public static function load() { if (self::$instance !== NULL) { delete(self::$instance); self::$instance = NULL; } $request_url = get_request_url(); $parts = parse_url($request_url); $request_uri = strtolower($parts['path']); /* Normalize Path */ $path = remove_ext($request_uri); if (empty($path) || $path == "/" || $path == "/index" || $path == "/home") { $path = "/start"; //later: do landing Page } else { //remove index from right $rm = "/index"; $len = strlen($rm); if (substr($path, $len * -1) == $rm) { $path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - $len); } } $request_cmd = $path; //create the commando $dir = 'pages' . $path; $cmd = array(); //default to read index.html $error = !(path2cmd($dir . '.php', $cmd) || path2cmd($dir . '.html', $cmd) || path2cmd($dir . '/index.php', $cmd) || path2cmd($dir . '/index.html', $cmd)); $data = array("request_url" => $request_url, "request_uri" => $request_uri, "request_cmd" => $request_cmd, "cmd" => $cmd); $classname = "StaticPage"; $classfile = "php/static.php"; /*check if a *.php page is requested and exists*/ if (!$error) { $path = $cmd["path"]; if (!$error && preg_match("/^(.*)\\.(php)\$/i", $path)) { $classname = ucfirst($cmd["filename"]) . "Page"; $classfile = $path; $data["modified"] = filemtime($classfile); } } require_once $classfile; $page = new $classname($data, $error); self::$instance = $page; return self::$instance; }
function ParseMapDir($mappath) { global $maps, $srcpath; $mapfiles = glob("{$srcpath}/{$mappath}/*.*"); foreach ($mapfiles as $map) { $basename = remove_ext(basename($map)); $noext = remove_ext($map); if (isset($maps[$basename])) { continue; } if (file_exists("{$noext}.png")) { $maps[$basename] = "{$noext}.png"; continue; } $srcimg = getvgui($basename, $mappath); if ($srcimg) { $maps[$basename] = $srcimg; } } }
//if there are no files in the current directory //Sort the folders and files array -done //Icons if ($view_mode == 0) { $files_icons_array = icons($files['name'], $view_mode); $folder_icon = $view_mode == 0 ? '<img border="0" src="dirLIST_files/icons_large/folder.png">' : '<img src="dirLIST_files/icons/folder.gif"> '; } elseif ($view_mode == 1 && $file_icons) { $files_icons_array = icons($files['name'], $view_mode); $folder_icon = $view_mode == 0 ? '<img border="0" src="dirLIST_files/icons_large/folder.png">' : '<img src="dirLIST_files/icons/folder.gif"> '; } //Icons -done //Hide file extensions if enabled $files['name_with_ext'] = $files['name']; if ($hide_file_ext == 1) { foreach ($files['name'] as $key => $val) { $files['name'][$key] = remove_ext($val); } } //Hide file extensions if enabled -done if (!empty($folders['name']) || !empty($files['name'])) { ?> <table width="<?php echo $table_width; ?> " border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="320" rowspan="2" valign="top"><?php if ($legend == 1) { ?> <table class="table_border" width="320" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
* @author Rowan Seymour * @copyright This source is distributed under the GPL * @file The lists page * @modifications Cyril Maguire */ /* Gutama plugin package * @version 1.6 * @date 01/10/2013 * @author Cyril MAGUIRE */ include 'inc/gutuma.php'; gu_init(); gu_theme_start(); // Import CSV into new list if one has been uploaded if (isset($_FILES['import_file'])) { $name = remove_ext(basename($_FILES['import_file']['name'])); if ($_FILES['import_file']['type'] == 'text/csv') { $csv = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']; if ($list = gu_list::import_csv($name, $csv)) { if ($list->update()) { gu_success(t('List <b><i>%</i></b> imported from CSV file', array($name))); } } // Delete file if (is_file($csv)) { unlink($csv); } } else { gu_error(t('Uploaded file is not a csv file')); } }
$url = ''; // Handle subdomains. handle_subdomains(); // Append the url part to $path. $url .= $_GET['url']; // Send 'Cache-Control' header. header_cache($url); // Load the modules. load_modules($modules); // If $path is a directory if (is_dir(DIR_PUB . $url)) { // include its default file. read_file($url . DEFAULT_FILE); // If nothing was found, redirect to 404 error page. redirect(404, ERROR_404, $url); } elseif (file_exists(DIR_PUB . $url)) { // check if there its file extension is unnecessary. remove_ext($url); // If nothing was found, read_file_ext($url); } elseif (strrpos($url, DEFAULT_FILE) === ($diff = strlen($url) - strlen(DEFAULT_FILE))) { // redirect to dir/. redirect(301, substr($url, 0, $diff)); } elseif (isset($redir[$url])) { // redirect according to $redirect redirect(301, $redir[$url], FALSE, strpos($goto, '//') != FALSE); } else { read_file($url); // If nothing was found, redirect to 404 error page. redirect(404, ERROR_404, $url); }