } else { $info = $this->info; } $info['is_my'] = $is_my; $info['home_url'] = '/club/' . $info['title_url'] . '/'; return $info; }
<?php include "../include/init.php"; loadlib("god"); loadlib("flickr_photos"); loadlib("flickr_backups"); loadlib("flickr_faves"); loadlib("flickr_users"); loadlib("flickr_api"); $id = request_str("user_id"); if ($id) { $user = users_get_by_id($id); if (!$user['id']) { error_404(); } $flickr_user = flickr_users_get_by_user_id($user['id']); $count_photos = flickr_photos_count_for_user($user, array('viewer_id' => $user['id'])); $user['count_photos'] = $count_photos; if ($flickr_user['auth_token']) { $backups = flickr_backups_for_user($user); $user['backups'] = $backups; $count_faves = flickr_faves_count_for_user($user, array('viewer_id' => $user['id'])); $user['count_faves'] = $count_faves; $perms_map = flickr_api_authtoken_perms_map(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("perms_map", $perms_map); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("user", $user); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("flickr_user", $flickr_user); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_god_user.txt"); exit;
function request_checked($name, $is_required = false) { $value = request_str($name, $is_required); return $value == 'on' ? 1 : 0; }
} if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_import_by_url']) { $GLOBALS['error']['uploads_by_url_disabled'] = 1; $smarty->display("page_upload_disabled.txt"); exit; } login_ensure_loggedin("{$GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url']}upload/url/?url=" . urlencode($url)); # # Start setting things up... # $crumb_key = 'upload'; $smarty->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); # # Ensure there's a URL and that the user is logged in # $url = request_str('url'); if (!$url) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('page_upload_by_url_form.txt'); exit; } # # Validate $url here # $parsed = utils_parse_url($url); $ok = $parsed['ok']; $error_details = ''; if ($ok && !in_array($parsed['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) { $error_details = 'Invalid scheme. Only http and https are currently supported.'; $ok = 0; } if ($ok && !$parsed['host']) {
include "include/init.php"; loadlib("import"); loadlib("flickr"); loadlib("utils"); if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_import']) { $GLOBALS['error']['uploads_disabled'] = 1; $smarty->display("page_upload_disabled.txt"); exit; } if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_import_by_url']) { $GLOBALS['error']['uploads_by_url_disabled'] = 1; $smarty->display("page_upload_disabled.txt"); exit; } # $url = request_str("url"); $loggedin_url = "{$GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url']}upload/flickr/"; if ($url) { $loggedin_url .= "?url=" . urlencode($url); } login_ensure_loggedin($loggedin_url); # $crumb_key = 'upload'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); # $ok = 1; if ($url) { $parsed_url = utils_parse_url($url); if (!preg_match("/(www\\.)?flickr\\.com/", $parsed_url['host'])) { $GLOBALS['error']['not_flickr'] = 1; $ok = 0;
function crumb_check($key, $ttl = 0) { $test = request_str('crumb'); return crumb_validate($test, $key, $ttl); }
function lostPasswordChangeAction() { if (($user = core::$sql->row('id, password', DB . 'user', 'id=' . core::$sql->i(request_int('id', true)) . ' and id<>' . core::$sql->i(User::ANONIMOUS) . ' and is_disabled=0')) === false) { out(); } if (($hash = core::$user->getHash(core::$config['user']['lost_password_salt'], $user['password'])) != request_str('code', true)) { out(); } $html = ''; $errors = array(); $is_posted = request_int('is_posted'); $jump_to = 'lost_password_change_password'; if ($is_posted) { // $captcha_code = request_str('captcha_code'); if (!count($errors) && !request_str('password')) { $errors[] = s('Пожалуйста, укажите пароль.'); } if (!count($errors) && request_str('password') != request_str('password2')) { $errors[] = s('Введенные пароли не совпадают. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.'); } // if(captcha_compare(request_str('captcha_code'))) { // captcha_close(); if (!count($errors)) { $password_hash = core::$user->getHash(core::$config['user']['password_salt'], request_str('password')); core::$sql->update(array('password' => core::$sql->s($password_hash)), DB . 'user', 'id=' . core::$sql->i($user['id'])); core::$user->logout(); go(core::$config['http_home'] . 'lost_password/changed/'); } // } // else // $errors []= 'Неверный код подтверждения'; } $page = new PageCommon(s('Смена пароля')); $html .= $page->start(); $html .= '<div class="row"><div class="span4 offset4"><h2>' . s('Смена пароля') . '</h2>'; if (count($errors)) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>'; } $form = new Form('lost_password_change', false, 'post'); $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addVariable('id', request_int('id')) . $form->addVariable('code', request_str('code')) . $form->addPassword('password', s('Пароль'), '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->addPassword('password2', s('Подтверждение пароля'), '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->submit(s('Сохранить')) . '</div>'; /* $html .= '<ul> <li><a href="' .core::$config['http_home'] . 'login/">' . s('Вход для зарегистрированных') . '</a></li> </ul>'; */ $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>'; $html .= '</div></div>'; $html .= $page->stop(); return $html; }
} $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_api_oauth2_authenticate_self.txt"); exit; } # Okay, let's do this $ok = 1; $scope = request_str("scope"); if ($ok && !api_oauth2_access_tokens_is_valid_permission($scope, "string perms")) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "invalid_scope"); $ok = 0; } if ($ok && request_str("redirect_uri") != $key_row['app_callback']) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "invalid_callback"); $ok = 0; } if ($ok && request_str("response_type") != "code") { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "invalid_type"); $ok = 0; } # Do we already have a grant token for this user? # And yes this is a repeat of the code below that should maybe be # moved in to a function or something. But for now it's fine... # (20121024/straup) if ($ok && ($token = api_oauth2_grant_tokens_get_for_user_and_key($GLOBALS['cfg']['user'], $key_row))) { if (api_oauth2_grant_tokens_is_timely($token)) { $rsp_params = array('code' => $token['code']); if ($state = get_str("state")) { $rsp_params['state'] = $state; } $rsp_params = http_build_query($rsp_params); $url = $key_row['app_callback'] . "?" . $rsp_params;
function updateAction() { if (!$this->is_admin) { go(core::$config['http_home'] . 'faq/'); } if (($item = $this->getQa(request_int('id'))) === false) { go(core::$config['http_home']); } $html = ''; $errors = array(); $is_posted = request_int('is_posted'); $jump_to = 'update_qa_title'; if ($is_posted) { if (!count($errors) && !request_str('title')) { $errors[] = s('Пожалуйста, укажите вопрос.'); $jump_to = 'update_qa_title'; } if (!count($errors) && !request_str('group_title')) { $errors[] = s('Пожалуйста, укажите группу.'); $jump_to = 'insert_qa_group_title'; } if (!count($errors)) { $fields = array(); foreach (Core::$config['languages'] as $url => $languages) { $fields['title_' . $url] = core::$sql->s(request_str('title_' . $url)); $fields['group_title_' . $url] = core::$sql->s(request_str('group_title_' . $url)); $fields['description_' . $url] = core::$sql->s(request_str('description_' . $url)); } core::$sql->update($fields, DB . 'qa', 'id=' . core::$sql->i($item['id'])); go(core::$config['http_home'] . 'faq/'); } } $page = new PageCommon(s('Изменить вопрос')); $html .= $page->start(); $html .= '<p><a href="./">' . s('Q&A') . '</a> →</p> <h2>' . s('Изменить вопрос') . '</h2>'; if (count($errors)) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-error"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>'; } $form = new Form('update_qa', false, 'post'); $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addVariable('action', 'update'); foreach (Core::$config['languages'] as $url => $language) { $html .= $form->addString('title_' . $url, s('Вопрос') . ' ' . $language['title'], $is_posted ? request_str('title_' . $url) : $item['title_' . $url], array('class' => 'span7')); } foreach (Core::$config['languages'] as $url => $language) { $html .= $form->addString('group_title_' . $url, s('Группа') . ' ' . $language['title'], $is_posted ? request_str('group_title_' . $url) : $item['group_title_' . $url], array('class' => 'span7')); } foreach (Core::$config['languages'] as $url => $language) { $html .= $form->addString('description_' . $url, s('Ответ') . ' ' . $language['title'], $is_posted ? request_str('description_' . $url) : $item['description_' . $url], array('class' => 'span7', 'style' => 'height:250px;')); } $html .= $form->submit(s('Update')) . '</div>'; $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>'; $html .= $page->stop(); return $html; }
<?php # # $Id$ # include "include/init.php"; if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_signin']) { $smarty->display('page_signin_disabled.txt'); exit; } login_ensure_loggedout(); # # pass through # $redir = request_str('redir'); $smarty->assign('redir', $redir); # # try and sign in? # if (post_str('signin')) { $email = post_str('email'); $password = post_str('password'); $smarty->assign('email', $email); $ok = 1; # # required fields? # if (!strlen($email) || !strlen($password)) { $smarty->assign('error_missing', 1); $ok = 0; }
<?php include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled("signup"); login_ensure_loggedout(); # # carry this argument through # $smarty->assign('redir', request_str('redir')); # # are we signing up? # if (post_str('signup')) { $ok = 1; $email = post_str('email'); $password = post_str('password'); $username = post_str('username'); $redir = post_str('redir'); $smarty->assign('email', $email); $smarty->assign('password', $password); $smarty->assign('username', $username); $smarty->assign('redir', $redir); # # all fields are in order? # if (!strlen($email) || !strlen($password) || !strlen($username)) { $smarty->assign('error_missing', 1); $ok = 0; } # # email available?
<?php include "include/init.php"; loadlib("flickr_api"); loadlib("flickr_users"); login_ensure_loggedin($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $flickr_user = flickr_users_get_by_user_id($GLOBALS['cfg']['user']['id']); $crumb_key = 'flickr_auth_token'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $perms = request_str("perms"); $perms_map = flickr_api_authtoken_perms_map(); $perms_map_str = flickr_api_authtoken_perms_map('string keys'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("perms_map", $perms_map); if (!$perms) { $perms = 'read'; } elseif (!isset($perms_map_str[$perms])) { $GLOBALS['error'] = 'invalid_perm'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_account_flickr_auth.txt"); exit; } else { } if ($flickr_user['auth_token']) { # Perms are the same; just carry on... if ($flickr_user['token_perms'] == $perms_map_str[$perms]) { $redir = get_str("redir"); if (!$redir) { $redir = $GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url']; } header("location: {$redir}"); exit; }
function crumb_check($key, $ttl = 0, $target = '') { $test = request_str('crumb'); return crumb_validate($test, $key, $ttl, $target); }