 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
include_once CARL_UTIL_INC . 'basic/misc.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_model_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonOembedTwitterFeedModel';
 * ReasonOebmedTwitterFeedModel returns the oEmbed JSON version of a single tweet from the Twitter API v1.1.
 * By default, we use a 10 minute cache, and include the necessary javascript inline in the response from twitter.
 * It requires twitter_api_settings.php to be populated with valid credentials.
 * User Configurables
 * - tweet_id
 * - cache_duration
 * - omit_script
 * @author Nathan White

 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_view_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonSocialProfileLinksView';
 * ReasonSocialProfileLinksView displays data from models that provide an array of profile link information structured like this:
 * ID ->
 *	- icon
 *  - text
 *  - href
 * @author Nathan White
class ReasonSocialProfileLinksView extends ReasonMVCView
    function get()
        $profile_links = $this->data();
        if (!empty($profile_links)) {
Esempio n. 3
  * Include a file if needed - we allow a relative path from minisite_templates/modules/ or an absolute path.
 private final function _setup_mvc($type, $params = NULL)
     if (!in_array($type, array('controller', 'model', 'view'))) {
         trigger_warning('The type passed (' . $type . ') to _setup_mvc must be "controller", "model", or "view"', 1);
         return NULL;
     if (!empty($params['file']) || !empty($this->{$type})) {
         if (empty($params['file']) || !empty($this->{$type})) {
             $params['file'] = $this->{$type};
         if (reason_file_exists('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file'])) {
             reason_include_once('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file']);
             $full_path = reason_resolve_path('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file']);
         } elseif (reason_file_exists($params['file'])) {
             $full_path = reason_resolve_path($params['file']);
         } elseif (file_exists($params['file'])) {
             include_once $params['file'];
             $full_path = realpath($params['file']);
         } else {
             trigger_error('The mvc module was unable to load the ' . $type . ' (' . $params['file'] . ')', FATAL);
         if (isset($GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_' . $type . '_class_names'][reason_basename($full_path)])) {
             $class_name = $GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_' . $type . '_class_names'][reason_basename($full_path)];
         } else {
             trigger_error('The mvc module was unable to determine the class name for the ' . $type . ' (' . $params['file'] . ') - check that the file properly registers itself.', FATAL);
     } else {
         if ($type == 'controller') {
             $class_name = 'ReasonMVCController';
         // setup the default controller
     // instantiate and return it.
     if (isset($class_name)) {
         $obj = new $class_name();
         $this->configure_mvc($type, $obj, $params);
         return $obj;
Esempio n. 4

 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_view_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonSimplepieDefaultFeedView';
 * ReasonSimplepieDefaultFeedView shows feed items and supports a few optional parameters.
 * This class assumes that the models used return a SimplePie feed object.
 * - num_to_show (int default 4)
 * - randomize (boolean default false)
 * @author Nathan White
class ReasonSimplepieDefaultFeedView extends ReasonMVCView
    var $config = array('num_to_show' => 4, 'randomize' => false, 'title' => NULL, 'description' => NULL);
    function get()
        $feed = $this->data();
 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
include_once CARL_UTIL_INC . 'basic/misc.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_model_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'YouTubeLatestUserVideosFeedModel';
 * YouTubeLatestUserVideosFeedModel returns links to the url and thumbnail for the last 25 videos YouTube user.
 * By default, we use a 10 minute cache.
 * User Configurables
 * - user_id
 * - cache_duration
 * @author Nathan White
class YouTubeLatestUserVideosFeedModel extends ReasonMVCModel
Esempio n. 6
 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once( 'reason_header.php' );
reason_include_once( 'classes/mvc.php' );

 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS[ '_reason_mvc_view_class_names' ][ reason_basename(__FILE__) ] = 'ReasonTwitterDefaultFeedView';

 * ReasonTwitterDefaultFeedView displays data from the twitter model.
 * We support these params:
 * - num_to_show (int default 4)
 * - randomize (boolean default false)
 * - title (string default NULL)
 * - description (string default NULL)
 * Pass in an empty string for title or description to suppress it. This display is very bare bones. It is very likely that you'll want to create a local
 * version of this file that does some different styling, or just create your own default feed view that does what you want. Ultimately, the goal is for this
 * to use the current oembed HTML along with the twitter widget.js file. Sadly, twitter makes you do one API call per tweet to get the oembed markup, making
 * that approach untenable.
Esempio n. 7

 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_view_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonOembedTwitterFeedView';
 * ReasonOembedTwitterFeedView displays an ombed tweet.
 * @author Nathan White
class ReasonOembedTwitterFeedView extends ReasonMVCView
    function get()
        $tweet_json = $this->data();
        if (!empty($tweet_json)) {
            $str = json_decode($tweet_json);
            return $str->html;
        } else {
            return '';
Esempio n. 8

 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include the base class
include_once 'reason_header.php';
include_once 'simplepie/autoloader.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_model_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonSimplepieFeedModel';
 * ReasonSimplepieModel uses our configurables and returns a SimplePie object.
 * User Configurables
 * - url
 * - cache_duration
 * - cache_directory
 * @author Nathan White
class ReasonSimplepieFeedModel extends ReasonMVCModel
     * Sets a few configuration defaults
 * @package reason
 * @subpackage classes
 * Include dependencies
include_once 'reason_header.php';
include_once CARL_UTIL_INC . 'basic/misc.php';
 * Register MVC component with Reason
$GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_model_class_names'][reason_basename(__FILE__)] = 'ReasonSocialProfileLinksModel';
 * ReasonSocialProfileLinksModel returns structured data containing social profile links for those social accounts
 * that support the SocialAccountProfileLinks interface defined in classes/social.php.
 * The data returned is a PHP array indexed by the id of the social account entity, with the following components:
 * - icon_small
 * - icon_large
 * - text
 * - src
 * User Configurables
 * - site_id