$ses = $_GET['ses'];
$form_ses = $_GET['form_ses'];
$report = $_GET['r'];
$dir = $_GET['dir'];
include "../{$dir}/database.php";
include 'common.php';
if (activityPasswordNeeded($report)) {
    $session = nuSession($ses, false);
    if ($session->foundOK == '') {
        print 'you have been logged out..';
$formValue = getSelectionFormVariables($form_ses);
$setup = nuSetup();
$T = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_activity WHERE sat_all_code = '{$report}'");
$A = db_fetch_object($T);
//----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
$globalValue = getglobalValue($ses);
//----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
$sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
//--session values (access level and user etc. )
$sysVariables = sysVariablesToHashArray($form_ses);
//--values in sysVariables from the calling lookup page
$arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
//--join the arrays together
$newFormArray = arrayToHashArray($formValue);
$arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($arrayOfHashVariables, $newFormArray);
//--join the arrays together
eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $A->sat_procedure_code));
Esempio n. 2
 private function buildHTMLForSubform($CRLF, $TAB, $fieldName, $fieldTitle, $blankRows, $objectID)
     if (!$this->displayThisObject) {
         return '';
     } else {
         $this->parentForm->subformNames[] = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_name'];
         $this->parentForm->subformTabs[] = $this->parentForm->formTabNames[$this->objectProperty['sob_all_tab_title']];
     $format = textFormatsArray();
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_all_on_change'] != '') {
         $OnChange = 'onchange="' . $this->objectProperty["sob_all_on_change"] . '" ';
     $this->CRLF = $CRLF;
     $this->TAB = $TAB;
     $hGap = 3;
     //gap between fields
     $vHeight = 23;
     //row height
     $vTitleHeight = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_title_height'] * 16;
     //row height
     $vTop = 10;
     //row height
     $sfDimensions = array();
     $fldDimensions = array();
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_object WHERE sob_zzsys_form_id = '" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' ORDER BY sob_all_column_number, sob_all_order_number");
     while ($r = db_fetch_array($t)) {
         $objectLength = $r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_length'];
         // eg. text objects are 'sob_text_length'
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'lookup') {
             $objectLength = $r['sob_lookup_code_length'];
             // code length
             if ($r['sob_lookup_no_description'] != '1') {
                 $objectLength = $objectLength + 0.5 + $r['sob_lookup_description_length'];
                 // description length
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'text') {
             if ($format[$r['sob_text_format']]->type == 'date') {
                 $objectLength = $objectLength + 1.5;
                 // date button length
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->type = $r['sob_all_type'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = 'left';
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'text') {
             $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = $r['sob_text_align'];
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'display') {
             $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = $r['sob_display_align'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnTitle = $r['sob_all_title'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->column = $r['sob_all_column_number'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->leftCoordinate = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth);
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnWidth = $objectLength * 16 + $hGap;
         $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth) + $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnWidth;
         $colHeight = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight);
         if ($colHeight == 0) {
             $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight = $vHeight;
             $colHeight = $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight;
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'textarea' and $colHeight < $r['sob_textarea_height'] * 16) {
             $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight = $r['sob_textarea_height'] * 16;
     $longest = '';
     foreach ($sfDimensions as $key => $value) {
         // get longest row
         if ($value->columnWidth > $longest) {
             $longest = $value->columnWidth;
         $rowHeight = $rowHeight + $value->columnHeight;
     $prntCheckBox = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_delete_box'] == '1' and $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] != '1';
     if ($prntCheckBox) {
         //add room for the delete tick box
         $longest = $longest + $vHeight;
     } else {
         $longest = $longest + 20;
     //add scroll bar
     $sfWidth = $longest + 20;
     $sfLeft = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_left'];
     //add height of subform title + column title(s) to overall height
     $sfHeight = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_height'] * 16 - $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_title_height'] * 16 - 100;
     $sfTop = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_top'];
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_subform_width'] == 0) {
         $scsfWidth = $sfWidth + 10;
     } else {
         $scsfWidth = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_width'];
     $scsfHeight = $sfHeight - 20;
     $scsfHeight = $sfHeight - 16;
     //changed from -10 to -16
     $s = "<div name='sf_title{$fieldName}' id='sf_title{$fieldName}' class='selected' style='text-align:left;position:absolute;height:20;top:{$sfTop};left:{$sfLeft};width:{$sfWidth};'>{$fieldTitle}</div>{$CRLF}";
     $sfTop = $sfTop + 20;
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}<div name='{$fieldName}' id='{$fieldName}' class='selected' style='position:absolute;overflow:auto;width:{$scsfWidth};height:{$scsfHeight};top:{$sfTop};left:{$sfLeft};'>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   <div name='title{$fieldName}' id='title{$fieldName}' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:#6D7B8D'>{$CRLF}";
     // build subform column titles
     $columnTop = 0;
     $columnNumber = '';
     foreach ($fldDimensions as $key => $value) {
         if ($columnNumber != $value->column) {
             if ($columnNumber == '') {
                 $columnNumber = $value->column;
         if ($columnTop == 0) {
             // only print headings for the first row (sob_subform_column_order)
             if ($columnNumber == $value->column) {
                 $width = $value->columnWidth;
                 $dbc = '';
                 if ($this->parentForm->zzsys_user_id == 'globeadmin' and $this->form->sys_setup != '1') {
                     $dbc = " ondblclick=\"openBrowse('object', '{$objectID}', '', '" . $this->parentForm->session . "', '')\"";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <div {$dbc} class='unselected' style='vertical-align:top;font-size:x-small;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;top:0;left:{$value->leftCoordinate};width:{$width};height:{$vTitleHeight};overflow:hidden;position:absolute;text-align:" . align($value->columnAlign) . ";'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}         {$value->columnTitle}{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
                 $nextLeft = $value->leftCoordinate + $value->columnWidth;
     $sfHeight = $sfHeight - $columnTop - $vHeight;
     //  adjusting for scrollng div
     $this->objectName = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_name'];
     //  set subform name
     //add room for the delete tick box
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] != '1') {
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <div class='unselected' style='top:0;left:{$nextLeft};width:50;height:{$vTitleHeight};overflow:hidden;position:absolute;align:left;'>{$CRLF}";
         //align:left removed
         if ($prntCheckBox) {
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}         <font style='vertical-align:top;font-size:xx-small;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;'>&nbsp;Delete&nbsp;</font>{$CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
     //end of subform column titles
     //start scrolling div
     $sfHeight = $sfHeight - $vTitleHeight;
     // adjust a bit to see all of scroll bar
     $columnTop = $columnTop + $vTitleHeight;
     //added by nick 10-06-09 $grey needs to be defined before it can be used
     $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
     $subformClass = str_replace('.', '', $this->objectProperty['sob_all_class']);
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}         <div name='scroller{$fieldName}' class='{$subformClass}' id='scroller{$fieldName}' style='border-style:solid;border-width:2;border-color:white;position:absolute;overflow:scroll;width:{$sfWidth};height:{$sfHeight};top:{$columnTop};left:0;background:{$grey};'>{$CRLF}";
     //put subform objects in an array
     $subformObjects = array();
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_object WHERE sob_zzsys_form_id = '" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' ORDER BY sob_all_column_number, sob_all_order_number");
     while ($r = db_fetch_object($t)) {
         $subformObjects[] = $r;
     //get SQL for subform
     //		$subformSQL               = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT,$this->objectProperty['sob_subform_sql'], $this->recordID);
     //get SQL for subform //-- added by sc 4-feb-2009
     if (is_array($this->parentForm->recordValues)) {
         $hVariables = arrayToHashArray($this->parentForm->recordValues);
         //--session values (access level and user etc. )
     $subformSQL = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_sql'], $this->recordID);
     if (is_array($this->parentForm->recordValues)) {
         $subformSQL = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($hVariables, $subformSQL);
     $subformTable = nuRunQuery($subformSQL);
     $columnTop = $vHeight * -1 + 5;
     $nextTop = 0;
     $columnNumber = '';
     //loop through subform records
     if ($this->parentForm->cloning == '1') {
         $primaryKey = '';
     } else {
         $primaryKey = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key'];
     while ($subformRecord = mysql_fetch_array($subformTable)) {
         $this->recordID = $subformRecord[$this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key']];
         //loop through each object for this subform record
         $newRow = true;
         $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
         $dq = '"';
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div id='rowdiv_{$this->subformPrefix}' onfocus='SFrowColor(this, {$dq}{$fieldName}{$dq})' style='background:{$grey};height:{$rowHeight}'>{$CRLF}";
         $checkBoxDone = false;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($subformObjects); $i++) {
             $subformFieldDiv = $fldDimensions[$subformObjects[$i]->sob_all_name];
             if ($columnNumber != $subformFieldDiv->column or $i == 0) {
                 $columnNumber = $subformFieldDiv->column;
                 $columnTop = $nextTop;
                 $nextTop = $columnTop + $sfDimensions[$columnNumber]->columnHeight;
             //add room for the delete tick box
             if ($prntCheckBox and !$checkBoxDone) {
                 $checkBoxDone = true;
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$nextLeft}'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' type='checkbox' {$OnChange} tabindex='-1'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' style='background:lightgray;position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$subformFieldDiv->leftCoordinate}'>{$CRLF}";
             $fieldWidth = $subformFieldDiv->columnWidth - $hGap;
             if ($newRow) {
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='{$this->subformPrefix}{$primaryKey}' id='{$this->subformPrefix}{$primaryKey}' value='{$this->recordID}' type='hidden'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $newRow = false;
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  " . $this->buildObject($subformObjects[$i], $subformRecord) . "{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
         $rowNumber = $rowNumber + 1;
         $newRow = true;
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
     $sfRowTotal = $rowNumber + $blankRows;
     $columnNumber = '';
     //loop through blank subform records
     for ($blankRecord = 0; $blankRecord < $blankRows; $blankRecord++) {
         $this->recordID = '-1';
         //loop through each object for this subform record
         $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
         //			$grey                 = iif($grey=='#E0E0E0 ','#F0F0F0','#E0E0E0 ');
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='background:{$grey};height:{$rowHeight}'>{$CRLF}";
         $checkBoxDone = false;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($subformObjects); $i++) {
             $subformFieldDiv = $fldDimensions[$subformObjects[$i]->sob_all_name];
             if ($columnNumber != $subformFieldDiv->column) {
                 $columnNumber = $subformFieldDiv->column;
                 $columnTop = $nextTop;
                 $nextTop = $columnTop + $sfDimensions[$columnNumber]->columnHeight;
             //add room for the delete tick box
             if ($prntCheckBox and !$checkBoxDone) {
                 $checkBoxDone = true;
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$nextLeft}'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' type='checkbox' {$OnChange} tabindex='-1' checked='checked'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div name='{$this->subformPrefix}' id='{$this->subformPrefix}' style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$subformFieldDiv->leftCoordinate}'>{$CRLF}";
             $fieldWidth = $subformFieldDiv->columnWidth - $hGap;
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  " . $this->buildObject($subformObjects[$i], $subformRecord) . "{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
         $rowNumber = $rowNumber + 1;
         $columnNumber = '';
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}         </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   <div style='position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:10;background:blue;'>{$CRLF}";
     $sfColumns = count($fldDimensions);
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='subformid{$fieldName}' id='subformid{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='rows{$fieldName}' id='rows{$fieldName}' value='{$sfRowTotal}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='columns{$fieldName}' id='columns{$fieldName}' value='{$sfColumns}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='table{$fieldName}' id='table{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_table'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='foreignkey{$fieldName}' id='foreignkey{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_foreign_key'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='primarykey{$fieldName}' id='primarykey{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='readonly{$fieldName}' id='readonly{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='deletebox{$fieldName}' id='deletebox{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_delete_box'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='rowColor_{$fieldName}' id='rowColor_{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_selected_row_color'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='lastRow_{$fieldName}' id='lastRow_{$fieldName}' value='' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='lastColor_{$fieldName}' id='lastColor_{$fieldName}' value='' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $cNo = 0;
     foreach ($fldDimensions as $key => $value) {
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='{$fieldName}{$cNo}' id='{$fieldName}{$cNo}' value='{$key}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
         $cNo = $cNo + 1;
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}</div>{$CRLF}";
     return $s;
 function __construct($parameters, $ACTIVITY)
     $this->resize = 0.0679;
     //$this->resize                  = 1.0;
     $this->reportID = $ACTIVITY->zzsys_activity_id;
     $this->reportTitle = $ACTIVITY->sat_all_description;
     $this->report = new Reporting();
     $this->hasReportHeader = $this->validSection($this->reportHeader);
     $this->hasReportFooter = $this->validSection($this->reportFooter);
     $this->hasPageHeader = $this->validSection($this->pageHeader);
     $this->hasPageFooter = $this->validSection($this->pageFooter);
     $this->headerNumbers = array(5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31);
     $this->footerNumbers = array(6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32);
     $this->alignment = array('left', 'left', 'center', 'right');
     $this->selectionFormVariables = getSelectionFormVariables($parameters);
     $hashSelectionFormVariables = arrayToHashArray($this->selectionFormVariables);
     $this->tablesUsed = getSelectionFormTempTableNames($parameters, $this->selectionFormVariables);
     $this->TT = TT();
     $this->sumTT = TT();
     $this->tablesUsed[] = $this->TT;
     $dataTable = $this->TT;
     $formValue = $this->selectionFormVariables;
     $globalValue = getglobalValue($_GET['ses']);
     //----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
     $sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $_GET['ses']);
     //--session values (access level and user etc. )
     $sesVariables['#dataTable#'] = $this->TT;
     $sysVariables = sysVariablesToHashArray($_GET['form_ses']);
     //--values in sysVariables from the calling lookup page
     $arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
     //--join the arrays together
     $arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($arrayOfHashVariables, $hashSelectionFormVariables);
     //--put temp table names for listboxes
     //----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
     eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $ACTIVITY->sat_report_data_code));
     //		eval($ACTIVITY->sat_report_data_code);
     $this->TT = $dataTable;
     //		BuildTable($this->selectionFormVariables, $this->TT);
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->TT} LIMIT 0 , 1");
     $this->fields = tableFieldNamesToArray($t);
     if ($_GET['tt'] != '') {
         //--- create a temp table to debug
         nuRunQuery("CREATE TABLE " . $_GET['tt'] . " SELECT * FROM {$this->TT}");
     $this->orderBy = $this->orderByClause();
     $this->styleSheet = $this->buildStyleSheet();
     $this->justDidPageBreak = false;
    $fieldNames[] = 'description' . $prefix . $object->sob_all_name;
$t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_lookup WHERE slo_zzsys_object_id = '{$object->zzsys_object_id}'");
while ($r = db_fetch_object($t)) {
    $fieldNames[] = $prefix . $r->zzsys_slo_page_field_name;
$sql1 = 'old    : ' . $old_sql_string;
$sql2 = 'new    : ' . $new_sql_string;
$sql3 = 'newest : ' . $SQL->SQL;
$T = nuRunQuery($SQL->SQL);
$R = db_fetch_row($T);
$arrayOfHashVariables['#selectedID#'] = $R[0];
//--ID of selected record
eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $lookupForm->sfo_custom_code_run_after_browse));
$s = "<body onLoad='fillfields()'><form>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($fieldNames); $i++) {
    $s = $s . "   <textarea name='{$fieldNames[$i]}'>{$R[$i]}</textarea>\n";
    update_zzsys_variables($fieldNames[$i], $R[$i], $field_array);
while (list($key, $value) = each($updateField)) {
    $s = $s . "   <textarea name='{$key}'>{$value}</textarea>\n";
    update_zzsys_variables($key, $value, $field_array);
$s = $s . "   <textarea name='sql1_old'>{$sql1}</textarea>\n";
$s = $s . "   <textarea name='sql2_new'>{$sql2}</textarea>\n";
$s = $s . "   <textarea name='sql3_newest'>{$sql3}</textarea>\n";
$s = $s . "</form></body></html>\n";
print $s;
function hasDeleteBox($pParentID)
$graphTable = TT();
$s = "SELECT * FROM zzsys_activity_graph WHERE sag_zzsys_activity_id = '{$activityID}' AND sag_graph_name = '{$graph_name}'";
$tA = nuRunQuery($s);
$graphObject = db_fetch_object($tA);
$s = "SELECT * FROM zzsys_graph WHERE zzsys_graph_id = '{$graphObject->sag_graph_zzsys_graph_id}'";
$tB = nuRunQuery($s);
$graphType = db_fetch_object($tB);
//----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
$arrayOfHashVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
//--session values (access level and user etc. )
$arrayOfHashVariables['#id#'] = $theRecordID;
//--this record's id
$arrayOfHashVariables['#clone#'] = $clone;
//--if it is a clone
$arrayOfHashVariables['#graphTable#'] = $graphTable;
//--temp table name
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
    $arrayOfHashVariables["#{$key}#"] = $value;
//-- create a temp table called $graphTable
eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $graphObject->sag_graph_code));
//--replace hash variables then run code
//-- turn $graphTable into this type of graph
eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $graphType->sgr_graph_code));
//--replace hash variables then run code
//-----------custom code end---------------------------------------------------
//-- create a temp table called $graphTable
//	eval($graphObject->sag_graph_code);
//-- turn $graphTable into this type of graph
//	eval($graphType->sgr_graph_code);
nuRunQuery("DROP TABLE {$graphTable}");
$dataTable = TT();
$formValue = getSelectionFormVariables($form_ses);
//----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
$globalValue = getglobalValue($_GET['ses']);
//----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
$sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
//--session values (access level and user etc. )
$sysVariables = sysVariablesToHashArray($form_ses);
//--values in sysVariables from the calling lookup page
$sesVariables['#dataTable#'] = $dataTable;
$arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
//--join the arrays together
$newFormArray = arrayToHashArray($formValue);
$arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($arrayOfHashVariables, $newFormArray);
//--join the arrays together
eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $A->sat_export_data_code));
$ascii = $A->sat_export_delimiter;
if ($A->sat_export_use_quotes == '0') {
    $dq = '';
} else {
    $dq = '"';
$t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM {$dataTable}");
$Field = array();
$Field = tableFieldNamesToArray($t);
if ($A->sat_export_header != '0') {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($Field); $i++) {
        if ($i > 0) {
            print chr($ascii);
    print "   parent.opener.document.forms[0].submit();\n";
    $theform = formFields($sysformID);
    nuRunQuery("DELETE FROM {$theform->sfo_table} WHERE {$theform->sfo_primary_key} = '{$recordID}'");
    $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_object WHERE sob_zzsys_form_id = '{$sysformID}' and sob_all_type = 'subform'");
    while ($r = db_fetch_object($t)) {
        nuRunQuery("DELETE FROM {$r->sob_subform_table} WHERE {$r->sob_subform_foreign_key} = '{$recordID}'");
    //----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
    $arrayOfHashVariables1 = postVariablesToHashArray();
    //--values of this record
    $arrayOfHashVariables1['#id#'] = $theRecordID;
    //--this record's id
    $arrayOfHashVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
    //--session values (access level and user etc. )
    $arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($arrayOfHashVariables, $arrayOfHashVariables1);
    //--join the arrays together
    $nuHashVariables = $arrayOfHashVariables;
    //--added by sc 23-07-2009
    //----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
    eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $theform->sfo_custom_code_run_after_delete));
} else {
    print "   parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].action = 'form.php?x=1&r={$recordID}&dir={$dir}&ses={$ses}&f={$sysformID}';\n";
    print "   parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].submit();\n";
print "}\n";
print "/* ]]> */ \n";
print "</script>\n";
print "<!-- End Of Form Functions -->\n";
print "</head>\n";
print "<body onload='reload()'>\n";
print "<form name='theform' action='' method='post'>\n";
function build_report_object()
    $GLOBALS['time'] = array();
    $ses = $_GET['ses'];
    $form_ses = $_GET['form_ses'];
    $report = $_GET['r'];
    $dir = $_GET['dir'];
    $get_array = array();
    $emailer = $_GET['emailer'];
    while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) {
        $get_array["#{$key}#"] = $value;
    include_once "../{$dir}/database.php";
    include_once 'common.php';
    //--------security check-------------------------------
    if ($emailer != '1') {
        if (activityPasswordNeeded($report)) {
            $session = nuSession($ses, false);
            if ($session->foundOK == '') {
                print 'you have been logged out..';
    $id = uniqid('1');
    $thedate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $dq = '"';
    $setup = nuSetup();
    $T = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_activity WHERE sat_all_code = '{$report}'");
    $activity = db_fetch_object($T);
    //----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
    //--already done now..	eval($activity->sat_report_display_code);   //---(Reporting Class)
    $displayClass = new Reporting();
    $REPORT = new REPORT($displayClass, $dir, $ses);
    if ($activity->zzsys_activity_id == '') {
        print 'No Such Report...';
    $viewer = $session->sss_zzsys_user_id;
    $s = "INSERT INTO zzsys_report_log (zzsys_report_log_id, ";
    $s .= "srl_zzsys_activity_id, srl_date ,srl_viewer) ";
    $s .= "VALUES ('{$id}', '{$report}', '{$thedate}', '{$viewer}')";
    $s = "SELECT count(*), MAX(sva_expiry_date) FROM zzsys_variable ";
    $s .= "WHERE sva_id = '{$form_ses}' ";
    $s .= "GROUP BY sva_expiry_date";
    $t1 = nuRunQuery($s);
    $r1 = db_fetch_row($t1);
    $numberOfVariables = $r1[0];
    $expiryDate = $r1[1];
    if ($numberOfVariables == 0) {
        //---must have at least 1 variable
        print 'Report has Expired...';
    $s = "DELETE FROM zzsys_variable ";
    $s .= "WHERE sva_id = '{$form_ses}' ";
    $s .= "AND sva_name = 'ReportTitle'";
    setnuVariable($form_ses, $expiryDate, 'ReportTitle', $activity->sat_all_description);
    $TT = TT();
    //--Temp table name
    //----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
    $sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
    //--session values (access level and user etc. )
    $sesVariables['#dataTable#'] = $TT;
    $sesVariables['#TT#'] = $TT;
    $GLOBALS['TT'] = $TT;
    $dataTable = $TT;
    $sysVariables = sysVariablesToHashArray($form_ses);
    //--values in sysVariables from the calling lookup page
    $arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
    //--join the arrays together
    $formValue = array();
    while (list($key, $value) = each($sesVariables)) {
        $formValue[substr($key, 1, -1)] = $value;
    //-------------------------------build $TT with PHP----------------------------------------
    $v = getSelectionFormVariables($form_ses);
    $hashV = arrayToHashArray($v);
    $arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($arrayOfHashVariables, $hashV);
    //--join the arrays together
    $REPORT->tablesUsed = getSelectionFormTempTableNames($form_ses, $v);
    //--temp tables to delete when finished
    $formValue = $v;
    $nuHashVariables = $arrayOfHashVariables;
    //--added by sc 23-07-2009
    eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $activity->sat_report_data_code));
    $REPORT->no_data = addVariablesToTT($TT, $v);
Esempio n. 9
 function loadAfterConstruct($theFormID, $thePageNumber, $theOrderBy, $isDescending, $theSearchString, $subformPrefix, $dir, $ses, $form_ses, $zzsys_user_id)
     $this->TT = TT();
     //---temp table name
     $this->rowPrefix = $subformPrefix;
     $this->customDirectory = $dir;
     $this->session = $ses;
     $this->form_session = $form_ses;
     $this->PageNo = $thePageNumber;
     $this->orderBy = $theOrderBy;
     $this->isDescending = $isDescending;
     $this->oldFormID = $theFormID;
     $this->theFormID = $this->getFormID($theFormID);
     $this->searchString = $theSearchString;
     $this->pageLength = 27;
     $this->rowHeight = 20;
     $this->startTime = time();
     $this->setup = nuSetup();
     $this->form = formFields($this->theFormID);
     $this->zzsys_user_id = $zzsys_user_id;
     //----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
     $sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
     //--session values (access level and user etc. )
     $sesVariables['#TT#'] = $this->TT;
     $sesVariables['#browseTable#'] = $this->TT;
     $sesVariables['#formSessionID#'] = $form_ses;
     $sysVariables = sysVariablesToHashArray($form_ses);
     //--values in sysVariables from the calling lookup page
     $this->arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
     //--join the arrays together
     $nuHashVariables = $this->arrayOfHashVariables;
     //--added by sc 23-07-2009
     //----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
     $globalValue = getglobalValue($this->session);
     $browseTable = $this->TT;
     eval(replaceHashVariablesWithValues($this->arrayOfHashVariables, $this->form->sfo_custom_code_run_before_browse));
     $this->old_sql_string = $this->form->sfo_sql;
     $this->new_sql_string = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($this->arrayOfHashVariables, $this->form->sfo_sql);
     $s = "\n/*\n old : {$this->old_sql_string} \n*/\n";
     $s = $s . "\n/*\n new : {$this->new_sql_string} \n*/\n";
     $this->SQL = new sqlString($this->new_sql_string);
     $this->pageBody = $this->buildBody();
     $this->pageHeader = $this->buildHeader();
        //--will not update readonly subforms
        updateSubform($_POST, $SF, $recordID);
//----------create an array of hash variables that can be used in any "hashString"
$sesVariables = recordToHashArray('zzsys_session', 'zzsys_session_id', $ses);
//--session values (access level and user etc. )
$sysVariables = postVariablesToHashArray();
//--values in $_POST
$arrayOfHashVariables = joinHashArrays($sysVariables, $sesVariables);
//--join the arrays together
$arrayOfHashVariables['#newID#'] = $recordID;
$nuHashVariables = $arrayOfHashVariables;
//--added by sc 23-07-2009
//----------allow for custom code----------------------------------------------
$code = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($arrayOfHashVariables, $form->sfo_custom_code_run_after_save);
if ($_GET['debug'] != '') {
    tofile('sfo_custom_code_run_after_save hash variables : debug value:' . $_GET['debug']);
    tofile(print_r($arrayOfHashVariables, true));
print "<html>\n";
print "<head>\n";
print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;'/>\n";
print "<title></title>\n";
print "<!-- Form Functions -->\n";
print "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
print "/* <![CDATA[ */\n";
print "function reload(pthis){//  reload form.php\n";
if ($_POST['refresh_after_save'] == '1') {
Esempio n. 11
function displayCondition($pHashArray, $pSQLString)
    $string = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($pHashArray, $pSQLString);
    if ($string == '') {
        return true;
    if ($_GET['debug'] != '') {
        tofile('displayCondition hash variables : debug value:' . $_GET['debug']);
        tofile(print_r($pHashArray, true));
    if ($_GET['debug'] != '') {
        tofile("display Condition : {$string}");
        tofile(print_r($pHashArray, true));
    $t = nuRunQuery($string);
    $r = db_fetch_row($t);
    return $r[0] == '1';