Esempio n. 1
		<div style="clear:both; float:none;">
			<input type="submit" class="submit" name="color" value="Click" />
	</div><!-- .form-container -->

<!-- Complementary colors -->

$hex = rgb2hex($r, $g, $b);
$hsl = rgb2hsl($r, $g, $b);
$h = $hsl[0];
$s = $hsl[1];
$l = $hsl[2];
$color = readable_color($r, $g, $b);

	<div class="color-results" style="<?php 
echo 'background-color:' . $hex . '; color:' . $color . ';';

rgb_sample($r, $g, $b, 'Basic color');
		<h3>Complementary colors:</h3>
hsl_sample($h + 30, $s, $l, 'Analogous harmony (H+30)');
Esempio n. 2
        echo '</tr>' . chr(10);

			<h3>Table of "grey" web safe colors</h3>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="websafetable">
echo '<tr>' . chr(10);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i += 51) {
    echo '	<td>';
    $hsl = rgb2hsl($i, $i, $i);
    $hex = rgb2hex($i, $i, $i);
    $color = readable_color($i, $i, $i);
    echo chr(10) . '<div class="rgb-sample" style="background:' . $hex . '; color:' . $color . ';">' . chr(10);
    echo '	' . $hex . '; rgb(' . $i . ',' . $i . ',' . $i . '); hsl(' . $hsl[0] . ',' . $hsl[1] . '%,' . $hsl[2] . '%); ' . chr(10);
    echo '	</td>' . chr(10);
echo '</tr>' . chr(10);

include '../inc/_wrap_after.php';
include '../inc/_sidebar.php';
include '../inc/_footer.php';
Esempio n. 3
		change: function(event, ui) {
			// event = standard jQuery event, produced by whichever control was changed.
			// ui = standard jQuery UI object, with a color member containing a Color.js object
			$('.color-action').css('background-color', ui.color.toString());
// randomize
$rand_r = rand(0, 255);
$rand_g = rand(0, 255);
$rand_b = rand(0, 255);
$rand = rgb2hex($rand_r, $rand_g, $rand_b);
$bgrand = readable_color($rand_r, $rand_g, $rand_b);
	<h2>New color with changing Hue</h2>	
	<p>Here You can set your color in RGB or HSL mode and find new color with changing <strong>Hue</strong>, but <strong>Saturation</strong> and <strong>Lightness</strong> will be the same or just click <?php 
echo random_link_hex();

$modehex = $modergb = $modehsl = '';
if (!isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['hex'] || $_GET['mode'] == 'hex' && !$_GET['hex'] == '') {
    $modehex = ' checked="checked" ';
    $modergb = $modehsl = '';
    $hex = strtolower($_GET['hex']);
    if (substr($hex, 0, 1) != '#') {
        $hex = '#' . $hex;
Esempio n. 4

include '../include.php';
include '../inc/_header.php';
include '../inc/_wrap_before.php';

// randomize
$rand_h = rand(0, 359);
$rand_s = rand(0, 40) + 50;
$rand_l = rand(0, 20) + 40;
$rand_rgb = hsl2rgb($rand_h, $rand_s, $rand_l);
$rand = rgb2hex($rand_rgb[0], $rand_rgb[1], $rand_rgb[2]);
$bgrand = readable_color($rand_rgb[0], $rand_rgb[1], $rand_rgb[2]);

	<h2>Convert HSL to RGB</h2>
	<p>You can convert color from HSL to RGB and from HSL to Hex or just click <?php 
echo random_link_hsl();

if (isset($_GET['h']) && isset($_GET['s']) && isset($_GET['l'])) {
    $h = $_GET['h'];
    $s = $_GET['s'];
    $l = $_GET['l'];
    hsl_sample($h, $s, $l, 'Basic color');
Esempio n. 5

		<div style="clear:both; float:none;">
			<input type="submit" class="submit" name="color" value="Click" />
	</div><!-- .form-container -->

<!-- Complementary colors -->
$rgb = hsl2rgb($h, $s, $l);
$hex = rgb2hex($rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]);
$color = readable_color($rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]);
	<div class="color-results" style="<?php 
echo 'background-color:' . $hex . '; color:' . $color . ';';

hsl_sample($h, $s, $l, 'Basic color');
		<h3>Complementary colors:</h3>
hsl_sample($h + 30, $s, $l, 'Analogous harmony (H+30)');
Esempio n. 6
function random_link_hsl()
    $rand_h = rand(0, 359);
    $rand_s = rand(0, 100);
    $rand_l = rand(0, 100);
    $rand_rgb = hsl2rgb($rand_h, $rand_s, $rand_l);
    $rand = rgb2hex($rand_rgb[0], $rand_rgb[1], $rand_rgb[2]);
    $bgrand = readable_color($rand_rgb[0], $rand_rgb[1], $rand_rgb[2]);
    return '<!--googleoff: index--><a rel="nofollow" class="random" style="padding:0 2px; color:' . $rand . '; background:' . $bgrand . ';" href="' . basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '?mode=hsl&amp;h=' . $rand_h . '&amp;s=' . $rand_s . '&amp;l=' . $rand_l . '" rel="nofollow">random color</a><!--googleon: index-->';