Esempio n. 1
            $authChallenge = GenerateChallenge(16);
            printf("Auth Challenge:%s\n", bin2hex($authChallenge));
            if (!radius_put_vendor_attr($res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $authChallenge)) {
                echo 'RadiusError: RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE:' . radius_strerror($res) . "<br>\n";
            // we have no client, therefore we generate the Peer-Challenge
            $peerChallenge = GeneratePeerChallenge();
            printf("Peer Challenge:%s\n", bin2hex($peerChallenge));
            $ntresp = GenerateNTResponse($authChallenge, $peerChallenge, $username, $password);
            $reserved = str_repeat("", 8);
            printf("NT Response:%s\n", bin2hex($ntresp));
            // Response: chapid, flags (1 = use NT Response), Peer challenge, reserved, Response
            $resp = pack('CCa16a8a24', 1, 1, $peerChallenge, $reserved, $ntresp);
            printf("Response:%d %s\n", strlen($resp), bin2hex($resp));
            if (!radius_put_vendor_attr($res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE, $resp)) {
                echo 'RadiusError: RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE:' . radius_strerror($res) . "<br>\n";
        } else {
            echo "PAP<br>\n";
            if (!radius_put_string($res, RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD, "sepp")) {
                echo 'RadiusError:' . radius_strerror($res) . "<br>\n";
if (!radius_put_int($res, RADIUS_SERVICE_TYPE, RADIUS_FRAMED)) {
    echo 'RadiusError:' . radius_strerror($res) . "\n<br>";
Esempio n. 2
  * Puts a vendor-specific attribute.
  * @access public
  * @param  integer $vendor       Vendor (MSoft, Cisco, ...)
  * @param  integer $attrib       Attribute-number
  * @param  mixed   $port         Attribute-value
  * @param  type    $type         Attribute-type
  * @return bool  true on success, false on error
 function putVendorAttribute($vendor, $attrib, $value, $type = null)
     if ($type == null) {
         $type = gettype($value);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'integer':
         case 'double':
             return radius_put_vendor_int($this->res, $vendor, $attrib, $value);
         case 'addr':
             return radius_put_vendor_addr($this->res, $vendor, $attrib, $value);
         case 'string':
             return radius_put_vendor_attr($this->res, $vendor, $attrib, $value);
Esempio n. 3
 * Check username and password against RADIUS authentication backend.
 * @param string $username User name to check
 * @param string $password User password to check
 * @return int Authentication success (0 = fail, 1 = success) FIXME bool
function radius_authenticate($username, $password)
    global $config, $rad;
    if ($username && $rad) {
        radius_create_request($rad, RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST);
        radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_USER_NAME, $username);
        switch (strtolower($config['auth_radius_method'])) {
            // CHAP-MD5 see RFC1994
            case 'chap':
            case 'chap_md5':
                $chapid = 1;
                // Specify a CHAP identifier
                //$challenge = mt_rand(); // Generate a challenge
                //$cresponse = md5(pack('Ca*', $chapid, $password.$challenge), TRUE);
                new Crypt_CHAP();
                // Pre load class
                $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MD5();
                $crpt->password = $password;
                $challenge = $crpt->challenge;
                $resp_md5 = $crpt->challengeResponse();
                $resp = pack('C', $chapid) . $resp_md5;
                radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CHAP_PASSWORD, $resp);
                // Add the Chap-Password attribute
                radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge);
                // Add the Chap-Challenge attribute.
                // MS-CHAPv1 see RFC2433
            // MS-CHAPv1 see RFC2433
            case 'mschapv1':
                $chapid = 1;
                // Specify a CHAP identifier
                $flags = 1;
                // 0 = use LM-Response, 1 = use NT-Response (we not use old LM)
                new Crypt_CHAP();
                // Pre load class
                $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MSv1();
                $crpt->password = $password;
                $challenge = $crpt->challenge;
                $resp_lm = str_repeat("", 24);
                $resp_nt = $crpt->challengeResponse();
                $resp = pack('CC', $chapid, $flags) . $resp_lm . $resp_nt;
                radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_RESPONSE, $resp);
                radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge);
                // MS-CHAPv2 see RFC2759
            // MS-CHAPv2 see RFC2759
            case 'mschapv2':
                $chapid = 1;
                // Specify a CHAP identifier
                $flags = 1;
                // 0 = use LM-Response, 1 = use NT-Response (we not use old LM)
                new Crypt_CHAP();
                // Pre load class
                $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MSv2();
                $crpt->username = $username;
                $crpt->password = $password;
                $challenge = $crpt->authChallenge;
                $challenge_p = $crpt->peerChallenge;
                $resp_nt = $crpt->challengeResponse();
                // Response: chapid, flags (1 = use NT Response), Peer challenge, reserved, Response
                $resp = pack('CCa16a8a24', $chapid, $flags, $challenge_p, str_repeat("", 8), $resp_nt);
                radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE, $resp);
                radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge);
                // PAP (Plaintext)
            // PAP (Plaintext)
                radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD, $password);
        // Puts standard attributes
        $radius_ip = get_ip_version($config['auth_radius_nas_address']) ? $config['auth_radius_nas_address'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
        if (get_ip_version($radius_ip) == 6) {
            // FIXME, not sure that this work correctly
            radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IPV6_ADDRESS, $radius_ip);
        } else {
            radius_put_addr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, $radius_ip);
        $radius_id = empty($config['auth_radius_id']) ? get_localhost() : $config['auth_radius_id'];
        radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IDENTIFIER, $radius_id);
        //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_PORT_TYPE, RADIUS_VIRTUAL);
        //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_SERVICE_TYPE, RADIUS_FRAMED);
        //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_FRAMED_PROTOCOL, RADIUS_PPP);
        radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '');
        $response = radius_send_request($rad);
        switch ($response) {
            case RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT:
                // An Access-Accept response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server authenticated the user successfully.
                //echo 'Authentication successful';
                return 1;
            case RADIUS_ACCESS_REJECT:
                // An Access-Reject response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server could not authenticate the user.
                //echo 'Authentication failed';
                // An Access-Challenge response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server requires further information
                // in another Access-Request before authenticating the user.
                //echo 'Challenge required';
                print_error('A RADIUS error has occurred: ' . radius_strerror($rad));
    return 0;