/** * undocumented function * * @param string $file * @return void * @access public */ function import($file) { $source = file_get_contents($file); $xml = new Xml($source); $result = $xml->toArray(); $result = $result['Xmlarchive']['Fileset']['File']; if (empty($result)) { return false; } $count = 0; foreach ($result as $smiley) { $name = $smiley['filename']; $content = $smiley['content']; $content = preg_replace('/\\s/', '', $content); $content = base64_decode($content); $filePath = SMILEY_PATH . $name; if (file_exists($filePath)) { continue; } $this->create(array('code' => ':' . r('.gif', '', $name) . ':', 'filename' => $name)); $this->save(); $f = fopen($filePath, 'w+'); fwrite($f, $content); fclose($f); $count++; } return $count; }
function r($url) { if (!Configure::read('App.baseUrl')) { return $url; } return r('/index.php', '', $url); }
static function env($key) { if (isset($_SERVER[$key])) { return $_SERVER[$key]; } else { if (isset($_ENV[$key])) { return $_ENV[$key]; } else { if (getenv($key) !== false) { return getenv($key); } } } if ($key == 'DOCUMENT_ROOT') { $offset = 0; if (!strpos(NServer::env('SCRIPT_NAME'), '.php')) { $offset = 4; } return substr(NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME'), 0, strlen(NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) - (strlen(NServer::env('SCRIPT_NAME')) + $offset)); } if ($key == 'PHP_SELF') { return r(NServer::env('DOCUMENT_ROOT'), '', NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME')); } return null; }
public function testUserRegex() { $r = new RouterTestWrapper(); $r->get(r('|/|'), function () { }); $this->assertEquals('|/|', $r->routes['GET'][0]->regex()); }
/** * Renmove HTML inutil ou com problemas * * @return String formatada com HTML removido */ function replace($strContent = null) { $strSiteUrl = 'http://' . $this->siteurl; $arrProcura = array("<FONT COLOR=\"000000\">", '</FONT>', '<font FACE=Tahoma color=\'#CC0000\' size=2>', '</font>', '<FONT COLOR="5F9F9F">Entregue', '<td> Entregue </td>', '<FONT COLOR="007FFF">Saiu para entrega', '<td> Aguardando retirada </td>', 'Conferido', '<td> Encaminhado </td>', 'Postado', '<td> Destinatário ausente </td>', 'FISCALIZACAO/CUSTOMS', 'FISCALIZAÇÃO/CUSTOMS', 'Liberado pela alfândega', 'CTCI SAO PAULO (GEARA)', 'CTCI SAO PAULO (GEEXP)', 'OBJ RETIDO - VER AUTENTICIDADE MARCA', 'Recebido/Brasil', 'TRIBUTADO', 'Por favor, entre em contato conosco clicando <a href="http://www.correios.com.br/servicos/falecomoscorreios/default.cfm">aqui</a>.'); $arrTroca = array(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '<span class="entregue">Entregue</span>', '<td><span class="entregue">Entregue</span></td>', '<span class="saiu">Saiu para entrega</span>', '<td><span class="saiu">Saiu para entrega</span></td>', '<span class="conferido">Conferido</span>', '<td><span class="encaminhado">Encaminhado</span></td>', '<span class="postado">Postado</span>', '<td><span class="ausente">Destinatário ausente</span></td>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/fiscalizacao-ou-customs" class="informacao">FISCALIZACAO/CUSTOMS</a>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/fiscalizacao-ou-customs" class="informacao">FISCALIZACAO/CUSTOMS</a>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/liberado-pela-alfandega" class="informacao">Liberado pela alfândega</a>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/o-que-e-ctci" class="informacao">CTCI SAO PAULO (GEARA)</a>', '<span class="informacao">CTCI SAO PAULO (GEEXP)</span>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/objeto-retido" class="informacao">OBJ RETIDO - VER AUTENTICIDADE MARCA</a>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/recebido-no-brasil" class="informacao">Recebido/Brasil</a>', '<a href="' . $strSiteUrl . '/tributado" class="informacao">TRIBUTADO</a>', '<span class="problema"><a href="http://www.correios.com.br/servicos/falecomoscorreios/default.cfm">Por favor, entre em contato conosco clicando aqui</a>.</span>'); return r($arrProcura, $arrTroca, preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/', '', $strContent)); }
/** * */ public static function get_ip($i_asLong = false) { static $env_keys = array('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'REMOTE_ADDR'); static $ip = null; $skip_ips = r(self::PROXY_IPS); if ($ip) { return $i_asLong ? ip2long($ip) : $ip; } foreach ($env_keys as $key) { if (!($val = @$_SERVER[$key])) { continue; } if (strcasecmp($val, 'unknown') == 0) { continue; } list($first) = explode(',', $val); $first = trim($first); if (preg_match('/^(\\d{1,3}\\.){3,3}\\d{1,3}$/', $first)) { if (in_array($first, $skip_ips)) { continue; } $ip = $first; return $i_asLong ? ip2long($ip) : $ip; } } return null; }
function read($dir = null, $recursive = false) { $notes = array(); $path = CORE_PATH . APP_PATH . $dir; $folder = new Folder(APP_PATH . $dir); $fold = $recursive ? $folder->findRecursive('.*\\.php') : $folder->find('.*\\.php'); foreach ($fold as $file) { $file = $recursive ? $file : $path . $file; $file_path = r(CORE_PATH . APP_PATH, '', $file); $handle = new File($file_path); $content = $handle->read(); $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); //$lines = file($file); $ln = 1; if (!empty($lines)) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'TODO') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*TODO\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['TODO'][$ln] = $match[1]; } if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'OPTIMIZE') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*OPTIMIZE|OPTIMISE\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['OPTIMIZE'][$ln] = $match[1]; } if ((is_null($this->type) || $this->type == 'FIXME') && preg_match("/[#\\*\\/\\/]\\s*FIXME|BUG\\s*(.*)/", $line, $match)) { $this->notes[$file_path]['FIXME'][$ln] = $match[1]; } $ln++; } } } return $this->notes; }
private function array_to_xml($array, $container = 'response', $is_root = true) { if (!is_array($array)) { return array_to_xml(array($array)); } $xml = ''; if ($is_root) { $xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; $xml .= "<{$container}>"; } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // make sure key is a string $elem = $key; if (!is_string($key) && !empty($container)) { $elem = $container; } $xml .= "<{$elem}>"; if (is_array($value)) { if (array_keys($value) !== array_keys(array_keys($value))) { $xml .= array_to_xml($value, '', false); } else { $xml .= array_to_xml($value, r('/s$/', '', $elem), false); } } else { $xml .= htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1') != $value ? "<![CDATA[{$value}]]>" : $value; } $xml .= "</{$elem}>"; } if ($is_root) { $xml .= "</{$container}>"; } return preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F]/', '', $xml); }
/** * Embeds a github gist * * @param string $url Gist url: i.e. https://gist.github.com/2924148 * @param string $file The name of a particular file from the gist, which should displayed only. * @return string */ public static function gist($url, $file = null) { // url for the script file $url = $url . '.js' . r(!is_null($file), '?file=' . $file); // load the gist return html::tag('script', '', array('src' => $url)); }
function css($key) { //return; $out = ''; $file = glob(CSS . $key . '_*.css'); $out .= $this->Html->Css(r('.css', '', basename($file[count($file) - 1]))); return $out; }
function cleanTags($value) { $value = rtrim(preg_replace('/,+/', ',', r(' ', ',', trim($value))), ',') . ','; if ($value == ',') { $value = ''; } return $value; }
public function loginBeforeContinue() { if (!s()->user->id) { Core_Application::getInstance()->breakDispacher(); $this->getView()->disableLayout(); r('/'); } }
public function oauth() { if (isset($this->params['url']['code'])) { $code = $this->params['url']['code']; } SlSession::write('Api.facebook.accessToken', r('access_token=', '', $this->Facebook->graph("oauth/access_token", array('client_id' => SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.appId'), 'redirect_uri' => Sl::url(true), 'client_secret' => SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.secret'), 'code' => $code, 'decode' => false)))); $this->redirect(SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.oauthSuccess')); }
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: raynald * Date: 2/5/15 * Time: 9:44 PM */ function r($a) { if ($a < 2) { echo "{$a}<br>"; r($a + 1); } echo "{$a}" . ' hello<br>'; }
/** * Kill Now */ public function fatal($msg) { if ($this->error_reporting) { $this->fatal_errors[] = $msg . @r(debug_backtrace()); } $this->count++; exit; }
function afterFind($result) { if (!isset($result[0]['Album'])) { return $result; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { if (array_key_exists('description', $result[$i]['Album'])) { $description = $result[$i]['Album']['description']; if (empty($description)) { $result[$i]['Album']['description_clean'] = __('This album does not have a description.', true); } else { $result[$i]['Album']['description_clean'] = $description; } } if (isset($result[$i]['Album']['tags'])) { $result[$i]['Album']['tags'] = trim(r(',', ' ', $result[$i]['Album']['tags'])); } if (array_key_exists('aTn', $result[$i]['Album']) && empty($result[$i]['Album']['aTn'])) { $first = array(); if ($result[$i]['Album']['smart']) { if (!empty($result[$i]['Album']['smart_query'])) { list($conditions, $order, $limit) = $this->smartConditions(unserialize($result[$i]['Album']['smart_query']), null); if (!is_null($conditions)) { $conditions .= " AND (is_video = 0 OR lg_preview_id > 0)"; $members = $this->Image->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => 1, 'order' => $order, 'recursive' => -1)); foreach ($members as $image) { if ($image['Image']['is_video']) { if (!empty($image['Image']['lg_preview'])) { list($src, $x, $y) = explode(':', $image['Image']['lg_preview']); $result[$i]['Album']['aTn'] = "{$src}:{$image['Image']['aid']}:{$x}:{$y}"; $result[$i]['Album']['preview_sub'] = $image['Image']['lg_preview_id']; break; } } else { $first = $image; break; } } } } } else { $first = $this->Image->find('first', array('conditions' => array('aid' => $result[$i]['Album']['id'], 'is_video' => 0), 'order' => 'seq ASC, active DESC', 'recursive' => -1)); } if (!empty($first)) { $anchor = unserialize($first['Image']['anchor']); if (empty($anchor)) { $x = $y = 50; } else { $x = $anchor['x']; $y = $anchor['y']; } $result[$i]['Album']['aTn'] = $first['Image']['src'] . ':' . $first['Image']['aid'] . ':' . $x . ':' . $y; $result[$i]['Album']['preview_sub'] = $first['Image']['id']; } } } return $result; }
function __construct() { if (Configure::read('Moonlight.use_html')) { foreach ($this->tags as $tag => $html) { // $this->tags[$tag] = preg_replace('#\s*\%s/>#','>',$html); $this->tags[$tag] = r('/>', '>', $html); } } }
/** * @param Twig_Environment $env * @param array $context * @return string */ function refFunction(Twig_Environment $env, array $context) { if (!$env->isDebug()) { return ''; } ob_start(); r(2 === func_num_args() ? $context : array_slice(func_get_args(), 2)); return ob_get_clean(); }
function loginAction() { $op = $this->getInputParameter('op'); if ($op) { $uname = r('username'); $pwd = r('password'); Ofh_Ps_User::checkUserLogin($uname, $pwd); } }
/** * This is the constructor for our AppHelper class that we use to make all helper output html 4.01 * compatible markup. * * @return AppHelper */ function __construct() { // Loop through all tags in this helper // Replace all xhtml style tag closings with html 4.01 strict compatible ones if (defined('MOONLIGHT_USE_HTML') && MOONLIGHT_USE_HTML) { foreach ($this->tags as $tag => $html) { $this->tags[$tag] = r('/>', '>', $html); } } }
function main() { $arr = build(); r(isset($arr["A"])); r(isset($arr["AX"])); r(isset($arr["B"]["A"])); r(isset($arr["X"]["A"])); r(isset($arr["B"]["X"])); r(isset($arr["X"]["X"])); r(isset($arr["X"]["X"]["X"])); }
function afterFind($results) { if (isset($results[0]['Image']['tags'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { if (!empty($results[$i]['Image']['tags'])) { $results[$i]['Image']['tags'] = trim(r(',', ' ', $results[$i]['Image']['tags'])); } } } return $results; }
function __main() { echo '测试sa '; echo '<br/>'; // echo '<hr/>'; // $path =\gi\core\Router::getUriPath(); echo 'r<hr/>'; var_dump('r?:' . r('act', $res, 0)); var_dump('res:' . $res); var_dump(c('db_name')); }
/** * undocumented function * * @param string $txt * @param string $smileys * @return void * @access public */ function parse($txt, $smileys) { if (empty($smileys) || empty($txt)) { return $txt; } foreach ($smileys as $code => $img) { $img = '<img src="/files/plugins/smileys/' . $img . '" />'; $txt = r($code, $img, $txt); } return $txt; }
/** * undocumented function * * @return void * @access public */ function beforeSave() { $this->themes = isset($this->data[__CLASS__]['themes']) ? $this->data[__CLASS__]['themes'] : false; $monetaryFields = array('cost', 'targeted_income'); foreach ($monetaryFields as $field) { if (isset($this->data[__CLASS__][$field])) { $this->data[__CLASS__][$field] = (double) r(',', '.', $this->data[__CLASS__][$field]); } } return true; }
function _date($format, $date, $tz = true) { setlocale(LC_TIME, explode(',', __('[#Set the locale to use for date translations. (http://php.net/setlocale) You can specify as many locales as you like and Director will use the first available from your list. Example: es_MX,es_ES,es_AR#]en_US', true))); if (strpos($date, '-') !== false) { $date = strtotime($date); } if ($tz) { @($offset = $_COOKIE['dir_time_zone']); $date = $date + $offset; } return r(' ', ' ', strftime($format, $date)); }
function myClearCache($pattern) { App::import('Core', 'Folder'); $folder = new Folder(CACHE . 'views'); $files = $folder->find('.*' . $pattern . '.*'); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $file = r('.php', '', $file); clearCache($file); } } }
/** * undocumented function * * todo: encryption * * @return void * @access public */ function main() { $this->out('Calculating reports ..'); $reports = $this->Report->find('all'); if (empty($reports)) { $this->out('Found 0 reports. Exiting.'); exit(1); } $Pgp = Common::getComponent('Pgp'); foreach ($reports as $report) { $this->out('Processing report "' . $report['Report']['title'] . '" ..'); $conditions = array('ReportsUser.report_id' => $report['Report']['id']); $frequency = $report['Report']['frequency']; switch ($frequency) { case 'daily': $date = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-1 day')); break; case 'weekly': $date = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-1 week')); break; case 'yearly': $date = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-1 year')); break; } // $conditions[] = "DATE_FORMAT(ReportsUser.last_sent, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') = '" . $date . "'"; $users = $this->ReportsUser->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'contain' => array('User'), 'order' => array('ReportsUser.created' => 'asc'))); $this->out('Found ' . count($users) . ' user(s) that need a report'); if (empty($users)) { continue; } $name = ucfirst($report['Report']['frequency']) . ' Report "' . $report['Report']['title'] . '"'; foreach ($users as $user) { $officeId = $user['User']['office_id']; $query = $report['Report']['query']; $query = r('%condition', 'AND Gift.office_id = "' . $officeId . '"', $query); $results = $this->Transaction->query($query); $content = $this->parseTemplate($report['Report']['view'], $results); $attachment = $Pgp->encrypt(array('msg' => $content, 'recipient' => $user['User']['login'])); if (!$attachment) { $this->out('There was a problem encrypting the report for ' . $user['User']['login']); } $this->ReportsUser->set(array('id' => $user['ReportsUser']['id'], 'last_sent' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $this->ReportsUser->save(); if (!Common::isDevelopment()) { $options = array('mail' => array('to' => $user['User']['login'], 'subject' => $name, 'attachments' => array($attachment)), 'vars' => compact('content')); Mailer::deliver('report', $options); $this->out('Sent ' . $name . ' to ' . $user['User']['login']); } $Pgp->flush(); } } }
private function pickTextFile($lang) { $file = $this->getFile($lang); if (File::exists($file)) { include $file; $page = (string) r(); $texts = $texts[$page]; $general_texts = $general; $current_texts = array_merge($texts, $general_texts); return $current_texts; } return false; }
public function actionGridChange($id) { /** @var BackendModel $model */ $model = $this->owner->findModel($id); $model->load(r()->post()); $return = []; if ($model->save()) { $return = ['result' => 1, 'message' => t('Data saved')]; } else { throw new Exception(500, t('Data not saved')); } return Json::encode($return); }