Esempio n. 1
     * Runs all the code required to set up and save an essay question for testing purposes.
     * Alternate DB table prefix may be used to facilitate data deletion.
    function generate_test($name, $courseid = null)
        list($form, $question) = parent::generate_test($name, $courseid);
        $question->category = $form->category;
        $form->questiontext = "How old is the sun?";
        $form->generalfeedback = "General feedback";
        $form->penalty = 0.1;
        $form->single = 1;
        $form->shuffleanswers = 1;
        $form->answernumbering = 'abc';
        $form->noanswers = 3;
        $form->answer = array('Ancient', '5 billion years old', '4.5 billion years old');
        $form->fraction = array(0.3, 0.9, 1);
        $form->feedback = array('True, but lacking in accuracy', 'Close, but no cigar!', 'Yep, that is it!');
        $form->correctfeedback = 'Excellent!';
        $form->incorrectfeedback = 'Nope!';
        $form->partiallycorrectfeedback = 'Not bad';
        if ($courseid) {
            $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
        return $this->save_question($question, $form, $course);
// Register this question type with the question bank.
question_register_questiontype(new question_multichoice_qtype());
Esempio n. 2
        $formatoptions->para = false;
        // Print formulation
        $questiontext = format_text($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat, $formatoptions, $cmoptions->course);
        $image = get_question_image($question);
        // Print each answer in a separate row if there are any
        $anss = array();
        if ($answers) {
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                $a = new stdClass();
                $a->text = format_text("{$answer->answer}", FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $cmoptions->course);
                $anss[] = clone $a;
        include "{$CFG->dirroot}/question/type/missingtype/display.html";
    function grade_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions)
        return true;
    function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow)
        print_heading(get_string('warningmissingtype', 'qtype_missingtype'));
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_missingtype_qtype());
        return wrsqz_restore_recode_answer_2('match', 'wmatprom', $info, $answers, $state, $restore);
    function export_to_xml($question, $format, $extra = null)
        return wrsqz_export_to_xml('match', 'wmatprom', $question, $format, $extra);
    function import_from_xml($data, $question, $format, $extra = null)
        return wrsqz_import_from_xml('match', 'wmatprom', $data, $question, $format, $extra);
    function print_question_form_end($question, $submitscript = '', $hiddenfields = '')
        wrsqz_print_question_form_end('match', 'wmatprom', $question, $submitscript, $hiddenfields);
        parent::print_question_form_end($question, $submitscript, $hiddenfields);
    function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow)
        return wrsqz_display_question_editing_page('match', 'wmatprom', $mform, $question, $wizardnow);
    function response_summary($question, $state, $length = 80)
        return wrsqz_response_summary('match', 'wmatprom', $question, $state, $length);
if (function_exists('question_register_questiontype')) {
    question_register_questiontype(new question_matchwiris_qtype());
} else {
    $QTYPES['matchwiris'] = new question_matchwiris_qtype();
    $QTYPE_MENU['matchwiris'] = 'matchwiris';
        $dataset_form->definition = array(1 => "1-0-a", 2 => "1-0-b");
        $dataset_form->nextpageparam = array('forceregeneration' => false);
        $dataset_form->addbutton = 1;
        $dataset_form->selectadd = 1;
        $dataset_form->courseid = $courseid;
        $dataset_form->cmid = 0;
        $dataset_form->id = $new_question->id;
        $this->save_dataset_items($new_question, $dataset_form);
        return $new_question;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_calculatedobjects_qtype());
function qtype_calculatedobjects_calculate_answer($formula, $individualdata, $tolerance, $tolerancetype, $answerlength, $answerformat = '1', $unit = '')
    /// The return value has these properties:
    /// ->answer    the correct answer
    /// ->min       the lower bound for an acceptable response
    /// ->max       the upper bound for an accetpable response
    /// Exchange formula variables with the correct values...
    global $QTYPES;
    $answer = $QTYPES['calculatedobjects']->substitute_variables($formula, $individualdata);
    if ('1' == $answerformat) {
        /* Answer is to have $answerlength decimals */
        /*** Adjust to the correct number of decimals ***/
        if (stripos($answer, 'e') > 0) {
            $answerlengthadd = strlen($answer) - stripos($answer, 'e');
        } else {
Esempio n. 5
            $webwork_info = $webworks[$i];
            //Now, build the question_webwork record structure
            $webwork = new stdClass();
            $webwork->question = $new_question_id;
            $webwork->codecheck = backup_todb($webwork_info['#']['CODECHECK']['0']['#']);
            $webwork->code = backup_todb($webwork_info['#']['CODE']['0']['#']);
            $webwork->grading = backup_todb($webwork_info['#']['GRADING']['0']['#']);
            //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_shortanswer
            $newid = insert_record("question_webwork", $webwork);
            //Do some output
            if (($i + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if (($i + 1) % 1000 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
            if (!$newid) {
                $status = false;
        return $status;
// Register this question type with the system.
question_register_questiontype(new webwork_qtype());

Esempio n. 6
        $editlink = $this->get_question_edit_link($question, $cmoptions, $options);
        $questiontext = $this->format_text($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat, $cmoptions);
        $image = get_question_image($question);
        $generalfeedback = '';
        if ($isfinished && $options->generalfeedback) {
            $generalfeedback = $this->format_text($question->generalfeedback, $question->questiontextformat, $cmoptions);
        include "{$CFG->dirroot}/question/type/description/question.html";
    function actual_number_of_questions($question)
        /// Used for the feature number-of-questions-per-page
        /// to determine the actual number of questions wrapped
        /// by this question.
        /// The question type description is not even a question
        /// in itself so it will return ZERO!
        return 0;
    function grade_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions)
        $state->raw_grade = 0;
        $state->penalty = 0;
        return true;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new description_qtype());
Esempio n. 7
        $fileresponses = $info['#']['FILERESPONSE'];
        // Iterate over fileresponses
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fileresponses); $i++) {
            $frinfo = $fileresponses[$i];
            // Now, build the question_fileresponse record structure
            $fileresponse = new stdClass();
            $fileresponse->question = $newquestion;
            $fileresponse->maxbytes = backup_todb($frinfo['#']['MAXBYTES']['0']['#']);
            $fileresponse->essay = backup_todb($frinfo['#']['ESSAY']['0']['#']);
            // The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_fileresponse
            $newid = insert_record("question_fileresponse", $fileresponse);
            // Do some output
            if (($i + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if (($i + 1) % 1000 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
            if (!$newid) {
                $status = false;
        return $status;
// Register this question type with the system.
question_register_questiontype(new fileresponse_qtype());
        $placeholder_format = '\\{#[A-Za-z0-9]+\\}';
        $err = null;
        foreach ($answers as $idx => $answer) {
            if (strlen($answer->placeholder) == 0) {
            // no error for empty placeholder
            if (strlen($answer->placeholder) >= 40) {
                $err->errors["placeholder[{$idx}]"] = get_string('error_placeholder_too_long', 'qtype_coordinates');
            if (!preg_match('/^' . $placeholder_format . '$/', $answer->placeholder)) {
                $err->errors["placeholder[{$idx}]"] .= get_string('error_placeholder_format', 'qtype_coordinates');
            $expl = explode($answer->placeholder, $questiontext);
            if (count($expl) < 2) {
                $err->errors["placeholder[{$idx}]"] .= get_string('error_placeholder_missing', 'qtype_coordinates');
            if (count($expl) > 2) {
                $err->errors["placeholder[{$idx}]"] .= get_string('error_placeholder_main_duplicate', 'qtype_coordinates');
        if (isset($err->errors)) {
            $err->error = "Placeholder error";
        return $err;
// Register this question type with the system.
question_register_questiontype(new question_coordinates_qtype());
Esempio n. 9
     * @param $questionid the id of the question being backed up.
     * @param $level indent level in the backup file - so it can be formatted nicely.
    function backup($bf, $preferences, $questionid, $level = 6)
        return question_backup_answers($bf, $preferences, $questionid, $level);
     * Runs all the code required to set up and save an poodllrecording question for testing purposes.
     * Alternate DB table prefix may be used to facilitate data deletion.
    function generate_test($name, $courseid = null)
        list($form, $question) = parent::generate_test($name, $courseid);
        $form->questiontext = "What is the purpose of life?";
        $form->feedback = "feedback";
        $form->generalfeedback = "General feedback";
        $form->fraction = 0;
        $form->penalty = 0;
        if ($courseid) {
            $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
        return $this->save_question($question, $form, $course);
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_poodllrecording_qtype());
        return $subqs;
    public function render_cell($x, $y, $readonly = false, $showcorrect = false)
        $base = $this->render_cell_base($x, $y, $readonly);
        if (empty($showcorrect)) {
            return $base;
        $class = '';
        $hasanswer = $this->has_answer($this->responses, $x, $y);
        $weight = array_key_exists($x, $this->weights) && array_key_exists($y, $this->weights[$x]) ? $this->weights[$x][$y] : 0;
        if ($hasanswer && $weight > 0) {
            $class = question_get_feedback_class(1);
        } else {
            if ($hasanswer && $weight < 0) {
                $class = question_get_feedback_class(0);
            } else {
                if (!$hasanswer && $weight > 0) {
                    $class = question_get_feedback_class(0);
        $weighttext = $weight ? '<span class="smalltext ' . $class . '">(' . $weight * 100 . '%)</span>' : '';
        return $base . $weighttext;
// end of grading subclasses
// Register this question type with the system.
question_register_questiontype(new matrix_qtype());
        if (parent::backup($bf, $preferences, $question, $level) !== false) {
            return wrsqz_backup('multianswer', 'wmansprom', $bf, $preferences, $question, $level, $extra_question_fields, $question_id_column_name);
        return false;
    function restore($old_question_id, $new_question_id, $info, $restore)
        if (parent::restore($old_question_id, $new_question_id, $info, $restore) !== false) {
            return wrsqz_restore('multianswer', 'wmansprom', $old_question_id, $new_question_id, $info, $restore);
        return false;
    function export_to_xml($question, $format, $extra = null)
        return wrsqz_export_to_xml('multianswer', 'wmansprom', $question, $format, $extra);
    function import_from_xml($data, $question, $format, $extra = null)
        return wrsqz_import_from_xml('multianswer', 'wmansprom', $data, $question, $format, $extra);
    function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow)
        return wrsqz_display_question_editing_page('multianswer', 'wmansprom', $mform, $question, $wizardnow);
if (function_exists('question_register_questiontype')) {
    question_register_questiontype(new question_multianswerwiris_qtype());
} else {
    $QTYPES['multianswerwiris'] = new question_multianswerwiris_qtype();
    $QTYPE_MENU['multianswerwiris'] = 'multianswerwiris';
    /// RESTORE FUNCTIONS /////////////////
     * Restores the data in the question
     * This is used in question/restorelib.php
    function restore($old_question_id, $new_question_id, $info, $restore)
        $status = true;
        //We have created every match_sub, now create the match
        $flash = new stdClass();
        $flash->question = $new_question_id;
        // Get options
        $flash->width = backup_todb($info['#']['FLASHOPTIONS']['0']['#']['WIDTH']['0']['#']);
        $flash->height = backup_todb($info['#']['FLASHOPTIONS']['0']['#']['HEIGHT']['0']['#']);
        $flash->optionalfile = backup_todb($info['#']['FLASHOPTIONS']['0']['#']['OPTIONALFILE']['0']['#']);
        $flash->optionaldata = backup_todb($info['#']['FLASHOPTIONS']['0']['#']['OPTIONALDATA']['0']['#']);
        //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_match_sub
        $newid = insert_record('question_flash', $flash);
        if (!$newid) {
            $status = false;
        return $status;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_flash_qtype());
        $fileresponses = $info['#']['FILERESPONSE'];
        // Iterate over fileresponses
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fileresponses); $i++) {
            $frinfo = $fileresponses[$i];
            // Now, build the question_fileresponse record structure
            $fileresponse = new stdClass();
            $fileresponse->question = $newquestion;
            $fileresponse->maxbytes = backup_todb($frinfo['#']['MAXBYTES']['0']['#']);
            $fileresponse->essay = backup_todb($frinfo['#']['ESSAY']['0']['#']);
            // The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_fileresponse
            $newid = insert_record("question_imagedit", $fileresponse);
            // Do some output
            if (($i + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if (($i + 1) % 1000 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
            if (!$newid) {
                $status = false;
        return $status;
// Register this question type with the system.
question_register_questiontype(new imagedit_qtype());
Esempio n. 14
            } else {
                echo 'Could not recode truefalse answer id ' . $state->answer . ' for state ' . $state->oldid . '<br />';
     * Runs all the code required to set up and save an essay question for testing purposes.
     * Alternate DB table prefix may be used to facilitate data deletion.
    function generate_test($name, $courseid = null)
        list($form, $question) = parent::generate_test($name, $courseid);
        $question->category = $form->category;
        $form->questiontext = "This question is really stupid";
        $form->penalty = 1;
        $form->defaultgrade = 1;
        $form->correctanswer = 0;
        $form->feedbacktrue = array('Can you justify such a hasty judgment?');
        $form->feedbackfalse = array('Wisdom has spoken!');
        if ($courseid) {
            $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
        return $this->save_question($question, $form, $course);
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_truefalse_qtype());
        $status = true;
        // Decode links in the question_ddmatch_sub table.
        if ($subquestions = get_records_list('question_ddmatch_sub', 'question', implode(',', $questionids), '', 'id, questiontext')) {
            foreach ($subquestions as $subquestion) {
                $questiontext = restore_decode_content_links_worker($subquestion->questiontext, $restore);
                if ($questiontext != $subquestion->questiontext) {
                    $subquestion->questiontext = addslashes($questiontext);
                    if (!update_record('question_ddmatch_sub', $subquestion)) {
                        $status = false;
                // Do some output.
                if (++$i % 5 == 0 && !defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if ($i % 100 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
        return $status;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_ddmatch_qtype());
            $algebra->disallow = backup_todb($alg_info['#']['DISALLOW']['0']['#']);
            $algebra->answerprefix = backup_todb($alg_info['#']['ANSWERPREFIX']['0']['#']);
            // Create an array to store the new variable IDs
            $newvarids = array();
            // Restore the variables for this question
            $status = $status && $this->restore_variables($old_question_id, $new_question_id, $alg_info, $restore, $newvarids);
            // Convert the new variable IDs into a string to place in the question's data structure
            $algebra->variables = implode(',', $newvarids);
            // The structure is now equal to the db, so insert the question_algebra object
            // and check the the database insert call worked
            if (!insert_record('question_algebra', $algebra)) {
                echo get_string('qtype_algebra', 'restoreqdbfailed'), "\n";
                $status = false;
            // Generate output so that the user can see questions being restored
            if (($i + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if (($i + 1) % 1000 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
        return $status;
// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use.
question_register_questiontype(new question_algebra_qtype());
        // set "selectcount" from $count
        // this used to be ($count - 2)
        $question->selectcount = $count;
        // set "selecttype" from $type
        switch ($type) {
            case 'ALL':
            case 'EXACT':
                $question->selecttype = 0;
            case 'RANDOM':
            case 'REL':
                $question->selecttype = 1;
            case 'CONTIGUOUS':
            case 'CONTIG':
                $question->selecttype = 2;
                // otherwise
            // otherwise
                $question->selecttype = $default_type;
if ($register_question_type) {
    class question_ordering_qtype extends qtype_ordering
    question_register_questiontype(new question_ordering_qtype());
        $dataset_form->definition = array(1 => "1-0-a", 2 => "1-0-b");
        $dataset_form->nextpageparam = array('forceregeneration' => false);
        $dataset_form->addbutton = 1;
        $dataset_form->selectadd = 1;
        $dataset_form->courseid = $courseid;
        $dataset_form->cmid = 0;
        $dataset_form->id = $new_question->id;
        $this->save_dataset_items($new_question, $dataset_form);
        return $new_question;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_calculated_qtype());
function qtype_calculated_calculate_answer($formula, $individualdata, $tolerance, $tolerancetype, $answerlength, $answerformat = '1', $unit = '')
    /// The return value has these properties:
    /// ->answer    the correct answer
    /// ->min       the lower bound for an acceptable response
    /// ->max       the upper bound for an accetpable response
    /// Exchange formula variables with the correct values...
    global $QTYPES;
    $answer = $QTYPES['calculated']->substitute_variables($formula, $individualdata);
    if ('1' == $answerformat) {
        /* Answer is to have $answerlength decimals */
        /*** Adjust to the correct number of decimals ***/
        if (stripos($answer, 'e') > 0) {
            $answerlengthadd = strlen($answer) - stripos($answer, 'e');
        } else {
Esempio n. 19
            $numerical->answer = backup_todb($num_info['#']['ANSWER']['0']['#']);
            $numerical->tolerance = backup_todb($num_info['#']['TOLERANCE']['0']['#']);
            //We have to recode the answer field
            $answer = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "question_answers", $numerical->answer);
            if ($answer) {
                $numerical->answer = $answer->new_id;
            //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the question_numerical
            $newid = insert_record("question_numerical", $numerical);
            //Do some output
            if (($i + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
                    echo ".";
                    if (($i + 1) % 1000 == 0) {
                        echo "<br />";
            //Now restore numerical_units
            $status = question_restore_numerical_units($old_question_id, $new_question_id, $num_info, $restore);
            if (!$newid) {
                $status = false;
        return $status;
// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use.
question_register_questiontype(new question_numerical_qtype());
Esempio n. 20
        $wrappedquestion = &$state->options->question;
        return $QTYPES[$wrappedquestion->qtype]
         ->get_texsource($wrappedquestion, $state, $cmoptions, $type);

    function compare_responses(&$question, $state, $teststate) {
        global $QTYPES;
        $wrappedquestion = &$teststate->options->question;
        return $QTYPES[$wrappedquestion->qtype]
         ->compare_responses($wrappedquestion, $state, $teststate);

     * For random question type return empty string which means won't calculate.
     * @param object $question
     * @return mixed either a integer score out of 1 that the average random
     * guess by a student might give or an empty string which means will not
     * calculate.
    function get_random_guess_score($question) {
        return '';

//// END OF CLASS ////

//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new random_qtype());
Esempio n. 21
            //Get the question from backup_ids
            if (!($que = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "question", $question_id))) {
                echo 'Could not recode randomsamatch question ' . $question_id . '<br />';
            if ($answer_id == 0) {
                // no response yet
                $ans->new_id = 0;
            } else {
                //Get the answer from backup_ids
                if (!($ans = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "question_answers", $answer_id))) {
                    echo 'Could not recode randomsamatch answer ' . $answer_id . '<br />';
            if ($in_first) {
                $answer_field .= $que->new_id . "-" . $ans->new_id;
                $in_first = false;
            } else {
                $answer_field .= "," . $que->new_id . "-" . $ans->new_id;
            //check for next
            $tok = strtok(",");
        return $answer_field;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_randomsamatch_qtype());
Esempio n. 22
        $form->feedback = "feedback";
        $form->generalfeedback = "General feedback";
        $form->fraction = 0;
        $form->penalty = 0.1;
        $form->versioning = 0;
        if ($courseid) {
            $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
        return $this->save_question($question, $form, $course);
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new embedded_cloze_qtype());
//// The functions below deal exclusivly with editing
//// of questions with question type 'multianswer'.
//// Therefore they are kept in this file.
//// They are not in the class as they are not
//// likely to be subject for overriding.
define("ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_FRACTION_REGEX", '=|%(-?[0-9]+)%');
// for the syntax '(?<!' see
define("ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_ANSWER_REGEX", '.+?(?<!\\\\|&|&amp;)(?=[~#}]|$)');
define("ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_FEEDBACK_REGEX", '.*?(?<!\\\\)(?=[~}]|$)');
// Parenthesis positions for ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_REGEX
Esempio n. 23
                    if ($state->last_graded->raw_grade > $state->last_graded->grade) {
                        echo ' ';
                        print_string('gradingdetailsadjustment', 'quiz', $grade);
                    // print info about new penalty
                    // penalty is relevant only if the answer is not correct and further attempts are possible
                    if ($state->last_graded->raw_grade < $question->maxgrade and QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE != $state->event) {
                        if ('' !== $state->last_graded->penalty && (double) $state->last_graded->penalty > 0.0) {
                            // A penalty was applied so display it
                            echo ' ';
                            print_string('gradingdetailspenalty', 'quiz', $state->last_graded->penalty);
                        } else {
                            /* No penalty was applied even though the answer was
                               not correct (eg. a syntax error) so tell the student
                               that they were not penalised for the attempt */
                            echo ' ';
                            print_string('gradingdetailszeropenalty', 'quiz');
                echo '</div>';
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_shortanswer_qtype());
     * @param $questionid the id of the question being backed up.
     * @param $level indent level in the backup file - so it can be formatted nicely.
    function backup($bf, $preferences, $questionid, $level = 6)
        return question_backup_answers($bf, $preferences, $questionid, $level);
     * Runs all the code required to set up and save an essay question for testing purposes.
     * Alternate DB table prefix may be used to facilitate data deletion.
    function generate_test($name, $courseid = null)
        list($form, $question) = parent::generate_test($name, $courseid);
        $form->questiontext = "What is the purpose of life?";
        $form->feedback = "feedback";
        $form->generalfeedback = "General feedback";
        $form->fraction = 0;
        $form->penalty = 0;
        if ($courseid) {
            $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid);
        return $this->save_question($question, $form, $course);
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new question_essay_qtype());
        $expout .= $format->writetext($question->options->feedbackmissed, 4, false);
        $expout .= "    </feedbackmissed>\n";
        $questionmedias = array();
        $this->map_dragdrop_objects($question, $questionmedias, 1);
        for ($key = 1; $key <= count($question->options->media); $key++) {
            $expout .= "    <media id=\"{$key}\">\n";
            $expout .= $format->writetext($questionmedias['ddmedia[' . $key . ']'], 3, false);
            $expout .= $format->writeimage($questionmedias['ddmedia[' . $key . ']']);
            $expout .= "      <questiontext>\n";
            $expout .= $format->writetext($questionmedias['ddtext[' . $key . ']'], 4, false);
            $expout .= "      </questiontext>\n";
            $expout .= "      <targetx>{$questionmedias['ddmediatargetx[' . $key . ']']}</targetx>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <targety>{$questionmedias['ddmediatargety[' . $key . ']']}</targety>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <displaywidth>{$questionmedias['ddmediadisplaywidth[' . $key . ']']}</displaywidth>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <displayheight>{$questionmedias['ddmediadisplayheight[' . $key . ']']}</displayheight>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <althotspot>{$questionmedias['althotspots[' . $key . ']']}</althotspot>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <hotspotx>{$questionmedias['ddhotspotx[' . $key . ']']}</hotspotx>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <hotspoty>{$questionmedias['ddhotspoty[' . $key . ']']}</hotspoty>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <hotspotwidth>{$questionmedias['ddhotspotwidth[' . $key . ']']}</hotspotwidth>\n ";
            $expout .= "      <hotspotheight>{$questionmedias['ddhotspotheight[' . $key . ']']}</hotspotheight>\n ";
            $expout .= "    </media>\n";
        return $expout;
//// END OF CLASS ////
//// INITIATION - Without this line the question type is not in use... ///
question_register_questiontype(new dragdrop_qtype());