} echo "\t<tr id=\"quiz-" . $quiz_record["aquiz_id"] . "\">\n"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"modified\" style=\"vertical-align: top\">" . ((int) $quiz_record["last_visited"] ? (int) $quiz_record["last_visited"] >= (int) $quiz_record["updated_date"] ? "<img src=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/images/checkmark.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" alt=\"You have previously completed this quiz.\" title=\"You have previously completed this quiz.\" style=\"vertical-align: middle\" />" : "<img src=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/images/exclamation.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" alt=\"This attached quiz has been updated since you last completed it.\" title=\"This attached quiz has been updated since you last completed it.\" style=\"vertical-align: middle\" />" : "") . "</td>\n"; echo "\t\t<td class=\"title\" style=\"vertical-align: top; white-space: normal; overflow: visible\">\n"; if ($allow_attempt) { echo "\t\t<a href=\"javascript: beginQuiz(" . $quiz_record["aquiz_id"] . ")\" title=\"Take " . html_encode($quiz_record["quiz_title"]) . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">" . html_encode($quiz_record["quiz_title"]) . "</a>"; } else { echo "\t\t<span style=\"color: #666666; font-weight: bold\">" . html_encode($quiz_record["quiz_title"]) . "</span>"; } echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"content-small\" style=\"margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 5px\">\n"; if ((int) $quiz_record["release_date"] && $quiz_record["release_date"] > time()) { echo "You will be able to attempt this quiz starting <strong>" . date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $quiz_record["release_date"]) . "</strong>.<br /><br />"; } elseif ((int) $quiz_record["release_until"] && $quiz_record["release_until"] < time()) { echo "This quiz was only available until <strong>" . date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $quiz_record["release_until"]) . "</strong>. Please contact a teacher for assistance if required.<br /><br />"; } echo quiz_generate_description($quiz_record["required"], $quiz_record["quiztype_code"], $quiz_record["quiz_timeout"], $total_questions, $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"], $quiz_record["timeframe"], $quiz_record["require_attendance"], $event_info["course_id"]); echo "\t\t\t</div>\n"; if ($progress_record) { echo "<strong>Your Attempts</strong>"; echo "<ul class=\"menu\">"; foreach ($progress_record as $entry) { $quiz_start_time = $entry["updated_date"]; $quiz_end_time = (int) $quiz_record["quiz_timeout"] ? $quiz_start_time + $quiz_record["quiz_timeout"] * 60 : 0; /** * Checking for quizzes that are expired, but still in progress. */ if ($entry["progress_value"] == "inprogress" && ((int) $quiz_record["release_until"] && $quiz_record["release_until"] < time() || $quiz_end_time && time() > $quiz_end_time + 30)) { $quiz_progress_array = array("progress_value" => "expired", "quiz_score" => "0", "quiz_value" => "0", "updated_date" => time(), "updated_by" => $ENTRADA_USER->getID()); if (!$db->AutoExecute("quiz_progress", $quiz_progress_array, "UPDATE", "qprogress_id = " . $db->qstr($entry["qprogress_id"]))) { application_log("error", "Unable to update the qprogress_id [" . $qprogress_id . "] to expired. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg()); }
$('display-unsaved-warning').appear({ duration: 0.5 }); } } }, onError: function() { $('question_' + qid).addClassName('notice'); if ($('display-unsaved-warning').style.display == 'none') { $('display-unsaved-warning').appear({ duration: 0.5 }); } } }); } </script> <?php $sidebar_html = quiz_generate_description($quiz_record["required"], $quiz_record["quiztype_code"], $quiz_record["quiz_timeout"], $total_questions, $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"], $quiz_record["timeframe"], $quiz_record["require_attendance"], isset($quiz_record["course_id"]) && $quiz_record["course_id"] ? $quiz_record["course_id"] : 0); new_sidebar_item("Quiz Statement", $sidebar_html, "page-anchors", "open", "1.9"); } else { add_error("Unable to locate your progress information for this quiz at this time. The system administrator has been notified of this error; please try again later."); echo display_error(); application_log("error", "Failed to locate a qprogress_id [" . $qprogress_id . "] (either existing or created) when attempting to complete aquiz_id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] (quiz_id [" . $quiz_record["quiz_id"] . "] / event_id [" . $quiz_record["content_id"] . "])."); } break; } } else { add_error("You were only able to attempt this quiz a total of <strong>" . (int) $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] . " time" . ($quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] != 1 ? "s" : "") . "</strong>, and time limit for your final attempt expired before completion.<br /><br />Please contact a teacher if you require further assistance."); echo display_error(); application_log("notice", "Someone attempted to complete aquiz_id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] (quiz_id [" . $quiz_record["quiz_id"] . "] / event_id [" . $quiz_record["content_id"] . "]) more than the total number of possible attempts [" . $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] . "] after their final attempt expired."); } } else { add_notice("You were only able to attempt this quiz a total of <strong>" . (int) $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] . " time" . ($quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] != 1 ? "s" : "") . "</strong>.<br /><br />Please contact a teacher if you require further assistance.");
$('display-unsaved-warning').appear({ duration: 0.5 }); } } }, onError: function() { $('question_' + qid).addClassName('notice'); if ($('display-unsaved-warning').style.display == 'none') { $('display-unsaved-warning').appear({ duration: 0.5 }); } } }); } </script> <?php $sidebar_html = quiz_generate_description($quiz_record["required"], $quiz_record["quiztype_code"], $quiz_record["quiz_timeout"], $total_questions, $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"], $quiz_record["timeframe"]); new_sidebar_item("Quiz Statement", $sidebar_html, "page-anchors", "open", "1.9"); } else { $ERROR++; $ERRORSTR[] = "Unable to locate your progress information for this quiz at this time. The system administrator has been notified of this error; please try again later."; echo display_error(); application_log("error", "Failed to locate a qprogress_id [" . $qprogress_id . "] (either existing or created) when attempting to complete aquiz_id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] (quiz_id [" . $quiz_record["quiz_id"] . "] / event_id [" . $quiz_record["content_id"] . "])."); } break; } } else { $ERROR++; $ERRORSTR[] = "You were only able to attempt this quiz a total of <strong>" . (int) $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] . " time" . ($quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] != 1 ? "s" : "") . "</strong>, and time limit for your final attempt expired before completion.<br /><br />Please contact a teacher if you require further assistance."; echo display_error(); application_log("notice", "Someone attempted to complete aquiz_id [" . $RECORD_ID . "] (quiz_id [" . $quiz_record["quiz_id"] . "] / event_id [" . $quiz_record["content_id"] . "]) more than the total number of possible attempts [" . $quiz_record["quiz_attempts"] . "] after their final attempt expired."); }