function rconstatus($ip, $port, $rcon_pass) { $result = rcon($ip, $port, $rcon_pass, "status"); $result = explode("\n", $result); print "<table class=\"table table-hover table-bordered\">\n"; print "<thead>"; printheadrow(array("ID", "Current score", "Ping", "Name", "IP", "Rate")); print "</thead>\n"; array_shift($result); // 1st line : map q3wcp9 array_shift($result); // 2nd line : col headers array_shift($result); // 3rd line : -- ------ ---- array_pop($result); array_pop($result); // two empty lines at the end foreach ($result as $line) { $player = $line; preg_match_all("/^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)(.*?)(\\d*)\\s*(\\S*)\\s*(\\d*)\\s*(\\d*)\\s*\$/", $player, $out); $num = $out[1][0]; $score = $out[2][0]; $ping = $out[3][0]; $name = trim($out[4][0]); //$lastmsg = $out[5][0]; $address = $out[6][0]; if ($address != 'bot') { $addressip = preg_replace("/:.*\$/", "", $address); $address = "{$address}"; } //$qport = $out[7][0]; $rate = $out[8][0]; printrow(array($num, $score, $ping, $name, $address, $rate), ""); } print "\n</table>\n"; }
while ($i <= $game_num_srvs) { if ($config['games'][$game]['servers'][$i]['pb_active'] == '1') { // get the rcon information from the massive config array $rcon_pass = $config['game']['servers'][$i]['rcon_pass']; $rcon_ip = $config['game']['servers'][$i]['rcon_ip']; $rcon_port = $config['game']['servers'][$i]['rcon_port']; $c_ip = trim($c_ip); // PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [IP_Address] [reason] $command = "pb_sv_banguid " . $pbid . " " . $c_name . " " . $c_ip . " " . $reason; rcon($rcon_ip, $rcon_port, $rcon_pass, $command); // send the ban command sleep(1); // sleep for 1 sec in ordere to the give server some time $command_upd = "pb_sv_updbanfile"; // we need to update the ban files rcon($rcon_ip, $rcon_port, $rcon_pass, $command_upd); // send the ban file update command } $i++; } } // end if a $is_pb_ban == true if ($result) { // set comment for the ban, and log it if ($type == 'Ban') { $comment = 'permanent ban, for "' . $reason . '"'; } else { $dur_name = array('m' => 'minute', 'h' => 'hour', 'd' => 'day', 'w' => 'week', 'mn' => 'month', 'y' => 'year'); $comment = $duration_form . ' ' . $dur_name[$time] . ' temp ban, for \\"' . $reason . '\\"'; } $result = $dbl->addEchLog('Ban', $comment, $client_id, $mem->id, $game);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `log_tool`(`action`, `user`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('START SERVER','{$_SESSION['login']}', NOW())"); sleep(6); break; case 1: exec('taskkill /IM "' . $exeserver . '"'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `log_tool` (`action`, `user`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('STOP SERVER', '{$_SESSION['login']}', NOW())"); sleep(3); break; case 2: exec('taskkill /IM "' . $exeserver . '" /F 2>&1', $output); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `log_tool` (`action`, `user`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('KILLED SERVER', '{$_SESSION['login']}', NOW())"); sleep(3); $outmessage = implode(' ', $output); break; case 3: rcon($serverip, $serverport, $rconpassword, "#restart"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `log_tool` (`action`, `user`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('RESTART SERVER', '{$_SESSION['login']}', NOW())"); sleep(1); break; default: sleep(1); } echo '<script type="text/javascript">$.unblockUI</script>'; } $tasklist = exec('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq ' . $exeserver . '" /FO CSV'); $tasklist = explode(",", strtolower($tasklist)); $tasklist = str_replace('"', "", $tasklist[0]); if ($tasklist == strtolower($exeserver)) { $serverrunning = true; } else { $serverrunning = false;
$answer = rcon($serverip,$serverport,$rconpassword,$cmd); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = 'index.php?view=table&show=0'; </script> <? } if (isset($_POST["say"])){ $id = "-1"; if (isset($_GET["id"])){ $id = $_GET["id"]; } $cmd = "Say ".$id." ".$_POST["say"]; $answer = rcon($serverip,$serverport,$rconpassword,$cmd); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = 'index.php'; </script> <? } //} ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = 'index.php'; </script> <?
$requiredlevel = 3; require_once 'Connections/b3connect.php'; require_once 'login/inc_authorize.php'; require_once 'admin/rcon.php'; if ($chatlogger_plugin_activated != 1) { header("Location: {$path}/clients.php?game={$game}"); exit; } $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $talkback = ""; if (isset($_POST['talkback'])) { $talkback = $_POST['talkback']; if ($talkback != "") { $command = "say ^4[B3](^3" . $_SESSION['xlradmin'] . "^4): ^3" . $talkback; //echo "command: " . $command; rcon($command); } } if (isset($_GET['maxRows_rs_chats'])) { $maxRows_rs_chats = $_GET['maxRows_rs_chats']; } else { $maxRows_rs_chats = 50; } $pageNum_rs_chats = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_chats'])) { $pageNum_rs_chats = $_GET['pageNum_rs_chats']; } $startRow_rs_chats = $pageNum_rs_chats * $maxRows_rs_chats; $xlorderby_rs_chats = "id"; if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) { $xlorderby_rs_chats = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $_GET['orderby'] : addslashes($_GET['orderby']);
<?php require 'steamauth/steamauth.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['authed'])) { header("Location: steamauth/logout.php?noadmin"); die; } require 'steamauth/userInfo.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'rcon.php'; $time = $_POST['time']; if ($_POST['multiplier'] == 0) { $multiplier = "Permanent"; $time = ""; } elseif ($_POST['multiplier'] == 1) { $multiplier = "Minutes"; } elseif ($_POST['multiplier'] == 60) { $multiplier = "Hours"; } elseif ($_POST['multiplier'] == 1440) { $multiplier = "Days"; } else { $multiplier = "UNDEFINED"; } if (empty($_POST['reason'])) { $reason = "No reason specified"; } else { $reason = $_POST['reason']; } rcon($server_ip, $server_port, $rcon_password, "addBan " . $_POST['guid'] . " " . $_POST['time'] * $_POST['multiplier'] . " Banned {$time} {$multiplier} by " . $steamprofile['personaname'] . ". Reason: {$reason}"); echo "Banned " . $_POST['guid'] . " {$time} {$multiplier}. This can only be undone by editing the bans.txt on your server.";
die; } if (!isset($_POST['cmd']) and !isset($_POST['token'])) { die("Don't mess with this, buddy."); } require 'SourceQuery/SourceQuery.class.php'; $squery = new SourceQuery(); require 'config.php'; $squery->connect($server_ip, $server_port, 3, SourceQuery::SOURCE); function rcon() { // NOPE } if ($_POST["cmd"] == "kickall") { rcon("kick *"); echo "All players kicked."; } elseif ($_POST["cmd"] == "lock") { rcon("lock"); echo "Server has been locked."; } elseif ($_POST["cmd"] == "unlock") { rcon("unlock"); echo "Server has been unlocked."; } elseif ($_POST["cmd"] == "restart") { rcon("restart"); echo "Server is restarting..."; } elseif ($_POST["cmd"] == "quit") { rcon("shutdown"); echo "Server is shutting down..."; } else { echo "Unknown command"; }
<?php require "../classes/rcon.php"; require "../gfunctions.php"; if (isset($_GET['sid'])) { $sid = clean($_GET['sid'], "int"); $db_connection = masterConnect(); $sql = "SELECT `sq_ip`,`sq_port`,`rcon_pass` FROM `servers` WHERE `use_sq` = 1 AND `sid` = " . $sid . ";"; $result_of_query = $db_connection->query($sql); if ($result_of_query->num_rows == 1) { $server = $result_of_query->fetch_object(); try { $answer = rcon(decrypt($server->sq_ip), decrypt($server->sq_port), decrypt($server->rcon_pass), "Players"); $k = strrpos($answer, "---"); $l = strrpos($answer, "("); $out = substr($answer, $k + 4, $l - $k - 5); $array = preg_split('/$\\R?^/m', $out); $playersr = array(); if ($array[0] == '(0 players in total') { $array = array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $playersr[$i] = array_values(array_diff(explode(' ', $array[$i]), array(null))); } echo json_encode($playersr); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); var_dump($e); } } }
<?php require_once 'queries.php'; //ini_set( "display_errors", 0); //error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); <th class="table-header-repeat line-left" width="15%"><a href="">IP Address</a></th> //<th class="table-header-repeat line-left" width="5%"><a href="">Ping</a></th> $cmd = "Players"; $answer = rcon($serverip_internal, $serverport, $rconpassword, $cmd); $tableheader = header_player(0); if ($answer != "" && !strpos($answer, "0 players")) { $k = strrpos($answer, "---"); $l = strrpos($answer, "("); $out = substr($answer, $k + 4, $l - $k - 5); $array = preg_split('/$\\R?^/m', $out); //echo $answer."<br /><br />"; $players = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($array); $j++) { $players[] = ""; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $m = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $players[$i][] = ""; } $pout = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $array[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($pout); $j++) { $char = substr($pout, $j, 1); if ($m < 4) { if ($char != " ") { $players[$i][$m] .= $char; } else {
function talkback() { $game = getPostOrGet('game'); if (is_null($game)) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo "game undefined"; exit; } global $config; //echo print_r($config["servers"][$game], true); exit; loadGameConfig($config["servers"][$game]); global $rcon_ip, $rcon_port, $rcon_pass; //echo "$rcon_ip, $rcon_port, $rcon_pass"; exit; $talkback = getPostOrGet('talkback'); if (is_null($talkback)) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo "talkback undefined"; exit; } if ("" . $talkback != "") { require_once 'admin/rcon.php'; $command = "say ^4[B3](^3" . $_SESSION['xlradmin'] . "^4): ^3" . $talkback; //echo "command: " . $command; header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo rcon($command) . "\n"; } else { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); echo "talkback message is empty"; exit; } }
<?php include 'rcon.php'; include 'config.php'; echo rcon($server_ip, $server_port + 1, $rcon_password, "Players");
<?php require 'steamauth/steamauth.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['authed'])) { header("Location: steamauth/logout.php?noadmin"); die; } require 'steamauth/userInfo.php'; require 'config.php'; if (!isset($_POST['cmd'])) { die("No command supplied."); } require 'rcon.php'; $resp = rcon($server_ip, $server_port, $rcon_password, $_POST['cmd']); echo $resp;
public function talkback($msg, $server_id, $last_id) { global $mem; global $config; // get the config servers data $talkback = cleanvar($msg); $srv_id = cleanvar($server_id); if ($mem->reqLevel('chats_talk_back')) { if (!empty($talkback)) { // get the servers rcon password $rcon_pass = $config['game']['servers'][$srv_id]['rcon_pass']; $rcon_ip = $config['game']['servers'][$srv_id]['rcon_ip']; $rcon_port = $config['game']['servers'][$srv_id]['rcon_port']; $command = "say ^7(^3" . $mem->name . "^7): ^2" . $talkback; $return = rcon($rcon_ip, $rcon_port, $rcon_pass, $command); } else { sendBack('You left the message box empty, please fill in the box to send a message to the server'); } } else { sendBack('You do not have the correct privilages to talkback to the server'); } $time = time(); $data[] = array('id' => $last_id, 'msg_time' => $time, 'msg_type' => 'TALKBACK', 'client_id' => 0, 'client_name' => $mem->name, 'msg' => $msg); return $this->buildLines($data, 'tb'); }
<?php require "../classes/rcon.php"; require "../gfunctions.php"; session_name('CyberWorks'); session_set_cookie_params(1209600); session_start(); if (isset($_POST['sid']) && isset($_POST['command']) && isset($_SESSION['user_level'])) { if ($_SESSION['user_level'] > 3) { $db_connection = masterConnect(); $sid = clean($_POST['sid'], "int"); $rid = clean($_POST['id'], "int"); $cmd = clean($_POST['command'], "string"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `servers` WHERE `use_sq` = 1 AND `sid` = " . $sid . ";"; $result_of_query = $db_connection->query($sql); if ($result_of_query->num_rows == 1) { $server = $result_of_query->fetch_object(); try { $answer = rcon(decrypt($server->sq_ip), decrypt($server->sq_port), decrypt($server->rcon_pass), $cmd); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } } }
<?php require 'steamauth/steamauth.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['authed'])) { header("Location: steamauth/logout.php?noadmin"); die; } require 'steamauth/userInfo.php'; require 'config.php'; require 'rcon.php'; if ($_POST['token'] != $_SESSION['steamid']) { die("BLOCKED kickall-request!<br>If you just clicked a link, make sure you don't click it again.<br><a href='.'>Dashboard</a>"); } if (empty($_POST['reason'])) { $reason = "No reason specified"; } else { $reason = $_POST['reason']; } rcon($server_ip, $server_port, $rcon_password, "say -1 All players will be kicked by admin " . $steamprofile['personaname'] . ". Reason: {$reason}"); rcon($server_ip, $server_port, $rcon_password, "kick -1");