/** * function clean_for_aiml_match() * this function controls the calls to other functions to clean text for an aiml match * @param string $text * @return string text **/ function clean_for_aiml_match($text) { $otext = $text; $text = remove_allpuncutation($text); //was not all before $text = whitespace_clean($text); $text = captialise($text); runDebug(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "In: {$otext} Out:{$text}", 4); return $text; }
/** * function clean_that() * This function cleans the 'that' of html and other bits and bobs * @param string $that - the string to clean * @return string $that - the cleaned string **/ function clean_that($that) { $in = $that; $that = str_replace("<br/>", ".", $that); $that = strip_tags($that); $that = remove_allpuncutation($that); $that = whitespace_clean($that); $that = captialise($that); runDebug(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Cleaning the that - that: {$in} cleanthat:{$that}", 4); return $that; }