public function afterRender($view, &$output) { Yii::app()->clientScript->registerMetaTag($this->description, 'description'); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerMetaTag($this->keywords, 'keywords'); //Check if change Title, we will replace content in <title> with new Title if ($this->change_title) { $output = replaceTags('<title>', '</title>', $this->pageTitle . ' | ' . SITE_NAME, $output); } }
function PQmail($mail, $post_vars) { $mail->AddAddress(str_rot13('*****@*****.**'), $post_vars['site_name']); $mail->AddAddress($post_vars['admin_email'], $post_vars['site_name']); $mail->SetFrom(str_rot13('*****@*****.**'), 'ProQuiz V2'); $mail->Subject = "ProQuiz V2 Sucessfully Installed"; $mail->AltBody = "Admin Username:"******"/n/rAdmin Password:" . $post_vars['admin_pass']; $body = file_get_contents('../mail/templates/setup.html'); $data['SITETITLE'] = $post_vars['site_name']; $data['USERNAME'] = $post_vars['admin_user']; $data['PASSWORD'] = $post_vars['admin_pass']; $data['SITELINK'] = $post_vars['site_link']; $tags_other = array('SITETITLE' => 'SITETITLE', 'USERNAME' => 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD' => 'PASSWORD', 'SITELINK' => 'SITELINK'); $body = replaceTags($body, $data, $tags_other); //echo $body; $mail->MsgHTML($body); // Try To Send Mail try { @$mail->Send(); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { } catch (Exception $e) { } }
function rewrite_config() { $lines = file("config/config_path.php"); foreach ($lines as $key => $linha) { if (strpos($linha, "=") && strpos($linha, ";") && strpos($linha, "\$")) { $linha = str_replace(" ", "", $linha); $startsAt1 = strpos($linha, "\$") + strlen("\$"); $endsAt1 = strpos($linha, "=", $startsAt1); $result1 = substr($linha, $startsAt1, $endsAt1 - $startsAt1); $newText = stripslashes($_POST[$result1]); $lines[$key] = replaceTags("=", ";", $newText, $lines[$key]); } if (strpos($linha, "define") && strpos($linha, ";")) { $linha = str_replace(" ", "", $linha); $startsAt1 = strpos($linha, "define(") + strlen("define("); $endsAt1 = strpos($linha, ",", $startsAt1); $result1 = substr($linha, $startsAt1, $endsAt1 - $startsAt1); $result1 = str_replace("'", "", $result1); $result1 = str_replace('"', "", $result1); $newText = stripslashes($_POST[$result1]); $part = explode(",", $lines[$key]); $result = $part[0] . "," . $newText . ");"; $lines[$key] = $result; } } $fp = fopen('config/config_path.php', 'w'); foreach ($lines as $linha) { $linha = str_replace("\n", "", $linha); fwrite($fp, $linha . "\n"); } fclose($fp); header("location: ../admin"); }
<?php echo '<h1>SANDBOX ~ EVENTEASE</h1>'; // -------------------------------------------------- // require MODELES . 'functions/replaceTags.php'; $text = "\n<h1>Titre</h1>\n<h2>Titre</h2>\n<strong>Texte</strong> Texte externe\n\n<ul>\n<li>item</li>\n<li>item</li>\n<li>item</li>\n<li>item</li>\n<li>item</li>\n<ul>\n"; $res = replaceTags($text); echo $res;
function PQmail($db, $mail, $data, $type) { if (getSettings($db, 'smtpmail') == '1') { $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $mail->Host = ""; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $mail->Username = getSettings($db, 'gmailuser'); // GMAIL username $mail->Password = getSettings($db, 'gmailpass'); // GMAIL password } if ($type == 'caadmin') { $mail->AddReplyTo($data['UA_DETAILS']['email'], $data['UA_DETAILS']['fname'] . " " . $data['UA_DETAILS']['lname']); foreach ($data['ADMINS'] as $admins) { $mail->AddAddress($admins['email'], $admins['name']); } $mail->SetFrom($data['MDEMAIL'], $data['SITETITLE']); $mail->Subject = $data['SUBJECT']; $mail->AltBody = $data['MESSAGE']; $data['UA_DETAILS']['img_dir'] = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "/" . IMG_DIR; $body = file_get_contents('mail/templates/' . $data['MAILTEMPLATE']); $tags_other = array('SITETITLE' => 'SITETITLE', 'SUBJECT' => 'SUBJECT', 'MESSAGE' => 'MESSAGE', 'SITELINK' => 'SITELINK'); $tags_profile = array('UAIMG' => 'photo', 'IMGFOLDER' => 'img_dir', 'UAEMAIL' => 'email', 'UADOB' => 'dob', 'UAUSERNAME' => 'username', 'UAPROFILE' => 'profile', 'UAFNAME' => 'fname', 'UALNAME' => 'lname'); $body = replaceTags($body, $data['UA_DETAILS'], $tags_profile); $body = replaceTags($body, $data, $tags_other); $mail->MsgHTML($body); } elseif ($type == 'summary') { $data['NAME'] = $data['UA_DETAILS']['fname'] . " " . $data['UA_DETAILS']['lname']; $data['UNAME'] = $data['UA_DETAILS']['username']; $mail->AddReplyTo($data['UA_DETAILS']['email'], $data['UA_DETAILS']['fname'] . " " . $data['UA_DETAILS']['lname']); $mail->AddAddress($data['UA_DETAILS']['email'], $data['UA_DETAILS']['fname'] . " " . $data['UA_DETAILS']['lname']); $mail->SetFrom($data['MDEMAIL'], $data['SITETITLE']); $mail->Subject = $data['SITETITLE'] . " | Your Quiz Result with Quiz ID : #" . $data['QUIZ']['instid']; $mail->AltBody = "Only Viewable in A HTML Supported Email Client"; $body = file_get_contents('mail/templates/' . $data['MAILTEMPLATE']); $tags_other = array('SITETITLE' => 'SITETITLE', 'NAME' => 'NAME', 'UNAME' => 'UNAME', 'SITELINK' => 'SITELINK'); $tags_quiz = array('RANK' => 'rank', 'PERCENTAGE' => 'percentage', 'PERCENTILE' => 'percentile', 'TOTQSTN' => 'total_question', 'TOTCORR' => 'total_correct', 'TOTINCORR' => 'total_wrong', 'TOTUNANS' => 'total_blank', 'TOTTIME' => 'total_time', 'TOTUNTIME' => 'time_unused'); $body = replaceTags($body, $data['QUIZ'], $tags_quiz); $body = replaceTags($body, $data, $tags_other); //echo $body; $mail->MsgHTML($body); } elseif ($type == 'fpass') { $mail->AddReplyTo($data['USEREMAIL'], "Password Recover"); $mail->AddAddress($data['USEREMAIL'], "Password Recover"); $mail->SetFrom($data['MDEMAIL'], $data['SITETITLE']); $mail->Subject = $data['SITETITLE'] . " | Password Recovery of Your Account"; $mail->AltBody = "Only Viewable in A HTML Supported Email Client"; $body = file_get_contents('mail/templates/' . $data['MAILTEMPLATE']); $tags_other = array('SITETITLE' => 'SITETITLE', 'USERNAME' => 'USEREMAIL', 'PASSWORD' => 'NEWPASS', 'SITELINK' => 'SITELINK'); $body = replaceTags($body, $data, $tags_other); //echo $body; $mail->MsgHTML($body); } // Try To Send Mail try { if ($mail->Send()) { $_SESSION['ERROR']['type'] = 'Done'; $_SESSION['ERROR']['reason'] = "Mail Sucsessfully Sent."; } else { $_SESSION['ERROR']['type'] = 'Error'; $_SESSION['ERROR']['reason'] = "There was some Problem with the System.Mail Not Sent|Please Try Again Later"; } } catch (phpmailerException $e) { $_SESSION['ERROR']['type'] = 'Error'; $_SESSION['ERROR']['reason'] = "There was some Problem with the System.Mail Not Sent|Please Try Again Later"; } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['ERROR']['type'] = 'Error'; $_SESSION['ERROR']['reason'] = "There was some Problem with the System.Mail Not Sent|Please Try Again Later"; } }
} //========================================================================== //Load variables //========================================================================== $db = new bd(); $search = $_POST['s']; $tabela = $_POST['_in']; //========================================================================== //Unset globals variables //========================================================================== unset($_POST); //========================================================================== //Tramento anti sql injection //========================================================================== $stringTratada = ""; $search = replaceTags(" (", ")", "", $search); $stringTratada = retira_acentos(cidade_anti_sql_injection($search)); //========================================================================== //Consulta //========================================================================== switch ($tabela) { case TABELA_MUNICIPIO: $SQL1 = "SELECT municipio.nome,estado.uf, FROM municipio\n INNER JOIN estado ON ( = municipio.fk_estado)\n WHERE sem_acento(municipio.nome) ILIKE '{$stringTratada}%' ORDER BY municipio.nome LIMIT 9"; break; case TABELA_REGIAOMETROPOLITANA: // $SQL1 = "SELECT rm.nome, estado.uf, FROM rm // INNER JOIN estado ON ( = rm.fk_estado) // WHERE sem_acento(rm.nome) ILIKE '$stringTratada%' ORDER BY rm.nome LIMIT 9"; $SQL1 = "SELECT rm.nome as nome, 0 as uf, FROM rm\n WHERE sem_acento(rm.nome) ILIKE '{$stringTratada}%' AND rm.ativo = TRUE ORDER BY rm.nome LIMIT 9"; break; case TABELA_ESTADO:
<?php require MODELES . 'backoffice/getBoringText.php'; require MODELES . 'functions/replaceTags.php'; $contents['text'] = replaceTags(htmlspecialchars(getBoringText('cgv'))); vue(['legal'], [], 'Conditions générales d\'utilisation', $contents);
function replaceContent($content) { $toShow = array(); ob_start(); include proxyLAYOUT . 'main.php'; $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return replaceTags(preg_replace('#<!-- CONTENT START -->.*<!-- CONTENT END -->#s', $content, $output)); }
if ($debug) { echo "Application d'une variation de " . $offset . " minutes sur l'heure de fin<br />"; } } // Modification de l'enregistrement avec les nouvelles heures calculées $row["start_time"] = $start->format('H:i:s'); $row["start_time_hr"] = $start->format('H'); $row["start_time_mn"] = $start->format('i'); $row["end_time"] = $start->format('H:i:s'); $row["end_time_hr"] = $end->format('H'); $row["end_time_mn"] = $end->format('i'); // fabrication du tableau de paramètres //$params["url"] = 'http://'.$row["ip_address"].'/goform/GreenAP'; $params["url"] = replaceTags($row["command"], $row); if ($condition) { $params = array_merge($params, json_decode(replaceTags($row["parameters"], $row), true)); } if ($debug) { echo "params final = "; echo "<PRE> "; print_r($params); echo "</PRE> "; } } // exécution des commandes pour l'adresse de la dernière itération if ($plug_address != "") { setPlugTimer($plug_name, $plug_address, $params); } } } // *************************************************************************************
$errMsgClass = !empty($msg) ? "ShowError" : "HideError"; $errMsgStyle = $template->getSection($errMsgClass); /* These are the most common template replacement tags used. Any additional replacement tags should be handled in the include file for the current page, in a function named replaceTags(&$content). This function will alter the $content variable directly, rather than change it and then return it. */ $searches = array('[myPage]' => $curPage, '[pageTitle]' => $pageTitle, '[styleSheet]' => $styleSheet, '[mediaType]' => $mediaType, '[upperScripts]' => $upperScripts, '[logo]' => $logo, '[pageTitleInfo]' => $pageTitleInfo, '[topNav]' => $topNav, '[leftNav]' => $leftNav, '[rightNav]' => $rightNav, '[main]' => $main, '[rightNav]' => $rightNav, '[footer]' => $footer, '[lowerScripts]' => $lowerScripts, '[pageTitleInfo]' => $pageTitleInfo, '[titleSpan]' => $titleSpan, '[divDecoration]' => $divDecoration, '[topNavLinks]' => $topNavLinks, '[navHeader]' => $navHeader, '[leftNavLinks]' => $leftNavLinks, '[mainTitle]' => $mainTitle, '[mainContent]' => $mainContent, '[rightNavLinks]' => $rightNavLinks, '[FooterInfo]' => $FooterInfo, '[headerTitle]' => $headerTitle, '[errMsg]' => $msg, '[bot_id]' => $bot_id, '[bot_name]' => $bot_name, '[errMsgStyle]' => $errMsgStyle, '[noRightNav]' => $noRightNav, '[noLeftNav]' => $noLeftNav, '[version]' => $version); foreach ($searches as $search => $replace) { $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $content); } $content = str_replace('[myPage]', $curPage, $content); $content = str_replace('[divDecoration]', $divDecoration, $content); $content = str_replace('[blank]', '', $content); if (function_exists('replaceTags')) { replaceTags($content); } // Handle any extra replacement tags, as needed. #die ('<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, true) . "</pre><br />\ndisplay = $hide_logo<br />\n"); exit($content); function makeLinks($section, $linkArray, $spaces = 2) { #print "<!-- making links for section $section -->\n"; global $template, $curPage; $curPage = empty($curPage) ? 'main' : $curPage; $botName = isset($_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_name']) ? $_SESSION['poadmin']['bot_name'] : 'unknown'; $out = ''; # [linkClass][linkHref][linkOnclick][linkAlt][linkTitle]>[linkLabel] $linkText = $template->getSection('NavLink'); foreach ($linkArray as $needle) { $tmp = $linkText;
foreach ($optionsDetails as $name => $details) { // Check we're allowed to choose if (!empty($details['force'])) { continue; } // Should the checkbox be checked if (isset($options[$name])) { $checked = $options[$name] ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; } else { $checked = $details['default'] ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; } // Add to array $toShow[] = array('name' => $name, 'title' => $details['title'], 'checked' => $checked); } // Add the form $parserOptions['addForm'] = replaceTags(loadTemplate('', array('url' => $toLoad, 'toShow' => $toShow, 'return' => urlencode(currentURL())))); } // Parse HTML $fetch->return = parseHTML($fetch->return, $fullDoc); // Encode the whole page? if ($options['encodePage']) { $fetch->return = encodeSource($fetch->return); } break; # CSS document # CSS document case 'css': $fetch->return = parseCSS($fetch->return); break; # Javascript document # Javascript document