Esempio n. 1
function htmlCollectData($item, &$additionalAttributes, $level = 0)
    $stopText = qw2('#comment #cdata-section');
    if (in_array($item->nodeName, $stopText)) {
        return '';
    if ($item->nodeName == 'script') {
        if (!isset($additionalAttributes['script'])) {
            $additionalAttributes['script'] = '';
        $additionalAttributes['script'] .= $item->nodeValue;
        $additionalAttributes['script'] = preg_replace("/[\\x0D\\x0A]/i", '', $additionalAttributes['script']);
        return '';
    $children = $item->childNodes;
    $text = '';
    for ($i = 0; $children && $i < $children->length; $i++) {
        $text .= htmlCollectData($children->item($i), $additionalAttributes, $level + 1);
    if (!$i) {
        $text .= $item->nodeValue;
    $attributes = collectAttributes($item);
    if ($item->nodeName != '#text' && $level) {
        $text = '<' . $item->nodeName . $attributes . '>' . $text . '</' . $item->nodeName . '>';
    return $text;
Esempio n. 2
  * Enter description here...
  * @param RM_User_Object $obUser
  * @param array $data
  * @return RM_User_Family_Decorator_Person | TRUE
 public function editPerson(RM_User_Object $obUser, &$data)
     try {
         if (isNull($obPerson = M('User')->loadPersonById($data['id']))) {
             $obPerson = M('User')->createPerson(array());
             $obPerson->user_id = $obUser->id();
         $data['sex'] = @$data['sex'] ? $data['sex'] : NULL;
         $data['birthday'] = @(!$data['y']) || @(!$data['m']) || @(!$data['d']) ? NULL : M('Date')->dbDate($data['y'] . '-' . $data['m'] . '-' . $data['d']);
         if (M('Date')->time() < M('Date')->time($data['birthday'])) {
             $res = new RM_Base_Result();
             throw new RM_Validator_Exception($res);
         $map = qw2('d m y id');
         foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
             if (!in_array($name, $map)) {
                 $obPerson->{$name} = $value;
         return TRUE;
     } catch (RM_Validator_Exception $e) {
         $err = iterFirst($e->getResult()->getErrors());
         error($err['code'] == 'not_exists_date' ? L('user.' . $err['code']) : L('user.field') . ' "' . L('user.' . $err['place']) . '" ' . L('user.' . $err['code']));
         return $obPerson;
Esempio n. 3
  *	Description...
  *	@return void
 public function categoryTable()
     $periods = qw2('month week quarter double_weeks');
     $level = qw2('category owner brand subbrand barcode');
     $period = isset($_GET['period']) && in_array($_GET['period'], $periods) ? $_GET['period'] : 'month';
     return 'penetration_' . $level[@$_GET['column'] + 0] . '_' . $period;
Esempio n. 4
  *	Set value of property
  *	@param		name	string		Property name
  *	@param		value	mixed		Property value
  *	@return		void
 protected function __set($name, $value)
     if (in_array($name, qw2('result_id step_id')) && $this->_propInitial($name)) {
         throw new RM_Base_Exception_BadUsage("Cannot change property `{$name}' of object `" . get_class($this) . "'");
     parent::__set($name, $value);
Esempio n. 5
 public function save(RM_Barcode_Object $obBarcode, &$error)
     try {
         return TRUE;
     } catch (RM_Validator_Exception $e) {
         foreach ($e->getResult()->getErrors() as $err) {
         if ($err['code'] == 'not_empty' || $err['code'] == 'not_null') {
             $error = 'barcode.fill_required_fields';
         } else {
             if (in_array($err['code'], qw2('no_such_segment no_such_class no_such_family no_such_brick no_such_attributes no_attributes2brick no_such_values no_values2attribute'))) {
                 $error = 'gpc.' . $err['code'];
             } else {
                 $error = 'barcode.cannot_edit_object';
         return FALSE;
     /*		catch (Exception $e)
     			$error = 'barcode.cannot_edit_object';
     			return FALSE;
Esempio n. 6
 protected function _getFields($admin = FALSE, $action = '', $obUser = NULL)
     if ($admin) {
         $fields = qw2('login first_name middle_name status_id phone city_id area_id metro_id home_address home_index extended_info sex birthday setup_date who_set_scanner payment_method payment_info compensation_method compensation_info inn_id pensionary_id is_tester diary_access_disabled repair_status deny_status equipment equipment_removed internet_connection_type document_copy stream');
         if (me()->isSuperAdmin()) {
             $fields[] = 'ssl_number';
     } else {
         $fields = qw2('payment_method payment_info compensation_method compensation_info area_id metro_id');
         // login phone home_address home_index
     foreach ($fields as $k => $f) {
         $fields[$f] = $f;
     if (!($admin || $this->checkCanEditPaymentInfo($obUser))) {
     if ($action != 'add') {
     if (!$this->canChangeCity($admin)) {
     return $fields;
Esempio n. 7
  * Retrieves list of answers
  * @return	RM_Store_iRequest<RM_Anketa_Entity_Answer>
 public function getAnswers()
     $aliases = $this->rotation ? qw2('random>RAND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP())') : array();
     $request = $this->_mapper->getList('answer', $aliases)->filter('question_id = ?', $this->id());
     return $this->rotation ? $request->sort('random') : $this->_mapper->applySort($request);
Esempio n. 8
  *	Get gepir barcode info
  *	@param 		string		barcode
  *	@return		array
 public function getData($barcode)
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     if (!@$doc->loadXML($this->_getSoapXml('barcode', $barcode))) {
         return NULL;
     $retcode = $doc->getElementsByTagName('returnCode');
     if (!is_object($retcode)) {
         return NULL;
     if ($retcode->item(0)->nodeValue != 0) {
         return FALSE;
     $result = array();
     foreach (qw2('brandName ex_prod_category ex_prod_dtype ex_prod_desc ex_prod_cover_type ex_prod_cover_qty ex_prod_cover_measure ex_prod_cover_desc ex_prod_cover_ext_desc ex_prod_cover_single_cover ex_prod_cover_okp manufacturerGln') as $node_name) {
         /*			$node = $doc->getElementsByTagName($node_name);
         			if (is_object($node))*/
         @($result[$node_name] = $doc->getElementsByTagName($node_name)->item(0)->nodeValue);
     // производитель
     $man_doc = new DOMDocument();
     if (@$man_doc->loadXML($this->_getSoapXml('gln', $result['manufacturerGln']))) {
         foreach (qw2('partyName pOBoxNumber streetAddress contactName city') as $node_name) {
             /*				$node = $man_doc->getElementsByTagName($node_name);
             				if (is_object($node))*/
             @($result[$node_name] = $man_doc->getElementsByTagName($node_name)->item(0)->nodeValue);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 9
 public function getDefaultGroup()
     if (!$this->_default) {
         return $this->_default = new $this->_className(array('mapper' => M('Base')->null(), 'props' => qw2('id>0 name>' . L('client.table_data_other'))));
     return $this->_default;
Esempio n. 10
  * Search GPC entities using name/keywords fields
  * @param 		string			search
  * @return		RM_Store_iRequest<RM_Gpc_Tree_Entity>
 public function searchInTree($search, $lang = NULL)
     $lang = is_null($lang) ? L(NULL) : $lang;
     foreach (array_reverse($this->_mapper->entities()) as $k => $entity) {
         $entity_fields = $this->_mapper->fields($entity);
         if ($k == 0) {
             $query = M('Db')->createQuery($this->_mapper->table($entity) . " {$entity}");
         } else {
             if ($children_entity = @$this->_mapper->children_types($entity)) {
                 $children_entity_fields = $this->_mapper->fields($children_entity);
             $query->join($children_entity, "LEFT JOIN " . $this->_mapper->table($entity) . " {$entity} ON " . M('Db')->field($children_entity, $children_entity_fields[$entity . '_id']) . " = " . M('Db')->field($entity, $entity_fields['id']));
         $map = qw2('id eng_name rus_name');
         if ($entity == 'brick') {
             // если брик, то добавим доп. поля и условия поиска
             $map = array_merge($map, qw2('eng_info rus_info keywords'));
             $this->_setCondition($entity, 'keywords', $search);
         foreach ($map as $field_name) {
             $this->_addFieldToQuery($query, $entity, $field_name);
         $this->_setCondition($entity, $lang . '_name', $search);
         $this->_setSort($entity, $lang . '_name');
         $this->_addGroupToQuery($query, $entity, 'id');
     return M('Store')->requestQuery($this->_getTreeFactory(), $query);
Esempio n. 11
  *	c-tor
  *	@param		res		scalar							One of PERM_XXX contants
  *	@param		perm	string							Permission requested
  *	@param		object	RM_Permission_iPermissionable	Object caused permission exception
  *	@param		userId	int								User ID, NULL - current user
 public function __construct($res, $perm, RM_Permission_iPermissionable $object, $userId = NULL)
     foreach (qw2('res perm object userId') as $i) {
         $this->{$i} = ${$i};
     $p = array(PERM_UNDEF => 'undefined', PERM_ALLOW => 'allow', PERM_PWD_REQUIRED => 'password is required', PERM_PWD_WRONG => 'password is wrong', PERM_DENY => 'access denied');
     parent::__construct("Permission denied - " . $p[$res], 0);
Esempio n. 12
function initFactory()
    global $facade, $factory, $TABLE;
    $mediator = new RM_Store_Object_Mediator();
    $mediator->setMeta(new RM_Store_Object_Metadata(qw2('id>a val nick>nick_name'), qw2('id')));
    $mediator->setIdentityMap(new RM_Store_IdentityMap_Simple($mediator));
    $factory = new RM_Store_Factory_GuidDecorator(new RM_Store_Factory_Hash($mediator, 'MyObject'), G($TABLE));
Esempio n. 13
  *	Constructor
  *	@return
 public function __construct()
     $this->_fields = array('category' => qw2('id name descr is_visible ord'), 'present' => qw2('id category_id name descr price is_visible is_exists ord'), 'cart' => qw2('id user_id total'), 'cart_item' => qw2('id cart_id present_id quantity'), 'order' => qw2('id user_id present_id price quantity state cdate mdate '), 'order_item' => qw2('id order_id equipment_id'));
     $this->_validator = array('category' => qw2('name>not_empty descr>not_empty is_visible>not_null ord>not_null'), 'present' => array('category_id' => 'not_empty', 'name' => 'not_empty', 'descr' => 'not_empty', 'price' => array('and', 'not_empty', array('regexp', '/^\\d+$/')), 'is_visible' => 'not_null', 'is_exists' => 'not_null', 'ord' => 'not_null'), 'cart' => qw2('user_id>not_empty total>not_null'), 'cart_item' => qw2('cart_id>not_empty present_id>not_empty quantity>not_empty'), 'order' => qw2('user_id>not_empty present_id>not_empty price>not_empty quantity>not_empty'), 'order_item' => qw2('order_id>not_empty equipment_id>not_empty'));
     $storages = array('category' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['category'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['category'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Category', 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['category']))), 'present' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['present'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['present'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Present', 'guid' => G('present'), 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['present']))), 'cart' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['cart'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'keys' => qw2('id user_id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['cart'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Cart_Object', 'guid' => G('present-cart'), 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['cart']))), 'cart_item' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['cart_item'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id ukey>cart_id+present_id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['cart_item'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Cart_Item', 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['cart_item']))), 'order' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['order'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['order'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Order_Object', 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['order']))), 'order_item' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['order_item'], 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'keys' => qw2('id ukey>order_id+equipment_id equipment_id'), 'props' => $this->_fields['order_item'], 'class' => 'RM_Presents_Order_Item', 'validator' => M('Validator')->create($this->_validator['order_item']))));
     foreach ($storages as $k => $v) {
         $this->_storage[$k] = $v;
Esempio n. 14
  * Enter description here...
 public function __construct()
     $this->districtGuidType = G('district');
     $this->cityGuidType = G('city');
     $storages = array('district' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => 'panelie_districts', 'guid' => $this->districtGuidType, 'props' => qw2('id name'), 'class' => 'RM_City_District', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'validator' => new RM_Validator_Object(qw2('name>not_empty')), 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'cache-prefix' => 'RM_City_District')), 'city' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => 'panelie_city', 'guid' => $this->cityGuidType, 'props' => qw2('id visible name longitude latitude strate footer map_name search_avail offset'), 'class' => 'RM_City_Object', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'validator' => new RM_Validator_Object(qw2('name>not_empty')), 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this), 'cache-prefix' => 'RM_City_Object')), 'area' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => 'panelie_region', 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'props' => qw2('id city_id name visible population'), 'class' => 'RM_City_Object_Area', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'validator' => new RM_Validator_Object(qw2('city_id>not_empty name>not_empty')), 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this))), 'metro' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => 'panelie_metro', 'auto-id-prop' => 'id', 'props' => qw2('id city_id name longitude latitude'), 'class' => 'RM_City_Object_Metro', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'validator' => new RM_Validator_Object(qw2('city_id>not_empty name>not_empty')), 'ctorArgs' => array('mapper' => $this))));
     foreach ($storages as $k => $v) {
         $this->_storage[$k] = $v;
Esempio n. 15
 public function __construct($args = NULL)
     $this->_format = array('db' => 'D%x.%D');
     if ($this->_periodEnd($this->range()->getMaxStamp()) > $this->range()->getMaxStamp()) {
     $this->_data = qw2('table>double_weeks systemName>double');
Esempio n. 16
 public function getState()
     $data = array();
     foreach (qw2('_iterator _mediator') as $k) {
         $data[$k] = M('Memento')->setMemento($this->{$k});
     $data['_factory'] = get_class($this->_factory);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 17
 public function __construct($args = NULL)
     $this->_format = array('db' => '%x.%v');
     if ($this->_weekEnd($this->range()->getMaxStamp()) > $this->range()->getMaxStamp()) {
     $this->_data = qw2('table>week systemName>week');
Esempio n. 18
 public function __construct($args = NULL)
     $this->_format = array('db' => 'P%Y-%P');
     if ($this->_periodEnd($this->range()->getMaxStamp()) > $this->range()->getMaxStamp()) {
     $this->_data = qw2('table>period systemName>period');
Esempio n. 19
 * Returns client IP-address
 * @return string
function fruitframe_get_client_ip()
    foreach (qw2('HTTP_CLIENT_IP HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR REMOTE_ADDR') as $serverVar) {
        if ($ip = fruitframe_get_server_var($serverVar)) {
            return $ip;
    return '';
Esempio n. 20
  * Sets available fields and validation rules for not cat and dog pet types
  * @return array
 public function setAvailableFieldsForOtherPets()
     $this->_familyFields = qw2('id> user_id>not_null animal_type>not_null animal_descr>not_null is_animal>not_null is_deleted>not_null');
     foreach ($this->_familyFields as $field => $rule) {
         if (!empty($rule)) {
             $rules[$field] = $rule;
Esempio n. 21
  *	Returns additional params (query object, column etc.) for report
  *	@param		array		args
  *	@return		array
 public function getAdditionalParams($args)
     $args['aliases'] = qw2('user_id>u.user_id status> receipt_virt>receipt_virt receipt_real>receipt_real receipt_diff>receipt_diff city_id>u.city_id');
     $args['having'] = array('receipt_virt' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 2,1,0))', 'receipt_real' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,1,0))', 'receipt_diff' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 2,1,0)) - SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,1,0))');
     $args['query'] = M('Purchase')->report()->getReportQueryUserList();
     if ($this->restrictByCity()) {
         $args['filter']['city_id = ?'] = me()->city_id;
     return $args;
Esempio n. 22
 public function __construct()
     $this->adminNoteGuidType = G('admin-note');
     $this->_userVariousListCacheNs = C('user.various-list-cache-ns');
     $ctorArgs['mapper'] = $this;
     $storages = array('adminNote' => M('Store')->storage(array('table' => $this->_tables['adminNote'], 'guid' => $this->adminNoteGuidType, 'props' => qw2('id user_id writer_id body posted type type_no_action'), 'class' => 'RM_AdminNote_Object', 'keys' => qw2('id'), 'validator' => new RM_Validator_Object(qw2('user_id>not_empty')), 'ctorArgs' => $ctorArgs, 'cache-prefix' => 'RM_AdminNote_Object')));
     foreach ($storages as $k => $v) {
         $this->_storage[$k] = $v;
Esempio n. 23
  *	Description...
  *	@return void
 public function createTotal($type = NULL)
     $report = $this->_mapper->storage('total')->createObject(qw2("report_type>{$type} owner_id>" . me()->id()));
     $permissions[] = array('grant', PERM_TARGET_OWNER, 'ALL');
     foreach (me()->getUserGroups() as $group) {
         $permissions[] = array('grant', $group->id(), 'READ');
     M('Permission')->changePermission($report, $permissions);
     return $report;
Esempio n. 24
  *	Init account system (sets engine instance). Configuration can contains:
  *		engine			RM_Account_iEngine			Account engine implementation
  *		identity    	RM_Account_iIdentity		Account identity implementation
  *		identityKeeper  RM_Account_iIdentityKeeper	Account identity keeper
  *	@param		conf		hash		Configuration.
  *	@return		void
 public function init(RM_Account_iEngine $engine = NULL, RM_Account_iIdentity $identity = NULL, RM_Account_iIdentityKeeper $identityKeeper = NULL)
     foreach (qw2('engine identity identityKeeper') as $k) {
         if (${$k} !== NULL) {
             $this->{"_{$k}"} = ${$k};
Esempio n. 25
  *	Returns additional params (query object, column etc.) for report
  *	@param		array		args
  *	@return		array
 public function getAdditionalParams($args)
     $args['aliases'] = qw2('user_id>r.user_id bdate>r.bdate receipt_virt>receipt_virt receipt_real>receipt_real receipt_diff>receipt_diff total_discount_diff>total_discount_diff city_id>u.city_id');
     $args['having'] = array('receipt_virt' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 2,1,0))', 'receipt_real' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,1,0))', 'receipt_diff' => 'SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 2,1,0)) - SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,1,0))', 'total_discount_diff' => 'RIUND( SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,r.total_virt*(1-r.discount_virt),0)) - SUM(IF(r.bit_mask & 1,r.total_real*(1-r.discount_real),0)), 2)');
     $args['query'] = M('Purchase')->report()->getReportQueryReceiptStatistic();
     if ($this->restrictByCity()) {
         $args['filter']['city_id = ?'] = me()->city_id;
     return $args;
Esempio n. 26
  * Returns a validator for different script types. 
  * @param 		string		$type	Script type (s - script, с - composite)
  * @return 	RM_Validator_Object
 public function _getValidator($type)
     $default = array('name' => qw2('and not_empty script_name_not_unique'), 'script_type' => array('in_list', array('s', 'c')));
     if ($type == 's') {
         $additional = array('body' => 'not_empty', 'executer' => array('in_list', array('mysql', 'spss')));
     } else {
         $additional = array();
     return M('Validator')->create(array_merge($default, $additional));
Esempio n. 27
  *	Returns additional params (query object, column etc.) for report
  *	@param		array		args
  *	@return		array
 public function getAdditionalParams($args)
     $args['aliases'] = qw2('uid>r.user_id bdate>r.bdate number>r.number total_virt>r.total_virt total_real>r.total_real diff>diff vpurchase_count>vpurchase_count city_id>u.city_id');
     $args['having'] = array('diff' => 'ROUND( IFNULL(r.total_virt*(1-IFNULL(r.discount_virt,0)),0) - IFNULL(r.total_real*(1-IFNULL(r.discount_real,0)),0), 2)', 'vpurchase_count' => 'SUM( IF(p.is_deleted != 1 AND p.status_id = 3, 1, 0) )');
     $args['query'] = M('Purchase')->report()->getReportQueryReceiptListControl();
     if ($this->restrictByCity()) {
         $args['filter']['city_id = ?'] = me()->city_id;
     return $args;
Esempio n. 28
    public function __construct()
        $this->_conf = @C('validator');
        $this->_predefined = array_flip(qw2('and or
						not_null not_empty
						in_list keys_list
						email url
						callback regexp date_exist'));
        $this->_conv = create_function('$m', 'return strtoupper($m[1]);');
Esempio n. 29
 public function canUpgrade()
     $map = qw2('receipt_id price quantity purchaser_1 consumer_1 unit_id');
     foreach ($map as $field) {
         if (!$this->_object->{$field}) {
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 30
 public function getPrototypeTableFields()
     $fields = M('Barcode')->fields('generaltype');
     foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
         if (is_numeric($k)) {
             $fields[$v] = $v;
     return qw2("id>{$fields['id']} name>{$fields['name']}");