function section_template() { $section_output = !$this->active_loading ? render_nested_sections($this->meta['content'], 1) : ''; $style = ''; $inner_style = ''; // Use alt mode for this $title = $this->opt('pl_standard_title') ? sprintf('<h2 class="pl-section-title pla-from-top subtle pl-animation">%s</h2>', $this->opt('pl_standard_title')) : ''; $inner_style .= $this->opt('pl_area_height') ? sprintf('min-height: %spx;', $this->opt('pl_area_height')) : ''; $inner_classes = 'pl-inner area-region pl-sortable-area editor-row'; $classes = ''; // If there is no output, there should be no padding or else the empty area will have height. if ($section_output || $title != '') { // global $default_padding = pl_setting('section_area_default_pad', array('default' => '20')); // opt $padding = rtrim($this->opt('pl_area_pad', array('default' => $default_padding)), 'px'); $padding_bottom = rtrim($this->opt('pl_area_pad_bottom', array('default' => $padding)), 'px'); $style .= sprintf('padding-top: %spx; padding-bottom: %spx;', $padding, $padding_bottom); $content_class = $padding ? 'nested-section-area' : ''; $buffer = pl_draft_mode() ? sprintf('<div class="pl-sortable pl-sortable-buffer span12 offset0"></div>') : ''; $section_output = $buffer . $section_output . $buffer; } else { $pad_css = ''; $content_class = ''; } ?> <div class="pl-area-wrap <?php echo $classes; ?> " style="<?php echo $style; ?> "> <div class="pl-content <?php echo $content_class; ?> "> <?php echo $title; ?> <div class="<?php echo apply_filters('pl-area-inner-classes', $inner_classes, $this->meta); ?> " style="<?php echo apply_filters('pl-area-inner-style', $inner_style, $this->meta); ?> "> <?php echo $section_output; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
function section_template() { $boxed_class = $this->opt('boxed_columns') ? 'column-boxed pl-border' : ''; ?> <div class="pl-sortable-column pl-sortable-area editor-row <?php echo $boxed_class; ?> "> <?php echo render_nested_sections($this->meta['content'], 2); ?> <span class="pl-column-forcer"> </span> </div> <?php }