Esempio n. 1
echo '<div class=corps>' . "\n";
echo '<form action="index.php" method="POST">' . "\n";
// Test et affichage du bouton de confirmation en cas de suppression de sondage
while ($dsondage = $sondage->FetchNextObject(false)) {
    if (issetAndNoEmpty('supprimersondage' . $dsondage->id_sondage) === true) {
        echo '<table>' . "\n";
        echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#EE0000" colspan="11">' . _("Confirm removal of the poll ") . '"' . $dsondage->id_sondage . '" : <input type="submit" name="confirmesuppression' . $dsondage->id_sondage . '" value="' . _("Remove this poll!") . '">' . "\n";
        echo '<input type="submit" name="annullesuppression" value="' . _("Keep this poll!") . '"></td></tr>' . "\n";
        echo '</table>' . "\n";
        echo '<br>' . "\n";
    // Traitement de la confirmation de suppression
    if (issetAndNoEmpty('confirmesuppression' . $dsondage->id_sondage) === true) {
        // On inclut la routine de suppression
        $date = date('H:i:s d/m/Y');
        if (remove_sondage($connect, $dsondage->id_sondage)) {
            // ecriture des traces dans le fichier de logs
            error_log($date . " SUPPRESSION: {$dsondage->id_sondage}\t{$dsondage->format}\t{$dsondage->nom_admin}\t{$dsondage->mail_admin}\n", 3, 'logs_studs.txt');
$sondage = $connect->Execute("select * from sondage WHERE date_fin > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) ORDER BY date_fin ASC");
$nbsondages = $sondage->RecordCount();
echo $nbsondages . ' ' . _("polls in the database at this time") . '<br><br>' . "\n";
// tableau qui affiche tous les sondages de la base
echo '<table border=1>' . "\n";
echo '<tr align=center><td>' . _("Poll ID") . '</td><td>' . _("Format") . '</td><td>' . _("Title") . '</td><td>' . _("Author") . '</td><td>' . _("Expiration's date") . '</td><td>' . _("Users") . '</td><td colspan=3>' . _("Actions") . '</td>' . "\n";
$i = 0;
while ($dsondage = $sondage->FetchNextObject(false)) {
    /* possible en 1 bonne requête dans $sondage */
    $sujets = $connect->Execute("select * from sujet_studs where id_sondage='{$dsondage->id_sondage}'");
Esempio n. 2
    echo '<button type="submit" name="confirmesuppression" value="' . _("Remove this poll!") . '" class="button green poursuivre" alt="' . _("Remove this poll!") . '"><strong>' . _("Remove this poll!") . '</strong></button>' . "\n";
    echo '</form>' . "\n";
    echo '<br><br><br><br>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
    echo '<div class="separateur">&nbsp;</div>';
    echo '</body>' . "\n";
    echo '</html>' . "\n";
//action si bouton confirmation de suppression est activé
if (isset($_POST["confirmesuppression"]) || isset($_POST["confirmesuppression_x"])) {
    $nbuser = $user_studs->RecordCount();
    $date = date('H:i:s d/m/Y:');
    if (remove_sondage($connect, $numsondage)) {
        // on ecrit dans le fichier de logs la suppression du sondage
        error_log($date . " SUPPRESSION: {$dsondage->id_sondage}\t{$dsondage->format}\t{$dsondage->nom_admin}\t{$dsondage->mail_admin}\n", 3, 'admin/logs_studs.txt');
        //envoi du mail a l'administrateur du sondage
        sendEmail($adresseadmin, _("[ADMINISTRATOR] Removing of your poll") . ' ' . NOMAPPLICATION, _("You have removed your poll. \nYou can make new polls with this link") . " :\n\n" . get_server_name() . "index.php \n\n" . _("Thanks for your confidence.") . "\n" . NOMAPPLICATION);
        //affichage de l'ecran de confirmation de suppression de sondage
        echo '<body>' . "\n";
        bandeau_titre(_("Make your polls"));
        echo '<div class="corps corpscentre">' . "\n";
        print "<H2>" . _("Your poll has been removed!") . "</H2><br><br>";
        print _("Back to the homepage of ") . ' <a href="/"> ' . NOMAPPLICATION . '</a>.' . "\n";
        echo '<br><br><br>' . "\n";