Esempio n. 1
  * Constructor...
  * @param String $query The query that caused the error
  * @param String $message The error message
  * @param Integer $code The error code
  * @param Mixed $link The database Link associated with this error
 public function __construct($message = NULL, $code = 0, $link = null)
     parent::__construct($message, $code);
     if ($link instanceof \r8\iface\DB\Identified) {
         $this->addData('Link', $link->getIdentifier());
     } else {
         $this->addData('Link', \r8\getDump($link));
Esempio n. 2
  * Formats an array as a JSON object
  * @param Array $data
  * @return String
 private function formatArray(array $data)
     $result = "";
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (!\r8\isBasic($value)) {
             $value = \r8\getDump($value);
         $result .= '"' . $key . '":' . json_encode($value) . ", ";
     return rtrim($result, ", ");
Esempio n. 3
  * Formats an array as a key/value HTML pairing
  * @param Array $data
  * @return String
 private function formatArray(array $data)
     $result = "";
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (!\r8\isBasic($value)) {
             $value = \r8\getDump($value);
         $result .= "    <tr>\n" . "        <th style='padding: 4px 8px; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; text-align: right;'>" . $key . "</th>\n" . "        <td style='padding: 4px 8px;'>" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "</td>\n" . "    </tr>\n";
     return $result;
Esempio n. 4
  * A helper function for building a node, ensuring a proper value was returned,
  * and then importing it into the document
  * @param \r8\iface\XMLBuilder $builder
  * @param \DOMDocument $doc The document being built
  * @return DOMNode
 public static function buildNode(\r8\iface\XMLBuilder $builder, \DOMDocument $doc)
     $built = $builder->buildNode($doc);
     if (!$built instanceof \DOMNode) {
         $err = new \r8\Exception\Interaction("XMLBuilder did not return a DOMNode object");
         $err->addData("Document", \r8\getDump($doc));
         $err->addData("Built Node", \r8\getDump($built));
         throw $err;
     // Ensure the built node is a member of the document
     return \r8\XMLBuilder::importNode($doc, $built);
Esempio n. 5
 public function testGetDump()
     $this->assertEquals("bool(TRUE)", \r8\getDump(TRUE));
     $this->assertEquals("bool(FALSE)", \r8\getDump(FALSE));
     $this->assertEquals("null()", \r8\getDump(null));
     $this->assertEquals("int(1)", \r8\getDump(1));
     $this->assertEquals("float(10.5)", \r8\getDump(10.5));
     $this->assertEquals("string('some string')", \r8\getDump("some string"));
     $this->assertEquals("string('some string that is goi'...'after fifty characters')", \r8\getDump("some string that is going to be trimmed after fifty characters"));
     $this->assertEquals("string('some\\nstring\\twith\\rbreaks')", \r8\getDump("some\nstring\twith\rbreaks"));
     $this->assertEquals("array(0)", \r8\getDump(array()));
     $this->assertEquals("array(1)(int(0) => int(5))", \r8\getDump(array(5)));
     $this->assertEquals("array(2)(int(0) => string('string'), int(20) => float(1.5))", \r8\getDump(array("string", 20 => 1.5)));
     $this->assertEquals("array(5)(int(0) => int(1), int(1) => int(2),...)", \r8\getDump(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 20)));
     $this->assertEquals("array(1)(int(0) => array(2))", \r8\getDump(array(array(5, 6))));
     $this->assertEquals("object(Exception)", \r8\getDump(new Exception()));
     $this->assertEquals("resource(stream)", \r8\getDump(fopen(__FILE__, "r")));
Esempio n. 6
  * Constructor...
  * @param Integer $offset The offset at which to start iteration
  * @param \Traversable $inner The iterator being wrapped
 public function __construct($offset, \Traversable $inner)
     $this->inner = $inner;
     $offset = (int) $offset;
     // If we can, be intelligent about the offset
     if ($inner instanceof \Countable) {
         try {
             $offset = \r8\num\offsetWrap($inner->count(), $offset, \r8\num\OFFSET_NONE);
         } catch (\r8\Exception\Index $err) {
             $offset = NULL;
     } else {
         if ($offset < 0) {
             $err = new \r8\Exception\Index($offset, "Iterator Offset", "Negative offsets are only supported if Iterator implements the Countable interface");
             $err->addData("Iterator", \r8\getDump($inner));
             throw $err;
     $this->offset = $offset;
Esempio n. 7
  * Formats an error as a string
  * @param \r8\iface\Error $error The error to format
  * @return String Returns the formatted error
 public function format(\r8\iface\Error $error)
     $formatter = new \r8\Backtrace\Formatter(new \r8\Backtrace\Formatter\Text());
     $result = "\n" . "PHP Error Encountered!\n";
     foreach ($this->toArray($error) as $key => $value) {
         $result .= $key . ": " . $value . "\n";
     $details = $error->getDetails();
     if (!empty($details)) {
         $result .= "Details:\n";
         foreach ($details as $key => $value) {
             if (!\r8\isBasic($value)) {
                 $value = \r8\getDump($value);
             $result .= "    " . $key . ": " . $value . "\n";
     $result .= "Backtrace:\n" . "    " . str_replace("\n", "\n    ", $formatter->format($error->getBacktrace())) . "\n\n";
     return $result;
Esempio n. 8
  * Constructor
  * @param String $value The value of the data that caused the error
  * @param String $label The name of the data
  * @param String $message The error message
  * @param Integer $code The error code
 public function __construct($value, $label = NULL, $message = NULL, $code = 0)
     parent::__construct($message, $code);
     $this->addData("Index Label", (string) $label);
     $this->addData("Value", \r8\getDump($value));
Esempio n. 9
  * Dumps the ending call to a function
  * @param String $method The method that was called
  * @param Mixed $result The result from the method call
  * @return NULL
 private function dumpEnd($method, $result)
     printf("%s::%-8s End    %s\n", spl_object_hash($this), $method, \r8\getDump($result));
Esempio n. 10
  * Returns the data list for the current instance
  * @return Array
 public function getData()
     return array("Arg Offset" => $this->getArgOffset(), "Arg Value" => \r8\getDump($this->getArgData())) + parent::getData();
Esempio n. 11
  * Runs a query and returns a specific field from a row
  * If no row is specified, the first row will be used
  * @param String $field The field to return
  * @param String $query The query to execute
  * @param Integer $row The row of a multi-result set to pull the field from
  * @return Mixed Returns the value of the field, or NULL if no results
  *      were returned
 public function getField($field, $query, $row = 0)
     $field = (string) $field;
     if (\r8\isEmpty($field)) {
         throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Field", "Must not be empty");
     $result = $this->getRow($query, $row);
     if (!is_array($result) && !$result instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
         $err = new \r8\Exception\Interaction("Row was not an array or accessable as an array");
         $err->addData("Query", $query);
         $err->addData("Returned Row", \r8\getDump($result));
         throw $err;
     if (!isset($result[$field])) {
         $err = new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, "Field", "Field does not exist in row");
         $err->addData("Query", $query);
         $err->addData("Returned Row", \r8\getDump($result));
         throw $err;
     return $result[$field];
Esempio n. 12
  * Constructor
  * @param String $value The value of the data that caused the error
  * @param String $label The name of the data
  * @param String $message The error message
  * @param Integer $code The error code
 public function __construct($value, $label = NULL, $message = NULL, $code = 0)
     parent::__construct($message, $code);
     $label = (string) $label;
     $this->addData(\r8\isEmpty($label) ? "Value" : $label, \r8\getDump($value));