Esempio n. 1
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getAreas()
     // 	  from isql -v odbc-bonampakdb zam lis
     // 	  select id_area,nombre from general_area;select * from desp_flotas;select * from desp_tipooperacion;
     $areas = $this->find('all');
     return removeString($arrayString = $areas, $string = 'BONAMPAK', $model = 'AreasTbk', $field = 'nombre');
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getAreas()
     // 	  from isql -v odbc-macuspanadb zam lis
     // 	  select id_area,nombre from general_area;select * from desp_flotas;select * from desp_tipooperacion;
     $areas = $this->find('all');
     $string = array('S.A.', 'DE', 'C.V.', '.');
     return removeString($arrayString = $areas, $string, $model = 'MssqlAreasTei', $field = 'nombre');
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getTipoOperacion()
     $tipoOp = $this->find('all');
     return removeString($arrayString = $tipoOp, $string = array('CD', 'PLANTA', 'POTOSI', '.'), $model = 'TipoOperacionTbk', $field = 'tipo_operacion');
 function getStatus()
     $getStatus = removeString($arrayString = $this->find('all'), $string = '', $model = 'MssqlDespStatusTei', $field = 'nombre', true);
     return $getStatus;
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getFlotas()
     $flotas = $this->find('all');
     return removeString($arrayString = $flotas, $string = '.', $model = 'MssqlFlotasAtm', $field = 'nombre');
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getFraccion()
     $conditions['MssqlFraccionTbk.id_producto'] = 0;
     $fraccion = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions));
     return removeString($arrayString = $fraccion, $string = '', $model = 'MssqlFraccionTbk', $field = 'desc_producto', $unset = true);
 /** NOTE the function removeString comes from appConfig*/
 function getTipoOperacion()
     $tipoOperacion = $this->find('all');
     // 	  unset($tipoOperacion[0]);
     return removeString($arrayString = $tipoOperacion, $string = array('PLANTA', 'CD'), $model = 'MssqlTipoOperacionTbk', $field = 'tipo_operacion', $unset = true);