function doSearch(array $words, array $searchWords, $limit, $searchFunction) { foreach ($searchWords as $searchWord) { $words = array_merge($words, $searchFunction($searchWord, $limit)); $words = removeDuplicates($words); if (count($words) >= $limit) { array_splice($words, $limit); } } return $words; }
listSynonyms($synonyms); } else { //IF REWRITE IS NOT REQUESTED, PROCESS QUERY: //CALL FUNCTIONS TO GET RESULTS FROM SEARCH ENGINES getBlekkoResults($blekkoResultsOrig); //get Blekko getGoogleResults($googleResultsOrig); //get Google getBingResults($bingResultsOrig); //get Bing //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //CALL FUNCTIONS TO REMOVE DUPLICATE URLS AND RE-SCORE DOCUMENTS removeDuplicates($blekkoResultsOrig, $blekkoResults); removeDuplicates($googleResultsOrig, $googleResults); removeDuplicates($bingResultsOrig, $bingResults); //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //(IF NON-AGGREGATED CHOSEN THEN DISPLAY RESULTS:) if ($_POST['result_type'] === 'Non-Aggregated') { echo "<div class=\"row-fluid\">" . "<div class=\"span4\">"; echo "<h2 class=\"text-center\">Bing</h2>"; displayResults($bingResults); //display Bing echo "</div>"; echo "<div class=\"span4\">"; echo "<h2 class=\"text-center\">Google</h2>"; displayResults($googleResults); //display Google echo "</div>"; echo "<div class=\"span4\">";
* findDuplicates([1,2, 3, "jablko", 'banan']) => [1,2, 3, "jablko", 'banan'] */ /** * @param $myArray * @return array */ function removeDuplicates($myArray) { $removeDuplicates = array_unique($myArray); $j = 0; $results = array(); foreach ($removeDuplicates as $value) { $results[$j] = $value; $j++; } return $results; } /* * Kod popniżej służy wygenerowaniu testów i strony poglądaowej - nie modyfikujcie go! */ $testCases = [[[1, 2, "jan", "kowlaski", 2, "jan"], [1, 2, "jan", "kowlaski"]], [[3.4, "jablko", 'banan', 'banan', "gruszka", 5], [3.4, "jablko", 'banan', "gruszka", 5]], [[1, 2, 3, "jablko", 'banan'], [1, 2, 3, "jablko", 'banan']], [[], []], [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]]]; $results = ""; foreach ($testCases as $case) { if (($funcValue = removeDuplicates($case[0])) === $case[1]) { $results .= "<tr class='success'><td> Ok </td><td>[" . implode($case[0], ",") . "] </td><td>[" . implode($case[1], ",") . "]</td><td>[" . implode($funcValue, ",") . "]</td></tr>"; } else { var_dump($funcValue); $results .= "<tr class='danger'><td> Fail </td><td> [" . implode($case[0], ",") . "] </td><td>[" . implode($case[1], ",") . "]</td><td>[" . implode($funcValue, ",") . "]</td></tr>"; } } echo "\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang='pl'>\n <head>\n <meta charset='utf-8'>\n <title>Usuń duplikaty</title>\n <link href='./css/bootstrap.min.css' rel='stylesheet'>\n\n </head>\n\n <body>\n\n <div class='container'>\n <div class='jumbotron'>\n <h1>Usuń duplikaty</h1>\n <p><a class='btn btn-lg btn-success' href='javascript:window.location.reload();' role='button'>Odświerz</a></p>\n </div>\n\n <div class='row'>\n <h1>Testy:</h1>\n <table class='table'>\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>Stan testu:</th>\n <th>Dane:</th>\n <th>Wartość spodziewana:</th>\n <th>Wartość otrzymana:</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n {$results}\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </div>\n </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n";
function getBooks($dbpid) { $format = 'json'; $query = 'PREFIX dbp: <> PREFIX dbp2: <> SELECT ?book,?author,?name,?thumbnail,?published,?released,?wikilink,?abstract WHERE { ?book a dbpedia-owl:Book. ?book dbpedia-owl:author ?author. ?book foaf:name ?name. ?book prov:wasDerivedFrom ?wikilink. OPTIONAL{ ?book dbpprop:published ?published. } OPTIONAL{ ?book dbpprop:releaseDate ?released. } OPTIONAL{ ?book dbpedia-owl:thumbnail ?thumbnail. } OPTIONAL{ ?book dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract FILTER(LANG(?abstract)="de") } FILTER(?author=<' . $dbpid . '>) } LIMIT 100'; $searchUrl = '' . 'query=' . urlencode($query) . '&format=' . $format; $dbPediaResult = DDPediaRequest($searchUrl); $jsonResult = json_decode($dbPediaResult); if (property_exists($jsonResult, "results") && property_exists($jsonResult->results, "bindings") && count($jsonResult->results->bindings) > 0) { return removeDuplicates($jsonResult->results->bindings, "book"); } else { return array(); } }
if ($tempArray[$i]['drug_code'] === $resultArray[$j]['drug_code']) { array_push($resultArray[$j]['ingredients'], array('ingredient' => $tempArray[$i]['ingredient'], 'ai_code' => $tempArray[$i]['active_ingredient_code'], 'strength' => formatStrength($tempArray[$i]['strength']), 'strength_unit' => $tempArray[$i]['strength_unit'], 'dosage_form' => $tempArray[$i]['pharmaceutical_form'])); $match = true; } } if ($match === false) { array_push($resultArray, array('drug_code' => $tempArray[$i]['drug_code'], 'ingredients' => array(array('ingredient' => $tempArray[$i]['ingredient'], 'ai_code' => $tempArray[$i]['active_ingredient_code'], 'strength' => formatStrength($tempArray[$i]['strength']), 'strength_unit' => $tempArray[$i]['strength_unit'], 'dosage_form' => $tempArray[$i]['pharmaceutical_form'])), 'match' => 0)); } } } // Sorts the ingredient array by generic_name for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultArray); $i++) { usort($resultArray[$i]['ingredients'], "sortAICode"); } // Removes entries with duplicate ingredients $resultArray = removeDuplicates($resultArray); } /**************************************************************************** * FINDING DRUG MATCH */ /**************************************************************************** * Uses the result array returned above to see if there is a good match * * A good match means that all the strengths for a drug code match the $q * * provided and only one such entry meets this requirement * * * * Runs only if $resultArray has at least one entry * * * * If a match is found, returns an array of matches * ****************************************************************************/ if (count($resultArray) > 0) { $errorReport .= "FINDING DRUG MATCH\n"; // Cycles through all the resultArray entries and determine match status
function makeSlugs($string = '', $maxlen = 0) { $newStringTab = array(); $string = strtolower(noDiacritics($string)); if (function_exists('str_split')) { $stringTab = str_split($string); } else { $stringTab = my_str_split($string); } $numbers = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-"); //$numbers=array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); foreach ($stringTab as $letter) { if (in_array($letter, range("a", "z")) || in_array($letter, $numbers)) { $newStringTab[] = $letter; //print($letter); } elseif ($letter == " ") { $newStringTab[] = "-"; } } if (count($newStringTab)) { $newString = implode($newStringTab); if ($maxlen > 0) { $newString = substr($newString, 0, $maxlen); } $newString = removeDuplicates('--', '-', $newString); } else { $newString = ''; } return $newString; }
$outname = substr($file, $rdLen); $zip->addFile($file, $outname); } } } } foreach ($fileList['files'] as $file) { $outname = substr($file, $rdLen); $zip->addFile($file, $outname); } $res = $zip->close(); return $destination; } // Output the directory listing as JSON $fileList = cleanseFileList(); $fileList = removeDuplicates($fileList); if (count($fileList['folders']) || count($fileList['files'])) { $fullName = zipTheFiles($fileList); if ($fullName) { $docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $output = substr($fullName, strlen($docRoot . '/tmp/')); } } else { $output = ''; } $info = "\n{$fullName}"; $info .= ' ' . filesize($fullName); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public");
//take first on and replace in towns if (count($ids) > 1) { print '<br>' . $name . ' ' . count($ids); } removeDuplicates($ids); $name = $row[1]; $gov_id = $row[2]; //if(count($ids)>1) exit(); $ids = array(); } array_push($ids, $row[0]); } if (count($ids) > 1) { print '<br>' . $name . ' ' . count($ids); } removeDuplicates($ids); print '<br>Removed: ' . $removed; // // // function removeDuplicates($ids) { global $mysqli, $removed; if (count($ids) > 1) { //take first on and replace in towns $rec_id = array_shift($ids); $ids_todel = implode(',', $ids); $query = 'update recDetails set dtl_Value=' . $rec_id . ' where dtl_Value in (' . $ids_todel . ') and dtl_DetailTypeID=170'; //print $query; return; $res = $mysqli->query($query); $mysqli->query('SET foreign_key_checks = 0');
$sqlCheckTableExists = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'international_cities_rrr' AND table_name = '" . $country['short_name'] . "';"; $resultsTableExistsCheck = mysql_query($sqlCheckTableExists) or die('died trying to see if the table exists: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultsTableExistsCheck) > 0) { // echo $country['short_name']." "; $tableExists = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultsTableExistsCheck); // echo $tableExists['COUNT(*)']; // echo '<br />'; if ($tableExists['COUNT(*)'] > 0) { //see if the country table exists in the international_cities db mysql_select_db('international_cities_rrr', $dbconnectINTCities); //get all duplicate city entries for this country $sqlGetDuplicates = "SELECT cc1, COUNT(name), name FROM `" . $country['short_name'] . "` GROUP BY name HAVING(COUNT(name) > 1);"; $resultDuplicates = mysql_query($sqlGetDuplicates) or die('died trying to get duplicates: ' . mysql_error()); while ($city = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultDuplicates)) { echo "Duplicate Found: " . $city['name'] . '<br />'; removeDuplicates($city['name'], $city['cc1']); } } } } function removeDuplicates($cityName = null, $countryCode = null) { $duplicates = array(); //get all id's for city duplicates $sql = "SELECT id FROM `{$countryCode}` WHERE name = '" . addslashes($cityName) . "'"; $results = mysql_query($sql) or die('died getting all this city\'s duplicate entries: ' . mysql_error()); while ($city = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $duplicates[] = $city['id']; } //go through and delete all the duplicate cities (leaving the last city record only) for ($i = 0; $i < count($duplicates) - 1; $i++) {