Esempio n. 1
 * Shows the question bank editing interface.
 * The function also processes a number of actions:
 * Actions affecting the question pool:
 * move           Moves a question to a different category
 * deleteselected Deletes the selected questions from the category
 * Other actions:
 * category      Chooses the category
 * displayoptions Sets display options
 * @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
 *         rewritten by Gustav Delius and other members of the Serving Mathematics project
 *         {@link}
 * @param moodle_url $pageurl object representing this pages url.
function question_showbank($tabname, $contexts, $pageurl, $cm, $page, $perpage, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext)
    global $COURSE;
    if (optional_param('deleteselected', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
        // teacher still has to confirm
        // make a list of all the questions that are selected
        $rawquestions = $_REQUEST;
        // This code is called by both POST forms and GET links, so cannot use data_submitted.
        $questionlist = '';
        // comma separated list of ids of questions to be deleted
        $questionnames = '';
        // string with names of questions separated by <br /> with
        // an asterix in front of those that are in use
        $inuse = false;
        // set to true if at least one of the questions is in use
        foreach ($rawquestions as $key => $value) {
            // Parse input for question ids
            if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
                $key = $matches[1];
                $questionlist .= $key . ',';
                question_require_capability_on($key, 'edit');
                if (record_exists('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $key)) {
                    $questionnames .= '* ';
                    $inuse = true;
                $questionnames .= get_field('question', 'name', 'id', $key) . '<br />';
        if (!$questionlist) {
            // no questions were selected
        $questionlist = rtrim($questionlist, ',');
        // Add an explanation about questions in use
        if ($inuse) {
            $questionnames .= '<br />' . get_string('questionsinuse', 'quiz');
        notice_yesno(get_string("deletequestionscheck", "quiz", $questionnames), $pageurl->out_action(), $pageurl->out(true), array('deleteselected' => $questionlist, 'confirm' => md5($questionlist)), $pageurl->params(), 'post', 'get');
        echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
    // starts with category selection form
    print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
    print_heading(get_string('questionbank', 'question'), '', 2);
    question_category_form($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $pageurl, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext);
    // continues with list of questions
    question_list($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $pageurl, $cat, isset($cm) ? $cm : null, $recurse, $page, $perpage, $showhidden, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $showquestiontext, $contexts->having_cap('moodle/question:add'));
Esempio n. 2
    $SESSION->questionpage = 0;
if (empty($SESSION->questioncat) or !count_records_select("question_categories", "id = '{$SESSION->questioncat}' AND (course = '{$course->id}' OR publish = '1')")) {
    $category = get_default_question_category($course->id);
    $SESSION->questioncat = $category->id;
if (($recurse = optional_param('recurse', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
    $SESSION->questionrecurse = $recurse;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionrecurse)) {
    $SESSION->questionrecurse = 1;
if (($showhidden = optional_param('showhidden', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
    $SESSION->questionshowhidden = $showhidden;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionshowhidden)) {
    $SESSION->questionshowhidden = 0;
if (($showquestiontext = optional_param('showquestiontext', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
    $SESSION->questionshowquestiontext = $showquestiontext;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionshowquestiontext)) {
    $SESSION->questionshowquestiontext = 0;
// starts with category selection form
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
print_heading(get_string('questionbank', 'question'), '', 2);
question_category_form($course, $SESSION->questioncat, $SESSION->questionrecurse, $SESSION->questionshowhidden, $SESSION->questionshowquestiontext);
// continues with list of questions
question_list($course, $SESSION->questioncat, isset($modform->instance) ? $modform->instance : 0, $SESSION->questionrecurse, $page, $perpage, $SESSION->questionshowhidden, $sortorder, $SESSION->questionshowquestiontext);